
    318: Even When The Uniform Comes Off, You Have a Lot To Offer. With Micah Fink.

    enJanuary 26, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of self-discovery and growthEmbrace your experiences, face your weaknesses, and strive for personal growth to transform your life

      We are the masters of our own experiences and have the power to learn and evolve from them, rather than being victims of external circumstances. This idea comes from the Native American belief that a diagnosis can become an identity if accepted, but self-reflection and self-awareness can lead to profound change. We often seek external solutions to our problems, but running from pain only magnifies it. Instead, we should face our weaknesses, failures, and regrets, and strive to honor what is good while striving for our highest selves. Life is a journey of self-discovery and growth, and we have the power to change our lives from within. Micah Fink, tonight's guest, is a testament to this, having turned his own challenging experiences into valuable lessons for others.

    • A father's journey from poverty and prison to redemption through religionDespite a difficult past marked by poverty, military service, and prison time, a man finds redemption and creates a new life through religion

      Despite a challenging upbringing filled with hardships, including poverty, alcoholism, and prison time, the speaker's father was able to turn his life around and find redemption through religion. Growing up in a real blue collar family in upstate New York, the father faced numerous adversities, including being an orphan, joining the military, and ending up in prison. However, after hitting rock bottom, he found solace in a church and became a Christian, eventually starting a church of his own in a small rural town. Despite his rough exterior, marked by violence, tattoos, and a long beard, the father's transformative experience in the church allowed him to leave his past behind and create a new life for himself and his family. The speaker's childhood was marked by poverty and hardships, but the story of his father's redemption serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit.

    • Childhood in tent revival movement shapes speaker's perspectiveQuestioning beliefs and perseverance led speaker from difficult past to success as a lineman

      The speaker's childhood in upstate New York during the tent revival movement left a profound impact on him. He attended these religious events frequently and even participated in them, but as he grew older, he began to question the love and acceptance he was taught. He left home at a young age and moved around, eventually ending up in South Florida where he had a difficult time. His experiences on a dairy farm, where he worked long hours and dealt with unsanitary conditions, fueled his desire to escape. The guilt and fear associated with the revival movement shaped his perspective, and he focused on working hard to improve his situation. Despite the challenges, he learned valuable skills and eventually found success in his career as a lineman. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the transformative power of questioning one's beliefs and the importance of perseverance in overcoming adversity.

    • Formative experiences with rough characters and harsh environmentsEncountering intimidating figures and harsh conditions during adolescence led the speaker to reassess his priorities and seek balance and meaning in life.

      The speaker's experiences with rough characters and harsh environments during his teenage years shaped his perspective on life and led him to reevaluate his priorities. Growing up, he worked on line crews and lived with grown men who were heavy drug users. One particularly intimidating man, who was 6 feet 8 inches tall and covered in hair, constantly belittled him. Despite the hardships, the speaker persevered and worked hard to earn money. However, he lacked balance in his life and had become angry and violent. A turning point came when he went on a solo backpacking trip and had a close encounter with a bear, which made him reflect on his life and realize he wasn't ready to die. After this experience, he returned to the line crew but with a new perspective and a determination to find balance and meaning in his life. The speaker grew up in the Adirondacks and had spent summers there, but his experiences with the rough crew and the city vagrants were formative in shaping his outlook on life.

    • Turning adversity into successDespite facing adversity and abuse, the speaker persevered and turned his experiences into opportunities for growth and leadership, eventually starting his own business and providing jobs for his community.

      Even in the face of adversity and abuse, the speaker was able to turn his life around and find success. The traumatic experience with his colleague in Long Island served as a catalyst for him to grow up fast and become a leader. Despite the challenges, he persevered and eventually started his own line crew and hired his friends. The events of September 11th further motivated him to help those in need and provide jobs for people in his community. Ultimately, the speaker learned to overcome adversity and use his experiences to make a positive impact on those around him.

    • From church drums to funk ska band, the speaker's musical journey beginsThe speaker's passion for music led him to form a band, gain industry recognition, and even get sponsored, but 9/11 led him to join the military and pause his music career. He remains determined and continues to hustle.

      The speaker's musical journey began at a young age, playing drums in church and eventually forming a funk ska band called Funk Shot Loomis. They opened for notable acts like Long Beach Dub All Stars and had a demo CD. The speaker aspired to become a professional drummer and was gaining traction in the industry, even getting sponsored by Evans Drumheads. However, the events of September 11th led him to join the military instead, putting his music career on hold. The speaker reflects on the experiences of his past, sharing stories of gigging, playing various music genres, and even playing "Jesus rock" at youth camps. Despite the challenges and hardships, the speaker remains determined and continues to hustle, working various jobs and making the most of every opportunity.

    • Personal account of witnessing 9/11 attacks and helping at the sceneDespite chaos and danger, people came together to provide assistance and demonstrate resilience during the 9/11 attacks

      The events of September 11, 2001, were a shocking and chaotic experience for those who were present. The speaker, who was in New York City at the time, shares his personal account of witnessing the first plane hit the World Trade Center and then making his way to the scene to help. He describes the devastation and disorganization, and the sense of uncertainty and fear that pervaded the area. Despite the danger and chaos, the speaker and others worked together to search for survivors and provide assistance where they could. The experience left a deep impact on the speaker, and he stayed at the site for 24 hours until the following day. The events of that day demonstrated the power of human resilience and the importance of coming together in times of crisis.

