
    333: Excuses and Rationalizations are Not Valid... And We Know That. W/ Dan Cnossen

    enMay 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Story of Dan Knossen's resilience and team supportDespite difficult circumstances, resilience and team support can help individuals overcome challenges and thrive

      No matter where you come from or what circumstances you face, the power of resilience and the support of your team can help you overcome even the most challenging situations. Jocko Willink shared a personal story from his time in the Navy SEALs when they received news that one of their team members, Dan Knossen, had been severely injured in an IED explosion in Afghanistan. The uncertainty and anxiety that followed as they waited for updates on Dan's condition served as a reminder of the importance of staying positive and trusting in the strength of their team. Dan's survival against all odds was a testament to the power of perseverance and the unwavering support of those around him. Dan grew up on a family farm in Kansas, and though he didn't follow in his grandfather's footsteps as a farmer, he carried with him the values of hard work and determination instilled in him from his upbringing. This background served him well in his military career and beyond.

    • A father's military service and experiences shape his son's upbringingThe speaker's father's military service in the Marine Corps and subsequent experiences in the Peace Corps influenced the speaker's sense of rebellion, work ethic, and desire to be part of something special.

      The speaker's father, who served in the Marine Corps from 1965 to 1968, made a conscious decision to enlist despite having a college degree and facing his father's disapproval. His experiences in the Marine Corps, including three tours and receiving a Purple Heart, influenced his decision to join the Peace Corps in the late 1970s, where he and his wife lived and worked in Brazil for two years. The speaker grew up hearing stories of both the Marine Corps and life in Brazil, which instilled in him a sense of rebellion, work ethic, and a desire to be part of something special. After their Peace Corps tour ended, they moved back to the United States and settled on a farm in Kansas. The speaker's only living memory of his father was not as a hippie, but there may have been a stage of that in the 1970s post-Vietnam. Overall, the speaker's father's military service and subsequent experiences shaped his upbringing and influenced his own decisions and values.

    • Lessons from Farm and Sports in the 80sGrowing up on a farm and participating in sports in the 1980s taught the speaker self-reliance, determination, and adaptability through outdoor activities, reading, pets, and team sports. Learning from not winning and seeking challenges were essential for his personal growth.

      Growing up on a farm in the 1980s shaped the speaker's upbringing and experiences significantly. He was an only child for a while, learning self-entertainment and independence through outdoor activities, reading, and pets. He tried various sports, including soccer and boxing, with soccer becoming his main focus. Although he wasn't a star athlete, he learned valuable lessons from team sports and persevered through defeats, which fueled his growth and adaptability. The speaker emphasized the importance of seeking out challenges and learning from not winning, as it pushes individuals to improve and develop character. He ended his high school athletic career by joining the track team to prepare for the Naval Academy. Overall, his experiences on the farm and in sports instilled a strong work ethic, resilience, and determination that shaped his future endeavors.

    • Young experiences shape career pathsPersonal backgrounds and opportunities at a young age can significantly impact career choices. Seizing opportunities and pushing through challenges can lead to desired outcomes.

      Personal experiences and exposure to opportunities at a young age can significantly influence an individual's career path. The speaker shared how his athletic background in soccer and his father's unrealized dream of attending the Naval Academy influenced his decision to join the military and pursue an education. He also described how his participation in the US Naval Sea Cadets program and training for SEAL camp shaped his interest in special operations. Despite facing challenges such as poor eyesight and difficulty in swimming, the speaker's determination and resilience led him to push through and ultimately pursue his goals. This story highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and persevering through challenges to achieve desired outcomes.

    • Setting young goals and working towards themStarting the application process early, having good grades, athletic ability, leadership skills, and strong recommendations can lead to great opportunities in life

      Having clear goals and working towards them from a young age can lead to great opportunities. The speaker, Chuck, shares his experience of setting his sights on the Naval Academy in high school and the steps he took to achieve it. He emphasizes the importance of good grades, athletic ability, and leadership skills. Chuck also mentions that starting the application process early is crucial and having strong recommendations from senators or congressional representatives can make a difference. He reflects on how attending the Naval Academy was a transformative experience, allowing him to find deep connections with like-minded individuals and discovering hidden talents. Overall, his story illustrates the power of setting goals, persevering, and embracing new challenges.

