
    314: Making Your Part Of The World Better. W/ Carlos Mendez, Navy SEAL (Ret.)

    enDecember 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The world keeps moving forward, new generations riseDespite feeling irreplaceable, the world continues to move forward, and new generations will rise to carry on traditions and uphold reputations.

      No matter how much we may feel that we are irreplaceable, the world continues to move forward, and new generations will rise to take on the mantle. Jocko shared his experience of leaving the Navy and feeling the weight of leaving behind the SEAL teams. He felt that he was letting his friends down and leaving a void that wouldn't be filled. However, he learned that there are always those ready to step up and carry on the traditions and uphold the reputation. Carlos Mendez, a guest on the podcast, shared his own unique background story. Born in Guatemala, he was a handful for his mother, who eventually decided to immigrate to the US to get him away from his grandparents' influence. He recalled quirky memories from his childhood, such as receiving a baby chick every time his mother filled up the gas tank. Throughout their conversation, Jocko and Carlos discussed the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. Despite the challenges they faced, they both managed to overcome them and make significant contributions to their respective communities. The machine of life continues to roll on, and it's up to each of us to step up and take our place in it.

    • Immigrant mother's determination shapes son's upbringingImmigrant parents' resilience and hard work create opportunities for their children despite language and cultural barriers.

      Despite facing numerous challenges such as language barriers and cultural differences when moving from Guatemala to San Francisco, the speaker's mother took bold actions to ensure her son's success. She worked multiple jobs, including as a teacher's assistant and a house cleaner, while also enforcing Spanish language use at home to prevent the loss of his native language. The speaker's mother's determination and resilience in the face of adversity played a significant role in shaping his upbringing. Furthermore, her experiences were not unique, as the speaker's stepfather also had an incredible story of escaping communist rule in Czechoslovakia. These accounts highlight the strength and perseverance of immigrants and their families as they navigate new environments and build better lives for themselves and their children.

    • A childhood filled with chores and limited play time shapes work ethicGrowing up with demanding responsibilities and limited free time instilled a strong work ethic and love for learning in the speaker.

      Growing up, the speaker's life was filled with a lot of chores, homework, and limited free time for play due to their parents' hard work and high expectations. Their father worked multiple jobs to provide for the family, leaving the speaker responsible for household tasks. The only activities allowed were Legos and reading. However, this upbringing also included a unique experience when the family built their own house through a low-income program, which involved weekends spent working on the construction site and maintaining a small farm in the backyard. Despite the challenges, these experiences shaped the speaker's work ethic and love for learning.

    • Overpushing can lead to resistance and negative experiencesOverpushing can lead to resistance and negative experiences, instead, approach situations with understanding and respect for individual autonomy.

      Pushing people too hard can lead to resistance and negative experiences. The speaker's experience raising rabbits as a child illustrates this concept. He started by breeding rabbits for meat, but soon found himself responsible for killing and processing them. He tried various methods, but each time found the experience traumatizing and difficult. However, during this process, he learned an important lesson: to fully commit to a task in order to succeed. This experience stayed with him and became a guiding principle in his life. It's important to note that imposing things on others, whether it's children or adults, can lead to resistance and pushback. Instead, it's crucial to approach situations with understanding and respect for individual autonomy.

    • Harsh discipline can push individuals towards unwanted behaviorsHarsh discipline can lead to rebellion and negative outcomes, but acknowledging mistakes and seeking change can lead to redemption.

      Extreme punishment can lead to negative consequences, such as pushing the individual further into unwanted behaviors and environments. The speaker's experience of being raised with harsh discipline led him to rebel and hang out with the wrong crowd, eventually leading to juvenile detention. Despite his parents' law enforcement background, they chose to leave him there, and his defiant attitude even extended to representing himself in court. It wasn't until he saw the extreme circumstances of other inmates that he realized he didn't belong in that environment and made a commitment to change his path. While some may view this experience as a "scared straight" situation, the speaker didn't feel truly scared or deterred, but rather acknowledged his mistakes and sought to make amends.

