
    35. BONUS EPISODE: “Don’t talk about us on the podcast”

    enJune 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting and repairing enamel with PronamelShop at Kroger for affordable quality, protect enamel with Pronamel toothpaste and mouthwash, create engaging presentations with Canva, and prioritize self-care and friendships.

      Taking care of your teeth is crucial as you only get one set, and Pronamel intensive enamel repair toothpaste and mouthwash can help protect and repair acid-weakened enamel. Another takeaway is that shopping at Kroger offers proven quality at affordable prices, guaranteed. Moving on to productivity, using Canva presentations can help generate captivating slides quickly and easily. Lastly, the importance of self-care and taking a break with friends was emphasized, as seen in the group's beach holiday getaway. Overall, the discussion touched on various topics, including dental care, shopping, productivity, and the value of friendships and relaxation.

    • Exploring new experiences through food, drink, and thought-provoking questionsDuring a short trip, trying new foods, drinks, and using thought-provoking questions can lead to memorable experiences and joy, even with high expenses.

      The speakers, Abby and her friends, have had memorable experiences during their 48-hour trip, which included trying various types of alcoholic beverages on boat rides. They have tried Asahi beer and Prosecco wine. They also attended an expensive dinner, where they were impressed by the food and the ambiance, but felt rushed and unable to enjoy dessert. To add some structure to their conversation, they used thought-provoking question cards, which they encourage their listeners to try as well. Despite the high expenses, they found joy and memorable experiences during their short trip.

    • Discovering deeper connections through shared experiencesFirst impressions can be misleading, but shared experiences can lead to deeper friendships.

      First impressions can evolve into deeper friendships, especially when shared experiences bring people closer together. During this conversation, Kate and Phoebe discussed their initial impressions of each other and how they've grown as friends. Kate's first impression of Phoebe was that she was lively, chatty, and fun, but as they spent more time together, they discovered shared interests and formed a deeper connection. Phoebe's first impression of Aaron was during an intense overseas experience in Fiji, where they quickly bonded over their genuine personalities and strong convictions. These shared experiences allowed them to form lasting friendships, despite initial impressions.

    • Judging Gemma by her first impression was a mistakeFirst impressions can be misleading, and people's beliefs and actions may be more complex than they seem at first glance.

      First impressions can be misleading, and people are not always as they seem on the surface. The speaker shares an anecdote about a woman named Gemma who made a grand entrance at their college with a large Mecca order, which left a negative impression on the speaker. However, they later learned that Gemma was a climate change engineer and had been joking about her disbelief in climate change during an argument with the speaker. This experience showed the speaker that Gemma was not the "poser" she had initially assumed, and that people's beliefs and actions can be more complex than they appear at first glance. The speaker also reflects on how their own insecurities and biases influenced their initial impression of Gemma. Overall, this experience taught the speaker to be more open-minded and to avoid making snap judgments based on superficial impressions.

    • Looks can be deceiving: Erin's story of misjudging KateFirst impressions can be inaccurate, and it's important to look beyond superficial factors to truly understand someone.

      First impressions can be powerful and sometimes inaccurate. Erin shared her experience of forming a negative first impression of Kate based on her looks and quiet demeanor. However, she later pursued a friendship with Kate and discovered that her initial judgment was wrong. Erin acknowledged that she has a tendency to judge people quickly but strives to find the best in them. The conversation also touched on the topic of being a good judge of character and the importance of giving people a chance, even if the first impression is not positive. Erin's story highlights the importance of looking beyond initial impressions and giving people the benefit of the doubt. It's a reminder that people are complex and multifaceted, and we should not limit ourselves by making snap judgments based on superficial factors.

    • Looking Beyond Initial ImpressionsPeople are complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to look beyond initial impressions to truly understand them

      People can be misjudged based on first impressions, but getting to know them on a deeper level can reveal that these stereotypes may not accurately represent their true selves. During a podcast discussion, the hosts shared their experiences of living up to stereotypes. One host identified as a "basic white girl" who loves Taylor Swift and embraces that stereotype, while another was rejected as a potential housemate due to too many similarities. The hosts also acknowledged their past roles as over-achievers and perfectionists. These stereotypes, while sometimes true, do not define the individuals completely. It's important to remember that people are complex and multifaceted, and it's essential to look beyond initial impressions to truly understand them.

