
    320: Counter-Attack The Problems Around You and Solve Them. With Eli Crane.

    enFebruary 09, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Taking ownership of our actions and reactionsDespite uncertainties and adversities, we can choose how we respond and take ownership of our actions and reactions in life

      While we can take ownership of certain aspects of our lives and write our own stories to an extent, we cannot control everything. Life will present challenges and obstacles beyond our control. Eli Crane, a guest on the podcast, shared his experiences of taking ownership of his life despite the uncertainties and adversities he faced. Born in Arizona, Eli grew up in Yuma and had dreams of becoming a professional football player. However, he soon realized his limitations and looked for other opportunities. Despite being a poor student, he found success in business and served his family, faith, and country. The key takeaway from Eli's story is that no matter what life throws at us, we can choose how we respond and take ownership of our actions and reactions. Life may not be a script we can fully write, but we can control how we write the next chapter.

    • Labels and Experiences Shaping Self-PerceptionDespite negative labels and experiences, one's worth and abilities are not defined. Self-discovery and resilience can help overcome challenges and shape a positive self-perception.

      Negative labels and experiences can shape our self-perception, but it's important to remember that our worth and abilities are not defined by them. The speaker shares his experience of being labeled "stupid" by his brothers due to poor grades and not being good enough to play college football. He internalized these labels and believed them to be true until he discovered his passions and realized his potential. The speaker also talks about how his football coaching experience didn't highlight his skills and led to disappointment. However, he expresses gratitude for his upbringing and the opportunities he had despite the challenges. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of self-discovery and the resilience to overcome negative experiences and labels.

    • From criminology to Navy SEALEli's passion for criminology and military inspired him to join the ROTC program and eventually become a Navy SEAL after 9/11.

      Eli's passion for learning and desire to serve in the military led him to pursue a career as a Navy SEAL. This journey began in high school when he discovered his love for criminology and the special forces community. Despite not being able to major in criminology at the University of Arizona, Eli continued his education and eventually found the ROTC program. He joined the Ranger Challenge program and started preparing himself for the rigors of SEAL training. This was around the time of the September 11 attacks, which further solidified Eli's determination to serve his country in a military capacity. Through hard work and dedication, Eli was able to achieve his goal of becoming a Navy SEAL.

    • Events of 9/11 inspired him to join the military9/11 events led him to drop out of school and join the Navy, becoming a SEAL despite the challenges

      The events of September 11, 2001, had a profound impact on the speaker's life and led him to make a significant decision to join the military and serve his country. He was inspired by the events he witnessed on the radio and felt a strong sense of duty to step up and serve during a time when the nation needed it most. The decision to join was quick, and he dropped out of school and joined the Navy, with the goal of becoming a SEAL. The experience was a shock to the system, but he was determined to see it through. Despite not finishing his degree, he looks back on the decision as the right one, and he was not alone in making that choice. The speaker's experience is a testament to the impact of historic events on individuals and the courage it takes to answer the call to serve.

    • Focus on holistic training for challenging goalsTo succeed in demanding environments, practice all aspects of training together in the correct sequence, overcome physical limitations, and emphasize maturity and teamwork.

      Effective training for challenging goals requires a holistic approach. The speaker shared his experience of undergoing SEAL training, where he focused on improving individual skills like push-ups and pull-ups, but failed to prepare for the combined physical demands of the training. He learned the hard way that it's essential to practice all aspects of the training together and in the correct sequence to avoid being "gassed" and failing. Additionally, he shared how he had to overcome physical limitations, such as asthma, by getting in shape beforehand and focusing on weight loss to improve performance. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of maturity and teamwork in achieving success in such demanding environments.

    • Surviving SEAL training's rigorous selection processSEAL training's grueling selection process builds resilience and determination through challenging events and mental fortitude, with quitting never an option.