    • Strict upbringing can lead to rebellionOverly controlling environment can push children towards defiance, but giving them freedom and treating them as equals can help them thrive

      Strict upbringing can sometimes push children towards rebellion. The speaker in this discussion shares how his strict home environment led him to sneak out and lie to his parents, ultimately leading to more trouble. He describes how his parents' attempts to control his actions only emboldened him to resist their rules. The turning point came when he was adopted by a teacher, who treated him as an adult and gave him the freedom he craved. This experience helped him turn his life around and improve his grades. However, it's important to note that every child's situation is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Parents and caregivers should aim to find a balance between providing structure and giving children the autonomy they need to grow and learn.

    • Treating teenagers like adults can have a positive impactFreedom and responsibilities can help teenagers appreciate rules and responsibilities, leading to better behavior and appreciation for what they have.

      Treating teenagers like adults can have a positive impact on their behavior and appreciation for responsibilities. The speaker shared his personal experience of having teachers who influenced him by giving him freedom instead of imposing rules, leading him to want to follow the rules. He also mentioned that treating teenagers like adults by requiring them to pay bills or rent can help them appreciate what they have and delay their desire to grow up. The speaker graduated from high school without any plans for college, but his teachers signed him up and helped him get started. However, he felt that community college was just like high school and dropped out quickly. Overall, the importance of mentors and the impact of different approaches to guiding young people were key themes in the conversation.

    • Finding inspiration in movies and mentorsMovies and mentors can inspire individuals to pursue their dreams, even when faced with challenges. Staying committed to goals and having support can lead to success.

      The power of inspiration from movies and mentors can lead individuals to pursue their dreams, even when faced with challenges. The speaker shares his experience of being inspired by the movie "Navy SEALs" and the connection he made between the film and the Navy SEALs Mister Pryor had mentioned. Despite not knowing how to swim or having a difficult start in the Navy due to his background, the speaker's determination and the support of his recruiter led him to eventually try out for BUDS again and succeed. This story highlights the importance of staying committed to goals and the impact that external influences, such as movies and mentors, can have on shaping our aspirations.

    • Natural abilities leading to opportunities despite challengesHaving athletic abilities can open doors to opportunities, even without formal training or participation in organized sports. Determination and persistence can help overcome challenges and achieve goals.

      Being athletic and physically strong, even without formal training or participation in organized sports, can open doors to opportunities. In the speaker's case, his natural abilities led him to excel in military training, despite initially facing challenges in certain areas like swimming. However, having too many uniforms and not wanting to adhere to strict regulations prevented him from pursuing a specific goal. Ultimately, determination and persistence paid off, and the speaker was able to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals. Additionally, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of coaches and mentors in recognizing and encouraging individual talents and potential.

    • Standing up for what's right can lead to new opportunitiesSpeaking up for a colleague led the speaker to a new role and personal growth despite initial regret and hardships.

      Sometimes making a stand for what you believe in, even if it means losing your current position, can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. The speaker shares his experience of being discharged from his job in the military after speaking up for a colleague. Feeling regretful, he later found himself in a grunt battalion, where he regretted his decision even more. However, during his deployment, he took advantage of the opportunity to learn how to swim and became proficient. Later, he was offered a chance to join the recon unit, which came with additional benefits, ultimately leading him to a new role and a new experience. So, while it's important to consider the potential consequences of speaking up, the rewards of standing up for what's right can sometimes outweigh the risks.

    • New recruits should prioritize warm clothing and adequate shelter during military reconnaissance trainingAlways bring warm clothing, adequate shelter, a ground pad, and a bivy sack for insulation and survival during military reconnaissance training.

      During military reconnaissance training, new recruits should always prioritize bringing warm clothing and adequate shelter, despite what they may be told by their instructors. The speaker in this discussion learned this lesson the hard way during his first recon mission, where he was underprepared for the cold weather and ended up freezing throughout the night. He also emphasizes the importance of bringing a ground pad and bivy sack for insulation and survival. Despite the initial misinformation from his instructors, the recon corpsmen ultimately understood his situation and helped him get the necessary gear for future training. Overall, it's crucial for new recruits to be prepared for various weather conditions and to prioritize their comfort and safety in order to succeed in reconnaissance missions.