    • The Power of a Consistent Morning RoutineEstablishing a personal morning routine can improve mood and productivity, while staying true to individual preferences and quirks is essential.

      Having a consistent morning routine can make a significant difference in how one feels and starts their day. Some people, like Erin, enjoy having a set routine with activities like yoga and preparing overnight oats. For others, like Phoebe, the desire for variety and spontaneity takes precedence. The discussion also touched upon the importance of staying true to oneself and embracing one's quirks, whether that be a hot-headed temperament or an unusual way of using a phone pay system. Lastly, the group shared memories of their first experiences with intoxication, describing it as an out-of-body and often humorous experience.

    • A memorable drinking experience in FranceShared experiences and cultural differences can deeply impact our relationship with alcohol

      The speaker's first memorable drinking experience was during her exchange program in France when she was surrounded by friends from various countries, and they shared a bottle of champagne near a beautiful fountain in a castle. This experience stood out to her as she reflected on how many drinks it would have taken her to feel the same way before. The speaker also mentioned that she didn't start drinking until she was 18 and her first drink was a gin and orange juice that she found unmemorable. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of shared experiences and cultural differences in shaping one's relationship with alcohol.

    • Navigating New ExperiencesBeing open to new experiences, even those filled with uncertainty, can broaden our perspective and shape us in meaningful ways.

      Experiences, whether they involve trying new things like alcohol for the first time or navigating complex emotions, shape us in significant ways. The speaker shared her story of her first experience getting drunk, which was filled with excitement, curiosity, and a bit of mischief. She also reflected on the contrast between naivete and jadedness, expressing a preference for the former despite its potential drawbacks. The discussion highlighted the importance of being open to new experiences and the impact they can have on our perspective and outlook on life. The speaker's honesty and introspection provided a relatable and engaging conversation, reminding us of the power of sharing stories and learning from one another.

    • Balancing jadedness and naiveteFind joy in simple things while staying aware of complexities, avoid overly cynical perspective

      Being jaded can make it difficult to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and see the best in situations. However, being too naive can make one oblivious to potential negative experiences. Finding a balance between the two, being critically aware yet open to positivity, is key to living a fulfilling life. It's important to recognize that everyone's perspective is influenced by their experiences and backgrounds. Being jaded can offer the opportunity for positive surprises, but it's essential to avoid becoming overly cynical. Ultimately, it's a personal choice to find joy in the simple things and stay aware of the complexities of the world around us.

    • A discussion about peeing in the ocean vs using public restrooms led to reflections on different lifestyles and growing up.People have unique perspectives and experiences shaped by their circumstances, leading to diverse ways of living and growing up.

      People have different perspectives and experiences when it comes to living their lives. Some prefer a simpler, more carefree existence, while others crave the structure and responsibilities that come with adulthood. During a conversation, the topic of peeing in the ocean came up, with some expressing a preference for this over using public toilets. This discussion then led to a reflection on different lifestyles and how some people are able to live more carefree lives due to their circumstances. The conversation also touched on the idea of growing up and feeling like an adult, with some recalling their first experiences of adult responsibilities and emotions. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the diversity of experiences and perspectives that make up the human experience.

    • Moments of adversity lead to personal growthEmbracing challenging experiences can foster independence and self-reliance, leading to valuable lessons and growth.

      Experiencing moments of adversity and emotional depth can lead to profound realizations of personal growth and maturity. These moments often occur when we are alone and forced to rely on ourselves. For instance, one individual shared an experience of feeling lost and alone in a new city, while another remembered late-night walks on campus during a difficult time. Another person recounted the feeling of independence that came with booking their own flights and accommodations. These moments, though initially challenging, served as reminders of their growing independence and ability to handle life's ups and downs. Ultimately, these experiences highlighted the importance of embracing personal growth and learning to trust oneself in times of need.

    • Moving in with a partner: A milestone in lifeMaking mistakes and learning from them adds meaning to life, moving in with a partner can bring joy and challenges, and taking steps towards adulthood is significant.