      SEAL training is not for the faint-hearted or those who cannot work well in a team. The training is rigorous and challenging, with various levels of difficulty. Failure in one event, even if the trainee is meeting or exceeding standards in others, can lead to being weeded out. The process can be horrifying and humiliating, but it builds resilience and determination. The trainee's mental fortitude is crucial, as quitting is never an option, but the challenge can seem insurmountable at times. The selection process is tough, and even those who make it through Hell Week may not make it to the end. The experience is transformative, and those who persevere emerge stronger and more determined.

    • Breaking down large goals into smaller partsFocusing on smaller goals can help individuals overcome challenges and persevere during difficult times, as demonstrated by the speaker's experience at BUD/S training and beyond.

      Breaking down large goals into manageable parts can help individuals overcome challenges and persevere during difficult times. This was evident during the speaker's experience at BUD/S training, where focusing on the next meal or the next race helped him endure the mental and physical stress. Even when faced with setbacks, such as being dropped from the program, seeking encouragement from mentors and refusing to give up led to positive outcomes. The speaker's story also highlights the importance of resilience and the ability to adapt to new situations, as demonstrated by his decision to join the USS Gettysburg despite initial reservations and the unexpected ease of his assigned duties. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences underscore the importance of mental fortitude, seeking support, and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

    • Personal growth in challenging timesEven in difficult circumstances, one can learn, grow and become a better person. Perseverance and faith are essential in overcoming setbacks.

      Even in challenging and difficult circumstances, personal growth can occur. The speaker shares his experience of being stuck on a ship for an additional two and a half years despite his desire to attend BUDs (Basic Underwater Demolition School) again. He was forced to stay due to the Navy's need for manpower and his contract's renewal. This situation pushed him to reflect on his mistakes, learn from them, and become a better team player. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and faith during tough times. Despite the hardships, he remained committed to his goal and eventually made it to BUDs. It's a reminder that setbacks and challenges can be opportunities for growth and development.

    • Mental preparation and prior experience matterKnowing what to expect and having prior experience can boost mental preparation, but even with these advantages, unexpected challenges can still arise.

      Mental preparation and prior experience can make a significant difference in overcoming challenges, even if physical conditions are less favorable. The speaker shares his experience of going through Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUDS) training twice, the first time without knowing what to expect and the second time with prior knowledge. Although he was more mentally prepared the second time, he faced a setback with pneumonia, which made his runs more difficult. However, he was able to push through and complete the training. The speaker also mentions that knowing he had already survived Hell Week once gave him the confidence to keep going. Despite being on the bubble for runs throughout the training, he was one of the fortunate few to receive orders for SEAL Team 3, which was already deployed at the time. Overall, his experience highlights the importance of mental preparation and prior experience in overcoming challenges.

    • Navigating unexpected changes in military lifeAdaptability and resilience are crucial in military life, as soldiers must be prepared to follow orders and face new challenges, even when it means leaving loved ones behind or adapting to unfamiliar environments.

      Military life is unpredictable and adaptability is key. The speaker shares his experience of being prepared to start his married life with his wife, only to be suddenly deployed without warning. He highlights the importance of following orders and adapting to new situations, even when it means leaving loved ones behind or facing unfamiliar environments and challenges. The culture of the platoon was about respect and doing the necessary tasks, no matter how unpleasant, with a strong work ethic. The speaker's experience also highlights the importance of finding humor and camaraderie in challenging situations, as evidenced by his interaction with Sal, who couldn't keep a "normal face" despite the speaker's attempts to correct him. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected changes and challenges.

    • New soldiers faced unexpected challenges and rigorous trainingMilitary life requires quick adaptation and constant learning, even for experienced soldiers.

      Even with some experience before deployment, new soldiers were still treated as if they had just joined and faced rigorous training and expectations. A funny anecdote shared involved a soldier returning late from deployment and missing his planned date night, only to be called into duty immediately upon arrival. This highlights the intense and unpredictable nature of military life, where new recruits were expected to be ready for anything and adapt quickly to new situations. Despite the challenges, veterans welcomed newcomers and provided opportunities for growth, such as sending one soldier to sniper school despite his initial failure. Overall, the military experience was about constant learning and resilience, even in the face of unexpected setbacks.

