
    404: On The Path, Doing the Right Things For The Right Reasons. With Navy SEAL Officer, Sean Glass

    enSeptember 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying committed to the path of discipline, hard work, and long-term thinkingCommitting to the path of discipline, hard work, and long-term thinking, despite challenges, can lead to personal growth and success.

      No matter where we come from or what challenges we face, staying on the path of discipline, hard work, and long-term thinking can lead us to positive outcomes in life. Jocko and Echo discussed the importance of the path, which includes doing the right things for the right reasons, strategic thinking, taking care of others, humility, and balance. Sean Glass, a former SEAL officer, business leader, and father, shared his experiences growing up in rural Texas on a small ranch. Despite his father's entrepreneurial ventures resulting in financial losses, Sean learned valuable lessons from his experiences and went on to succeed in various aspects of his life. The path may not always be easy, but staying committed to it can lead to growth and success.

    • Lessons from a father's entrepreneurial journeyStarting a business involves taking risks and persevering through failures, as demonstrated by the speaker's father's experiences.

      Starting a business involves taking risks and making investments, even if they don't always pay off right away. This was evident in the story shared about the speaker's father, who tried to start various businesses over the years but never quite managed to make them successful. Despite the financial struggles, he continued to take chances and eventually, his wife was able to find success as a teacher. Another interesting point from the conversation was the shared experience of growing up with siblings who were close in age. The speakers and their siblings all had two year gaps between them and while they weren't particularly close-knit as children, they have grown closer over time. Lastly, the speakers reminisced about their childhoods spent on large rural properties, exploring the woods and imagining adventures. These experiences shaped their childhoods and instilled a sense of freedom and independence.

    • Unique experiences in rural Texas: small Christian school and soccer focusGrowing up in rural Texas, limited resources led to attending a small Christian school and focusing on soccer. These experiences shaped his upbringing despite some challenges.

      Growing up in Corsicana, Texas, involved unique experiences, such as attending a small Christian school due to limited educational options, and focusing on soccer due to insufficient resources for other sports. The speaker's lack of application in basketball, despite being tall, led to his sister's success in the sport instead. The Christian school closed during his high school years, and he transitioned to the public school for his final years. Throughout this time, he primarily played soccer, focusing on defense as a right back. Despite some challenges, these experiences shaped his upbringing in rural Texas.

    • Using natural abilities and strong relationships for successLeveraging quick learning abilities and strong teacher relationships can help students achieve decent grades without relying heavily on traditional studying methods or completing homework regularly. Building strong relationships and utilizing one's strengths can lead to success in various aspects of life.

      Natural ability and good relationships with teachers can help students achieve decent grades without relying heavily on traditional studying methods or completing homework regularly. The speaker shares his personal experience of getting by with minimal effort in high school due to his quick learning abilities and strong teacher relationships. He also mentions his various jobs, including being a ranch hand and a waiter, which helped him develop important skills and gain independence. An intriguing anecdote from his ranch hand job involves discovering his employer's "Texas cannabis" plant, which added an unexpected twist to his work experience. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of utilizing one's strengths and building strong relationships to succeed in various aspects of life.

    • Taking Initiative Leads to Unexpected OutcomesBeing proactive and adaptable can lead to valuable skills, confidence boost, and unexpected opportunities.

      Seizing opportunities and taking on extra responsibilities can lead to unexpected outcomes. The speaker, who had been working at a local record store managed by a man dealing with an alcohol problem, took the initiative to contact the store's owner in Dallas when Rick went to rehab. Despite initially thinking the store would close, the speaker convinced the owner to let him manage it over the summer. Although he hoped for a significant raise, he only received a quarter increase in his hourly wage. However, the experience taught him valuable skills and boosted his confidence. The store's best-selling records were underground rap, reflecting the local music scene. The story illustrates the importance of being proactive and adaptable in various situations.

    • Music's Impact on GenerationsMusic shapes experiences, introduces new ideas, and endures across generations, connecting people through diverse backgrounds and experiences.

      Music, especially for the speaker, has been a constant and enduring presence throughout their life, shaping their experiences and introducing them to new ideas. The speaker grew up with a diverse musical background, influenced by classic rock, Christian music, and metal. They found solace in heavy metal music during their teenage years, which stayed with them through adulthood. The speaker's children are now carrying on this tradition, listening to and playing classic metal bands like Metallica and Black Sabbath. The speaker reflects on how music that seemed ancient and classic to them during their youth is now only a few decades old, and how it continues to endure and influence new generations. Overall, music serves as a powerful and unifying force, connecting people across generations and providing a soundtrack to their lives.