      Moving in with a partner for the first time can feel like a significant milestone in life, bringing a sense of maturity and togetherness that can be reminiscent of childhood dreams. This was shared by the speaker during a conversation about her experience of living with her boyfriend Jack in a new home. They found joy in cooking meals and sharing moments in their adult-sized kitchen, making them feel like they had truly grown up. This realization came as a surprise to the speaker, as she was among her friends who were also in relationships but had not yet taken the step of moving in together. The speaker emphasized the importance of making mistakes and learning from them in life, as a way to give meaning and purpose to one's existence. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of taking steps towards adulthood and the joy and challenges that come with it.

    • Exploring Fears and PrioritiesReflect on personal fears and priorities, and engage in meaningful conversations with loved ones.

      Our fears and anxieties, whether irrational or rational, can significantly impact our lives. Gemma shared her fears of playgrounds and planes, while Eren discussed his theories about aliens and the possibility of being observed. The group also discussed the importance of love and money, and how they each prioritize them differently. In a lighter moment, they discussed how their weekend would have been different without drugs or alcohol. Throughout the conversation, they touched on various topics, from irrational fears to theories about aliens and the importance of love and money. It's clear that everyone has unique perspectives and experiences, and that open discussions can lead to interesting and thought-provoking conversations. So, take a moment to reflect on your own fears and priorities, and consider having a meaningful conversation with your friends or loved ones about what makes you who you are. And don't forget to take care of your teeth with Pronamel, the number one dentist-recommended brand for acid erosion.

    • Celebrating Black History Month at Walmart with Special Events and a New PodcastWalmart honors Black History Month with free events featuring black-led products and giveaways, and a new podcast, The Bright Side, offers conversations about culture and inspiration.

      This February, Walmart is celebrating Black History Month with special events at their Black and Unlimited Clock locations in New York City and Los Angeles. During these events, which run from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., attendees can try, like, and share black-led products, with giveaways dropping every hour. This is a free and inclusive opportunity to discover new choices that can enhance daily routines. Additionally, Danielle Robey and Simone Boyce are hosting a new daily podcast called The Bright Side on iHeart. This podcast offers conversations about culture, trends, inspiration, and more, providing a platform for people to share their stories and advice. Don't miss out on these exciting events and podcasts, as they bring positivity and new discoveries to your daily life.

    Recent Episodes from The Psychology of your 20s

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    208. Let's talk about coping mechanisms

    Very few of us ever receive an education on coping. We are taught bad things happen, we are taught pointless math equations, we are taught to grin and bear it, but not effective psychological ways of integrating stressful, painful, frustrating experiences. In this episode, we break down the psychology of coping mechanisms, including: 

    • Problem focused vs. emotion focused coping
    • Maladaptive vs. adaptive coping 
    • Our most common defence mechanisms 
    • How to stop numbing ourselves to our experiences 
    • How to consciously deal with hard things in life 
    • Our coping statements 
    • Freud, Carl Jung and many more 

    Listen now for a comprehensive deep dive into coping in your 20s and beyond. 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    207. How to have better conversations

    207. How to have better conversations

    Conversations seem like they should be the easiest thing in the world, but we all know that sometimes that is not the case! Mental distractions, running out of things to talk about, feeling a bit off, all some of the roadblocks we face. In today's episode we break down FIVE tips to have better conversations: 

    1. The 2:1 question ratio
    2. The fast friends protocol 
    3. Story topping and bright siding 
    4. The 5 minute urge 
    5. The liking gap 

    Listen now for more so we can all be having better conversations in whatever area of life!

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    206. The psychology of love bombing

    206. The psychology of love bombing

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    • The cultish origin of love bombing
    • The three stages of love bombing 
    • Why people love bomb?
    • The interaction between narcissism and love bombing 
    • Intensity addiction and love bombing 
    • The five questions for determining: is it love or lovebombing? 

    We also dive into why it can be so easy to get swept up by these individuals and behaviours, how to know it when you see it and the strength it takes to walk away. 

    Listen now! 

