
    311: The Luckiest Man In The World On D-Day. Papa Jake Larson

    enDecember 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The D-Day Invasion: A Turning Point in World War IIThe largest seaborne invasion in history, D-Day, secured a beachhead despite 10,000+ casualties, leading to eventual victory in Europe and Japan. Jake Larson, a D-Day survivor, shares his story of luck and survival.

      The D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, was the largest seaborne invasion in history with nearly 7,000 ships and landing vessels, 200,000 naval personnel, and 150,000 ground troops. Despite suffering over 10,000 casualties, including 4,414 killed in action, the beachhead was secured. However, the fighting was far from over, with battles for cities, villages, and gaps following. The Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 through January 1945, involving 1 million allied troops and 500,000 Americans, resulted in over 47,000 wounded, 23,000 missing, and 19,000 killed in action. Victory was achieved, leading to the eventual victory in Europe and then Japan. We had the honor of having Jake Larson, a man who landed on D-Day and fought all the way to the Battle of the Bulge, share his story. Despite not seeing himself as special, he acknowledged his luck and wrote a book, "The Luckiest Man in the World." Before D-Day, Jake attended various exercises, including one at Slap in Sands where they encountered enemy vessels, resulting in 795 casualties among the 400 men from the 4th Infantry Division. Despite the secrecy surrounding the event, Jake's story was validated years later.

    • Growing up on a farm during hard timesDespite facing challenges like the flu pandemic and Great Depression, the author's upbringing on a farm instilled in him a strong work ethic and resilience.

      The author's upbringing on a farm during challenging times, including the flu pandemic and the Great Depression, shaped his work ethic and resilience. Born in December 1922, he was the youngest of eight children and grew up with stories that ranged from the mundane to the extraordinary, like his father's moonshine business. Life on the farm was hard, with every family member having chores and living off the land. The author started milking cows at a young age and helped with various crops and animals. One of the most memorable incidents from his childhood was the accident involving his brother Bob climbing up on the windmill. Despite the hardships, the family made the best of their situation, and the author's mother's sewing skills kept their clothes in good condition. The author's experiences on the farm instilled in him a strong work ethic and a sense of determination that stayed with him throughout his life.

    • Growing up on a farm: Hardships, accidents, and limited resourcesDespite facing hardships, accidents, and limited resources, families on the farm persevered and made the best of their situation, viewing it as the norm

      Growing up on a farm in the mid-20th century meant dealing with hardships and accidents, as well as making do with limited resources. The speaker's father ended up in Austin City Jail for selling moonshine, and the family celebrated their anniversary there. The children experienced various accidents, including one where Bobby fell from a windmill and suffered severe injuries. The family used ice from an ice house and homemade ice packs to help him recover. Education was limited, and continuing on to high school was uncommon. The speaker's father did not allow him to go, instead focusing on farm chores. Despite the challenges, the family persevered and made the best of their situation, viewing it as the norm.

    • Earl's assistance with chores and National Guard service enabled speaker's education and military careerEarl's chores help speaker attend school, National Guard income leads to military service, and determination to deceive captain and work hard leads to success despite challenges

      Earl's help with chores enabled the speaker to attend school, and joining the National Guard at a young age provided a steady income and eventually led to military service during World War II. The speaker's determination and resourcefulness were evident in his ability to deceive the National Guard captain about his age and his willingness to work and help support others. Despite the challenges, including living away from home during high school and the difficult conditions at military training camps, the speaker persevered and made the most of each situation.

    • Unexpected opportunities from not getting what we wantDespite setbacks, staying persistent and rebellious can lead to unexpected opportunities and meaningful outcomes.

      Sometimes not getting what we want can lead to unexpected opportunities and outcomes. The speaker, who was colorblind and unable to join the Air Force, stayed in the Army and ended up having a successful career. He also exhibited a rebellious spirit, taking 15 days of leave instead of the 7 days ordered by his captain, which ultimately led him to join the g three, where he developed important skills and met lifelong friends. Another significant moment was when he narrowly survived the D-Day invasion despite being targeted by machine guns. The speaker's luck and resilience played a significant role in his experiences during his military service.