    • Hollywood's struggle to accurately portray complex individualsDespite challenges, military training is crucial for real-life situations, emphasizing teamwork and prioritizing team members' safety.

      Hollywood often struggles to accurately portray complex individuals in movies, especially when condensing years of their lives into an hour and a half. This was evident in the portrayal of Chris, who was known for his sense of humor and pranks, but was depicted in a movie as a one-dimensional character. The speaker also shared experiences from their military background, highlighting the challenges of carrying wounded team members and the intense training that prepared them for the field. Despite the hardships, the speaker acknowledged that the rigorous training was essential and ultimately prepared them for situations they faced in real life. Additionally, the speaker shared an anecdote about an incident where they accidentally hit their team leader with their gun, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and the need to prioritize the safety and well-being of team members over individual responsibility.

    • Unexpected injuries during military deploymentsPrioritize safety and follow medical advice to prevent further injuries and ensure overall well-being during military deployments.

      Military life involves unexpected challenges and injuries, and it's important to prioritize safety and follow medical advice. During a deployment, the speaker's platoon experienced various missions, including stopping foreign fighters and building structures. However, an unexpected incident occurred when one of their team members, Stoner, was injured during a ship boarding operation when a new guy fell on him and broke his neck. Although Stoner was fortunate not to have broken his spinal cord, he still needed to wear a neck brace until it healed. Another team member, Jimmy, made them do jujitsu three times a week, and during one session, the speaker got injured and ignored it, leading to further complications and having to wear a neck brace for a week. The deployment continued with some team members, including Stoner, leaving to form a "Super Troop" to help secure Sadr City, while the rest stayed behind. These experiences highlight the importance of prioritizing safety and following medical advice to ensure the team's overall well-being.

    • Lessons from Iraq deploymentsMaintaining a positive attitude and avoiding complaining are essential in challenging environments for individual and team success.

      Flexibility and adaptability are crucial in challenging environments. During the speaker's deployments to Iraq, they experienced various living conditions, from staying in one place for an extended period to constantly moving around. While each experience had its advantages and disadvantages, the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and avoiding complaining stood out as a significant lesson. The speaker emphasized that complaining never helps and instead encouraged focusing on the good aspects of situations. This mindset not only improved individual morale but also contributed to a more cohesive and effective team. The speaker also shared a personal technique that helped them improve their shooting accuracy by adding a small white dot to their front sight post. Overall, the speaker's experiences taught them the importance of adaptability, positivity, and focus in overcoming challenges.

    • Learning and Transitioning in the Military and Child-RearingThe military and child-rearing both involve steep learning curves, with initial stages being challenging but leading to competence and confidence through experience and training.

      Serving in the Special Forces, much like raising children, involves a steep learning curve. The speaker shared his experience of going through sniper school, feeling inadequate but eventually gaining confidence as he learned various skills from communications to small unit tactics. However, the learning process was not continuous, as there were long periods between training sessions. During a deployment in Fallujah in 2010, the focus was on training Iraqi forces to take over security operations. The speaker and another team member were responsible for facilitating this transition, which included sharing the coordinates for a targeted operation with the Iraqi SWAT team. This experience marked the beginning of handing over control to the Iraqis, ultimately leading to their independence. The speaker drew parallels between the military and child-rearing, noting that initial stages are challenging, but with time and experience, one becomes more competent and confident. Modern military personnel face an even steeper learning curve due to the increased complexity of technology and operations.

    • Sharing sensitive info with local SWAT teamTrust and communication essential in military ops but can be risky. Ample air support crucial during engagements.