    • The power of perseverance and determinationEven when faced with challenges and setbacks, staying determined and persistent can help individuals achieve their goals, as shown in this story of a man's journey to join the Navy SEALs.

      Perseverance and determination are crucial in achieving one's goals, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. The speaker in this discussion recounted his experience attempting to join the Navy SEALs, which involved going through rigorous training programs like Reconnaissance (Rip) and Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BRC). He shared how he struggled with one aspect of the training, land navigation, but eventually had a breakthrough moment that helped him succeed. However, just as he was about to graduate from BRC, he suffered a stress fracture and was unable to finish. Despite this setback, he remained determined to join the SEALs and was eventually accepted back into the program. Throughout his journey, he encountered various obstacles and even a misunderstanding about his citizenship status, but he never gave up. This story illustrates that persistence and a strong desire to achieve one's goals can help individuals overcome adversity and ultimately succeed.

    • The importance of preparation and a strong support systemPreparation and a strong support system can help individuals excel in challenging goals, but unexpected situations may still arise. Staying true to oneself and making decisions based on personal values is crucial.

      Being prepared and having a strong support system can make a significant difference in achieving a challenging goal, such as completing Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUDS) training. The speaker shared how he was sent to a combat engineering battalion before BUDS, where he met a captain who trained him rigorously and taught him proper nutrition. This preparation allowed him to excel at BUDS and perform at a high level. However, even with preparation, unexpected situations can still arise. The speaker recounted a situation where he was asked to entertain a woman for a friend, which put him in a difficult position. Ultimately, he learned that it's important to stay true to oneself and make decisions based on personal values, even if it means going against the expectations of others. In the end, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of being prepared, having a strong support system, and staying true to oneself in the face of challenges.

    • Misunderstandings can escalate quicklyClear communication and avoiding assumptions are crucial in preventing misunderstandings and potential conflicts, especially in high-stress environments.

      Assumptions can lead to unnecessary conflict and misunderstandings. In the story shared, a misunderstanding between two individuals led to a false accusation and the potential for a violent confrontation. The situation escalated quickly due to the involvement of military instructors and the heightened emotions of the moment. However, once the truth was revealed, the situation was diffused and the individuals were able to move on. This experience serves as a reminder to communicate clearly and avoid jumping to conclusions, especially in high-stress environments. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of maintaining composure and remaining calm in difficult situations, as reacting impulsively can often make matters worse.

    • Overcoming physical challenges and unexpected setbacksPerseverance and determination can help you complete your goals despite physical injuries and financial hardships. Pay attention to details and follow instructions to progress.

      Perseverance and determination can help overcome physical challenges and unexpected setbacks. The speaker shared his experience of enduring two major injuries during his military training, despite the initial reluctance to seek medical attention. He emphasized the importance of attention to detail and following instructions, which ultimately led to his continued progression through the training program. However, the financial burden of owning a house and getting married during his training also added stress and hardship. Despite these challenges, the speaker's commitment and resilience allowed him to complete his training and achieve his goals.

    • Importance of Effective Leadership in High-Pressure EnvironmentsBuilding relationships and utilizing the chain of command effectively can help overcome leadership challenges in high-pressure environments.

      Having strong leadership is crucial in achieving success, especially in high-pressure environments like the Navy SEALs. The speaker encountered a significant issue when he was not paid on time and felt ignored by the higher-ups. However, he managed to turn the situation around by reaching out to a former commander, who intervened and ensured he was paid. This experience highlighted the importance of building relationships and utilizing the chain of command effectively. Despite facing challenges with leadership during his time in Team 1, the speaker remained dedicated and found the experience to be the best job he's ever had. However, he emphasized that weak leadership is a common issue and encouraged perseverance in such situations.

    • The importance of effective leadership and junior leadersStrong junior leaders can compensate for weak higher ranks, but suppressive chiefs or OICs can hinder team success. Good relationships, communication, positivity, and adaptability are key to a cohesive and successful team.