    • From fear to Navy SEALDetermination, friendship, and knowledge helped a fearful swimmer overcome challenges and pursue his dream of joining the Navy SEALs.

      Fear and self-doubt can be major obstacles, but with determination, support from friends, and a willingness to learn and improve, one can overcome these challenges and ultimately achieve their goals. The speaker, who was initially terrified of the water due to lack of exposure and poor swimming skills, found solace in the company of friends who shared his ambition to join the Navy SEALs. He began training with them, focusing on swimming and other physical challenges. Additionally, he was inspired by his English teacher in high school to pursue an English major, believing that the skills he would gain would benefit him in the military. Despite his initial fears and struggles, he persisted and by the end of his first year, he no longer wanted to be a Marine and instead aspired to join the SEAL program. His journey demonstrates the power of determination, friendship, and the pursuit of knowledge in overcoming personal challenges.

    • Competing for Elite Navy Programs: The Importance of Determination and PreparationTo get selected for Navy's elite programs like Navy SEAL training, stand out during the selection process by demonstrating determination, preparation, and a strong desire to succeed. Utilize opportunities like Mini Buds and dive school to gain valuable experience and build confidence.

      Determination and preparation were key factors in getting selected for the Navy's elite programs, such as Navy SEAL training. The speaker, a graduate of the US Naval Academy, shared his experience of competing for various roles, including aviation and Navy SEAL training. He mentioned how the number of applicants was high, but only a select few were chosen. The speaker emphasized the importance of standing out during the selection process, which involved physical fitness tests, peer evaluations, and demonstrating a strong desire to succeed. He also highlighted the importance of taking advantage of opportunities, such as Mini Buds and dive school, to gain valuable experience and build confidence. The events of September 11, 2001, added a sense of urgency and significance to the speaker's journey towards becoming a Navy SEAL. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of hard work, dedication, and resilience in achieving one's goals.

    • Deciding on a military career path during warBe true to your preferences, even when faced with uncertainty, as authenticity and resilience are valuable traits in the military.

      During a time of war, making important decisions about one's future in the military involves careful consideration and potential sacrifices. The speaker, who was applying to SEAL training, had to choose a secondary option in case he wasn't selected. His friends advised him to put ships as number two because it would lead to a lateral transfer to SEAL training. However, the speaker ultimately decided to put the Marine Corps as his second choice, despite the rumors that they would not take him. He felt that leading an infantry platoon was a worthy alternative. During the interview process, the speaker was questioned about his choices and felt unsure about how it went. Ultimately, the decision to rank his choices honestly, rather than trying to game the system, allowed him to stay true to his preferences. The experience taught him the importance of authenticity and resilience in the face of uncertainty.

    • Military service selection: Uncertainty and ReliefMilitary assignments are not negotiable, but teamwork and camaraderie can help individuals succeed despite initial disappointments.

      Military service selection can be a nerve-wracking experience, with individuals unsure of their fate as they wait to be assigned to a role or team. The speaker in this conversation recalled his experience at the academy, where he was unsure of where he stood and felt relief when he was assigned to a desired role, but also felt for friends who did not receive their desired assignments. The process is not negotiable, and individuals are often assigned based on class rank or other factors. Despite the uncertainty and potential disappointment, the speaker expressed pride in friends who went on to succeed in the military despite not getting their desired role right away. Ultimately, the experience underscores the importance of teamwork and the desire to be with one's peers in the challenging military environment.

    • Conquering Fear and Building ResilienceAcknowledging uncomfortable situations, developing a plan, and pushing through can lead to inner strength and resilience.

      Overcoming fears and uncomfortable situations can lead to inner strength and resilience. The speaker shares his experience of conquering his fear of water and how it helped him in his military training. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the situation, developing a plan, and pushing through despite external pressures. The speaker also mentions how his experience at the Naval Academy, where quitting was not an option, further reinforced his determination to persevere. In essence, approaching uncomfortable situations with a determined mindset and taking small steps towards progress can lead to significant growth over time.

    • Disconnecting from humanity during Navy SEAL trainingFocusing solely on completing challenges can hinder empathy and understanding towards those who struggle, but it's important to remember that everyone has hopes and dreams.

