
    270: Are You Who You Are Capable of Being? The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence w/ British Special Forces Soldier Frogman, Dean Stott

    enFebruary 24, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying Calm and Focused Under PressureMaintaining composure and executing a well-practiced plan can lead to successful outcomes in high-stress situations

      No matter the circumstances, staying calm and focused under pressure can make all the difference. Jocko's story of being compromised while on a covert mission in Yemen highlights the importance of maintaining composure and executing a well-practiced plan, even when faced with the possibility of danger. Despite the potential for disaster, Jocko's ability to remain cool and communicate effectively with his team saved the day. This story serves as a reminder that in high-stress situations, maintaining focus and trusting in your training can lead to successful outcomes. Additionally, the story highlights the experiences of Dean Stott, a British soldier who served in the commandos and special forces, and the unique challenges and triumphs of his military career.

    • Childhood experiences shape future choicesGrowing up in a military family and facing hardships led the speaker to make unique decisions in life, including a desire to be a firefighter, despite his father's military background.

      The speaker's upbringing in a military family and experiencing hardships in his childhood shaped his experiences and influenced his decisions in life. Born into a military family in Aldershot, the speaker grew up surrounded by the military, but his parents eventually split up, and he and his sisters ended up in a homeless shelter in Manchester. There, he learned to fight to protect his sisters and had to make the difficult decision to live with his father, who gave up his military career to raise his children. Despite his father's military background, the speaker had little interest in the military himself and instead wanted to be a firefighter. However, his experiences growing up around the military influenced him in ways he didn't realize until later. The speaker's story highlights the impact of one's upbringing and experiences on their future choices and the sacrifices that parents make for their children.

    • Growing up in a military familyMilitary upbringing shaped speaker's perspective, taught him to value normalcy and belonging

      Growing up in a military family, with frequent deployments and unique school experiences, had a significant impact on the speaker's life. Despite his father's best intentions, the speaker often felt out of place and faced challenges fitting in. When the family moved away from a military town and into the countryside, it marked a new start for the speaker, allowing him to leave his military background behind and find a sense of normalcy. The experience of constantly being judged based on his father's rank and feeling like an outsider shaped the speaker's perspective and made him appreciate the freedom of not being defined by his military connections. The speaker's story highlights the unique challenges and experiences that come with growing up in a military family and the importance of finding a sense of belonging.

    • Military cultures create unique terminologies and hierarchies fueling competition and camaraderieMilitary cultures shape individuals with distinct identities through language and hierarchy, while personal experiences and influences can significantly alter career paths.

      Military cultures have their unique terminologies and hierarchies, leading to a sense of competition and camaraderie among different units. For instance, in the American army, non-airborne soldiers are derisively called "legs," while in the navy, those not in aviation are called "black shoes." This language creates a sense of distinction and rivalry, pushing individuals to prove themselves and represent their units. Moreover, personal experiences and influences from family members can significantly impact an individual's choices and aspirations. For example, the speaker's father, a great athlete, instilled a competitive spirit and love for sports in him. This competitive nature helped the speaker excel in various activities, including football and military service. Furthermore, the desire to join the fire department led the speaker to college, but a chance encounter with a Norwegian man during a surfing trip in Newquay led him to a different path. The man's unique living arrangement, where he served as a waiter and surfed during his free time, inspired the speaker to explore similar opportunities. In summary, the military's distinct terminologies and hierarchies create a sense of competition and camaraderie, while personal experiences and influences can significantly impact one's choices and aspirations.

    • Parental Guidance and Unexpected OpportunitiesOpen communication and exploring different options can lead to unexpected opportunities, even when they don't align with initial plans. Perseverance and self-belief can help us succeed in our chosen field despite challenges from loved ones.

      Sometimes our parents, despite their best intentions, may not fully understand our career choices or goals. The speaker in this discussion shares a story about how his father tried to steer him towards a more practical trade in the military, despite the speaker's desire to join the parachute regiment. The father's efforts to guide his son ultimately led the speaker to discover new opportunities within the military that he hadn't considered before. This experience highlights the importance of open communication and the value of exploring different options, even when they may not align with our initial plans. Additionally, the speaker's determination to prove his father wrong and succeed in his chosen field demonstrates the power of perseverance and self-belief.

    • Arriving Early to Military Training: A Game ChangerEarly arrival to military training can lead to better opportunities, instill discipline, and help build resilience. It can also set the stage for personal growth and career advancement.