      Effective leadership within a team is crucial for success. The presence of strong and capable junior leaders can compensate for weak leadership from higher ranks. However, if the junior leadership is suppressed by an egoistic and domineering chief or OIC, the team can fall apart. Good relationships and communication up the chain of command are also essential to ensure a cohesive and well-liked team. Despite challenging circumstances, maintaining a positive attitude and being adaptable can lead to unexpected opportunities and rewards. The speaker's experience of being sent to Army Sniper School instead of their preferred deployment was initially met with disappointment but ultimately proved to be a valuable experience.

    • Military experiences led to unexpected interactions and challengesAdaptability and unpredictability are key in the military, with experiences ranging from being mistaken for lower ranks to being offered unexpected opportunities

      The speaker's military training and experience, particularly as a SEAL, led to unexpected interactions and challenges during deployments. For instance, he was often separated from his platoon and had to adapt to new situations, sometimes even being mistaken for an enlisted soldier by officers. Additionally, he shared an experience where he was promoted on the spot while on a ship, only to have the person who had been calling him "sir" for weeks discover his actual rank. Despite these challenges, the speaker remained adaptable and open to new opportunities, such as being offered the chance to pursue a military commission despite not having a college degree. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the unpredictability and adaptability required in the military.

    • The impact of effective leadership on team success and moraleEffective leadership builds strong relationships, leverages expertise, and significantly impacts team success and morale.

      Effective leadership can significantly impact the success and morale of a team. The speaker shares an experience of working with a new officer who built strong relationships quickly and knew how to leverage subject matter experts. This positive experience stood out to the speaker, who had previously been disappointed by leadership. The speaker also reflects on the idea that leadership can vary greatly, and good and bad leaders exist on a bell curve. The speaker's background in the Marines, where standards are more consistent, influenced their perspective. The speaker's first deployment was marked by highs and lows, including intense combat and long periods of inactivity. Despite the challenges, the speaker valued the experience and the opportunity to learn from it. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of effective leadership and the impact it can have on a team's success and morale.

    • From map and compass to GPS: Unexpected discoveries through new technologyBe open to new technologies and adaptable, even when proficient in a skill. Stay alert and don't become complacent, as danger can lurk in unexpected places.

      Relying on traditional navigation methods can lead to unexpected discoveries, but the introduction of new technology can significantly change the game. The speaker shares an experience from his time in the Marines where he served as a point man using only a map and compass. However, when he was introduced to a GPS, he was amazed by its convenience and reliability. He had always been good at navigating using traditional methods, but the GPS was a game changer. The story also highlights the importance of being adaptable and open to new technologies, even when one has become proficient in a particular skill. Another lesson from the story is the importance of staying alert and not becoming complacent, even when situations seem routine. The speaker's platoon encountered a seemingly harmless target, but they ended up finding weapons and other suspicious items. The experience served as a reminder that danger can lurk in unexpected places.

    • Encountering hidden threats during routine missionsUnpredictability of missions necessitates constant vigilance and teamwork to neutralize threats

      Even during seemingly routine intelligence recovery missions, danger can lurk around the corner. The team encountered a hidden room with armed militants, resulting in a grenade explosion and a hasty retreat. The importance of having each other's backs was evident as they laid down fire and called for air support to neutralize the threat. The discovery of an inert asbestos vest during a separate mission underscores the unpredictability of their missions, as they had to be cautious of potential threats even from seemingly unsuspecting sources. Despite the risks, the team remained focused and adaptable, ultimately completing their missions successfully.

    • Leadership's impact on team performanceEffective leaders are open to feedback and self-reflection, leading to better team performance, regardless of individual talent levels.

      Leadership plays a crucial role in the success or failure of a team or organization. The speaker's experience at Trade Debt, a military deployment, provided him with a unique perspective to observe two different leadership styles. He noted that the quality of leadership was the determining factor in the performance of the platoons. Humble leaders who were open to feedback and criticism led to effective teams, while those with a poor attitude towards feedback struggled. This observation held true regardless of the talent level of the individuals in each platoon. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-reflection and ensuring that one's own leadership style is humble and open to growth.