      During Navy SEAL training, the intense focus on completing the challenges and achieving the goal of becoming a SEAL can lead to a disconnection from the humanity of those who quit or fail to complete the training. The speaker shares how he didn't think of those who left as individuals with hopes and dreams, but rather as non-human entities that were just moving on. This mindset may have helped him to persevere, but it also hindered his ability to empathize with the challenges faced by others. Additionally, the speaker shares some advice received during his training, including the importance of eating and giving consistent effort, as well as the potential for significant challenges even for the most gifted individuals.

    • Overcoming Challenges in Navy SEAL TrainingDuring Navy SEAL training, determination and focus helped the speaker overcome challenges, including anxiety and physical obstacles, and ultimately succeed.

      During Navy SEAL training, also known as Hell Week, the speaker encountered numerous challenges, particularly during the life saving portion. He emphasized the importance of keeping the instructor's head above water and passing the procedure. Despite his past failures in running and swimming, he pushed himself to pass these events by giving it his all. The speaker also shared an experience of overcoming anxiety and frustration during the beginning of Hell Week, which eventually dissipated as he became fully immersed in the training. Overall, the speaker's determination and focus on the task at hand helped him persevere through the challenges of Navy SEAL training.

    • Focus on the Future or Present During Challenging Times?Staying focused on the present and the process during challenging situations is crucial for success, rather than getting discouraged by long-term thoughts or external pressures.

      During Hell Week training, the speaker and his team found themselves struggling with an unusually heavy log during a race. Feeling overwhelmed and close to giving up, the speaker was on the verge of quitting when he decided to focus on the mechanics and procedures of the task at hand instead of his long-term goals and doubts. By doing so, he was able to keep going and finish the race, even if it meant coming in last place. This experience taught him the importance of staying focused on the present and the process during challenging situations, rather than getting discouraged by long-term thoughts or external pressures. Despite the punishment that followed, the speaker learned a valuable lesson that has stayed with him.

    • Overcoming Challenges One Step at a TimeAnticipating rewards and focusing on the present can help overcome long-term challenges. Breaking them down into manageable steps and appreciating past accomplishments can also aid in motivation.

      Facing challenging situations, no matter how difficult they may seem, can be broken down into manageable steps. This was a valuable lesson learned during Hell Week at BUDs, where the focus was on advancing one step at a time to overcome long-term challenges. The speaker also shared that anticipating the rewards of enduring hardships can help keep motivation high. During his experience, he found that the pleasure of sleeping after staying awake for a long time was only truly appreciated if he had endured the challenge of staying awake for an extended period. This mindset helped him get through Hell Week and other challenging experiences in his career. Additionally, he learned that once he had completed a major challenge, such as Hell Week, the past accomplishments became less important, and it was time to focus on the present and future.

    • Serving in a military platoon: Unpredictability and humilityFocus on doing your best and learning from experiences, approach roles with humility, seek advice, and collaborate for better outcomes.

      Serving in a military platoon involves unpredictability and humility. While individuals may not have control over deployment locations or commanding officers, they can focus on doing their best and learning from their experiences. Newcomers, especially junior officers, should approach their roles with humility and ask for advice from more experienced team members. This not only creates a sense of buy-in but also demonstrates respect for others' opinions. As an assistant platoon commander, the primary responsibilities include learning tactics, leadership, and administrative functions. Even as an experienced prior enlisted person, seeking input from team members is crucial. Remember, nobody expects a newcomer to know everything, and collaboration leads to better outcomes. Standout memories often involve the people, and leadership failures may include the desire to be liked rather than making unpopular but necessary decisions.

    • Leadership in challenging environments: Making tough decisionsMaintaining morale and cohesion in a team is crucial in challenging environments, even when tough decisions may not seem fair.

      Leadership in challenging environments requires making tough decisions, even if they may not seem fair at first. The speaker, an AOIC in the Navy SEALs, shared his experience of feeling stuck between supporting his platoon commander and bonding with his team members, who were eager to deploy to Iraq or Afghanistan. Despite the frustration of multiple deployments without combat, he understood the importance of being surrounded by individuals who share a desire to respond to the "fire" and felt proud to be part of such a team. The fairness of deployment rotations and opportunities can be debated, but ultimately, the team's collective goal was to be prepared for combat and to go where they were needed most. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of maintaining morale and cohesion in a team, even when faced with challenging deployments and limited opportunities for operational experience.

    • Military service and self-doubtDespite years of training and leadership experience, military service can bring feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, even for those who have seen combat. Resilience and self-confidence are crucial in overcoming these challenges.