      Arriving early to military training, as my father did for me, can make a significant impact on one's experience and future opportunities. This small act instilled discipline from the beginning and led to my early selection as a Physical Training Instructor (PTI). The culture shock of military training, including the loss of home comforts and uniformity in appearance, was challenging but necessary for building resilience. Basic training for the Royal Engineers lasts 10 weeks, followed by phase 2 combat engineer training and potential commando course, adding up to a considerable length. My early arrival allowed me to stand out and eventually be fast-tracked into the PTI course, as my sergeant major recognized my potential as a footballer and knew I wouldn't make a good soldier. The PTI course involved learning various types of training, with gymnastics being the most challenging. After completing the PTI course, I considered applying to different units, ultimately deciding between 9 squadron in Aldershot and 59 Commando in North Devon based on personal interests. The importance of first impressions and early experiences in military training cannot be overstated.

    • Unexpected military challenges and consequencesMilitary life can be unpredictable, and making responsible decisions is crucial to avoid potential consequences, including disciplinary action or even imprisonment.

      Joining the military offers new experiences, but unexpected events can lead to challenges and potential consequences. The speaker shares his experience of joining the 59 Commander and encountering a bar altercation with infantry soldiers, which could have led to a court-martial. Despite this, he completed the commander course only to be sent back to Germany for an investigation. Ultimately, he spent 56 days in military prison. This experience highlights the unpredictability of military life and the importance of making responsible decisions, even in tense situations.

    • Military training transforms soldiers through intense programsMilitary training, including the Commando Course, pushes trainees to their limits, producing better soldiers and potentially leading to promotions. Despite challenges, many find the experience invaluable and formative.

      Military training, such as the Commando Course, can be challenging and transformative, but also intense and demanding. The experience at Colchester, though initially daunting due to strict rules and harsh training methods, ultimately produced better soldiers and even led to promotions. The Commando Course, open to various military personnel and even foreign militaries, aims to bring trainees up to the Royal Marines' standards and teach them their unique tactics and procedures. The course, which includes the 30-miler test for the Green Beret, is a rigorous 10-week program that pushes trainees to their limits. Despite the challenges, many find the experience invaluable, and for some, it can lead to increased respect and pressure within their units. However, the officer-heavy approach of one particular course backfired, leading to mass instructor dismissals. Overall, military training is a significant investment in personal and professional growth, requiring dedication, resilience, and a willingness to adapt.

    • Military training: Prioritizing fitness and resilience, but dealing with culture issuesMilitary experiences test physical and mental strength, but incidents like alcohol consumption can negatively impact careers. Early learning from these experiences is crucial to prevent more significant consequences later.

      Military training, such as the one experienced by the speaker, demands physical fitness and mental resilience. While some units prioritize speed and agility, others prioritize size and strength. However, issues like alcohol consumption can derail a career, even if seen as a part of the culture. The speaker's experience at Colchester, where he was grilled about his drinking and other incidents, led him to question the system and ultimately led to a fresh start in his military journey. He ended up attending a diving aptitude course, which proved to be a valuable opportunity. The military records incidents like these, and while some may see it as a rite of passage, it's essential to learn from these experiences early on to avoid more significant consequences later in one's career. The navy's use of service stripes on uniforms is a visual reminder of an individual's history, with gold stripes signifying a clean record and red stripes indicating past trouble.

    • Military training's impact on personal growthMilitary discipline and structure foster personal growth, with instructors guiding individuals towards improvement instead of just punishing them.

      The culture of military training, specifically in the context of SEAL teams, can have a significant impact on an individual's personal growth and discipline. The difference between having a gold or red stripe on one's uniform was not just a matter of prestige, but also depended on the individual's personality and leadership. Those who received guidance and direction were less likely to end up in trouble or in prison. The military environment, even when disciplinary actions were taken, aimed to teach and move individuals forward, rather than just punishing them. This approach not only helped individuals improve as soldiers but also as humans. The military's focus on discipline and structure can lead to personal growth and even rehabilitation, as seen in the speaker's own experience. The use of the term "instructors" instead of "guards" in the military prison context highlights the emphasis on teaching and guiding individuals towards a better future.

    • Military training offers discipline and rehabilitationMilitary training provides a unique approach to discipline and rehabilitation, with counseling, skill-building, and opportunities for personal growth. Success stories include at-risk youth in the UK and US finding new paths.

      Military training, particularly for young people, can offer a different approach to discipline and rehabilitation compared to traditional forms of punishment. This approach, which can include counseling and skill-building programs, can be more effective in turning lives around and reducing reoffending. For instance, military-style programs in the UK and US have been successful in helping at-risk youth get back on track. The military also offers various specialized courses, such as diving, which can provide additional benefits and opportunities for personal growth. The speaker's personal experience of joining the Royal Engineers after serving time in prison and being accepted into their dive course illustrates this. However, these opportunities can be competitive, and those with a criminal record may face challenges in accessing them. Overall, the military's focus on discipline, skill development, and second chances can make a significant difference in people's lives.