    • Heavy metal music during adolescence provided emotional connection and outletDiscovering heavy metal music as a teen offered emotional relief during a tough time and fostered a sense of community and understanding

      Discovering heavy metal music during adolescence provided a meaningful connection and emotional outlet for the speaker, particularly during a difficult time when his parents were divorcing. The raw, authentic lyrics resonated with him, allowing him to relate to the experiences of the musicians and express his own emotions. Additionally, the acquisition of a powerful car, such as a 1970 Chevelle Super Sport, further fueled his sense of freedom and masculinity during this period. The enduring appeal of heavy metal music lies in its ability to speak to young men going through similar experiences and providing a sense of community and understanding.

    • Discovering a passion in the libraryA chance discovery ignited a man's passion, leading him to make significant life changes and pursue a career in the military.

      A chance discovery in a library ignited a passion in a young man, leading him to make significant life changes and pursue a career in the military. The man, who grew up reading adventure novels and daydreaming about being a part of such experiences, stumbled upon a book about SEAL teams in Vietnam. Instantly captivated, he became determined to join their ranks and make a living out of the activities he had long enjoyed. This realization marked a turning point in his life, as he became disciplined and focused, making decisions based on whether they would help him achieve his goal. Despite initial doubts from his parents, he eventually enrolled in college, with the plan to join the military afterwards. This anecdote highlights the power of inspiration and determination in shaping one's future.

    • Using college as a stepping stone to military trainingIndividuals with a strong drive to serve may find creative ways to pursue their goals, despite well-intentioned obstacles

      Sometimes, well-intentioned plans to keep someone out of the military by encouraging them to focus on their education can backfire if that person is highly motivated to serve. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of using college as a stepping stone to prepare for military training, despite being a top student and having the option to attend a more prestigious university. He found a group of like-minded individuals at Texas A&M who were focused on preparing for military training, and he threw himself into rigorous physical training and academics to better his chances. This experience reframed his perspective and led him to become one of the fittest students in his group, despite being the slowest runner. The takeaway here is that individuals with a strong drive to serve may find creative ways to pursue their goals, even when faced with well-intentioned obstacles.

    • Navigating the Unpredictable Navy SEAL Application ProcessDedication, physical fitness, and a bit of luck are essential for successfully navigating the competitive and unpredictable Navy SEAL application process.

      The process to join the Navy SEALs is highly competitive and unpredictable, with a strong emphasis on physical fitness and limited opportunities for personal interaction or interviews. The speaker, who aspired to become a Navy SEAL, recounted his experience applying during the early 2000s. He chose a seemingly easy major, speech communication, but was surprised to find that it required extensive paper writing rather than public speaking. He didn't attend Mini Buds, a pre-training program, and instead relied on a few phone conversations and letters of recommendation from alumni. With around 1,000 applicants and only 15-30 slots available each year, the speaker's strong PT scores likely played a significant role in his acceptance. The application process included taking the Officer Aptitude Test, which assessed mechanical, math, and English skills. Overall, the journey to becoming a Navy SEAL was challenging, requiring dedication, physical prowess, and a bit of luck.

    • Unexpected delays can lead to unexpected opportunitiesUnexpected delays in life can lead to valuable experiences and growth, even if they seem frustrating at the time.

      Sometimes, unexpected delays and frustrations in life can lead to unexpected opportunities and experiences that ultimately prove to be beneficial. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of being injured and having to wait over a year to join the Navy. At the time, he was frustrated and felt like he was wasting time. However, looking back, he realized that this delay led him to meet his wife, have valuable deployments, and work with inspiring leaders. Similarly, his challenging experience at Officer Candidate School, which he initially found frustrating, ultimately led him to form a strong bond with his drill instructor and learn valuable leadership lessons. So, while it's natural to feel frustrated by unexpected delays, it's important to remember that they may lead to unexpected opportunities and growth.

    • A challenging yet rewarding experience at Officer Candidate SchoolDespite physical struggles, the speaker persevered and graduated from Officer Candidate School, setting him on the path to becoming a SEAL.

      The speaker had a mixed experience at Officer Candidate School (OCS). While he appreciated the opportunity to learn from experienced gunnery sergeants and make lifelong friends, he found the day-to-day aspects of OCS to be miserable. He struggled with physical challenges like mobility boards and toe-touching tests, which nearly resulted in his expulsion. Despite these challenges, he eventually graduated and went on to Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training with his friends. The speaker's preparation for BUDS was extensive, and he was initially nervous about how he would compare to other candidates. However, he found success and was pleased with his performance. Overall, the speaker's experience at OCS was a test of his resilience and determination, and it set him on the path to becoming a SEAL.