      Military service, particularly in a specialized unit like the Navy SEALs, can be marked by a sense of insecurity and self-doubt, even for those who have dedicated years to their training and have seen deployment. The speaker in this conversation, despite having multiple deployments and leadership experience, felt insecure about not having combat experience and the perception that this was a mark of respect within the teams. This feeling was compounded by the knowledge that he could have left the military after his deployment to Iraq, but chose to stay and pursue the role of platoon commander. The speaker's career was marked by a few significant assignments, and family circumstances also played a role in his decision-making. The experience of the speaker highlights the complexities and challenges of military service, and the importance of self-confidence and resilience in the face of personal and professional setbacks.

    • Personal experience of effective combat trainingEffective training equips leaders with skills to prioritize and execute in high-pressure situations, emphasizing focus, action, and strong relationships within a team.

      Effective training, even if challenging, can save lives in combat situations. The speaker shared a personal experience where the training he received during workups was hard but crucial, enabling him to develop into a competent leader. He specifically thanked the training officer for their approach, which helped him prioritize and execute in high-pressure situations. The speaker emphasized the importance of staying focused and active, even when overwhelmed or facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Additionally, he highlighted the value of strong relationships within a platoon, which contributed to their successful deployment to Afghanistan. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the significance of thorough training and the importance of maintaining a clear focus and taking action in high-stress environments.

    • Empowering team members and fostering innovationEffective leadership involves trusting and empowering team members to share ideas and take on responsibilities, leading to a more innovative and engaged team.

      Effective leadership involves empowering team members and creating an atmosphere of innovation. During a platoon workup, the assistant platoon commander emphasized seeking the opinions of enlisted members and showing value in their advice. This approach fostered a sense of empowerment and buy-in, leading to an innovative team. Additionally, the assistant platoon commander recognized the importance of stepping aside and allowing team members to take on responsibilities, even if it meant taking a back seat oneself. This experience was put to the test during a deployment to Afghanistan, where key leaders went early to prepare for kinetic operations. The assistant platoon commander felt ready and confident in their training, and was excited to join the most active task unit in the deployment. Overall, effective leadership involves trusting and empowering team members, and allowing them to step up and take on responsibilities.

    • Pre-operational experiences during military missionsUnderstanding team roles and gaining insights during pre-op experiences can enhance mission success.

      During military operations, the time between arrival and deployment can be valuable for gaining insight into the planning process and understanding the roles of team members. The speaker recalls being briefed shortly after arriving on the ground, but the exact duration is unclear. They remember being part of a small team and being assigned to support a platoon leader. The operation involved a target assault in Taliban territory, with the speaker serving in a blocking force role. Key moments include remembering the helicopter ride, getting off the helicopter, and foot patrolling under cover of darkness. Despite some memory lapses, the speaker emphasizes the importance of the pre-operational experiences and the role they played in the overall mission.

    • Unexpected danger in combat situationsVigilance, teamwork, and adaptability are crucial in combat situations to ensure quick and selfless responses and save lives.

      Combat situations can be unpredictable and dangerous, as illustrated by an experience of detaching from the main assault force to secure a hilltop, only to encounter an improvised explosive device that resulted in severe injury. The speaker, a military personnel, shares his personal account of moving up the hill with his team, led by a Navy explosive ordnance disposal technician, when he suddenly stepped on a pressure plate triggering a 205 millimeter artillery shell. The blast left him disoriented, unable to move or see, and helpless until his teammates came to his aid. Despite being trained for such situations, the incident was a stark reminder of the risks involved and the importance of quick and selfless responses from team members to save lives. The speaker's story underscores the need for vigilance, teamwork, and adaptability in combat situations, where the stakes are high and the outcome uncertain.

    • Special forces save speaker's life during dangerous missionQuick thinking and determination of special forces saved speaker's life by stopping fatal bleeds, clearing way for extraction, and coordinating rescue operation despite chaos, urgency, low fuel, and time constraints.

      The quick thinking and determination of the special forces team saved the speaker's life during a dangerous mission. Despite the chaos and urgency of the situation, they managed to apply multiple tourniquets to stop fatal bleeds, clear the way for extraction by probing for IEDs, and coordinate the rescue operation. The speaker's focus on staying awake and the team's grit and fitness were crucial factors in getting him to safety, even as they were racing against the clock and low fuel levels. The speaker's deep gratitude for his teammates is evident in his account of the harrowing experience.