    • Balance of confidence and humility for effective leadershipLeaders must be open to constructive feedback and suggestions from team members to avoid missed opportunities for improvement. Clear communication and deliberate speech are essential for effective collaboration.

      Having a healthy ego is important for leadership roles, but it's equally important to be open to constructive feedback and suggestions from your team. The speaker shared an experience where a SEAL leader's closed-minded attitude hindered the team's efforts to help him, leading to missed opportunities for improvement. He emphasized that every team member, regardless of experience or rank, has valuable insights to offer, and rejecting their advice can be detrimental. The speaker also highlighted the importance of clear communication and deliberate speech in a team setting, where every word and action can be scrutinized. In essence, effective leadership involves a balance of confidence and humility, allowing room for growth and collaboration with your team.

    • Learning from Different Leadership StylesBeing open-minded and adaptable in leadership can lead to valuable learning experiences. Observe different styles, learn from others, and present ideas as suggestions for better outcomes.

      Being open-minded and adaptable in leadership roles can lead to valuable learning experiences. The speaker shares his experience in the military, where he realized that he wouldn't always be right and that presenting ideas as suggestions rather than perfect notions can lead to better outcomes. He also emphasizes the importance of observing different leadership styles and their impact on team performance. Additionally, the speaker shares how his experiences in Afghanistan helped him grow as a leader and learn from others, ultimately leading him to consider a new career path. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of being open to new ideas, learning from others, and being adaptable in leadership roles.

    • Unexpected opportunities from determination and hard workDetermination and hard work can lead to unforeseen achievements, despite initial challenges and setbacks.

      Determination and hard work can lead to unexpected opportunities, even if they seem unattainable at first. The speaker shares his experience of being unexpectedly accepted into a prestigious military program despite forgetting about his application. At the time, the SEALs had a strong reputation, and the speaker believes his record stood out due to his background in the SEALs. However, the journey to becoming an officer involved challenges such as buying expensive uniforms and enduring freezing temperatures without the proper gear. Despite these difficulties, the speaker persevered and eventually made it through officer school, but found the academic aspect to be a struggle. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of staying committed to goals, even when faced with obstacles.

    • Unexpected consequences of actionsBe mindful of the potential impact of our actions and be prepared for the unexpected twists in life

      Even seemingly insignificant interactions can have unexpected consequences. The speaker shared a story about his experience as a parking ticket attendant at the University of San Diego, where he and his colleague were trying to meet their quota by issuing tickets in a specific area. However, they encountered a situation where they had to detain a car with numerous unpaid tickets, leading to a confrontation with the car owner and his football team. Fortunately, a Navy Seal intervened and resolved the situation. The speaker also mentioned how he changed his major due to his interest in finance. This experience highlights the importance of being aware of the potential impact of our actions, and the unexpected twists that life can bring.

    • Staying true to yourself leads to unexpected opportunitiesBeing honest about your desires and motivations, even when facing resistance, can lead to a fulfilling career path

      Being true to yourself and expressing your desires openly, even if they don't align with others' expectations, can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker in this discussion changed his career path unexpectedly and faced resistance from his superiors. However, by being honest about his motivations and desires, he was able to find a role that suited him better and ultimately succeeded in his goals. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's essential to stay true to yourself, even when faced with adversity. The speaker's bold move paid off, and he ended up in a role where he could thrive and make a positive impact.

    • Importance of building relationships in high-pressure situationsEffective communication, respect, and recognizing strengths can lead to successful outcomes in dangerous situations. Building rapport with those in power can result in denied requests being approved.

      Effective communication and relationship building are crucial for success, even in high-pressure and dangerous situations. The speaker's experience in the military demonstrates this, as he shares how his lack of relationship with a general in Baghdad led to denied requests for air strikes. However, by building a rapport with the general through genuine conversation and showing respect for his expertise, the speaker was able to gain his trust and get all their requests approved. Additionally, recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses, and delegating tasks accordingly, can lead to successful outcomes. The speaker's humility and trust in his JTAC's expertise allowed them to work together effectively and ultimately, make a difference in their mission.