    • A chance encounter with a major led Jake to love and D-Day to successAn unexpected photo opportunity brought Jake love, while the element of surprise during D-Day led to its success

      Corporal Jake Larson's chance encounter with a major led to a photo being taken and published in the newspaper, which ultimately brought him to the love of his life. Another significant event in his military career was the training operation at Slapped Sands, where unfortunately, two ships were sunk, resulting in the deaths of 795 people before D-Day. During D-Day itself, despite the rough seas and the high-stakes operation, Jake, who was classified as top secret bigot and had been involved in the planning, felt no fear as they finally got the invasion underway. The sight of the thousands of ships moving towards the shore was an unbelievable sight, and despite the challenges, they managed to take the Germans by surprise, with even Rommel being caught off guard.

    • Jake's terrifying experience on Omaha BeachJake survived D-Day, but was deeply impacted by the heroism of those who gave their lives. He learned to appreciate the past and be grateful for the present.

      Jake's experience on Omaha Beach on D-Day was a harrowing and terrifying ordeal. He was supposed to find shelter in bomb holes, but instead found himself running for his life through enemy fire. Jake was more afraid of stepping on a mine than being shot. He made it to safety, but the experience left a deep impact on him. He returned to Omaha Beach on its 75th anniversary and was struck by the number of lives lost that day. He realized that he was not the hero, but rather a witness to the heroism of those who gave their lives for him. Jake's experience taught him to appreciate the stories of the past and to be grateful for the present. Despite periods of blankness, he was relieved to have made it through and to have the opportunity to share his story.

    • Unexpected challenges during the Battle of Saint LoDespite limited resources and constant danger, soldiers persevered and adapted to make progress towards objectives during the Battle of Saint Lo.

      The speaker's experience during the Battle of Saint Lo in World War II was marked by unexpected events and narrow escapes. He recounts how he and his comrades made do with limited resources, including fashioning makeshift sleeping bags and encountering unexploded ordnance. Despite the challenges, they pressed on, working during the day and moving at night to make progress towards their objectives. The speaker's luck held out, as he avoided injury or death on multiple occasions. The battle took longer than anticipated due to stiff German resistance, and the soldiers endured long hours and little sleep. The experience left a lasting impression on the speaker, who reflects on the harsh realities of war and the importance of staying alert and adaptable.

    • A veteran's close calls with death during WWIIThrough luck and survival skills, a WWII veteran escaped multiple life-threatening situations and was among the first to return home.

      Survival and luck played a significant role in the life of this veteran during his time in the army during World War II. He shared several close calls with death, including missing a turn that led to a jeep hitting a landmine, and being one of the first soldiers to leave the battlefield before the war ended. His long service and time overseas earned him the top spot on the point system list for leave, allowing him to return home before the war's end. The veteran also shared his experiences in major battles, such as the Battle of the Bulge and the liberation of Paris, and the impact those events had on him. Despite the horrors of war, he remained grateful for his survival and attributed it to a higher power.

    • A soldier's close encounters with dangerFrench-American veteran shares stories of aerial dogfights, German deception, POW executions, and the costly Battle of the Bulge

      The speaker, an honorary retired French soldier and American Army veteran, experienced numerous close encounters with danger during his military service. He received the Legion of Honor from the French government for his work with them, and during his time in Luxembourg, he came face to face with an aerial dogfight that saw him landing on cobblestones after a cannon shot narrowly missed him. He also described the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge, where German paratroopers attempted to deceive the Allies by wearing American uniforms and changing road signs. The speaker was involved in the Malbally massacre, where American POWs were executed on the spot. Despite being cut off from the First Army, they managed to hold the Germans back with the help of Montgomery's 21st Army Group and Patton's 3rd Army. Hitler's insistence on pushing forward against the advice of his generals led to the long and costly Battle of the Bulge, which lasted almost a month and a half. The speaker's luck held out as he received a 45-day furlough, but it took him 51 days to make it home. The story highlights the speaker's bravery and the unpredictability of war.