      Trust and communication are crucial in military operations but can also be risky. In this instance, the speaker shared an experience where they had to share sensitive information with local SWAT team members, who were to lead the team to the target location. Despite feeling uneasy about the situation due to concerns of potential betrayal, they proceeded with the plan. However, upon arrival, they were ambushed by enemy forces. The speaker emphasized the importance of having ample air support during the engagement, which allowed them to survive. The experience underscores the importance of trust and communication in military operations, but also highlights the potential risks and challenges that come with these relationships.

    • Different perspectives in high-risk situations can lead to varied outcomesEffective communication, strategic decision-making, and adaptability are vital in high-risk scenarios to ensure safety and success.

      Effective communication and strategic decision-making are crucial in high-risk situations. The speaker's experience in Iraq illustrates how a difference in perspective and understanding of the situation at hand can lead to vastly different outcomes. Despite his concerns about the team's position and the enemy's awareness of their presence, the AOIC insisted on a flanking maneuver. The speaker, however, advocated for holding their ground and escaping. Thankfully, the AOIC listened to the speaker's advice, and the team managed to escape unharmed. Additionally, the speaker learned the importance of clear communication and proper equipment in high-stress environments, as the team's comms devices were unable to transmit sounds over 105 decibels. The speaker's injury further complicated matters, as he was unable to receive medical attention until after leaving the military. Overall, this experience underscores the importance of effective communication, strategic decision-making, and adaptability in dangerous situations.

    • Military offers opportunities for adaptation and transitionService members can adapt and transition within the military through programs and finding new roles

      The military offers various programs for service members looking to make a change or transition out of their current role. During his deployment, a service member named Eli was dealing with back issues and considered his future in the military. He prayed about his decision and ultimately decided to reenlist to give himself enough time to plan his exit. He took a job working for an old platoon chief who allowed him to attend school in the afternoon to finish his degree. The Navy focused on recruiting individuals for sports like wrestling, water polo, and swimming because these sports required individuals to excel in all areas, regardless of size or position. Eli's experience shows that the military provides opportunities for service members to adapt and transition, whether it be through programs like ASO or by finding a new role within the military.

    • Learning leadership skills through military service and small businessIdentifying personal motivations and gaining practical leadership experience are essential steps towards entrepreneurial success

      Experiencing leadership roles and overcoming personal challenges can be crucial in preparing for entrepreneurship. The speaker shares his experience of learning leadership skills while serving in the military and running a small business simultaneously. He also mentions how the fear of failure and the desire to provide for his family motivated him to start Bottle Breacher, which began as a simple idea for a 50 cal bottle opener. The speaker's story highlights the importance of identifying personal motivations and gaining practical experience in leadership roles as key steps towards entrepreneurial success.

    • Transforming a simple idea into a successful businessWith dedication, creativity, and the right support, turning a simple idea into a thriving business is achievable. Adaptability, persistence, and seeking guidance are essential keys to overcoming challenges and finding success.

      With determination, creativity, and the right partner, turning a simple idea into a successful business is possible. The speaker's wife helped him sell his unique bullet casing keychains online through Etsy, even though he had no experience in manufacturing or marketing. He started small, improving his production process and eventually finding professionals to help him create higher-quality products. Initially, he struggled with pricing, but eventually found success by lowering the price to match competitors. Throughout the process, the speaker remained committed to improving his product and staying true to his vision, even when faced with challenges. Faith and perseverance played a role in his success, as he continued to seek guidance and support from his community and higher power.

    • From selling bottle openers to $80,000 a month businessSmall opportunities with faith and determination can lead to substantial success. Branding and marketing are essential for growth.

      Even seemingly insignificant opportunities can lead to substantial success if approached with faith and determination. The speaker, Eli, was initially unsure of how to provide for his family after leaving the military. He turned to selling bottle openers, an idea that was met with skepticism. However, within six months, his business was doing over $75,000 a month. Eli then made a pivotal decision to sell his motorcycle and invest in a laser engraver to brand his products. This move led to further growth, and within a year, his business was doing over $80,000 a month. Eli's story serves as a reminder that with hard work, faith, and a willingness to take risks, even the smallest opportunities can lead to significant success. The importance of branding and marketing was also highlighted as a crucial factor in the growth of his business.