    • Impact of 9/11 on an individual's lifeThe 9/11 attacks led a man to join the military and make a difference, despite limited skills and resources, illustrating the profound impact on individuals' lives and decisions.

      The speaker was driven by a strong desire to help and make a difference after the 9/11 attacks, despite having limited skills and resources. He felt a deep sense of loss and anger, which led him to join the military three months later when he lost his contract. The speaker's experience at the World Trade Center site was a turning point in his life, leading him to sell all his possessions and move to Montana to work as a ski tech. Eventually, he joined the Navy instead of the Army and began his military career. The speaker's story illustrates the profound impact of the 9/11 attacks on individuals and their decisions to respond in various ways.

    • Encounter with Navy SEALs training video inspires a dreamDetermination and passion led a man to become an expert on Navy SEALs despite facing challenges and working multiple jobs.

      The speaker was inspired by a chance encounter with someone who showed him a video of Navy SEALs training, leading him to aspire to join their ranks. Despite facing challenges, he persisted in his goal through rigorous training and research. Growing up boxing helped him understand the importance of pushing oneself during workouts. The speaker's journey involved working multiple jobs while training and selling a bicycle to a neighbor. Ultimately, his passion for the Navy SEals and determination led him to become an avid researcher and historian on the subject.

    • Forming meaningful connections during formative experiencesBuilding friendships and connections during formative experiences can have a lasting impact on one's life. Perseverance and determination are essential to overcoming challenges and achieving success.

      The power of building connections and friendships, especially during formative experiences like military training, can have a lasting impact on one's life. The speaker shares multiple stories of meeting and befriending individuals, like Mikey and Drew Bissett, who significantly influenced his experiences and shaped his character. These relationships were formed through chance encounters, shared interests, and mutual goals. The speaker also highlights the importance of perseverance and determination, as he recounts the challenges he faced during his training and the lengths he went to in order to succeed. Ultimately, these experiences and relationships helped the speaker grow and become the person he is today.

    • Story of a standout leader in chaotic training sessionIdentifying and cultivating leadership abilities, even in new recruits, and persevering through personal challenges are keys to success in challenging environments

      Leadership and composure under pressure are essential qualities for success in challenging environments. The speaker recalls a training session where chaos ensued, and he identified a standout individual who took charge and made decisive actions. This person, despite being a new recruit, demonstrated strong leadership skills and effectively communicated orders to his team, resulting in an efficient response. The speaker also shares his own experiences of overcoming personal challenges during his training, such as struggling with swimming but ultimately passing all tests and becoming an expert in underwater operations. These stories illustrate the importance of identifying and cultivating leadership abilities, even in the most unexpected individuals, and the value of perseverance in the face of adversity.

    • From STV to Diver: A Deep Sea TransitionTransitioning from an STV to deep sea diving involves mastering complex equipment, understanding various gas mixtures, and adapting to different diving modes to avoid toxicity and narcosis. It requires mental fortitude and a cool mind to handle the high-pressure environment and unexpected situations.

      Deep sea diving, especially in a team environment, is a complex and demanding endeavor. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from driving a Submersible Tender Vessel (STV) to becoming a diver, where he encountered various gas mixtures, sophisticated equipment, and the need to switch between different diving modes to avoid toxicity and narcosis. The training involved memorizing every detail due to the pitch-black environment, and the process of surfacing and returning to the shore was intricate. Despite the initial shock and challenges, the speaker expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be part of the team and gain valuable knowledge about this niche mobility platform. He also gained respect for SDV divers, acknowledging the mental fortitude required to handle the high-pressure environment and potential dangers. The speaker emphasized the importance of maintaining a cool mind and being prepared for unexpected situations.

    • A harrowing experience in the Submarine Diving and Salvage teamFacing challenges, dealing with fear, and resolving conflicts are essential skills learned through intense experiences like serving in the Submarine Diving and Salvage team.

      Serving in the Submarine Diving and Salvage (SDV) team of the military was an intense and challenging experience. The speaker recalled an incident during a dive where a team member was left behind and presumed dead, leaving a lasting impact on him. The team's missions involved long hours underwater in confined spaces, dealing with claustrophobia and the risk of drowning. The team's lifestyle was grueling, with long hours and constant travel, leading to tension and conflicts among team members. To resolve these conflicts, the team's chief called for a "smokers" session, a boxing match between team members, which the speaker was unexpectedly involved in. This experience taught the speaker valuable lessons about facing challenges, dealing with fear, and resolving conflicts. Despite the difficulties, the speaker looked back on his time in the SDV team with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Spar with a LegendDespite setbacks, staying dedicated and prepared can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

      Even after facing setbacks and challenges in his boxing career, the speaker's determination and resilience led him to continue training and eventually spar with his idol, Ray Mercer. Despite Mercer's intimidating reputation as a brutal and merciless fighter, the speaker was able to hold his own and even knock him out during a sparring session. This experience not only validated the speaker's dedication to the sport but also showcased the importance of staying in shape and being prepared for unexpected opportunities. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the power of perseverance and the potential rewards that come with staying committed to one's goals.