    • Military training: The importance of mental toughnessIn challenging environments, mental fortitude and adaptability are crucial for success. Focusing on team performance and preferred physical tasks can help endure hardships.

      Endurance and mental toughness are crucial in challenging environments, like military training. The speaker shared his experience of being outpaced during a 4-mile time run at A&M, where competitors had varying running styles and levels of commitment. He also discussed his experience at BUDS, where some athletes with impressive appearances and self-proclaimed abilities washed out, while others, like wrestlers, who were accustomed to hardship, succeeded. The speaker found that focusing on the team's performance rather than his individual misery made the experience more bearable for him. He also mentioned that he preferred challenging physical tasks over enduring cold temperatures. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of mental fortitude and adaptability in overcoming challenges.

    • Learning from a Superior TraineeEffective pacing and energy conservation can lead to better performance in challenging tasks, while taking risks and pushing limits can lead to unexpected outcomes.

      During his military training, the speaker found himself consistently coming in second place in an obstacle course to a superior trainee named Mike. Despite being in great shape and putting in maximum effort from the start, the speaker struggled to keep up with Mike's more strategic approach of conserving energy and then giving it his all near the end of the course. This experience taught the speaker the importance of pacing oneself and not exhausting energy too early in a challenging physical task. Additionally, the speaker learned that sometimes, taking risks and pushing limits can lead to unexpected outcomes, as demonstrated by the dangerous slide for life evolution in their training.

    • Military training presents unexpected challengesDespite physical strength and preparation, military training requires adaptability and resilience to unexpected challenges

      Military training, such as BUDS, presents unexpected challenges that can't be fully prepared for through practice alone. The speaker shared his experiences with the obstacle course, where even an Olympic alternate in gymnastics found it easy, while he struggled with drown proofing and pool comp. These challenges were vastly different from what he had anticipated, and despite his confidence and preparation, he found himself in unfamiliar and challenging situations. The instructor, Andy Stumpf, was known for his ability to pass candidates through BlueComp, but the speaker was not one of them, and the experience left a lasting impression. Overall, military training requires not only physical strength and preparation but also adaptability and resilience in the face of the unexpected.

    • The third phase of Navy BUDs training: A humbling experienceDespite initial excitement, the third phase of Navy BUDs training was physically and emotionally demanding, with harsh treatment and long hours. This contrasted with the supportive environment of the first two phases, creating a challenging experience for the speaker and his classmates.

      The third phase of Navy BUDs training was a challenging experience for the speaker and his classmates. Despite their excitement about learning land warfare and advanced skills, they faced harsh treatment and long hours, which was a stark contrast to the supportive environment of the first two phases. The lack of supervision and escalating negative feedback created a snowball effect, making the experience even more difficult. After graduating from BUDs, the speaker and his classmates went through the Junior Officer Training Course (JOTC), where they learned valuable navy skills and leadership techniques. However, there was a gap between the end of BUDs and the start of JOTC, during which they were sent to the Q Course. While this experience provided some valuable training, it was also physically demanding and did not live up to the major's promises of a "gentleman's course." Overall, the third phase of BUDs and the subsequent experiences were a humbling and challenging part of their naval careers.

    • Embracing challenges and learning from themValuable experiences can be gained from challenging situations. Mentors who invest in team members' growth and allow them to learn from mistakes are essential for success.

      Valuable learning experiences can come from challenging and uncomfortable situations. The speaker shares his experience of attending Camp McCall in freezing temperatures and being thrown back into training after recovering from an injury. Despite the hardships, he learned essential skills and was mentored by experienced individuals who genuinely cared about his development. This experience set him up for success in his future role as a squad commander in Seal Team 7. Another key takeaway is the importance of decentralized command and allowing team members to take initiative and learn from their experiences. The speaker emphasizes the impact of mentors who let him make decisions and learn from his mistakes, rather than micromanaging him. Additionally, the level of detail and planning involved in their training was impressive and valuable. Overall, the speaker's experience demonstrates the importance of embracing challenges and learning from them, as well as the value of mentors who invest in their team members' growth.

    • Meticulous planning in SEAL team operationsIn the 2010s, SEAL teams had a focus on intense planning with every team member contributing, ensuring high standards and successful missions.

      The level of detail and focus put into the planning phase of SEAL team operations is awe-inspiring. Unlike the speaker's experience in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the SEAL teams were not actively engaged in war, the environment in the 2010s was intense and focused, with every team member contributing to the meticulous planning process. The speaker expressed admiration for how every aspect of the operation was considered, from the snipers choosing the best positions to the Breachers preparing charges for specific doors. This level of detail and preparation likely made a significant impact on the young officers joining the teams during that time, as they knew they were entering a real combat zone. The speaker also emphasized the importance of high standards and the dedication of the platoon commander and chief to ensuring that every task was completed to the best of their abilities.