    • Applying combat principles to personal relationshipsFocusing on personal mistakes and taking responsibility leads to positive change, while constant blame and worrying about others' actions can worsen relationship problems. Everyone should take ownership and work together to solve issues.

      Effective communication and taking ownership of personal actions are crucial in building and maintaining healthy relationships, whether in a military platoon or in a personal life. The speaker shared a personal story about his own marriage, where he realized the importance of applying the principles of combat, such as detaching, prioritizing, and executing, to his personal life. He learned that focusing on personal mistakes and taking responsibility for them can lead to a positive change in the relationship, while constant blame and worrying about others' actions can lead to exponential problems. The speaker emphasized that everyone in a relationship should strive to create an environment where everyone takes ownership of their parts and works together to solve problems, just like in a well-functioning platoon.

    • Building relationships is essential for successEffective communication, trust, and focus on connections lead to problem-solving, influence, and success

      Relationships are crucial for success, whether it's in personal life or in a professional setting. The speaker shared his experience of learning this valuable lesson while serving overseas, where he and his colleague had to build strong relationships quickly with local people and interpreters to ensure their safety. He emphasized that antagonistic relationships never benefit anyone and instead, focusing on building connections is essential. The speaker's realization of this principle led him to apply it in various leadership situations, including in the civilian corporate world. By prioritizing relationship-building, one can effectively solve problems, influence others, and ultimately, succeed.

    • Overcoming financial challenges to pursue an MBAPersonal determination and perseverance can help overcome financial obstacles to achieve professional goals. Utilize self-reflection, networking, and persistence to stand out in job searches.

      Personal determination and perseverance can lead to achieving professional goals, even when faced with unexpected challenges. The speaker in this conversation shares his story of how he decided to pursue an MBA after realizing he couldn't continue in his current role, but was deterred by the high cost of attending a top-tier private school. Instead, he chose a public university and drove long distances every weekend to attend classes. Despite being a year behind his peers in the program, he persisted in his job search and used his military background to stand out, eventually landing a job in investment banking. The conversation highlights the importance of self-reflection and understanding one's motivations, as well as the value of networking and persistence in achieving career goals.

    • Focus on leadership skills during interviewsSecuring a job in investment banking requires strong leadership skills demonstrated during interviews. However, the high-pressure environment may not be sustainable for everyone, and opportunities for growth can come quickly, leading to career changes.

      The investment banking industry, particularly in Los Angeles, is highly competitive, with long hours and rigorous interview processes. However, the focus on leadership skills during the interview process allowed the speaker to stand out and make a strong impression. After securing an internship, the speaker was able to transition directly into a full-time role, but found the long hours and high-pressure environment to be unsustainable. Ultimately, it was the realization that the job offers and opportunities for growth were coming in faster than expected that led the speaker to explore other options, ultimately leading to a career change with Echelon Front.

    • Stepping out of comfort zone leads to personal growth and appreciation for workHelping others learn leadership skills can lead to personal growth and renewed sense of purpose in your work.

      Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone and helping out in unexpected situations can lead to personal growth and a deeper appreciation for the work you do. The speaker shares an experience where he was approached by his former colleague, JP, to help teach a leadership course to employees at a construction company. Initially hesitant due to his busy schedule, the speaker eventually agreed and spent several days teaching the course. Despite initial resistance from the employees, the speaker was able to see the impact of the training and felt good about contributing to their development as leaders. This experience made him consider joining the company, Echelon Front, full-time, as he felt a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in his work. The experience also reinforced the importance of understanding that leadership is a skill that can be learned and developed.

    • Experiential learning: Applying lessons from high-pressure situationsExperiential learning helps develop leadership skills and ability to influence others, sticking with individuals and applicable to various aspects of life, including professional careers. Jiu jitsu and other martial arts offer valuable lessons for leadership.