    • Determination and physical fitness in military successDetermination and physical fitness led the speaker to a successful military career, including a 100% pass rate for special forces selection within his unit.

      Determination and physical fitness were key factors in the speaker's success in the military. The speaker had an agreement with his commanding officer that he would continue boxing until he was defeated, but he never lost a fight during his time in the military. In 59 Commando, physical fitness was prioritized over boxing skills, and the soldiers underwent multiple PT sessions each day. The speaker's unit, Wreck It Troop, was known for having a 100% pass rate for UK special forces selection, and the speaker's own aspirations towards special forces grew as he met like-minded individuals within the unit. The selection process for Wreck It Troop was handled within the unit itself, and the speaker's troop staff sergeant decided against sending them to P Company, which disgruntled some older soldiers. The military landscape was evolving, and the speaker's unit, recce troupe, was deployed to Kosovo for the first operational tour since the Falklands War. The speaker's father, who had once doubted his son's ability to last two minutes in the military, was proud to hear that his son was going on tour to Kosovo in the year 2000. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of determination, physical fitness, and the right opportunities in achieving success in the military.

    • Serving in Kosovo during the late 1990s: High-risk, high-reward experienceServing in Kosovo during the late 1990s offered military personnel a unique and challenging experience, with intense op tempo, constant threats, and opportunities to make a difference in a critical time and place.

      Serving in Kosovo during the late 1990s was a high-risk, high-reward experience for military personnel. The missions ranged from border reconnaissance to identifying and apprehending human rights violators, requiring teams to stay in the field for extended periods, often in dangerous conditions. The op tempo was intense, with little downtime between deployments, and the jobs varied widely from urban to rural environments. Soldiers faced constant threats, including enemy infiltration, and had to remain on high alert at all times. Despite the challenges, the experience was a formative one for those involved, providing a unique and unforgettable opportunity to serve their country in a critical time and place.

    • Unexpected discovery challenges assumptionsStay open-minded and adaptable to unexpected situations, as they can lead to new perspectives and better outcomes.

      Expectations can be defied in unexpected ways. During a mission in Kosovo, the team was tasked with apprehending a bomb maker, only to discover he was from Manchester, just like them. This revelation challenged their assumptions and highlighted the importance of staying open-minded. Later, the speaker became an instructor at Limpstone, where he adopted a humorous and approachable teaching style to help students excel. Despite initial challenges, such as a limit on the number of press-ups they could do, he found creative solutions to ensure better results for his students. This experience taught him the value of adaptability and the impact of effective teaching methods.

    • From student to instructor: Learning and teaching in the militaryTransitioning from a student to an instructor taught the speaker valuable lessons about leadership and merit-based achievements, regardless of external pressures.

      Teaching and learning go hand in hand. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from a student to an instructor in the military, where he not only taught others but also learned valuable lessons himself. He recalled a particular incident where female candidates were under pressure to pass the commander course, and one of them, Lieutenant Y, managed to pass despite trying to manipulate the system. Another memorable experience was with Lieutenant X, a doctor, who was an excellent student but didn't make it through due to a physical challenge during the bottom field test. The speaker emphasized that both women deserved to pass based on their merits, and their achievements were significant despite the external pressures and banter from their peers. The experience of instructing and observing others' progress deepened the speaker's understanding of leadership and the importance of staying focused on individual abilities rather than external factors.

    • Leadership through determination and resilienceEffective leadership is earned through actions, not just words or intimidation. Humor and empathy are powerful tools for building rapport and motivating teams.

      Effective leadership goes beyond shouting and intimidation. The speaker shared an experience with an older soldier, Captain Foti, who despite his age and health challenges, impressed the speaker with his determination and resilience. Captain Foti, an ultra-marathon runner and an old-school soldier, pushed himself to complete the grueling military training despite his age and health concerns. The speaker learned that respect is earned through actions, not just words or intimidation. He also discovered that humor and empathy are powerful tools for building rapport and motivating soldiers. The speaker's approach to leadership was different from what he had seen before, and he found that using humor, respect, and shared experiences was more effective than shouting and swearing. This experience taught him that leaders and soldiers are equal partners, and that earning the respect of those under your command is essential for building a strong team. The speaker's approach to leadership has stayed with him throughout his career, and he continues to believe that respect, empathy, and humor are essential qualities for effective leadership.

    • Unexpected career advancements through persistence and seizing opportunitiesPersistence and seizing opportunities can lead to unforeseen career growth. Stay open to new challenges and be resilient in the face of setbacks.