    • Teamwork saves soldier's life during combatQuick actions and determination of a team saved a soldier's life after he was hit by an IED, preventing infection and ensuring his survival.

      The quick actions and determination of a team during a combat situation saved a soldier's life despite horrific injuries. The soldier, who was hit by an IED, woke up in a hospital ten days later with no sense of time passing, and was informed that he had lost his legs. The team's training and care for each other shone through, as they worked together to save the soldier's life and prevent infection. The soldier expressed gratitude for the pilots, medics, and other professionals who responded professionally and bravely throughout the ordeal. The experience was a reminder of the importance of training and the value of life.

    • A patient's journey through a medically induced coma and recoveryDespite the challenges of multiple surgeries, long hospital stays, and mental struggles, a patient can make progress and recover from a medically induced coma with the right pain management and support.

      The experience of being in a medically induced coma and recovering from severe injuries was a prolonged and challenging ordeal. The patient endured multiple surgeries, long hospital stays, and various medical equipment including an NG tube, colostomy bag, and external fixator. The inability to eat or drink, combined with frequent surgeries and a high fever, caused significant stress and discomfort. The patient also struggled with mental reactions to painkillers and traumatic memories, creating a delirious state. The ICU experience was isolating, with limited visitors and constant monitoring, making it difficult for the patient to sleep or escape the harsh reality of their situation. However, with the right pain management and gradual recovery, the patient began to make progress and eventually started to turn the corner.

    • Surviving a Near-Death Experience: Overcoming Physical and Mental ChallengesDespite significant setbacks and uncertainty, maintaining a positive attitude and determination to recover is crucial for overcoming physical and mental challenges.

      Overcoming significant challenges, both physical and mental, is a complex and ongoing process. The speaker's experience of surviving a near-death incident during a military deployment involved numerous setbacks and complications, leaving them questioning their future and identity. Despite these difficulties, the determination to keep pushing forward and maintain a positive attitude was crucial to their recovery. The first visible sign of progress was the simple accomplishment of getting out of bed after a shattered pelvis. The journey to regain normalcy and adapt to new circumstances was long and fraught with uncertainty, but the belief that one could handle the challenges and make the most of their situation was essential.

    • Bedridden for over 100 days: Adapting to a new realityDespite the challenges of being bedridden for over 100 days, the patient's determination to regain independence led to a successful recovery. Adapting to a new appearance was necessary to avoid bitterness.

      The experience of being bedridden for over 100 days due to an external fixator led to significant challenges in regaining balance and mobility. The patient's determination to get outside and regain independence was met with logistical challenges and the realization that their appearance would be different, requiring them to adapt and embrace their new reality. The external fixator, which was drilled into the pelvis for over 100 days, made it difficult for the patient to turn and sleep comfortably, leading to bedsores and the need for constant care. Once the fixator was removed, the patient faced the challenge of regaining balance and strength, which was akin to doing a plank. The patient's desire to get outside and regain independence was met with logistical challenges due to the nurse's responsibilities to multiple patients. However, the patient's determination paid off when they were finally able to go outside for a few hours on a day pass. The patient's anticipation of leaving the hospital was met with anxiety about how people would react to their different appearance. They realized that they would need to adapt and embrace their new reality to avoid bitterness. In summary, the experience of being bedridden for over 100 days led to significant challenges in regaining balance and mobility, and the realization that their appearance would be different required them to adapt and embrace their new reality.

    • Overcoming challenges in recovery with family support and determinationRecovering from a life-altering injury involves many challenges, but having family support and determination can make all the difference. Inspiration from fellow injured individuals can also help in the healing process.

      The journey of recovery after a life-altering injury involves many challenges and setbacks, but having the support of loved ones and a strong determination to push through can make all the difference. The speaker, who was injured in the military and undergoing rehabilitation, shared his experience of waiting for prosthetics, starting physical therapy, and learning to walk again. He expressed his desire to be taller and independent, but also acknowledged the privilege of having family support and resources that not all injured soldiers had. Despite the difficulty of learning to walk on prosthetics and the long hours of therapy, he was motivated by the thought of reuniting with his platoon. Through it all, he found inspiration in the resilience of his fellow injured service members.

    • Finding motivation in adversityEncountering challenges can lead to new opportunities and personal growth. Focus on abilities instead of disabilities.