      Experiential learning, whether it's through military training or leadership exercises, can have a profound impact on personal and team growth. The lessons learned in high-pressure situations stick with individuals and can be applied to various aspects of their lives, including their professional careers. This type of learning goes beyond teaching tactics or knowledge; it focuses on developing leadership skills and the ability to influence and guide others towards a common goal. The most effective learners are those who can make immediate connections between the lessons learned and their real-life experiences. Additionally, there's a lot to be gained from studying martial arts, like jiu jitsu, for leadership development. It's important to remember that relying solely on instincts or the desire to "make it happen" can lead to failure, and that effective leadership requires intentional effort and a willingness to adapt and learn.

    • Learning new skills transforms leadershipContinuous learning and self-improvement are essential for effective leadership and handling situations with empathy and connection.

      Learning new skills and techniques, whether it's in martial arts or leadership, can make a significant difference in how we handle situations and interact with others. The speaker shared his personal experience of how learning the art of jujitsu transformed his approach to leadership, enabling him to de-escalate conflicts and connect with his team. He emphasized that leadership is a skill that can be learned and practiced, just like learning jujitsu moves. The moment of realization, when everything clicks and seems connected, is a powerful and empowering experience. The speaker also shared his uncanny resemblance to Oscar De La Hoya, adding a light-hearted moment to the conversation. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement in various aspects of life.

    • The Importance of Perseverance in Brazilian Jiu-JitsuBlue belts must be dedicated and disciplined to progress, as the expectations rise once you're a purple belt. It takes time and perseverance to earn each belt level.

      The journey to advancement in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a long and challenging one, filled with setbacks and the need to constantly prove oneself. The speaker shares his own experience of being a blue belt for an extended period and the importance of earning the next belt level, even if it takes years. He emphasizes that being a blue belt is the last chance to fly under the radar and that once you're a purple belt, expectations rise. The speaker also recalls Leif's story of being a white belt for a long time before earning his purple belt. The conversation highlights the importance of dedication, discipline, and the mindset required to progress in the martial art. Additionally, the importance of good nutrition and energy drinks to fuel the training was touched upon.

    • Maintaining product integrity vs. lowering pricesCompanies face pressure to lower prices, but refusing to compromise on quality can lead to long-term success and customer loyalty. Finding efficiency and prioritizing health and fitness are also important for overall well-being.

      Making a high-quality, healthy energy drink comes with a cost. This cost can mean higher prices for consumers, which can lead to pressure from competitors and consumers to lower prices. This pressure can lead companies to make decisions that compromise the quality of their product, such as adding chemicals or toxins. However, maintaining integrity and refusing to compromise can lead to long-term success and customer loyalty. Another takeaway is the importance of finding efficiency in various aspects of life, such as working out or surfing. While it may be uncomfortable or challenging at first, the benefits often outweigh the discomfort, and with the right tools or mindset, the experience can be enjoyable. Additionally, prioritizing health and fitness, even as we age, is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental well-being.

    • Staying Warm During InactivityMaintain optimal joint health and boost immunity by taking supplements like joint warfare super krill oil and vitamin D, while enjoying a warm glass of milk for comfort during cold days.

      Staying warm, especially during prolonged periods of inactivity, is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. Cold weather can make us feel uncomfortable and even affect our mood. Surfing is used as an analogy here - on good days with plenty of waves, we don't notice the cold. But on less favorable days, we may feel the chill and even endure discomfort. This is because we're not moving much and having fun, which makes the cold more noticeable. Cold water, however, can have benefits like improving joint health. To maintain optimal joint health and keep the immunity strong, consider taking supplements like joint warfare super krill oil and vitamin D. And for an added treat, enjoy a glass of hot milk with a little sweetness for a balanced savory-sweet flavor.

    • Supporting domestic production and ethical labor practicesJoccoFuel's milk protein is a clean source of protein, and Origin USA offers American-made goods. Discovering new products and committing to specific mixes in ready-to-drink versions are important. Ethical labor practices and supporting domestic production are key.