    • Serving in a special operations unit brings home the reality of warMilitary service in a special ops unit teaches humility, camaraderie, and the high stakes of war

      Serving in the military, specifically in a special operations unit, can be a life-changing experience. The speaker shares his personal story of deployments to DAMNEC and Afghanistan, where he lost team members in real combat situations. These experiences brought home the reality and high stakes of war, shattering any sense of immortality he may have had. The brotherhood and camaraderie of the team were crucial, but the danger was ever-present. A particularly impactful moment for the speaker was the death of Josh Harris, which made the implications of their work all too real. These experiences shaped his perspective and aspirations, leading him to become a historian of the teams and embodying the old school mentality of doing everything together. The humbling nature of actual war service was a stark reminder of the danger involved. Kirby Harrell's story of identifying targets through sources further emphasizes the importance of teamwork and the inherent risks in their line of work.

    • Adapting to the unexpectedEven in unexpected circumstances, resilience and adaptability are crucial for success. Leadership plays a significant role in shaping individual outcomes.

      Even in the midst of challenging and unexpected circumstances, resilience and adaptability are key. The speaker shares a story of his military deployment, where he found himself in unexpected situations, from using unconventional methods to knock out an enemy, to being unexpectedly reassigned upon returning home. Despite the initial shock and anger, he eventually adapted and continued to serve. The conversation also highlights the importance of leadership and the impact it can have on individuals, both positively and negatively. Throughout it all, the speaker demonstrates a strong sense of determination and the ability to bounce back from adversity.

    • From military aspirant to CIA contractorDetermination and persistence can lead to unexpected opportunities despite setbacks. Adapt, network, and seize opportunities for success.

      Determination and persistence can lead to unexpected opportunities, even in the face of adversity. The speaker shared their experience of trying to join the military and eventually becoming a contractor for the CIA after a series of setbacks. Despite feeling frustrated and angry, they remained focused on their goal and eventually found success. The journey involved overcoming obstacles, taking risks, and adapting to new situations. The speaker also highlighted the importance of networking and seizing opportunities when they arise. Ultimately, their story serves as a reminder that setbacks don't define us, and with hard work and resilience, we can achieve our goals.

    • CIA Selection Process: Intense and DemandingThe CIA's selection process is physically and mentally challenging, with demanding shooting qualifications and constant surveillance. Only those with excellent hand-eye coordination and the ability to perform under pressure make it through.

      The selection process for becoming a part of the CIA was incredibly challenging, both physically and mentally. The shooting qualifications were particularly difficult, with candidates required to sprint and shoot accurately at various distances, often while wearing full gear. There was no room for error, and failure meant being eliminated from the process. The experience was intense and reminiscent of movies, with candidates constantly on edge and under surveillance. Even small mistakes, like wearing a watch while on surveillance, could lead to elimination. The process was grueling and demanding, but those who made it through were likely to have excellent hand-eye coordination and the ability to perform under pressure.

    • Vetting and Training for Intelligence Protective ServicesWorking in intelligence protective services requires extensive vetting, rigorous training, and constant deployment, with a significant number of individuals serving in the global war on terrorism and some unfortunately losing their lives or sustaining injuries.

      Working in the intelligence field, specifically in protective services, involves rigorous vetting processes, intense training, and constant deployment with little downtime. The initial vetting process is particularly challenging and can be compared to some of the toughest training experienced. Once employed, individuals are tasked with protecting CIA personnel around the world, which can involve paramilitary operations and working alongside non-American teams. The relationships formed with these teams can be strong, but the risks are high, as seen in the brutal treatment of some individuals after the fall of Afghanistan. The number of people who have worked with Americans in such capacities is significant, with millions serving in the global war on terrorism over the past 20 years, and a small percentage unfortunately losing their lives or sustaining injuries.

    • The costs of war go beyond the numbersWar's impact extends to veterans' mental health and societies, including long-term harm and potential backlash

      The costs of war go beyond the hard numbers. While only 4.5% of American veterans attempt to start businesses, there are significant mental health issues and suicides within this community. Furthermore, the long-term impact on societies, particularly in war-torn regions, is a cause for concern. The abandonment and mistreatment of those who fought alongside us can lead to a sense of betrayal and a potential backlash. The speaker emphasizes that the enemy we face is not just military forces, but the destruction of societies and the harm inflicted on innocent civilians, including children. The speaker's experience of working with the military for four years and deploying every 60 to 90 days took a toll on him, and he never fully disconnected from the intensity of the job. The long-term consequences of war on individuals, communities, and nations should not be underestimated.

    • The importance of community and support for veteransVeterans often face emotional and mental challenges after military service due to a lack of community and support, leading to high rates of addiction, joblessness, and suicide. It's crucial to provide meaningful resources and understanding to help veterans thrive after their military careers.

      The lack of community and support after military service can lead to significant emotional and mental challenges for veterans. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling isolated and disconnected after a particularly intense combat experience, which left him feeling without purpose or identity. He highlighted the importance of community and camaraderie in the military, and how the absence of that support system at home contributed to his struggles. The speaker also emphasized the severity of the issues facing veterans, including high rates of addiction, joblessness, and suicide, and the need for more effective support and resources. He encouraged greater awareness and understanding of the long-term impact of military service on veterans and the importance of providing meaningful community and support to help them thrive after their military careers.

    • Transitioning from military to civilian life: A challenging experience for contractorsFinding a sense of purpose and meaning, adequate support, and adjustment time are crucial for contractors during the military-to-civilian transition. Recognizing the extensive role of contractors in national security institutions and their impact is also important.