    • Transporting wounded soldiers home instead of going on furlough during the Battle of the BulgeThrough the challenges of war, a soldier found new opportunities, love, and gratitude for experiences despite facing personal hardships.

      During the Battle of the Bulge, instead of soldiers being transported home on furlough, they were used to transport wounded soldiers back to England. Upon returning home, the soldier in question faced the passing of his dying mother, who lived for five more years after his return. Despite the challenges, he eventually found a new occupation and fell in love. The war ended in May 1945, and at 22 years old, the soldier had seven years of soldiering under his belt. He went on to work as a lineman and start a family. Despite the hardships, the soldier expressed gratitude for the experiences and opportunities that came his way.

    • A veteran's journey of love and resilienceThrough challenges like PTSD and heart issues, a veteran found unwavering support from his wife, highlighting the importance of love and resilience. Medical care has evolved significantly, and the story underscores this difference. Chance encounters can lead to profound impacts on one's life.

      Despite the challenges and hardships faced by the veteran in this story, including post-traumatic stress disorder and heart issues, he found support and love from his wife, Lola. Their connection was strong enough to endure decades, even when they didn't know each other well at first. Another key takeaway is the importance of medical care and how it has evolved over time. The veteran's experiences during and after the war highlight the significant difference in available resources and treatment options compared to today. Lastly, the story illustrates the power of chance encounters and the impact they can have on one's life. The discovery of the old photo in Lola's wallet led to a deep connection and the expansion of their family. Overall, the story is a testament to resilience, love, and the unexpected twists and turns life can bring.

    • Overcoming challenges and losing a loved one in a new homeBuying a new home brought a family closer, supported a loved one through illness, and inspired resilience despite loss.

      Despite the initial financial concerns and personal challenges, the speaker's decision to buy and renovate a new home for his family ended up bringing them closer together and even saving his life. During the construction process, his wife Lola was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and the speaker's presence and support helped her through her treatment. Tragically, she passed away, but her memory and the beautiful view from their new home continued to inspire and guide him. The speaker's resilience and determination to provide for his family, even after retirement, demonstrate the profound impact of a loving and supportive family unit. Additionally, the poem Lola wrote about her husband before her death serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of cherishing the time we have with our loved ones and the role of luck and fate in our lives.

    • Unexpected twists and turns in life lead to remarkable experiencesLife's challenges can lead to miraculous moments and personal growth, even in later years. Resilience and determination are key.

      Life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to remarkable experiences and discoveries. The speaker, who became the sole raiser of his granddaughter when he was 73, is a testament to this. He shares stories of overcoming challenges such as shaking hands and color blindness, and how these experiences led to miraculous moments like regaining color vision and finding a lost Bronze Star. His granddaughter's influence also played a significant role in his journey, leading him to share his story on TikTok and write a book. Despite the hardships, the speaker's resilience and determination highlight the beauty and unpredictability of life.

    • An elderly war veteran's unexpected discovery of a Bronze Star leads to a journey of self-discovery and reconciliationAn elderly veteran's rediscovery of his military past through a Bronze Star led him to reflect on the sacrifices of war and connect with the families of fallen soldiers.

      The unexpected discovery of a Bronze Star led an elderly war veteran to a profound and moving journey of self-discovery and reconciliation. The veteran, who had previously downplayed the significance of his military service, was forced to confront the reality of his past when he was able to produce the medal that earned him the respect of a former critic. This experience led him to visit the American cemetery at Normandy, where he paid his respects to fallen soldiers and was moved by the passage of time and the unfairness of war. Along the way, he was interviewed by various media outlets, including a young girl from Russia, and even returned to Omaha Beach with his family. The trip was a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by his fellow soldiers and a source of gratitude for his own survival. The experience also led to unexpected connections with the families of soldiers he had served with, highlighting the enduring impact of the war on individuals and their families.

    • Honoring the Past through StorytellingSharing personal experiences and stories can honor the past and reach a larger audience, preserving history and inspiring future generations.