      Supporting domestic production and ethical labor practices is important, as demonstrated by the examples of JoccoFuel's milk protein and Origin USA's American-made products. JoccoFuel's milk protein, which is now free from negative side effects, is a clean source of protein, while Origin USA offers a range of American-made goods, from clothing to accessories. The speakers also mentioned the upcoming ready-to-drink Molk and the potential of having it on tap in the future. Additionally, they highlighted the significance of discovering new products that bring joy and surprise, like salted caramel, and the importance of committing to specific mixes when opting for ready-to-drink versions. The conversation also touched on the contrast between corporations that exploit labor and those that prioritize humanity, emphasizing the importance of making informed choices and supporting ethical businesses.

    • Exploring Jocko's Store and Discovering New Things TogetherJocko's store offers a variety of products, from discipline shirts to jujitsu gear, and subscribers can receive a new shirt monthly. Community and sharing experiences are essential, and staying informed about life advice and events is crucial.

      The discussion revolves around various products and experiences, including Borigen rash guards, Jocko's store, and different podcasts. A key takeaway is the excitement of sharing experiences and discovering new things together. Jocko's store offers a range of products, including discipline equals freedom shirts and a jujitsu section. The shirt locker provides a new shirt every month for subscribers. Jocko Underground is an alternative platform for life advice and discussions on various topics. The importance of having contingency plans was also emphasized. Additionally, the discussion touched on various YouTube channels, such as Origins and the Warrior Kid podcast, and events like Black Friday sales and COVID outbreaks. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of community, sharing experiences, and staying informed.

    • Approaching life's challenges with Navy SEAL insightsApply Navy SEAL principles to personal growth and leadership through resources like Flipside Canvas, Warrior Kid series, and books 'About Face' and 'Extreme Ownership'.

      Life's challenges, much like the experiences of Navy SEALs, can be approached with unique solutions. Dakota Meyer, a former Navy SEAL and author, shares insights into overcoming weaknesses and provides resources like his company Flipside Canvas and books for children, including the Warrior Kid series. These resources offer tools for personal growth and leadership. Meyer emphasizes the importance of adaptability and applying principles learned in extreme situations to everyday life. His personal experience with books like "About Face" by Hackworth and "Extreme Ownership" led him to reevaluate their relevance to his personal life, ultimately leading to growth and self-improvement. Overall, Meyer's message encourages readers to face challenges with resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset.

    • The importance of continuous learning and adaptation for personal and professional growthReading books, attending leadership training, repetition, understanding various angles, online resources, building a network, and giving back to the community are all essential for ongoing learning and growth.

      Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for personal and professional growth. This was emphasized through the discussion about the impact of reading books and attending leadership training programs, such as those offered by Echelon Front. The importance of repetition and understanding various angles was also highlighted, as it takes time and effort to truly master skills like leadership. The online training academy at extremeownership.com was mentioned as a resource for those seeking to learn and grow in this area. Additionally, the value of building a network of like-minded individuals was emphasized, as it leads to meaningful connections and ongoing support. The discussion also touched on the importance of giving back to the community, particularly through charities like America's Mighty Warriors, which supports veterans and their families. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying committed to learning and growth, both for personal fulfillment and for making a positive impact on the world.

    • The power of work ethic and determinationWork ethic and determination, regardless of background, can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Gratitude and continuing to inspire others are also important.

      Work ethic and determination, no matter where it comes from, can help individuals overcome challenges and achieve their goals. The speaker reflected on his own upbringing and the hard work of his stepfather during a challenging week, drawing inspiration to push through. However, it's important to note that there are no guarantees of success, as factors such as wrestling background or socioeconomic status can only provide small indicators. Ultimately, it's the individual's drive and resilience that can make a difference. The speaker also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share lessons learned and inspire others, emphasizing the importance of continuing to help and teach others to make a positive impact on the world.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Read a transcript of this episode: https://mastersofscale.com

    Subscribe to the Masters of Scale weekly newsletter: https://mastersofscale.com/subscribe

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    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    100 Days of Rejection Therapy
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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/

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