      The transition from military service to civilian life can be a challenging and chaotic experience for contractors, especially those who have faced traumatic events. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling alone, unappreciated, and lost after leaving the military, leading him to dedicate his life to helping others in similar situations. He emphasized the importance of finding a sense of purpose and meaning after military service, and the need for adequate support and adjustment time during the transition. The speaker also highlighted the extensive role of contractors in institutions like the DIA, NSA, and CIA, and the importance of recognizing the scope and impact of their work. He concluded by sharing his own experience of finding solace and stability through immersing himself in a new community after leaving the military.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Start a FoundationDetermination and commitment to a cause can help overcome financial struggles and unexpected challenges in starting a foundation, leading to unexpected connections and success.

      The speaker's experience of balancing his personal life and professional obligations led him to prioritize spending more time at home and eventually start his foundation. Despite facing numerous challenges and financial struggles during the foundation's early stages, he persevered and eventually received unexpected help that allowed him to continue. The speaker's determination and commitment to his cause ultimately paid off, even during the most difficult times. Additionally, the unexpected connections he made during this period, such as meeting the filmmaker who documented his foundation's first season, played a significant role in its success.

    • Finding meaning through struggle and self-discoveryEmbrace struggle to learn about yourself, find purpose through introspection, and reconnect with yourself through meaningful experiences.

      Struggle and self-discovery are essential for finding meaning and purpose in life. The speaker shared his personal experience of feeling lost and aimless after leaving the military, and how working with horses helped him reconnect with himself and find a deeper sense of identity. He also emphasized the importance of embracing struggle rather than trying to avoid it, as it is often through overcoming challenges that we learn the most about ourselves and grow as individuals. The speaker also highlighted the importance of introspection and self-reflection, noting that we spend a significant amount of time distracted by external sources like television, and that the real question is what we do with the limited time we have to live our lives with purpose.

    • Understanding the power of personal growthSuccess and failure are part of life, and recognizing our role in shaping our experiences is crucial for personal growth. Engage in self-discovery, hard work, and introspection to overcome challenges and evolve as individuals.

      Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. They both have the power to hinder personal growth and evolution. Human beings are constantly making choices, and society often blames external factors for our experiences. However, it's essential to recognize that we are the authors of our own lives. The speaker shares his experience with helping veterans, highlighting the prevalent issue of suicide and the exploitation of their pain by some nonprofits. He emphasizes the importance of developing human beings and encourages hard work, self-discovery, and introspection. The journey of learning about oneself and using that knowledge to overcome external challenges is the hero's journey. The 41-day program he mentions involves physical challenges, meditation, leadership courses, and working with horses to help veterans rediscover their strength and resilience.

    • Looking inward for answersFocus on self to find purpose and authentic choices, overcome fears and societal pressures, and achieve greatness through self-awareness

      We should focus on looking inward for answers instead of constantly seeking them externally. The world around us is designed to keep us distracted and consuming, but by tapping into our own purpose and authentic choices, we can change our material world. However, facing our true selves and pursuing meaningful human development can be challenging, as we may encounter fears and societal pressures. It's important to remember that we hold the power to break free from these limitations and become the governors of our own perceptions. The answers we seek are within us, and greatness is attainable through self-awareness and understanding the deeper meaning of life.

    • Personal transformation through free will and spiritual practicesRecognize and utilize free will for personal growth, attend transformative experiences, and never give up on creating a meaningful life

      Life is about free will and personal growth. The speaker shares his experience of attending a 41-day program that includes a Lakota sweat lodge ceremony, which represents rebirth and spiritual transformation. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and utilizing the power of free will, rather than giving it away and becoming a victim of circumstances. The speaker encourages everyone to wake up, change, and take control of their lives, emphasizing that it's never too late to start. He also shares his introduction to horses and how it led him to learn horsemanship and gain valuable mentors, despite their initial appearances. Overall, the message is one of personal empowerment and the importance of taking action to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • Understanding Horses: Leadership and TrustTo effectively work with horses, become their leader by understanding their natural hierarchy and building trust through pressure and release. Recognize their unique characteristics and build a trusting bond.

      Working with horses requires understanding their natural hierarchy and building trust through pressure and release. Horses, being the largest land animals with excellent vision and sensory abilities, are highly evolved to sense and respond to threats. To effectively work with them, one must become their leader and gain their trust. Horses, like humans, have varying temperaments, and building a relationship takes time and patience. The Wild Horse and Burrow Act in 1979 highlights the parallels between the wild horses and unpurposed human beings, both facing challenges with government funding. Ultimately, working with horses involves recognizing their unique characteristics, becoming their leader, and building a trusting bond.

    • Nevada Sanctuary Helps Veterans Heal with Wild HorsesThe Mustang Monument Wild Horse Sanctuary in Nevada empowers veterans through relationships with rescued horses, promoting self-discovery and personal growth.

      The Mustang Monument Wild Horse Sanctuary in Nevada is dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating wild horses from the range, with a focus on helping veterans find healing and self-discovery through their relationships with these horses. The program, which costs $60-$70 million and is growing, aims to address the overpopulation of wild horses on public lands by adopting and training them. Horses are highly intuitive animals that can sense people's emotions and intentions, making them effective mirrors of their handlers' inner selves. The veterans in the program undergo a rigorous application process and undergo physical, emotional, and dietary transformations to prepare for their experience. The horses and veterans form deep bonds, with the animals often displaying unwavering loyalty and trust towards their handlers. The program, which runs for 41 days without much talking, helps veterans gain self-awareness and develop their internal compasses, leading to improved relationships with both the horses and themselves.