      The power of storytelling and representing the past goes beyond personal accolades. The speaker, a veteran, shared his experiences of traveling to Washington D.C. for the World War 2 memorial and the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge. He emphasized that he was not the hero, but rather a representative of the soldiers who gave their lives for others. The impact of his storytelling was evident when he met a Holocaust survivor who thanked him for the liberation of the concentration camp victims. The speaker's storytelling continued to reach a larger audience through social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, where he has gained a significant following. This experience demonstrates the importance of sharing stories and preserving history to honor those who came before us.

    • A war veteran's compelling storytelling gains him a large followingA veteran's engaging stories about war experiences, sacrifices, and camaraderie gained him a large following online, inspiring gratitude and appreciation for his service.

      Papa Jake Larson, a war veteran, has gained a large following on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, thanks to his compelling storytelling abilities. He shares his experiences from the war, which includes moments of danger and loss, but also moments of camaraderie and humor. Despite taking him 7 months to reach 10,000 viewers, Papa Jake was surpassed by his father in just one week due to his engaging storytelling. Papa Jake's book, "The Luckiest Man in the World," is a testament to his experiences and the sacrifices made by those who didn't come home from the war. Papa Jake expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share his story and for the freedom we enjoy today due to the sacrifices made by him and his comrades in arms. The podcast was a humbling experience, with Papa Jake sharing stories that were both harrowing and lighthearted, leaving the audience with a deep appreciation for his service and sacrifice.

    • The power of veterans' storiesReflecting on veterans' experiences reminds us of sacrifices, highlights resilience, and emphasizes gratitude, connection, and the impact of modern conveniences.

      Reading the experiences of veterans like the one discussed in the book serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices made by individuals who came before us, and the importance of living a life worthy of those sacrifices. The veteran's journey from D-Day to the Battle of the Bulge is a testament to resilience and survival, and the stark contrast between his experiences and our modern conveniences adds perspective. The veteran's story also highlights the importance of gratitude and reflection, and the impact of events like electricity, transportation, and medical advancements on everyday life. Additionally, the conversation revealed the importance of connection and communication, as well as the significance of personal history and the stories of our elders.

    • Creative Adaptation and Resourcefulness in the PastMaintain mental and physical health for resilience and resourcefulness. Creative adaptation and making do with limited resources is key. Potential benefits of certain supplements for energy and cognitive function, but be mindful of timing and downsides.

      Despite the limitations and challenges in accessing entertainment or resources in the past, people found creative ways to adapt and make do with what they had. This is evident in the story of the speaker's experience with Atari games and their father's frugal ways, as well as the comparison between the gear carried by soldiers in the past and present. Another key takeaway is the importance of maintaining both mental and physical health, as demonstrated by Papa Jake's sharpness and vitality. In terms of modern-day applications, the discussion touched on the potential benefits of certain supplements, such as chocolate and energy drinks without preservatives or sugar, for boosting energy and cognitive function. However, it's important to be mindful of potential downsides, such as the timing of consumption of certain energy drinks. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, and taking care of oneself.

    • Understanding Individual Caffeine Tolerance and Expanding Taste HorizonsBe aware of personal caffeine tolerance, try various energy drink flavors, and consider nutritional supplements for health support. Expand taste experiences for food appreciation and sensitivity.

      While a small energy drink containing 95 milligrams of caffeine might not pose a problem for everyone, it's essential to be aware of individual caffeine tolerance levels. The energy drink, BC, offers various flavors, including Mango, which is favored by the speaker. Additionally, supplements like Papa Jake's Joint Warfare and Super Krill Oil can help alleviate joint pain and support overall health. After a month of consuming a favorite flavor, it's beneficial to try alternate options to broaden taste experiences. Food appreciation and sensitivity to taste have grown among younger generations, making the concept of being a "foodie" more prevalent. Banana bomber, a new flavor, received positive feedback from the speaker's assessment team. Overall, being mindful of personal health and well-being, including caffeine intake and nutritional supplements, as well as expanding taste horizons, is crucial.