    • Taking calculated risks can lead to rewardsInvesting all savings into production paid off, but challenges remained. Prepare for success and potential setbacks, have a backup plan.

      Taking calculated risks can lead to significant rewards. Eli, a Navy veteran, shared his experience of auditioning for a TV show while still on terminal leave. He took a risk with the money they had saved, investing it all into production in case the show aired. The gamble paid off, leading to impressive sales and exposure for their business. However, even with success, challenges remained, including the need to produce more inventory and manage payroll. Eli's experience highlights the importance of being prepared for both success and potential setbacks. Additionally, having a backup plan, as he learned from Jocko, is crucial in business and other areas of life.

    • Navigating Unexpected Growth: Lessons from Shark Tank EntrepreneursUnexpected growth brings challenges, requiring quick adaptation, flexibility, and innovation. Entrepreneurs must be prepared to pivot and overcome personal hurdles to succeed.

      Unexpected growth can present significant challenges, particularly for small businesses. The entrepreneurs in this discussion experienced a surge in demand after appearing on Shark Tank, leading to a leadership crisis and customer backlash. They had to adapt quickly and think creatively to meet the new demands, learning that the way they had always done things was no longer sufficient. This experience prepared them for future challenges and taught them the importance of flexibility and innovation. Despite the initial difficulties, the exposure from the show ultimately led to greater success. However, the entrepreneurs also faced personal challenges, such as working with a spouse in a high-pressure environment. Overall, the experience demonstrated the importance of being able to pivot and adapt in the face of unexpected growth.

    • The Importance of Effective Communication and Understanding Roles in RelationshipsEffective communication and understanding one's role in a relationship are vital for personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships. Guarding one's heart and addressing emotional needs are essential for overall well-being.

      Effective communication and understanding one's role in a relationship are crucial for personal growth and maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker shares his experience of struggling to coexist with his spouse due to their similar personalities and frequent arguments. He also mentions the importance of seeking guidance from a higher power during critical times in life. However, after facing a personal loss, the speaker realized he was emotionally numb and unable to grieve. This experience led him to reflect on the importance of guarding one's heart and addressing emotional needs to ensure overall well-being.

    • Neglecting to guard and protect one's heart can hinder the ability to love and connectMen, especially fathers and husbands, should prioritize self-care and seek help to heal past hurts and reconnect with their hearts to love and connect with others effectively.

      Neglecting to guard and protect one's heart can lead to emotional numbness and hinder the ability to love and connect with others. The speaker shared his personal experience of building walls around his heart due to past hurts and how it affected his ability to love as a husband and father. He attended a men's retreat called Wild at Heart, which helped him answer existential questions and provided tools to heal and reconnect with his heart. The importance of self-care and seeking help when needed was emphasized. The speaker encourages men, especially fathers, husbands, veterans, and first responders, who may be dealing with emotional struggles to acknowledge and address them before they negatively impact their loved ones. Concrete actions such as apologizing and seeking help were mentioned as steps taken by the speaker after the retreat.

    • The importance of humility and seeking help for healing and growthEmbrace humility, practice forgiveness, and seek help for personal growth and improved relationships. Everyone's journey is unique, but the outcome of self-improvement is universal.

      Seeking healing and growth requires humility and inviting help from others or a higher power. The speaker's experience at a ministry helped him understand the importance of humility and forgiveness, leading him to apologize to his wife and seek God's guidance. Humility can be practiced in various aspects of life, including leadership and personal relationships. The speaker emphasizes that everyone's journey to humility is unique, but the outcome of self-improvement is universal. He encourages others to embrace humility and seek help when needed, leading him to run for congress to serve and help others.