    • The importance of high standards and preparationMaintaining high standards and pushing through challenges, even in unexpected situations, leads to better outcomes and successful mission completion.

      Having high standards and pushing through challenges, even when it's difficult, ultimately benefits the team. The speaker shared an experience from military training where they and their platoon faced unexpected challenges in the surf zone, leading to a long night of swimming and preparation. Despite the initial frustration, the importance of being prepared became clear, especially as they prepared for deployment to Afghanistan. The mission in Afghanistan was unique, focusing on village stability operations, which required a different approach than traditional SEAL missions. The team had to clear out bad guys, build a local police force, and eventually transition to a provincial government. The experience taught the importance of holding a high standard, even when it's challenging, and the value of being fully prepared for the mission at hand.

    • Effective leadership and clear communication build trust in challenging environmentsEffective communication from leaders about mission reasons and benefits builds trust with local communities, allowing for successful establishment and accomplishment of objectives. Recognize and respect cultural differences for mutual understanding and success.

      Effective leadership and clear communication are crucial for the success of any mission, especially in complex and challenging environments. In the context discussed, the platoon's success in Afghanistan hinged on their leaders' ability to articulate the reasons behind the mission and the potential benefits for the local community. This approach helped build trust and understanding, leading to the platoon's ability to establish a foothold in the village and ultimately accomplish their objectives. However, it was also important to recognize and respect the cultural differences and motivations of the local population, rather than trying to impose external values or solutions. Enemy contact was initially minimal, but the platoon's success was not without its challenges, including the need to adapt to the local context and build relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.

    • Surprise attack during deployment in AfghanistanStay vigilant and adaptable during extended deployments to counter surprise attacks and potential complacency. Adaptability and quick thinking are crucial in the face of low-cost enemy weapons like IEDs.

      During a deployment in Afghanistan, the speaker's platoon faced a surprise attack on their small camp. The enemy attempted to take back the terrain, but the platoon was prepared and managed to outmaneuver them, taking control of the high ground. The battle was quick and effective, but it set the tone for the 11-month deployment, which included both intense fighting seasons and periods of training. A key lesson learned was the importance of freedom and autonomy for those under command, as well as the potential for complacency to set in during extended deployments. The enemy used effective, low-cost weapons like IEDs, making vigilance a constant necessity. Overall, the experience demonstrated the importance of adaptability and quick thinking in the face of unexpected attacks.

    • Staying alert and vigilant in mine-resistant vehiclesMine-resistant vehicles save lives, but complacency can lead to increased risk. Clearance operations are crucial before setting up camp, and staying alert and vigilant is essential even in seemingly safe situations.

      Mine-resistant vehicles, like the MATV, can save lives by redirecting blast energy away from the passengers, as opposed to dispersing it throughout the vehicle like a Humvee. However, even in a mine-resistant vehicle, complacency can set in during long deployments, leading to increased risk. In this account, the speaker experienced an IED explosion, resulting in damage to the vehicle but no injuries to the passengers. This event made him hyper-vigilant against IEDs, but complacency eventually set in, leading to a tragic incident where a local partner force stepped on an IED, resulting in severe injuries. The importance of clearance operations before setting up camp cannot be overstated, as shown by the discovery of multiple IEDs after the area was deemed clear. Overall, the experience underscores the importance of staying alert and vigilant, even in seemingly safe situations.

    • The Dangers of Complacency in High-Pressure EnvironmentsStaying vigilant and trusting your team to learn and grow can prevent the dangers of complacency and micromanagement in high-pressure environments.

      Complacency can be a dangerous enemy in any high-pressure environment, even when you've been told an area is clear. This was a lesson learned the hard way by a Marine during his deployment, where they discovered 16 IEDs in a previously assumed safe area. Complacency can creep in when you're focused on other things, and the consequences can be severe. Another important takeaway is the value of decentralized command and empowering your team. During a later training cycle, the Marine struggled when he tried to control too much and didn't allow his fire team leaders to make mistakes and learn from them. This centralized approach hampered the platoon's progress and ultimately hindered their success. These experiences underscore the importance of staying vigilant, trusting your team, and allowing them to grow and learn. Both complacency and micromanagement can be detrimental, and finding the right balance is crucial for success in any leadership role.

    • Allow team members to make mistakes and learnLeaders should allow team members to make mistakes during training to learn and prevent them in real life. Strong relationships are also crucial for team success.