      Persistence and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected career advancements. The speaker shares his experience of being kept in a unit longer than usual due to exceptional performance, leading him to eventually transition into a new role as a senior dive instructor. However, the introduction of new safety regulations disrupted this role, prompting him to consider a new challenge - joining the selection process for the Special Forces. Despite a previous unsuccessful attempt, he was determined to try again and dedicated himself to rigorous training. This story highlights the importance of staying open to opportunities and being resilient in the face of setbacks.

    • Learning from Failure in Military SelectionFailure in military selection can lead to valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth through improved preparation, understanding of the process, and considering all available opportunities.

      Failure in achieving a goal, such as passing a military selection process, can provide valuable learning experiences and opportunities for growth. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of not passing the first attempt at selection and how he approached the second attempt with a better understanding of the process and his own capabilities. He also mentions the importance of preparation, including fitness and navigation skills, and the benefits of a briefing course to help potential candidates make informed decisions. Additionally, the speaker discusses the opening up of special forces to tri-service personnel, allowing for more diverse candidates and preventing the loss of potential candidates to other units. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of persistence, learning from failures, and considering all available opportunities.

    • Using humor as a coping mechanism during military trainingAdapting to training, focusing on weaknesses, and using creativity and a positive attitude can help individuals succeed in challenging environments.

      The author used humor as a coping mechanism during his military training to lighten the mood and stand out from his peers. He shared a story about how he used a photo of Bournemouth Beach instead of carrying a rock as instructed, which amused his instructors and helped him avoid carrying the unnecessary weight. Additionally, the author mentioned how his background in surfing influenced his decision to join the military and seek assignments in areas with good weather and access to water activities. He also emphasized the importance of adapting to the training and focusing on improving weaknesses, such as speed, to succeed in the selection process. Overall, the author's experience demonstrates the power of resilience, creativity, and a positive attitude in overcoming challenges and achieving goals.

    • Military Selection Process Challenges Self-Discipline and Self-MotivationThe military selection process pushes individuals to their limits, testing both physical and mental strength with unexpected twists and challenges. Preparation and resilience are key to success.

      That the military selection process, particularly during test week, is designed to challenge individuals both physically and mentally. The process involves long marches with unexpected twists to test self-discipline and self-motivation. The DS would often give false checkpoints or throw curveballs to catch candidates off guard. The experience was grueling, with candidates expected to be self-sufficient and administer themselves. The mental strength required was crucial, as there were no words of encouragement from the staff. Instead, the DS would try to undermine confidence. Preparation, both physical and mental, was essential to succeed. The selection process was just the beginning, and those who made it through had proven their resilience and determination.

    • Military training's mental challengesMilitary selection pushes recruits physically, technically, and mentally, using tactics like mind games and claustrophobic conditions to test resilience and focus. Personal issues can hinder performance.

      Military selection, such as the UK Special Forces training, is not only physically and technically challenging but also mentally demanding. The trainers employ various tactics, including mind games, to test the recruits' resilience and focus. The jungle phase, in particular, is known for weeding out those who cannot handle the claustrophobic conditions and the pressure. The instructors may swap during the final exercise to ensure a fair assessment. Personal issues, like relationship problems, can significantly impact a recruit's performance, making it crucial to focus solely on the training. Successful completion of the course can serve as an escape from personal troubles and a significant accomplishment. However, the outcome is not immediately known, as the final decisions are made after the recruits return to the UK.

    • The rigorous journey to join the SBS or SASJoining the SBS or SAS involves a demanding selection process including jungle training, continuation training, survival courses, parachute training, and counterterrorism training. Once selected, recruits become part of a team with similar experiences.

      The selection process for joining the Special Boat Service (SBS) or Special Air Service (SAS) is a rigorous and lengthy experience. The jungle phase, in particular, is a critical point where candidates are informed unofficially if they have passed or failed. The process continues with continuation training, survival courses, parachute training, and counterterrorism training. Although the journey to join this elite club is challenging, once selected, new recruits become part of a team with similar experiences. The SBS and SAS have a joint selection process, and while the SAS recruits receive their squadron assignments and deployments during selection, SBS recruits do not. This can be frustrating, but it's all part of the process. The selection process is a significant milestone in a recruit's life, but for the experienced soldiers already in the squadron, it's just another step in the journey. This conversation took place in 2006, and the speaker missed out on an initial deployment due to the events of September 11th, 2001. Despite the challenges, the recruit remained determined to continue and eventually joined the team.

    • First Army Soldier in SBS, AfghanistanA sergeant joined the SBS as a trooper, formed a small team with an officer and another engineer, admired the professionalism of the British special forces, and gained valuable friendships and a sense of accomplishment while keeping former colleagues' safety a priority.