      Experiencing challenging circumstances can provide valuable perspective and motivation. The speaker shares how encountering a triple amputee during military service made him appreciate his abilities and push himself to be active again. He started with small goals, like using a hand cycle, and eventually participated in the New York City marathon on a hand cycle and running the last stretch. This experience introduced him to the Paralympics, a competitive platform for athletes with physical disabilities, and he was inspired to pursue running or cycling in the Paralympic program. The speaker's story highlights the importance of focusing on what one can do rather than what they've lost and the potential for personal growth in the face of adversity.

    • The power of surrounding yourself with motivated individualsBeing surrounded by individuals who have faced adversity can inspire and motivate you to overcome your own challenges and discover new passions.

      Being surrounded by individuals who are overcoming their own challenges can be a powerful source of motivation and inspiration. For the speaker, being in an environment filled with people who had faced significant adversity, including double, triple, and quadruple amputees, pushed him to strive for more. This competitive spirit led him to discover new passions, such as biathlon, and ultimately, to pursue competing in the Paralympics. The experience of being in nature and connecting with it through adaptive sports was also transformative for him, providing a sense of peace and tranquility that he hadn't felt since before his injury. Despite the challenges he faced, including ongoing surgeries and training, he was determined to keep pushing forward and make the most of every opportunity.

    • Overfocusing on results can hinder performanceFocus on the process of training and making adjustments for optimal performance, not just the end result.

      Focusing too much on the end result and putting excessive pressure on oneself can hinder performance in training and competition. The speaker, a former Navy SEAL turned Paralympic athlete, shared his experience of moving to Colorado to train for cross country skiing after losing his legs. He trained rigorously, but the isolation and high altitude may have contributed to overtraining. At the Sochi games, he finished in the top 12 in most races but was disappointed with his results. In hindsight, he realizes that he should have focused more on the process of training and making adjustments rather than solely on the end result. He also acknowledges that living and training at high altitude has its benefits, but it's important to balance it with training at lower altitudes to maximize performance.

    • Balancing academics and athleticsThrough effective time management, prioritizing rest, and training efficiently, one can excel in both academic and athletic pursuits.

      With discipline and time management, it's possible to pursue both academic and athletic goals, even during demanding cycles. The speaker moved to New England to attend the Kennedy School of Government while continuing to train as a biathlete. He found that by prioritizing sleep, training efficiently, and managing his academic workload, he could succeed in both areas. However, he learned the hard way that more training isn't always better – rest and recovery are crucial components of a successful training regimen. During his time at the Kennedy School, he also discovered the value of studying ethics and mindfulness practices, which helped him approach his athletic pursuits with a new perspective. Ultimately, his experience demonstrates that with dedication and effective time management, it's possible to excel in multiple areas of life.

    • Mindfulness and quick refocusing as a competitive advantageRegular mindfulness or meditation practice can help improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance performance by allowing individuals to detach and observe their thoughts from an outside perspective.

      Being aware of your mind and being able to quickly refocus when it wanders can be a competitive advantage, especially in high-pressure situations. This ability to detach and observe your thoughts from an outside perspective can help reduce stress and improve performance. The speaker shares how they stumbled upon this technique in their military career and how it has benefited them in various aspects of their life. This practice, which can be as simple as taking a breath or visualizing a race, can be cultivated through regular mindfulness or meditation practice. By taking just 10 to 12 minutes a day to quiet the mind and focus on the breath, individuals can improve their ability to stay focused and perform at their best, even when faced with adversity.

    • Staying focused in high-pressure environmentsRecognize mind wandering, refocus on task to improve performance in high-pressure situations. Stay present and ignore distractions for optimal results.

      Maintaining focus and staying present in the moment is crucial for success in high-pressure environments, such as tactical or athletic situations. The ability to quickly recognize when your mind has wandered and bring it back to the task at hand, like tracking your breath, can significantly improve performance. This requires discipline and practice, but the benefits are invaluable. During competition, the mind tends to wander more easily than in a calm room. However, noticing when this happens and refocusing on the task can help athletes or leaders stay calm and perform at their best. In the case of biathlon, for instance, maintaining the right mental state is especially important, as the athlete needs to balance skiing and shooting skills. Another important lesson is to focus on the present moment and not be distracted by external factors, such as race results or announcements. By staying present and focusing on the task at hand, athletes can make the most of each opportunity and improve their overall performance. In the speaker's personal experience, this mindset helped them prepare for and excel in the 2018 Paralympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. Despite the pressure and distractions, they were able to stay focused and perform at their best, leading to a successful competition.