      Leaders at all levels, especially new ones, must allow their team members to make mistakes and learn from them. During a training exercise, a platoon commander was overly controlling, preventing his team from making decisions and learning from their mistakes. His superior advised him that this was an opportunity for everyone to learn, and that making mistakes during training was essential to prevent them from happening in real-life situations. By stepping back and allowing his team to make decisions, the platoon's performance improved significantly. However, their deployment was to a Crisis Response Element (CRE) in the Middle East, where they spent six months with minimal action and had to find ways to make themselves relevant. Despite the lack of excitement, the team remained focused on training and improving their skills, and they formed a strong bond. Ultimately, they ended up providing significant support for another operation through a pre-existing relationship. The experience reinforced the importance of allowing team members to learn from mistakes and the value of strong relationships in the military.

    • Effective communication and building relationships lead to successful operationsTrust and communication between military units led to the SEALs' successful execution of a high-risk operation in Africa, highlighting the importance of leveraging relationships and expertise to tackle complex challenges.

      Effective communication and building strong relationships can lead to valuable opportunities. In this case, a troop commander's phone call to offer SEALs as support instead of the Army Rangers led to a high-risk operation in Africa. The SEALs were well-prepared for the over-the-beach operation due to their extensive training, but the mission was complex and presented numerous challenges. Despite the risks, the SEALs' proficiency in over-the-beach operations proved crucial to the mission's success. The importance of trust and communication between different military units was evident throughout the planning and execution of the operation. The outcome demonstrates the value of leveraging relationships and expertise to tackle complex challenges.

    • Unexpected challenges in military operationsMilitary missions can face unforeseen complications, requiring quick adaptation and improvisation, even under fire. Adversity tests the professionalism and calmness of the team, enabling mission completion.

      Military operations, even those with meticulously planned logistics, can encounter unexpected challenges and complications. In the discussed mission, the use of fast and small boats to transport an assault force to a target encountered various issues, including a command and control boat hitting a crab pot, engines dying due to sand intake, and boats capsizing in the surf zone. These unexpected events forced the team to adapt quickly and improvise solutions, all while under fire. Additionally, the lack of overhead air support and the large number of armed groups responding to the operation added to the complexity and danger of the situation. Despite these challenges, the professionalism and calmness of the assault force were impressive, allowing them to complete their mission as effectively as possible given the circumstances.

    • Lessons learned from challenging deployments and BUDS trainingChallenging environments require preparation, adaptability, and mentorship to overcome obstacles and succeed. Perseverance is key, even when outcomes are uncertain.

      Working in challenging environments, especially those involving water, requires a high level of preparation and adaptability. The speaker learned this lesson during a deployment where things didn't go as planned, but everyone returned safely and valuable lessons were learned. The speaker then went on to attend Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDS) training, where he discovered the importance of being organized and controlled despite the chaotic appearance. He also found joy in mentoring young men and witnessed their incredible resilience during Hell Week. Although some demographics may have an edge in certain aspects, the speaker acknowledged that predicting who would make it through the rigorous training was not an exact science. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and mentorship in overcoming challenges in demanding environments.

    • The importance of teamwork and collaboration in SEAL teamsEffective SEAL teams prioritize collective success over individual performances, and clear, simple strategies are crucial in high-pressure situations.

      Having a team focused on the collective success rather than individual performances is crucial for a SEAL team's effectiveness. The speaker shared his experience of transitioning from BUDS to SEAL Team 5, where he found a team that prioritized teamwork and collaboration over competition. He attributed this positive team culture to the commanding officer and CMC's leadership. During workups, the team's confidence in their abilities led them to take on complex operations, but the speaker's overly complex plan resulted in their failure on the first FTX. This experience underscores the importance of clear and simple strategies in high-pressure situations. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the significance of a cohesive team dynamic in achieving success in a SEAL team environment.

    • Lesson learned: Keep plans simple in high-stress situationsOvercomplicating plans in chaos can lead to disastrous results. Simplify plans for successful outcomes in military leadership.

      Overcomplicating plans in high-stress situations, such as land warfare, can lead to disastrous results. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way during an FTX when his complex plan fell apart during first contact. Despite his confidence in the plan, the chaos of the firefight caused situational awareness to be lost, leading to the engagement of an incorrect position. After a debrief, the speaker simplified his plans for the next FTXs, resulting in successful outcomes. The importance of keeping plans simple is a fundamental principle of military leadership, as complexity can hinder effective execution during mayhem.

    • Emphasizing Professionalism and Clear Communication for Mission SuccessProfessional appearance and clear communication increased chances of being selected for high-profile missions, ultimately leading to successful deployment outcomes.