    • Introducing new flavors can elevate or bring down the experienceFocus on unique and superior flavors for a better experience, instead of relying on mediocre or common ones.

      While adding bananas to exotic fruits might not be the norm, it can still bring unique flavors to the table. However, if a better flavor is introduced, it can bring the experience down to a mediocre level. For instance, cucumber in water or banana as a signature flavor. Instead, innovative and open-minded individuals, like Tulsi, can elevate the experience by introducing new and superior flavors that transcend the original. In business, it's essential to focus on sustainability and authenticity, like Origin USA, rather than relying on cheap labor and mass production from corporations. By supporting American-made products, we can contribute to a healthier and more sustainable environment.

    • Making a difference, one step at a time with BTN methodFocus on areas with significant impact, continually strive for better outcomes, and support creators through small steps like subscriptions and reviews.

      The BTN (Better Than Nothing) method, while better than doing nothing at all, still leaves room for improvement. For instance, focusing on areas that have a significant impact, such as origin USA supply chain, American economy, job creation, and environment, can lead to more substantial progress. Decentralized command, represented by products like Jocko candles and soap, can also bring about positive change. While it's essential to recognize the importance of small steps, continually striving for better outcomes is crucial. Additionally, subscribing to podcasts, leaving reviews, and upgrading subscriptions to services like the Shirt Locker can lead to personal growth and support for creators. Overall, the message is to keep moving forward, even if it's just a step at a time, and to appreciate the progress, no matter how small.

    • Jocko's Community and Platforms for GrowthJocko's team offers resources, consulting, and a supportive community to help individuals overcome weaknesses and grow through resilience and continuous learning.

      Jocko Willink and his team have built a community and various platforms, including Jocko Underground, a YouTube channel, and merchandise, to engage with their audience and provide value. They also emphasize the importance of having a backup plan and supporting each other. Psychological warfare, as discussed in their album and books, is about overcoming moments of weakness and encouraging perseverance. They encourage their audience to invest in their materials, especially their books, as valuable resources for personal growth and leadership development. Additionally, they offer consulting services through Echelon Front to help organizations solve problems through effective leadership. Overall, their message is about resilience, support, and continuous learning.

    • Live every day to the fullestEmbrace life's gifts, learn, ask questions, support those who serve, and live with purpose and passion.

      We should live every day to the fullest and make the most of the gift of life. Jocko Willink and Echo Charles encourage us to learn, ask questions, and interact with others through their Extreme Ownership Academy and various social media platforms. They also remind us to appreciate and support those who serve, including veterans and first responders. The words of Jake Larson, a brave man who lived his life to the utmost, inspire us to do the same. We cannot turn back time, and even forever is too short, so let us follow his example and live each day with purpose and passion. Additionally, they encourage us to support organizations like Mama Lee's charity for veterans and their families, and America's Mighty Warriors, which helps support veterans and their families.

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    2498 Greater Love

    2498 Greater Love

    Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. ~ John 15:13

    Today we pause to honor all of our veterans; Navy, Army, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

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    With our country in disagreements, my hope is that we will pause today for greater love.

    Our love for each other is not made to be saved up and performed as grand gestures. Instead, truly loving others, by laying down one's life means abiding in the love of Christ (John 15:8–11), in a consistent, moment-by-moment approach.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Greater love!

    General Douglas MacArthur quoted an old British ballad during his 1951 farewell address before Congress.

    “Old soldiers never die – they just fade away.” ~ Gen. Douglas MacArthur

    Our soldiers should never fade away. Their sacrifice is given because of their love for country and man!

    Let us not forget that which each has been blessed with. Show your gratitude today and every day for the sacrifice each soldier has made for you and me.

    Thank you to my Dad, to my son-in-love, to my Praise Kids who now serve in the Army, Air Force, and Marines, to my classmates who joined shortly after high school and college graduation, and to my grandmothers and grandfathers (and greats too) who served. 

    We are better because of YOU and your greater love!

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    9t One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.