    • Emphasizing the importance of focus and serving something bigger, Eli urges unity and participation in government.Focus on what you can control, serve something bigger, and unite for a government that truly represents and protects the people.

      Eli believes it's important to focus on what we can control in life and serve something bigger than ourselves, even if the desired outcome may not be achievable. He emphasizes the need for unity and participation in government, as complacency can lead to dangerous consequences. The last election was a turning point for Eli, as he saw people back down from fighting for what they believed in, leading him to decide to run for office himself despite potential challenges. He encourages everyone to get involved and fight for a government that truly represents and protects the people.

    • The Importance of Free Speech and Open DialogueEncourage transparency and investigation instead of silencing opposing views, uphold freedom of speech, and pursue truth in American society.

      There have been instances where individuals or groups have been silenced or faced backlash for expressing opinions that were later proven to be true, particularly regarding COVID-19 and the 2020 election. This raises concerns about the suppression of free speech and the importance of allowing for open dialogue and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy of information. The use of social media as a platform for information dissemination and censorship has been a topic of debate, with some arguing that it stifles debate and hinders the pursuit of truth. The speaker suggests that instead of silencing those with differing opinions, we should encourage transparency and investigation to resolve disputes and arrive at the truth. The comparison to a football game and the use of video evidence to settle disputes highlights the importance of fact-checking and open dialogue in resolving controversies. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of upholding the values of freedom of speech and the pursuit of truth in American society.

    • Concerns about border security, national debt, energy policies, election laws, and the devaluation of the US dollarThe speaker believes that the current administration is not effectively addressing important issues and that politicians prioritize short-term gains over long-term fiscal responsibility, causing concerns about border security, national debt, energy policies, election laws, and the devaluation of the US dollar, resulting in inflation that affects everyone.

      The speaker expresses deep concern about various issues in the country, including border security, national debt, energy policies, and election laws. They believe that these problems are not being addressed effectively by the current administration and that politicians are prioritizing short-term gains over long-term fiscal responsibility. The speaker also expresses frustration with the devaluation of the US dollar and the resulting inflation, which affects everyone, not just the upper class. They argue that the country has gone backwards in many ways and that it's important for good people to take action against the perceived evils in politics. The speaker also suggests that Jocko Willink, a former Navy SEAL, could make a difference in politics if he chose to run for office.

    • California's Challenges: Mass Exodus and High TaxesThe speaker recognizes California's struggles with regulatory environment and high taxes leading to mass exodus, but is hesitant to enter politics due to negativity and potential impact on family. He remains focused on building American businesses and creating jobs.

      California, an iconic place known for its natural beauty and diversity, is facing significant challenges that threaten its future. The state's regulatory environment and high taxes have led to a mass exodus of people and businesses. The situation is so dire that some have suggested running for political office to effect change. However, the speaker expresses reluctance to enter the political world due to its negativity and potential impact on his family. Despite his reservations, he recognizes the need for leadership and hopes that enough individuals will step up to address the issues facing California and the country as a whole. Ultimately, the speaker is focused on building American businesses and creating jobs as a means of contributing to the nation's progress.

    • Bringing manufacturing back to America and supporting American workersBusinessman and US Congressional candidate Eli Crane advocates for fair trade, incorporating mission into businesses, and supporting American workers. He encourages everyone to help get him elected by donating, sharing his website, and offering prayers.

      Eli Crane, a businessman and US Congressional candidate, strongly believes in bringing manufacturing back to America and supporting American workers. He emphasizes the importance of fair trade and incorporating mission into businesses, such as hiring veterans and producing products domestically. Crane encourages everyone to help get him elected by donating, sharing his website, and offering prayers for guidance. He shares a personal connection to Shark Tank and the impact it had on his career. Crane also recalls a funny story about Jocko Willink and Sal DeFranco from their time in the military. Overall, Crane's message highlights the importance of supporting American workers and businesses while striving for success.