    • Staying focused during setbacks in competitionTop athletes face setbacks but refocus and adapt to continue performing at their best. Adversity builds resilience and the ability to make strategic decisions.

      Even the top athletes experience setbacks and misses during competition, but it's important to stay focused and keep pushing forward. The speaker in this discussion experienced several misses during a biathlon event at the Winter Games, but instead of getting discouraged, they refocused and gave their best effort on the next lap. They also learned to adapt to changing conditions and make strategic decisions based on the situation. Despite a difficult 15 kilometer cross country race where they wiped out on a degraded track, they continued to push themselves and improve their lap times. The games are a test of both physical and mental endurance, and it's essential to stay positive and keep going, even when faced with unexpected challenges.

    • Finding Pride in Personal GrowthAthlete finds greatest pride in overcoming personal challenges during training and races, emphasizes importance of character development and learning from setbacks.

      For this athlete, the meaning and value of his sports achievements go beyond the medals and awards. Instead, he finds his greatest pride and growth in the personal challenges he overcame during his training and races. The athlete emphasizes the importance of character development and learning from setbacks, which he experienced when finishing second in a race. He also reflects on the timing and alignment of his physical and mental peak during his career, and how the course played to his strengths. After unexpectedly successful performances, he had to confront new opportunities and face his discomfort with public speaking. Ultimately, he learned to embrace these challenges and develop a narrative to share his experiences with others.

    • Sharing personal experiences can inspire and help othersSetting goals and sharing inspiring stories can benefit veterans, public service professionals, and anyone facing adversity

      Sharing personal experiences, especially those that involve overcoming adversity, can have a profound impact on helping and inspiring others. The admiral's perspective was that quiet professionals should not be silent professionals, and there are stories that need to be told. The speaker's story, as shared, would benefit many people, including veterans, public service professionals, and anyone going through tough situations. The speaker also emphasized the importance of setting goals, both long-term and short-term, and focusing on what's most important in the moment. Through his work with O2X, the speaker is able to teach these principles to tactical athletes and make a positive impact on their lives. The speaker's own success and ability to persevere despite challenges is an inspiration to others and a reminder that there's always something we can do to contribute positively, no matter the situation.

    • The athlete's Paralympic journey: From novice to gold medalistDespite external pressures and challenges like COVID, the athlete focused on personal performance and teamwork to secure a gold medal in the Paralympic Games.

      The athlete's experience in the Paralympic Games evolved with each participation. Starting as a novice in 2014 with external expectations and internal pressure, the athlete learned to focus on personal performance and execution in 2018. Despite challenges like COVID and unfavorable conditions, the athlete delivered impressive results, finishing 4th in the first race and securing a gold medal as part of a relay team. The athlete emphasized the significance of teamwork and the unique experience of competing for a team. Additionally, the athlete expressed interest in exploring adaptive jujitsu as a new challenge. Overall, the athlete's journey showcases resilience, growth, and the importance of embracing new opportunities.

    • Stories of martial artists overcoming physical challengesMartial arts, including jiu jitsu, can be adapted for people of all abilities. Focusing on the present moment and overcoming self-doubt are key to success.

      Martial arts, specifically jiu jitsu, is adaptive and inclusive for people of all abilities. Jason Gardiner shared stories of competitive wrestlers and jiu jitsu practitioners who have overcome significant physical challenges, including the lack of limbs, to excel in their respective sports. Gardiner emphasized that there are no special rules for these athletes, except for maintaining contact in the case of blind wrestlers. He also highlighted the importance of focusing on the present moment and overcoming the self-doubt that can hinder performance. Ultimately, the greatest opponent in martial arts is the voice inside one's head that doubts one's abilities. Gardiner's experiences in Paralympic sports taught him that success is not determined by external factors such as age, appearance, or background, but rather by what one can do in the present moment.

    • Maintaining a Positive Attitude and Finding Silver LiningsDespite life's challenges, it's crucial to keep a positive attitude and find meaning in difficult situations. Perspective and resilience are key to overcoming adversity.