    • From physical training to backcountry trip, participants undergo intense personal growth through teamwork and individual challenges.Participants experience physical and mental transformation through rigorous training, horse handling, and teamwork in a wilderness program.

      The program is designed to help individuals undergo intense personal growth through teamwork and individual challenges. The journey begins with rigorous physical training, including meditation, breath work, and ice baths, followed by learning to handle horses in just six days. Participants then embark on an 80-mile horseback journey through the wilderness, working together as a team to pack their gear and care for their animals. Afterwards, they engage in ranch week, where they learn various ranching skills such as roping, stock management, and operating heavy machinery. The final phase includes blacksmithing and advanced horsemanship training, culminating in an 11-day backcountry trip. Throughout the program, the emphasis is on self-reliance, resilience, and teamwork. The individual's personal growth is the ultimate goal, but the camaraderie and support of the team are essential to overcoming the challenges faced along the way.

    • A transformative wilderness program for at-risk teensThrough facing challenges in the wilderness and a grueling climb, at-risk teens build personal growth, confidence, and ownership, culminating in a year-long take-home course.

      The At-Risk Teen Wilderness Program is a challenging and transformative experience. Participants face numerous hardships in the wilderness, including harsh weather conditions, animal care, and leadership responsibilities. The program encourages personal growth through allowing mistakes and fostering a sense of ownership and confidence. The trip culminates in a grueling climb of a 10,000-foot peak in the dark. Upon return, participants undergo a sweat lodge ceremony and embark on a year-long take-home course. The ultimate goal is for participants to immediately take on the next challenge in their lives and continue growing. The program's intensity, represented by the hot and authentic sweat lodge experience, can be terrifying but ultimately leads to personal development.

    • Native American practices for personal growthNative American traditions like sweat lodges and vision quests offer transformative experiences for self-discovery and alignment with values, despite past illegality.

      The traditional Native American practices, such as the sweat lodge ceremony and vision quest, have a profound impact on personal growth and self-discovery. These experiences, which involve isolation, intense heat, and prayer, were once illegal in North America but have been effectively integrated into modern personal development programs. The practices, which are not associated with hallucinogens, can lead to hallucinations and powerful visions, and have helped individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world. The speaker, who has undergone these experiences multiple times, describes them as transformative and credits them with helping him learn to honor himself and live in alignment with his values. The experiences have also given him a sense of unity with the natural world and a belief in the cyclical nature of life.

    • Embracing Discomfort for Inner GrowthFocus on self-sufficiency, harmony with nature, and inner questions for balance and peace, rather than chasing after external constructs like wealth or retirement.

      The speaker has gained a newfound sense of balance and peace in life after going through various experiences, including spiritual and military ones. He no longer seeks material possessions or external validation, but instead focuses on teaching his children self-sufficiency and living in harmony with nature. The 41-day concept represents the importance of embracing discomfort and finding answers within oneself, rather than relying on external guidance. The speaker encourages individuals to look inside and ask questions, rather than being told what to do. He challenges the notion of chasing after constructs, such as wealth or retirement, and instead, questions what it truly means to be human. Ultimately, the speaker's goal is to restore balance in himself and help others do the same.

    • The importance of self-discovery and prioritizing the essentialsFocus on fundamental needs and self-discovery for balance and fulfillment. Material possessions and external accomplishments can't replace inner peace. Warren Buffett prioritizes water over wealth in a life-threatening situation. Avoid temporary solutions and embark on a true hero's journey of self-discovery and transformation.

      Focusing on the fundamentals of life, such as food, water, shelter, and relationships, is essential for finding balance and fulfillment. The material possessions and external accomplishments, no matter how grand, cannot replace the importance of being in tune with oneself. The speaker uses the example of Warren Buffett, who, despite his wealth, would still prioritize water over it in a life-threatening situation. The most exciting adventure is the journey of self-discovery, and often, people spend their lives in unfulfilling relationships, jobs, and situations, trying to escape depression or unhappiness. However, the solution does not lie in external factors like medication or therapy, but in making meaningful changes from within. The speaker advocates for a more holistic approach, such as an 8-week program that forces individuals to confront their deepest fears and desires, allowing them to emerge with a newfound sense of identity and purpose. It's crucial to avoid adding layers of external solutions that may only provide temporary relief, as they can ultimately lead to more complex issues. Instead, people should be given the opportunity to embark on a true hero's journey, where they face their inner demons and emerge transformed from the inside out.

    • The Cost of Material PossessionsThe attachment to material possessions can consume time, energy, and resources. Detachment can help us focus on the present moment and break the cycle of working to earn money to buy things.

      Our attachment to material possessions can consume a significant amount of our time and energy. The speaker shares an experience of decluttering their home and realizing the vast amount of time and resources spent on acquiring items they didn't need. He reflects on how this mirrors the human tendency to work hard to earn money to buy things, ultimately leading to a cycle of spending time and money to regain time. The concept of detachment, learned during his time in the military, can be applied to daily life, encouraging us to step back and assess our actions and motivations. Ultimately, the speaker encourages letting go of attachments to material possessions and focusing on the present moment.

    • Quieting the mind for spiritual growthSeek inner wisdom by quieting the mind and listening, rather than constantly asking and wanting. Self-knowledge is key to spiritual growth, but remember that true self-understanding comes from accepting and understanding our true selves.