      The speaker had the opportunity to serve with the Special Boat Service (SBS) in Afghanistan, where they made history as one of the first army soldiers to join the squadron. During their deployment, they engaged in both direct action and intelligence gathering, working alongside the intelligence services. The speaker was initially a sergeant but had to start again as a trooper upon joining the SBS. They were part of a small team, including an officer and another engineer, who were the first army soldiers to be integrated into the SBS. The speaker expresses admiration for the British special forces, particularly their professionalism. They also mention an unusual encounter with a British Navy individual. Overall, the speaker's experiences in the SBS provided them with valuable friendships and a sense of accomplishment. Despite not being able to share specific details of their deployments, they emphasize the importance of protecting the lives of their former colleagues and the sacrifices they make for our safety.

    • Special Forces training involves joining different troops and acquiring new skills within teamsSpecial Forces training is a continuous process of learning new skills and adapting to various mission requirements, with deployments lasting six months and repeating every two years

      The Special Forces training involves joining various troops like air, mountain, boat, and mobility, each requiring different skill sets. After passing selection, trainees must acquire new skills within their teams. The order of entry for missions is flexible, and trainees can build on their existing skills by learning new ones. Deployments last for six months, followed by pre-deployment training, and the cycle repeats every two years. During pre-deployment training, trainees undergo rigorous challenges to test their skills. Despite the challenges, they are motivated to serve and put their abilities to the test in real-life situations. However, even the most experienced soldiers can encounter unexpected setbacks, like a soldier getting entangled in rigging during a parachute jump, resulting in severe injuries. Overall, the Special Forces training emphasizes continuous learning and adaptability.

    • A paratrooper's story of determination and survivalEven in the face of intense pain and uncertainty, determination and focus can help one survive and prioritize health and well-being.

      Even in the face of intense physical and emotional pain, and the fear of the unknown, determination and focus can help one survive and recover. The speaker, a paratrooper, recounts his experience of getting caught in the parachute lines during a jump, which led to the loss of his leg. Despite the pain and the knowledge that his military career was likely over, he managed to land safely and seek medical attention. However, the military medical system failed him, and he was left in agony for months before getting the necessary surgery. The experience taught him the importance of perseverance and the value of prioritizing one's health and well-being, even in the most challenging circumstances. The incident also highlighted the shortcomings of the military medical system and the importance of advocating for one's own care. The speaker's story is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always a way forward if one stays focused and determined.

    • Veteran's Long Battle for Military PensionVeterans face lengthy processes and uncertainty in receiving their pensions, impacting their transition and future security.

      The military veteran, Dean Stott, faced significant challenges in receiving his rightful medical pension despite his service in the top tier special forces. He was forced to appeal for over five years before finally receiving a full pension. This lengthy process left him feeling undervalued and uncertain about his future, adding to the identity crisis many veterans face when transitioning out of the military. Despite these challenges, Stott eventually found work in the private security industry during the Arab Spring, but his experience highlights the importance of adequate support for veterans during their transition and the need for timely processing of pension claims.

    • Identifying Opportunities in Conflict ZonesUnderstanding local context, adapting to market needs, and leveraging military background can lead to success in conflict zones.

      During the Libyan conflict, the speaker identified a unique opportunity within the security industry by recognizing the Libyans' desire for self-governance and their aversion to foreign security presence. He established a niche by providing evacuation plans without the need for weapons or private security personnel on the ground. This approach was inspired by his military experience with trigger systems and case systems. He built relationships and had access to weapons if necessary, but his focus was on corporate close protection, which offered a better risk-reward ratio than working in conflict zones. The speaker's success came from understanding the local context, adapting to the market, and leveraging his military background.

    • Building relationships and understanding local context during complex situationsEffective security and evacuation operations require 50% time on support and influence, building relationships with local fixers and understanding the local situation on the ground. Communication and respect for local tribal elders are crucial for safe passage.

      Effective security and evacuation operations during complex and volatile situations require a deep understanding of the local context and strong relationships with trusted local contacts. During the Arab Spring in Libya, 50% of the time was spent on support and influence, building relationships with local fixers and understanding the situation on the ground. This knowledge was crucial when evacuating 18 military personnel and 4 diplomats from Tripoli to Tunis, where communication and respect for local tribal elders played a significant role in ensuring a safe passage. This approach contrasts with larger, overt military operations, which can be costly and may not fully understand the local situation.

    • Transporting equipment using fish wagons in LibyaAdaptability and resourcefulness in high-risk situations lead to successful mission outcomes.