    • A joke called 'What would Jocko do?' brought humor and camaraderie to the military experienceHumor and camaraderie are essential for team morale. Don't try to be someone you're not, find common ground, and work together for a positive future.

      Humor and camaraderie played a significant role in the military experience of the speaker and his team. A running joke, "What would Jocko do?" emerged from an amusing skit performed by their friend Sal, poking fun at those trying to emulate Jocko's tough image. The joke became a reminder for everyone to be themselves and not try to be someone they're not. The speaker also expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share his thoughts on the podcast, including his faith and concerns for the future of the country, despite the potential for divisiveness. He emphasized the importance of finding common ground and working together to move America in a positive direction.

    • Showing respect in business negotiationsBeing respectful and professional in negotiations can lead to better deals and stronger relationships

      Respect and professionalism can go a long way in business negotiations, even on reality TV shows like Shark Tank. Echo Charles was impressed by Eli Yani's approach when he asked for respectful consideration from the other sharks before securing his deals. This strategy not only showed Eli's respect for his competitors but also his confidence in the value of his product. The sharks appreciated this approach and responded with double and even triple deals. This example demonstrates that being respectful and professional, even in high-pressure situations, can lead to better business outcomes.

    • Societal shifts driven by extremesExtremes can lead to societal shifts, but a more balanced approach is hoped for without resorting to extreme political involvement.

      Despite individual resistance or reluctance, societal shifts can occur when extremes are reached, leading to a swing back towards the opposite direction. This was discussed in relation to Eli's passion for addressing untruths in his country and the eventual swing back towards more normalcy in certain areas, such as San Francisco and parts of Europe and the US. The conversation also touched on the inconsistency of rules and the potential for individuals to challenge the status quo, even in the face of opposition or censorship. Ultimately, the speaker expressed a hope that a more balanced approach could be reached without resorting to extreme political involvement.

    • Maintaining Transparency and Accountability in ElectionsExamining all available information is crucial for election integrity, even if uncomfortable. Using the NFL instant replay analogy, it's important to review critical moments for accuracy and fairness. Everyone wants the truth, and setting a precedent of not reviewing potential issues can lead to significant problems.

      Transparency and accountability are crucial in ensuring the integrity of elections. The discussion highlights the importance of examining all available information and not suppressing it, even if it may be uncomfortable or challenging. The use of the NFL instant replay analogy effectively illustrates this concept, as it underscores the importance of reviewing critical moments to ensure accuracy and fairness. The speakers agree that everyone wants the truth, regardless of their political affiliations, and that setting a precedent of not reviewing potential issues can lead to significant problems in the future. The reluctance to examine the 2020 election results, as mentioned in the conversation, raises concerns about transparency and trust in the democratic process. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith in the electoral system and ensuring that every vote is counted accurately.

    • Open Dialogue in Times of ControversyAllow for open dialogue and respectful conversation during controversial times, avoid censorship, and listen to diverse perspectives to foster understanding.

      During times of controversy and debate, it's essential to allow for open and respectful dialogue. The analogy of challenging calls in a game like football was brought up, and it was noted that having no limits to challenges could disrupt the entire process. Similarly, in the context of the 2020 election, there were calls for investigating documented voting anomalies, but some were shut down, leading to a lack of open conversation. This behavior was compared to raising one's voice or attacking individuals on social media, which detracts from the actual topic at hand. The movie "The Time Machine" was referenced as an example of a society where certain ideas couldn't be spoken of, and it was emphasized that we should listen to different perspectives, even if we don't agree with them. Ultimately, having platforms like jockounderground.com is crucial for fostering open dialogue and allowing individuals to share their thoughts without fear of censorship.

    • Staying Informed and Resilient with JockoEmbrace self-reliance, prioritize essentials, and maintain a balanced lifestyle for a fulfilling life. Stay informed through backup platforms and American-made companies, and consider coffee and nootropics for brain health.