      Professionalism and effective communication were crucial for a SEAL team's success in a deployment to Iraq. The team's leaders emphasized the importance of looking and acting professional to make a good impression on other military units and increase their chances of being chosen for high-profile missions. They also made sure their team understood the importance of operational terms and graphics used by the military. The deployment itself was a success, with the SEAL team's capabilities and relationships built beforehand allowing them to be chosen to lead the charge into Mosul instead of the Marines, who were traditionally expected to take the lead. Effective communication and professionalism played a significant role in making this outcome possible.

    • Intense urban combat against ISIS in Mosul, IraqDespite dangerous conditions, five platoons successfully cleared ISIS from Mosul, resulting in significant kinetic operations. Tragically, an EOD chief lost his life during the first day.

      During a deployment in Iraq in 2015, due to the extensive work required to clear ISIS from areas like Mosul, an additional two platoons were assigned. These five platoons were spread across seven outstations, primarily focusing on clearing ISIS from Mosul. The urban combat in Mosul was intense, with ISIS fighters controlling the city and preparing for the clearance by sending reinforcements. The environment was dangerous, with suicide vehicles and chemically laced IEDs being common threats. Despite the challenges, all platoons had the opportunity for significant kinetic operations, which was rare at the time. Tragically, one EOD chief, JJ Feynin, lost his life when his vehicle hit a minefield during the first day of the Mosul clearance. The incident underscores the risks and sacrifices made by military personnel during their service.

    • Deployment in Mosul: Strong leadership, adaptability, and teamworkDuring the Mosul deployment, effective leadership, adaptability, and teamwork were essential to overcome challenges and ultimately crush ISIS's hold on the city, despite unexpected tragedies and high levels of micromanagement.

      Effective leadership and adaptability were crucial during the deployment in Mosul. JJ, a platoon commander, lost his life when they hit a crush plate, a tactic used by the enemy to cause maximum damage. Despite this tragedy, the team worked together to save JJ, but ultimately he couldn't be revived. The deployment lasted for the last four months, and the turnover to SEAL Team 7 allowed for the complete clearance of Mosul, effectively crushing ISIS's hold on the city. The level of micromanagement from the commanding general was high, but the team chose to embrace it and provide information proactively, giving them some freedom in the process. Overall, the deployment required strong leadership, adaptability, and teamwork to navigate the challenges and ultimately achieve success.

    • Learning from the groundEffective leadership involves observing situations firsthand to make informed decisions and drive success.

      Effective leadership requires direct experience and observation of the situation at hand. In the context of military operations, having decision-making authority in the hands of those on the ground led to significant improvements in tactics and efficiency. The importance of this was evident during the battle for Mosul, where a lack of real-time information and slow approval processes led to attrition and doubt among Iraqi forces. However, once commanders went to the field and saw the situation firsthand, they made crucial changes that turned the tide of the campaign. This principle applies to various contexts, including business and supply management, where understanding the intricacies of operations from the ground level is essential for making informed decisions and driving success.

    • Earning autonomy and trust in your careerBeing professional, reliable, and trustworthy earns autonomy and freedom to make decisions, leading to career growth.

      Earning autonomy and trust from superiors in one's career is crucial for having the freedom to make decisions and take on greater responsibilities. The speaker in this conversation emphasized the importance of being "squared away" - professional, reliable, and trustworthy - as a way to earn this autonomy. When individuals demonstrate these qualities, they are given more leeway and the ability to do more, leading to a successful and fulfilling career. However, even with a strong reputation, there may be situations where micromanagement occurs, but it's up to the individual to prove themselves and regain trust. The speaker's career was marked by numerous opportunities for growth and autonomy, but it was earned through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence.

    • Leadership lab: Decentralizing command and letting go of egoEffective leaders let go of ego and trust team decisions, resulting in better team performance. Adaptability is crucial in leadership to navigate various scenarios effectively.

      Effective leadership involves letting go of ego and allowing team members to make decisions. This was evident in a leadership lab, which was considered the best in the world due to the variety of scenarios that tested every skill set for different individuals. Those with big egos often hindered their teams, causing nightly struggles. Conversely, those who decentralized command and trusted their team to make decisions excelled. The ego issue was often rectified over time as leaders learned from their mistakes. Another key takeaway was the importance of adaptability in leadership. Witnessing various leaders navigate the same scenarios provided valuable insights into what worked and what didn't. Overall, the leadership lab was an invaluable experience for learning and improving leadership skills.

    • Leaders must detach from the situation for better decision makingEffective leaders step back to gain a broader perspective, make informed decisions, and improve team performance.