      The art of detaching and being still can lead to spiritual growth and the discovery of what truly matters in life. By quieting the mind and listening, rather than constantly asking and wanting, we can access inner wisdom and the things we need. This concept was exemplified by figures like Jesus, who emphasized self-love and the inner kingdom of God. The importance of self-knowledge, or "know thyself," has been a recurring theme throughout history. However, it's crucial to remember that the self we think we know may be just a projection, and true growth comes from accepting and understanding our true selves.

    • Loss of military identity and communityAfter military service, it's crucial to embrace our true selves and be authentic to create a genuine and connected world.

      After leaving the military, the sense of identity and community that comes from being part of a platoon or unit can be a significant loss. This can lead to feelings of disorientation and uncertainty about one's true self. It's essential to recognize that the construct of who we are may not always be real or protective, and it's important to dig deep and discover our authentic selves. We all live with projections, whether it's a filtered social media persona or trying to be someone else, but the key is to embrace our true selves and be authentic. By doing so, we can create a more genuine and connected world, free from the destructive nature of constant projection and imitation.

    • Living for Others' Projections vs. Values and Self-CareFocusing on maintaining a certain image for others can lead to a materialistic and empty existence, harming the environment and our own well-being. It's essential to prioritize personal values, ideas, and self-care over societal expectations.

      Many people live their lives focused on maintaining a certain projection or image for others, often leading to a materialistic and empty existence. This obsession with projections drives individuals to constantly acquire more things and ignore the negative impact on the environment and their own well-being. The pursuit of these illusions can result in societal chaos, self-destruction, and an unrecognizable future. It's crucial for individuals to recognize the importance of their own values, ideas, and self-care, rather than being consumed by the desire to fulfill others' expectations. The current state of the world, with issues like climate change and political conflicts, highlights the importance of shifting our focus towards nurturing ourselves and our planet, rather than perpetuating harmful projections.

    • Exploitation of Time and EnergyCorporations, governments, and marketing companies exploit our time and energy through digital platforms, but focusing on personal growth can help regain control and live more fulfilling lives.

      Our time and energy are being exploited by corporations, governments, and marketing companies through digital platforms. They need our attention, which is our energy, to grow, but if we use our energy for our own pursuits, it's problematic for them. These entities are actively trying to keep us engaged with their content and products, often addicting us through various means, including our own payments. Instead of wasting time on screens, we should dedicate some of it to ourselves, as our experiences shape our perception of time. By focusing on our own growth and development, we can regain control of our time and energy, and ultimately, live more fulfilling lives.

    • Personal growth requires conscious effort and letting go of past patternsThe speaker shares his experience of starting and stopping projects, realizing the importance of redirecting energy towards new pursuits, and emphasizes the value of quiet reflection for personal growth.

      Personal growth and transformation require conscious effort and a willingness to let go of past patterns. The speaker shares his experience of starting and stopping various projects and how he was stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage. He relates this to the concept of the "battered wife syndrome," where one continues to return to an abusive situation despite the desire to leave. The speaker realized that his energy was not being maximized and that he needed to redirect it towards new pursuits. He made significant changes in his life, such as selling his truck, buying a greenhouse, and limiting his children's exposure to technology. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of quiet reflection and learning to be still in order to access deeper realizations and insights. Ultimately, personal growth is a continuous process, and it takes time and effort to identify and pursue the things that truly fulfill us.

    • The importance of selflessness and teamworkBelieving in teammates and putting them before oneself can lead to success despite personal inferiority, and inner strength and determination are crucial qualities to overcome challenges.

      Selflessness and teamwork are crucial qualities for success, both in personal relationships and in professional teams. The speaker's belief in putting his teammates before himself, even when feeling inferior, was a core tenant that stayed with him throughout his life. This belief was tested during his training, where he faced ridicule and challenges, but he persevered by focusing on the capabilities of those around him and believing that he could achieve the same. The experiences revealed who they truly were, and those who could tap into their inner strength and determination could overcome any obstacle. Despite not being exceptional in any area, the speaker's commitment to being a good team player drove him to work harder and push through challenges.

    • Personal stories of quitting in various situationsUnderstanding personal limits and the power of fear and exhaustion are crucial to preventing unexpected quitting in challenging situations

      The human will to quit can be powerful and unexpected, even for those who seem most resilient. Whether it's during intense athletic training or in life-threatening situations, people can reach their breaking point. The speaker shared personal experiences of quitting, from college athletes to military operations, demonstrating that no one is immune. In the pool, a college wrestler, who had never been in the ocean before, gave up after a challenging workout. In a more extreme situation, the speaker himself nearly drowned while attempting a water operation in a foreign river. These stories highlight the importance of understanding personal limits and the power of fear and exhaustion to push individuals to quit, even in the face of great challenges.

    • A harrowing experience with nature's powerBeing prepared and having a strong will to survive can help overcome the dangers of nature's power

      The power of nature can be overwhelming and dangerous, as illustrated by the speaker's harrowing experience being swept away by a rushing river in Afghanistan. Despite his training and preparation, the speaker found himself trapped and struggling to survive, facing the very real threat of drowning. The experience left him feeling vulnerable and exposed, with only his quick thinking and determination keeping him alive. It serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the power of the human spirit to endure in even the most challenging circumstances.

    • The impact of experiences on an individual's lifeExperiences, whether positive or negative, can shape our lives and teach us valuable lessons. Overcoming challenges through resilience and human connection can lead to personal growth.