      Jocko, the speaker, prioritizes living his life to the fullest and staying informed, but not getting too worked up about current events. He emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and having backup platforms for information, such as jockawunderground.com. He also promotes American-made companies like OriginUSA.com for purchasing essentials and Jocko Fuel for energy and focus. Jocko encourages listeners to maintain a balanced lifestyle, including exercise, hobbies, and proper nutrition, even if it means sacrificing sleep occasionally. He also believes in the benefits of coffee and nootropics for brain health. Overall, Jocko's message is about staying informed, staying resilient, and living a fulfilling life.

    • Stimulate Your Senses and Support Those Who ServeEngage your senses through podcasts, YouTube, cool items, and books. Appreciate and support military, first responders, and their organizations.

      Continuously engaging and stimulating our senses can bring excitement and anticipation to our lives. This can be achieved through various means, such as subscribing to podcasts and YouTube channels, collecting cool items, or even reading books. Moreover, it's essential to appreciate and support those who serve and protect us, whether they are military personnel, first responders, or organizations that help them. Lastly, taking ownership of our lives and counterattacking challenges is crucial to writing a fulfilling script for ourselves. So, keep dazzling your senses, support those who serve, and never stop striving for improvement.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

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    Ep.56 From Homelessness to a Multimillion £ Brand: Founder Rokeya Khanum's Truly Incredible Story

    Ep.56 From Homelessness to a Multimillion £ Brand: Founder Rokeya Khanum's Truly Incredible Story

    In her own words, Rokeya Khanum has achieved the goals she once referred to as impossible acts.

    Born to parents who moved from Bangladesh to East London, she was raised alongside her seven siblings and Rokeya has always been really honest about her childhood, opening up about her teen pregnancy at 17 years old where she was then made homeless, moving from hostel to hostel and barely affording the basic necessities. 

    Fast forward to the present day and Rokeya is founder of the luxury clothing brand Khanum’s. Rokeya shares her incredible origin story, from initially spotting a gap in the market, to generating six figures in 7 months, all from what she viewed as a side hustle.

    Now stocked in Harvey Nichols, taking the Middle East by storm and turning over 7 figures, Rokeya shares her success story from hardship. She talks about how she was determined to turn it around and exactly how she did that, after her journey on becoming a teenage mother to then going back into education and going to university to study law to realising she couldn't study law because she couldn't afford the LPC. Then working for a few years before she found herself unemployed for 18 months which led to her starting Khanum's. It really is an incredible story.

    After hearing this, Rokeya is proof that you can always come back stronger from setbacks and build a future you are very much proud of. As Rokeya says herself, she is “turning pain into power and shattering those f’ing glass ceilings.”

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Lady Gaga & Atom Factory: Troy Carter (2018)

    Lady Gaga & Atom Factory: Troy Carter (2018)
    As a kid, Troy Carter dreamed of being a rapper, but soon discovered he was a better manager than a musician. He took Lady Gaga from obscurity to stardom – helping shape both her music and her brand. Then he turned his gift for spotting talent to spotting investment opportunities with his company Atom Factory. PLUS, for our postscript "How You Built That," we check back with Robyn Gerber for an update on Parkarr, a mobile app that helps drivers find street-parking. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Run Into the Darkness... DO THE WORK #510

    Run Into the Darkness... DO THE WORK #510


    A dailyish documentary of my life blending together fatherhood, business, organization, and life hacking to make it all work.  


    Produced by podcaster, entrepreneur and dad of three daughters - Diego Footer.


    My Podcasts:

    Farm Small, Farm Smart: http://bit.ly/2vMUDvX

    Grass Fed Life: http://bit.ly/2uOsLTH

    Voices of Change: http://bit.ly/2vrn81r


    My Audiobooks:

    The Market Gardener by JM Fortier: http://bit.ly/2uynxvU

    The Urban Farmer by Curtis Stone:  http://bit.ly/2uynxvU


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