      Thinking outside the box and building relationships with locals can lead to successful mission outcomes, even in complex and high-risk situations. This was exemplified in a mission where the speaker was able to transport equipment into Libya using fish wagons, bypassing border control, and completing the mission without utilizing an entire amphibious ready group. The speaker's adaptability and resourcefulness in this situation demonstrates the importance of creative problem-solving and effective communication in the security industry. Additionally, the speaker's post-military career involved taking on sensitive security jobs around the world, often in countries where a visa was not required, highlighting the importance of being adaptable and ready for unexpected opportunities.

    • Securing a government evacuation in Libya during political turmoilAdaptability and collaboration were crucial in securing a government evacuation in Libya amidst political turmoil and conflict, involving a secret agreement for a special forces training program as a cover.

      During a mission in Libya, a private security contractor was tasked with securing the evacuation of government officials in the midst of political turmoil and conflict between different regions. The operation required a large team, and the funding for it was significant, with daily wages being four times the normal rate. The contractor had to keep the operation secret from other security companies and competitors. After several weeks of planning and preparation, the prime minister unexpectedly left for a UN conference, leaving the contractor alone with a hospital manager who turned out to be the head of Libyan intelligence. The intelligence chief asked for a delay in the operation, and they came to an agreement to create a special forces training program for Libyans in the west and east as a cover for the ongoing operation. The funding for the mission was being siphoned from the government, and eventually, the decision was made to call it off. The Delta Force, known for their involvement in high-profile operations, arrived in Libya the following day to capture a terrorist responsible for bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. This mission showcases the complexity and secrecy involved in high-risk security operations, as well as the importance of adaptability and collaboration in achieving the desired outcome.

    • Reputation and Selflessness Lead to SuccessPutting others before personal gain can lead to a strong reputation and long-term success. Selflessness in critical situations can clear false accusations and solidify one's position in their industry.

      Reputation is a valuable asset, and sometimes putting others before personal gain can lead to long-term success. The speaker shares an anecdote from his past where he was falsely accused of being a mercenary due to his involvement in security operations. Despite this, he chose to help the Canadians evacuate from Libya for a low cost, which not only cleared his name but also solidified his position as a top player in the industry. Another significant moment in the speaker's life was the passing of his father. He handled the news with a numbness that he had developed from his experiences, which was a coping mechanism for him. The story illustrates the importance of reputation, the power of selflessness, and the impact of personal experiences on one's perspective.

    • Finding comfort in routine during griefFocusing on practical tasks can help cope with loss, but acknowledging emotions is crucial for healing.

      Dealing with the death of a loved one, especially someone older, can be challenging, and people cope in different ways. For the speaker, who had a military background, he found solace in focusing on practical tasks and maintaining a sense of routine during a difficult time. He had a complex relationship with his father, who was a significant influence in his decision to join the military. When his father passed away, the speaker felt detached and focused on logistics, such as arranging the funeral and traveling for work. Reflecting on the experience later, he realized he hadn't fully processed the loss and was still grappling with the end of his military career. The speaker's story highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing emotions, even when it feels easier to push them aside.

    • The Importance of Fairness and Authentic Communication in Building Strong RelationshipsFairness and authentic communication can lead to meaningful connections and understanding. Prioritize relationships and being true to oneself over the need to prove oneself.

      Effective communication and treating everyone equally, regardless of rank or status, can lead to meaningful connections and understanding. This was evident during a military training course attended by the speaker and Prince Harry, where they formed a strong bond and were paired up due to the speaker's commitment to fairness. This experience taught the speaker the importance of being true to oneself and prioritizing relationships over the need to prove oneself. The speaker also shared a pivotal moment in his career where he realized the importance of communication during a dangerous mission, which led him to reflect on the importance of prioritizing safety and family over personal accomplishments. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of authentic communication and equal treatment in building strong relationships and making impactful decisions.

    • The power of meaningful relationships during life transitionsTrust, communication, and encouragement in relationships can help individuals navigate through challenging life transitions and find personal growth.

      Trust and support from meaningful relationships can help individuals navigate through challenging transitions in life. The speaker shares his experience of maintaining a connection with a former military colleague, Harry, who became a pilot after their encounter at a rugby event. Harry's decision to choose the Apache helicopter over the Lynx was influenced by the speaker's advice, and their bond grew stronger over the years. However, when the speaker transitioned from the military to a regular job in property development, he felt unhappy and unfulfilled. His wife, Alana, encouraged him to discover new passions, leading him to find joy in cycling and eventually discovering a love for the Guinness Book of World Records. Alana's belief in him and her support played a crucial role in helping him adapt to this new phase of his life. The importance of trust, communication, and encouragement in relationships is highlighted as essential in overcoming challenges and finding personal growth.

    • Finding the right support system during transitionsCommunication with loved ones and engaging in meaningful work are essential for navigating life transitions. Physical activity can also provide a sense of purpose and help overcome challenges.