      No matter the challenges we face, no matter how insignificant they may seem in comparison to others, it's essential to maintain a positive attitude and keep pushing forward. Dan, who endured a life-altering injury, showed an incredible attitude by viewing his situation as a new challenge or "sport." This mindset allowed him to focus on progress and find meaning in his circumstances. Even when faced with amnesia and the fear of the unknown, the speaker learned the importance of staying resilient and leaning on loved ones for support. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the power of perspective and the importance of finding silver linings in difficult situations.

    • Overcoming Adversity and Achieving GreatnessDiscipline, good fuel, and staying productive are essential for overcoming challenges and achieving greatness. Try Jockofuel for protein and consider jiu jitsu for adaptability.

      No matter what challenges life throws at us, we have the power to overcome them and achieve great things. The guest on the podcast shared his inspiring story of overcoming adversity and becoming an Olympic athlete. He emphasized the importance of discipline, good fuel (both physical and mental), and staying productive. He also mentioned the benefits of Jockofuel for getting the necessary protein for working out. Additionally, he expressed interest in jujitsu and the adaptive nature of the sport. The bottom line is that jiu jitsu, like discipline, is for everybody. Another way to represent while on the path is through Discipline equals Freedom merchandise.

    • Addressing First World Problems with a Positive AttitudeMaintain a good attitude towards first world problems, address them productively, explore alternative platforms for content, and check out resources for guidance on leadership, relationships, and supporting service members.

      While first world problems may seem trivial compared to larger global issues, they still require attention and solution. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a good attitude towards these problems and addressing them in a productive manner. Additionally, the discussion touches on the censorship and control of content on various platforms, highlighting the need for alternative platforms like Jocko Underground. The speaker encourages listeners to check out various resources mentioned in the podcast, including books, websites, and charities, for guidance on leadership, building relationships, and supporting service members and their families. Overall, the message encourages listeners to tackle problems, big or small, with a positive attitude and a commitment to finding solutions.

    • Being inspired by individuals like Dan KnaussonFollow Dan's example of dedication and perseverance to overcome challenges, and show gratitude to those who sacrifice for our freedom and safety.

      No matter what challenges we face in life, we should follow the example of individuals like Dan Knausson and not make excuses. Dan's dedication and perseverance, especially in representing America in the Olympics, is an inspiration for us all. We also owe a debt of gratitude to those who have sacrificed for our freedom and safety, including military personnel, first responders, and law enforcement. Their selfless actions allow us to live our lives with relative ease. Therefore, we should all strive to be more like Dan and overcome our challenges rather than making excuses or rationalizations. This mindset will help us live more fulfilling lives and contribute positively to our communities.

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    441: Love Of Country and Aloha Spirit with Tulsi Gabbard

    >Join Jocko Underground<

    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content
    Jocko Podcast
    enJune 05, 2024

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Jocko Underground: To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    To Achieve Things, You Commit... But Don't Overcommit.

    Improving your position when an unexpected tragedy happens.

    Getting out of an environment that does not set you up for success.

    Not feeling like a man because he doesn't contribute financially to the household.

    In Jiu Jitsu, I might be a danger to myself and others.

    Getting a good routine when work hours are really odd.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content

    Jocko Podcast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    115: Into the Fire, and Beyond the Call of Duty, with Medal of Honor Recipient, Dakota Meyer

    0:00:00 - Opening

    0:04:21 - Dakota Meyer.

    0:11:00 - "Into The Fire", by Dakota Meyer.

    0:23:35 - Deployed to Iraq.

    0:26:35 - Deployed to Afghanistan.

    3:01:54 - Final thoughts and take-aways.

    3:12:50 - Support: JockoStore stuff, Super Krill Oil and Joint Warfare and Discipline Pre-Mission, THE MUSTER 005 in DC. Origin Brand Apparel and Jocko Gi, with Jocko White Tea,  Onnit Fitness stuff, and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes). Extreme Ownership (book), The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual, and Jocko Soap.

    3:40:37 - Closing Gratitude.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/jocko-podcast/exclusive-content


    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe — This episode is spoken by Sam Elliot, Eric Thomas, Tony Robbins, William King Hollis. You can see more of Sam Elliot at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000385, Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Tony Robbins at twitter.com/tonyrobbins, William King Hollis at instagram.com/williamkinghollis. The music is The Duel by Secession Studios. You can see more of Secession Studios at thesecession.bandcamp.com.