      Effective leadership involves detachment from the situation at hand. This was a valuable lesson learned during the speaker's time in the military, particularly during his experience as an instructor. He observed how soldiers who stepped back and took a broader perspective could make better decisions and improve the overall performance of their teams. This detachment allowed them to see the bigger picture and make more informed decisions, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the entire group. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of understanding that as a leader, one's team is their weapon system, and they should focus on maneuvering the platoon rather than getting bogged down in individual tasks. This concept was a game-changer for many soldiers, and the speaker made it a priority to impart this lesson on those in leadership positions. Ultimately, the speaker's decision to leave the military was driven by the realization that his commitment to his career was impacting his family negatively, and he prioritized their well-being over his own desires.

    • Balancing Career and FamilyRecognizing the importance of family can lead to difficult career decisions, but the support of former colleagues and community can make the transition smoother.

      For this individual, prioritizing family over career was a difficult but necessary decision. Having experienced a fulfilling career in the SEAL community, he recognized that his happiness and success within it would translate to being a good husband and father. However, as he looked ahead, the realization that he would miss significant milestones in his children's lives due to military commitments led him to make a change. This decision, while challenging, was met with understanding and support from his former commanding officer and the community. Now, he is able to focus on his family and enjoy experiences like coaching his son's boxing and attending school events, which would not be possible if he were still in the military.

    • Applying Military Skills to Civilian LifeMilitary skills have broad applications and can lead to successful ventures in various industries. Embracing new opportunities and using technology to streamline traditional industries can lead to significant advancements.

      The unique skills and experiences gained in the military can be successfully applied to various industries, even those that may not seem immediately related. In this case, two SEAL team members used their backgrounds to start a construction technology company that revolutionizes the way homes are built in the United States. Despite initial reservations, the speaker joined the team and learned valuable lessons before eventually moving on to fulfill personal reasons. The success of this venture demonstrates the adaptability and applicability of military expertise to civilian life, and the importance of embracing new opportunities. Additionally, the use of technology to streamline traditional industries, such as construction, can lead to significant advancements and innovations.

    • Family connections and support system led to significant life changeMoving to a new place with family and starting a farm, along with leadership training at Echelon Front, enabled personal growth and effective leadership skills.

      Having a strong support system and family connections were key factors in making a significant life change. For this individual, moving to a new place with extended family and starting a small farm offered advantages that weren't available in their previous city. Additionally, transitioning into Echelon Front provided an opportunity to help others become better leaders and learn from them in return. The importance of leadership training, regardless of the profession, was emphasized, as many people are promoted into leadership roles without proper preparation. Echelon Front exists to address this need and empower individuals to lead effectively in all areas of their lives.

    • Learning and applying leadership skills leads to improved performanceLeadership is a learnable skill, fostering synergistic situations and enhancing overall performance. Local production and access to high-quality resources can lead to successful businesses, like Primal Beef, and challenge common associations.

      Leadership is a skill that can be learned and applied at all levels of an organization, leading to synergistic leadership situations and improved overall performance. Additionally, the speaker's personal experience with starting a business, Primal Beef, demonstrates the importance of access to high-quality resources and the potential benefits of local production. The speaker's passion for providing consumers with the best beef from the Shenandoah Valley, where cattle graze in lush pastures, led to the creation of Primal Beef. The success of the business showcases the advantages of locally sourced and processed products, challenging the common association of beef production with the Midwest.

    • Unique farming and finishing methods for high-quality beefPrimal Beef's cattle graze on native grasses and are finished with distillers grain and local produce for rich, flavorful meat. Their commitment to one farm sourcing ensures consistency and quality.

      Primal Beef stands out due to the unique way their cattle are raised, finished, and processed. The cattle are raised on a single farm in the Shenandoah Valley, where they graze on native grasses, leading to high nutrient density and tenderness in the meat. The finishing process involves a unique method where cattle continue to graze on grass but are also supplemented with distillers grain and local produce for the last 180-200 days, resulting in a rich and flavorful beef. Primal Beef's commitment to transparency and consistency comes from sourcing all their beef from this one farm. Additionally, they partner with a local processing facility to ensure the highest quality standards. Unlike other sources, every bite of Primal Beef will taste the same, making it a reliable choice for consumers who value quality and consistency.

    • 7 Hills Meats' Commitment to Animal Welfare and Dry-Aging Process7 Hills Meats distinguishes itself in the industry by focusing on animal welfare and utilizing a unique dry-aging process to create high-quality beef with superior flavor and texture.

      7 Hills Meats, the processing partner of the speaker, stands out in the industry due to its commitment to animal welfare and unique dry-aging process. The focus on animal welfare ensures that the cattle live stress-free lives, resulting in high-quality beef with superior flavor and texture. The dry-aging of whole carcasses for a minimum of 14 days allows the meat to tenderize, develop bold flavors, and settle marbling, which is not common in the industry due to space constraints. Most processing plants opt for wet aging, where the carcass is processed and cut immediately, and the individual cuts are aged in their own blood. While not inherently bad, dry aging is considered superior for producing better-tasting beef. Additionally, 7 Hills Meats is making a positive impact on the local community by revitalizing a shut-down processing plant, providing jobs, and offering second chances to people through work release programs.