      Communication and finding the right support system are crucial during times of transition. The speaker shares his experience of struggling with the adjustment from military life to civilian life, which was compounded by a lack of communication with his wife. He found solace in physical activity, which helped him regain a sense of purpose and overcome his challenges. However, he also discovered a passion for helping others through charity work, which gave him a new sense of meaning and fulfillment. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of finding the right resources and support system during times of change, whether it be through communication with loved ones or engaging in meaningful work.

    • Overcoming challenges with determination and learning from past experiencesDetermination, seeking advice, and adaptability can lead to success despite skepticism and lack of experience.

      Determination and a willingness to learn from past experiences can lead to success, even when faced with skepticism and doubt. The speaker, an ex-military officer, shared his journey of setting out to raise £1,000,000 for charity by cycling the Pan American Highway, despite having no experience in cycling or fundraising. He used his military background to meticulously plan the challenge, ignoring the naysayers and turning conventional approaches on their head. He emphasized the importance of seeking advice from those who have already accomplished similar feats and learning from their experiences. The planning process involved considering various factors, from logistical challenges to seasonal advantages, and required a support team to ensure the welfare of all involved. Ultimately, the speaker's success came from his unwavering commitment to the challenge and his ability to adapt and learn from his past experiences.

    • Overcoming adversity through challenges and goalsFacing challenges and setting new goals can help individuals find purpose and overcome adversity. Perseverance and staying true to oneself are key to success.

      Facing challenges and setting new goals can help individuals overcome adversity and find purpose in their lives. The speaker's experience of completing the Land's End John O'Groats cycle ride, despite initial doubts and setbacks, serves as an inspiring example. Additionally, the importance of community and maintaining connections was emphasized, as seen in the speaker's decision to prioritize his relationships over a potential acting opportunity. Ultimately, having a clear mission or goal can provide direction and motivation, especially during difficult times. The speaker's story illustrates the power of perseverance and the value of staying true to oneself.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Sharing Military StoriesMilitary veterans face unique challenges when sharing their stories, requiring sensitivity, transparency, and understanding from the military and media.

      Serving in the military and leaving it behind can be a challenging experience, filled with unexpected twists and turns. For some, sharing their stories and experiences can lead to new opportunities and successful careers, while for others, it may not align with their current circumstances or the expectations of the military. The military and the media need to navigate the complexities of sharing stories and ensuring sensitive information remains protected. Social media and documentaries have changed the way stories are shared, and it's essential for both parties to adapt to these changes while maintaining transparency and understanding. Ultimately, the decision to share stories and experiences should be made carefully, considering the potential benefits and potential consequences for all involved.

    • Adapting to challenges in long-term projectsA solid team and flexible plan can help overcome unexpected situations in long-term projects, ultimately leading to success

      Overcoming challenges in long-term projects requires adaptability and a strong team. Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, personal invitations to royal weddings, and team dynamics, can impact the timeline. Having a solid team that can handle unexpected situations is crucial. In this case, the team's ability to adapt and overcome challenges allowed them to break a world record, despite initial concerns. Additionally, having a flexible plan with some extra time built in can help mitigate the impact of unforeseen circumstances. The team's ability to pivot and adapt, along with their determination, ultimately led to their success.

    • Adapting to unforeseen circumstances is crucial for successHaving a solid plan is essential, but being adaptable and responsive to changing circumstances is crucial for success in long-term projects

      While having a well-planned journey is essential, being adaptable and reactive to unforeseen circumstances is crucial for success. The speaker, who attempted to break the record for cycling the longest continual road, the Pan-American Highway, faced numerous challenges, including mechanical issues, inadequate culinary options, and extreme weather conditions. However, his ability to adjust his plan and take advantage of favorable conditions allowed him to stay ahead of schedule despite these obstacles. For instance, he was able to cycle at night in America due to safety reasons and better resources, but also because of less wind resistance. Similarly, he used an app called Windy TV to navigate the unpredictable weather patterns in North America and make the most of favorable wind conditions. However, even with meticulous planning and adapting to changing circumstances, the speaker still faced unexpected competition, requiring him to push himself harder to secure the record. Overall, the success of the speaker's journey highlights the importance of having a solid plan but also being flexible and responsive to the ever-changing circumstances on the ground.

    • Overcoming unexpected challenges on long journeysAdapt and persevere through unexpected obstacles to achieve your goals, whether cycling a highway or starting a business.