      Experiences, whether harrowing or seemingly insignificant, can have a profound impact on an individual's life. The speaker's experience in Afghanistan, where he nearly drowned during a mission, left a lasting impression on him. This experience influenced him to pursue freediving, but also brought back traumatic memories when he found himself in challenging underwater situations. In an attempt to confront his fears, the speaker participated in an Ironman competition, which presented its own set of challenges. Despite the difficulties, the speaker persevered and was ultimately saved by a fellow competitor. This experience reinforced the importance of resilience and the power of human connection in overcoming adversity.

    • Overcoming personal fears and challengesFacing fears and utilizing nature and vibrational frequencies can lead to personal growth and transformation.

      Overcoming personal fears and challenges can lead to significant personal growth and transformation. The speaker shared a personal experience of facing a deep-seated fear of drowning and how punching his attacker in the water helped him overcome it. This experience allowed him to continue pursuing his passion for free dive spearfishing without further incidents. The speaker also emphasized the importance of grounding and vibrational frequencies in promoting mental and emotional well-being. He is currently building a human development center on a ranch, which includes a cold plunge, sauna, gym, meditation room that vibrates at 528 megahertz, and an arena for expanding activities during wintertime. The students live in minimalist wood cabins with outdoor showers and outhouses to reconnect with nature and establish a baseline away from modern technology. Sound therapy, which involves vibrating at specific frequencies, is also used to promote profound experiences and grounding. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of facing fears, reconnecting with nature, and utilizing vibrational frequencies for personal growth and well-being.

    • Restoring dignity through human developmentPrivacy and dignity are essential for human growth, obstacles and challenges are necessary for personal development, and uniting individuals and organizations can make a significant impact on people's lives.

      Privacy and dignity are valuable components of human development, and creating environments that foster growth and change requires effort and commitment. The speaker's goal is to bring organizations together to focus on human development and restore dignity to individuals, rather than relying on quick fixes or magic pills. He believes that obstacles and challenges are essential for personal growth and that starting a new conversation around restoring dignity is crucial. The speaker's experience of buying a ranch and building a program from the ground up demonstrates the importance of perseverance and the potential for significant transformation. Ultimately, the speaker's vision is to unite individuals and organizations to make a meaningful impact on people's lives.

    • From handouts to opportunities for growthDetermination and perseverance can lead to second chances, transforming handouts into opportunities for self-improvement.

      Sometimes opportunities are lost due to lack of resources, but determination and perseverance can lead to second chances. This individual, despite being turned away from a business deal due to lack of funds, didn't give up and was given another opportunity a year later. He then used a loan and donations to make his dream a reality, even though he wouldn't own the assets. The experience taught him the importance of moving from handouts to opportunities for self-improvement. He also expressed a desire to see nonprofits shift their focus from handouts to providing opportunities for growth. Additionally, he shared his plans to start a cattle company as a sustainable and ethical business model, aiming to break the perpetual starvation cycle of nonprofits.

    • Understanding the importance of sustainable farming practicesSustainable farming practices benefit the environment, animals, and individual wellness. Understand where food comes from and build self-sustaining communities to ensure essential resources.

      Sustainable farming practices, such as raising animals humanely and using every part of the animal, not only benefits the environment and the animals but also contributes to individual wellness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding where our food comes from and the interconnectedness of the food system. Additionally, the speaker warns about the dangers of relying too heavily on other countries, like China, for essential resources, including food and medication. The goal is to create a self-sustaining community and to encourage others to do the same. This approach not only supports the program financially but also exposes people to the importance of animal husbandry and ranching. It's about more than just the food; it's about building a community and understanding our role in the larger system.

    • China's Position as a Global LeaderChina's growing power, military advancements, and authoritarian regime position it as a major global leader, causing concern over potential threats to Western influence and values.

      The global power dynamics are shifting, and China, with its large population, advanced military technology, and authoritarian regime, is positioning itself as a major world leader. This was highlighted in a speech by Xi Jinping, warning of a great wall of steel against any opposition. China's strict control over media, entertainment, and social media, as well as its alliance with Russia, suggest a unified front against perceived Western influence. The speaker expressed concern over the United States' dwindling influence due to consumerism, entitlement, and a lack of unity, which has left it vulnerable to potential threats. The hypersonic missiles and genetically modified soldiers China is reportedly developing add to the concern. The speaker urged caution and a rethinking of American values and priorities in light of these global changes.

    • Understanding American Values and Our Shared HumanityTo be American is to focus on our shared humanity and make positive changes within ourselves to influence the world around us.

      The meaning of being a patriot and the concept of freedom have been distorted, and to truly understand what it means to be American, we must focus on the common thread that unites us as humans and reconnect with each other and our core values. Change starts with the individual, and by making positive changes within ourselves, we can influence the world around us. The speaker emphasizes the importance of looking beyond superficial differences and focusing on our shared humanity. He also shares a personal story about encountering a black bear during a hike, which brought back memories of his past experiences with bears and how he has learned to respond to dangerous situations. The speaker's nonprofit organization, Heroes and Horses, can be found at heroesandhorses.org, and they have social media channels as well.

    • Bear encounters taught the speaker valuable life lessonsBear encounters taught the speaker to respect nature and be prepared, resulting in life-changing experiences

      Nature can be unforgiving and it was a pivotal moment in the speaker's life when a black bear took his food during a hike, making him realize his own fragility. This experience led him to reflect on his life and what he wanted it to be. Another intense experience was encountering a grizzly bear while packing horses, which resulted in the death of one of the horses. These experiences taught him the importance of respecting nature and the consequences of being unprepared. The speaker also shared that he carries a 44 magnum for bear encounters, having seen the impact of a 357 on a bear print.