    • Revolutionizing Beef Industry: Quality, Second Chances, and Minimal WastePrimal Beef offers high-quality beef, supports American farmers, and minimizes waste through direct-to-consumer box delivery

      Primal Beef is revolutionizing the beef industry by focusing on the quality of the beef from farm to table, giving second chances to farmers, and ensuring minimal waste. Primal Beef's commitment to providing the best possible experience for customers includes raising cattle humanely, processing them efficiently, and delivering a variety of cuts directly to consumers in boxes. The box method allows for optimal value and respect for the animal, ensuring that every cut goes to a deserving American family. Primal Beef is more expensive than store-bought options, but the investment supports American farmers, traceability, and consistent quality. Additionally, Primal Beef partners with the C4 Foundation, further emphasizing their commitment to making a positive impact. Overall, Primal Beef is more than just a beef company; it's a mission to bring families together and promote sustainable agriculture.

    • Supporting Military Families with Primal Beef DonationsFour former military personnel started Primal Beef, donating beef to military families for every box sold, with founders covering costs personally.

      Primal Beef, a company started by four former military personnel, makes a direct impact on the lives of special operations force members and their families by donating a cut of beef every time a box is sold. The founders, Jocko, Declan, and Paul, personally cover the cost of the donation from their own pockets. This partnership with Charlie Keating's father was established as a way to give back to the military community in a tangible and impactful way. The process of drown proofing, a test of comfortability in water during military training, was also discussed, involving floating, swimming underwater with hands and feet tied, and retrieving a mask from the bottom of the pool.

    • Adapting to new situations during trainingEven with prior experience, new situations can present unique challenges, and the ability to adapt is essential for success

      Experiencing challenges in unfamiliar situations, even if they have been practiced before, can lead to vastly different experiences. For instance, during BUDS training, Sean Glass had prior experience with drown proofing but found the experience significantly different when his hands and feet were tied together. The hardest part for him was floating, which required holding one's breath and kicking to the surface for another breath. Overall, the training was a challenging yet essential part of the BUDS program, and the ability to adapt to new situations is crucial for success.

    • Understanding the subjectivity of 'clean' in food and drinksThe term 'clean' in food and energy drinks can evoke feelings of purity and enjoyment, but its meaning can be subjective and may not always equate to healthy options.

      The term "clean" in relation to food or energy drinks can be subjective and may not always mean healthy. The speaker emphasizes that the feeling of eating or consuming "clean" is different from that of being on a diet, as the former connotes consuming good, nutritious food, while the latter may imply restrictive or unpleasant eating. The speaker also mentions his preference for the term "clean" over "healthy," as the former evokes a sense of purity and enjoying good food, while the latter may bring up negative associations of tasteless or unenjoyable food. The discussion also touches on the speaker's personal experience of being sick and the reliability of Cold War, a product mentioned, in helping him through it. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the nuances of language and the impact of words on perceptions and feelings.

    • Speakers share their preferences for high-quality productsThe speakers express their excitement for American-made items like Jocko's pre-workout, Origin USA's gear, and Primal Beef's meat, emphasizing the importance of quality and personal experience.

      The speakers in this discussion are passionate about their preferences for various products, from Jocko's pre-workout to Origin USA's gear and Primal Beef's meat. They share their personal experiences with these items, expressing their excitement and the positive impact they have had on them. The speakers also emphasize the importance of quality and American-made products. Additionally, they discuss the concept of discipline and freedom represented by a yin yang design with an eagle, which they find meaningful. Overall, the conversation reflects their enthusiasm for these products and the positive role they play in their lives.

    • Exploring Resources for Leadership Development and CharitySeek out resources like Jocko Store, Extreme Ownership Online Academy, and charities to improve leadership skills and support others. Learning from experts and being resilient, disciplined, and focused on self-improvement are key to growth.

      There are various resources available, such as Jocko Store, Extreme Ownership Online Academy, and charitable organizations, that can help individuals and businesses improve their leadership skills and support those in need. The importance of learning and seeking guidance was emphasized, as it can save time and effort compared to figuring things out on one's own. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the significance of resilience, discipline, and self-improvement, which were presented as essential elements for personal and professional growth. Overall, the conversation underscored the idea that individuals have the power to make decisions and take actions that can positively impact their lives and the lives of others.

    Recent Episodes from Jocko Podcast

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

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    enMay 28, 2024

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