      Life doesn't always go according to plan, and it's important to adapt and persevere through challenges. Dean Stott, an endurance athlete and security expert, shared his experience of cycling the Pan American Highway, which was filled with unexpected obstacles and hardships. Despite his preparation and visualization, the finish line was not what he imagined. But he made it, and the sense of accomplishment was worth the struggle. Now, Stott is preparing for his next challenge: kayaking the Nile River, a feat that has never been accomplished before. This new adventure comes with its own set of challenges, including relying on local communities and dealing with dangerous wildlife. Stott also shared that he's been encouraged to start a security company due to his success in private security missions. His approach to security is intelligence-based and low-key, and he plans to have a password-protected website for his business. Through it all, Stott emphasizes the importance of adapting and pushing through challenges to achieve your goals.

    • Preparing to Paddle the Nile River for Social AwarenessAdventurer Dean Stott plans to paddle the Nile River, raise awareness for social issues, use multiple boats, involve local communities, and train at Newport Aquatic Centre despite a missing leg.

      Dean Stott, a renowned adventurer, is preparing to paddle the entire length of the Nile River, starting from 1st February next year. This challenge comes after his successful SBS to World Record Breaker journey. The Nile expedition aims to raise awareness for various social issues, including modern slavery and human trafficking. Stott plans to use multiple boats for different parts of the river, considering the varying levels of rapids and the presence of dangerous animals like crocodiles and hippos. He also intends to involve local communities, especially fishermen, to ensure safety and promote collaboration. Despite having a missing leg from a past parachute incident, Stott remains determined and is currently training for the challenge at Newport Aquatic Centre. The book documenting his SBS journey, titled "Relentless," will be available for purchase on the website. Stott's next adventure, "Surfing with Pirates," involves surfing along the Somali coastline, promoting the amazing countries and their unique experiences.

    • The Power of Determination and Overcoming ObstaclesPursuing perfection despite challenges leads to remarkable achievements through determination, teamwork, and focusing on personal strengths.

      No matter the challenges or obstacles, a relentless pursuit of perfection can lead to remarkable achievements. Dean Stott's journey from the military to breaking world records while raising a family demonstrates the power of determination, teamwork, and overcoming assumptions. His experiences in Mogadishu show that even in unexpected places, there is abundance and beauty. Stott's transition from soldier to cyclist and world record breaker was not easy, but having a supportive partner and focusing on personal strengths made all the difference. Additionally, having a strong mindset and taking care of one's physical health are crucial components of any challenging pursuit. So, whether it's breaking a world record or pursuing personal goals, enduring hardships and pain is inevitable, but the rewards can be great.

    • Jocko Fuel: Your Partner in Self-ImprovementJocko Fuel offers health supplements, American-made products, and a subscription service for self-improvement goals. Discipline cans are a healthier alternative to energy drinks, and their podcasts provide valuable insights and motivation.

      Jocko Fuel offers various health supplements and American-made products to help individuals stay focused on their goals, whether it's jujitsu training or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Jocko Fuel's subscription service makes it easier and more affordable for customers to access these products without having to deal with shipping fees or big corporations. The discipline cans are an alternative to energy drinks with toxic additives, and Jocko's store offers a wide range of merchandise for those looking to represent their commitment to self-improvement. Additionally, Jocko Fuel's podcasts, including Jocko Unraveling and Warrior Kid, provide valuable insights and motivation for those on the path to self-discipline and freedom. By subscribing to Jocko Fuel and engaging with their community, individuals can stay committed to their goals and overcome distractions and temptations.

    • Jocko Podground: A Community for Questions and InsightsFor $8.18 a month, access a community where you can submit questions and gain insights from Jocko's team. Alternative for those unable to afford email assistance. Offers behind-the-scenes content and business insights on YouTube channels.

      Jocko Podground is a new platform where people can submit video or audio questions for $8.18 a month, providing a space free from external control or influence. This community, inspired by Sam Harris, offers an alternative for those unable to afford the membership to email for assistance. The platform also has a YouTube channel for video versions of the podcast, showcasing behind-the-scenes content, and Origin USA's YouTube channel offers insights into growing a business. The discussion also touched on the contrast between scripted reality TV drama and the real-life struggles and drama of running a business, as seen in Origin HD.

    • Exploring Resources for Personal and Leadership DevelopmentDiscover valuable insights from authors, experts, and consultancies like Jocko Willink, Dakota Myers, Dean Stott, and Echelon Front. Engage through events, social media, and charities for continuous improvement and excellence.

      The discussed resources, including books, websites, and consultancies, offer various tools and strategies for personal and leadership development. Jocko Willink, Dakota Myers, and Dean Stott are among the authors and experts who provide valuable insights through their works. Echelon Front, a leadership consultancy, offers training and solutions for individuals and organizations. Additionally, there are opportunities for engagement through events, social media, and charities, such as America's Mighty Warriors. The emphasis is on continuous improvement, striving for excellence, and being true to one's potential.

    Recent Episodes from Jocko Podcast

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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