    • Experience the thrill of Heroes and Horses, but be aware of inherent risksThe Heroes and Horses program offers a unique opportunity for personal growth, but participants must be prepared for encounters with wildlife and unexpected horse behavior, with safety measures in place.

      Participating in the Heroes and Horses program, while offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience, comes with inherent risks. These risks include encounters with wildlife, such as grizzly bears, and unexpected horse behavior. However, the program's organizers ensure safety measures are in place and emphasize the opportunity for personal growth and development. Applications for the program are available on the Heroes and Horses website, and the selection process involves choosing a limited number of participants. While riding horses at night can be an unforgettable experience, it also requires trust and understanding that the horses, like their riders, want to avoid danger. The program's founder shared his own experiences, including encounters with bears and the experience of riding through the night. Despite the challenges, the sense of camaraderie and shared experiences make the program worthwhile.

    • The Power of Ego Can Be DeadlyEgos can prevent individuals from making rational decisions, even when their survival is at stake, leading to self-destructive behaviors or death.

      The power of ego can be a negative force that prevents individuals from making rational decisions, even when their survival is at stake. Using the example of Warren Buffett in the desert, some people's egos would prevent them from accepting help and living, instead choosing to die rather than admit they're wrong or ask for help. This behavior was also seen in a real-life situation where a special operations unit ignored advice from National Guard and went ahead with a dangerous mission. The ego can be as strong as a drug addiction, and in some cases, it can even lead to self-destructive behaviors or death. This concept was further illustrated in a movie about a rich man who refused to pay a ransom for his son's release, prioritizing his pride over his child's safety. Overall, the power of ego should not be underestimated, and it's essential to be aware of its potential negative impact on decision-making.

    • Skateboarding: Embracing Risk and MindfulnessSkateboarding involves risk and acceptance of injury, but mindfulness and acknowledging limitations are crucial.

      Skateboarding, particularly downhill skateboarding, is an extreme sport that requires a high level of skill and carries a significant risk of injury. The skateboarding community, including figures like Jay Adams, have a unique perspective on risk and injury, accepting it as part of the sport. Adams also warned about the dangers of addiction and the ego, emphasizing the importance of being mindful of these potential pitfalls. Additionally, the speaker shared his experience of attending an underground skateboarding event and attempting downhill skating, ultimately realizing his lack of skill and deciding to step back. This experience, along with Adams' words, served as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging one's limitations and being aware of the potential consequences of one's actions.

    • Adapting to new challenges and finding purposeAdapt to new challenges, find purpose, learn from the past, and stay resilient for a more fulfilling life.

      As we solve one problem, new problems arise, and we must continually adapt and innovate to address them. From the need to make fire to the invention of lighters, technology has helped us climb the hierarchy of needs. However, as technology advances, it presents new challenges, such as feelings of purposelessness. To find fulfillment, we must infuse a sense of purpose into our daily lives. Moreover, the conversation touched on the importance of remembering our past and learning from it. We may not remember every detail, but the experiences shape us and lead us to new opportunities. For instance, the Jocko Podcast and Jocko Store were born out of seemingly random events. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of resilience in the face of adversity. We may encounter setbacks, such as shadow bans on social media, but we must continue to push forward and adapt. By staying informed and taking action, we can navigate the ever-changing landscape of the digital world. In conclusion, the conversation emphasized the importance of adapting to new challenges, finding purpose, and learning from the past to create a more fulfilling and resilient life.

    • Access expert advice and training from Jocko Willink's teamReceive personalized guidance and resources for personal and professional growth from Jocko Willink's team through Extreme Ownership's online academy

      Extreme Ownership's online academy at extremeownership.com offers direct access to expert advice and training from Jocko Willink and his team, providing valuable insights for personal and professional growth. The academy goes beyond just management tips, offering guidance on various life scenarios. It's an opportunity to receive personalized advice from Jocko, just as if you were asking in person. Additionally, there are other experts and resources available for specific areas of life. The academy is not meant to be a time-wasting distraction but a tool for making informed decisions and improving overall strategy. For those interested in supporting military families, consider checking out America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses charities.

    • Be inspired by stories and connect with othersStories can leave a lasting impact, social media can be a valuable tool for connection, and pursuing passions can bring meaning to our lives beyond our roles.

      Engaging stories, whether through personal experiences or media, can inspire and leave a lasting impact on us. We may feel drawn to new experiences or passions, even if we have limited experience in that area. Social media, despite its potential negatives, can also be a valuable tool for communication and connection with others. Micah's work with Heroes and Horses is a great example of this, as it has led to valuable connections and opportunities through social media. It's important to remember that while our roles and uniforms may define us in certain ways, we have more to offer beyond them. Micah's dedication to helping veterans and first responders is a testament to this. So, let's be inspired by stories, connect with others, and remember to leave it all in the field by pursuing our passions every day.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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    Jocko Willink is an American author, podcaster, and retired naval officer who served in the Navy SEALs. His books include New Tork Times bestseller Extreme Ownership,  Discipline Equals Freedom a field manual, and his children’s book The Way of the Warrior Kid. Jocko also has one of the most successful podcasts out there so check out the Jocko Podcast.

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