    For online help: https://whiteribbon.org.au/helplines/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com



    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    205. A mental health update

    205. A mental health update

    Since the beginning of this show I've been super open about my mental health so I thought I'd share an update (the bad, the good and the really good). Let's normalise talking openly and honestly about what we're going through even when its not pretty  or aesthetic. Thank you for all the support!

    Mental Health support in your area: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    204. Should we be thinking about kids in our 20s?

    The thought of having children in our 20s feels like an incredibly adult decision, and is one a lot of us probably don't consider. We want to protect our youth and our freedom a little bit longer, or perhaps have decided we probably will never want children.

    But whether you want to have children or not, having a clear understanding of your future intentions or choices, your reproductive health, the kind of person who might make a good partner, and therefore parent, is important. More information, more foresight actually equals greater freedom and sometimes time to decide. 

    We break down: 

    • Why you should be thinking in your 20s
    • The pros and cons of having children in your 20s 
    • The argument for NOT having children 
    • Fertility
    • Milestone anxiety and the pressure to find someone 
    • Your stories of pregnancy, parenthood and fertility in your 20s

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    For business enquiries: psychologyofyour20s@gmail.com


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    203. Why do we feel unloveable?

    Struggling with our self worth can often impact how deserving we feel of love. This sense that we may be 'unloveable' causes us to miss out on healthy, fulfilling relationships, self sabotage and stay with people who don't deserve us. In today's episode, we discuss: 

    • The origins of why we feel unworthy of love
    • Childhood wounds 
    • Early romantic scripts and teen romance 
    • Repeated rejection and shame
    • The consequences of feeling unloveable 
    • Repetition of toxic relationships
    • How to restore or rediscover your sense of self worth and self love 

    And so much more. Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    202. Body dysmorphia

    202. Body dysmorphia

    All of us have insecurities when it comes to our appearance, but what happens when these become obsessive and a point of fixation? In today's episode we break down the psychology and pathology of body dysmorphia, including: 

    • The origins in childhood experiences
    • Family history and influence 
    • The differences in expression between men and women
    • The relationship between body dysmorphia and cosmetic surgery 
    • The influence of toxic gym, diet culture and 'bigorexia'
    • How false beliefs influence behaviour 
    • Dating with body dysmorphia, and more

    Listen now! 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    201. 5 scientific ways to ACTUALLY be happier

    We all want to be happier, but are probably sick of hearing about 'exercising more, eating better, sleeping 8 hours'. In today's episode we break down FIVE evidence based tips that are simple, accessible, actionable and inexpensive for becoming a happier person and the research that proves it: 

    1. Focus on platonic love over romantic love
    2. Small acts of kindness + how we are spending our money wrong and why its making us less happy 
    3. The importance of a project 
    4. The healing power of nature + what bacteria and dirt have to do with it 
    5. Let yourself wallow 

    Listen now! 

    Buy notebooks here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast Instagram here: @thatpsychologypodcast 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    200. Going 'no contact' and why it works!

    200. Going 'no contact' and why it works!

    Going 'no contact' after a breakup or relationship breakdown is promoted as one of the best ways to move on from an ex. But why is that the case, and what is the psychology? Is it always that easy?

    In today's episode we break down the psychology of going 'no contact': why it works, the science, when it's necessary and how to stay committed, even when it feels impossible. Listen now!

    Our notebooks are OUT NOW: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/ 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast 


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    199. The struggles of job hunting in our 20s

    199. The struggles of job hunting in our 20s

    You're not imagining it! The job market is getting harder, especially for 20-somethings who are entering the job market for the first time and trying to find their path. In today's episode we break down the psychological toll that the job hunt takes on us, the constant rejections, unrewarded effort, resentment and frustration. We also discuss why our generation has it tougher and it's not just a you problem but also how to improve your odds and keep your head up! All that and more, listen now :) 

    Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

    Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    💅 GKBarry: https://www.tiktok.com/@gkbarry?lang=en
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    If you'd like to work with us email the studio on workwithsavinggrace@fellasstudios.com

    Friends with (no) benefits

    Friends with (no) benefits

    ADVISORY CONTENT WARNING: Unfortunately, our mics dropped out for the last 10 mins of this week’s episode so we apologise for the last 5 minutes…

    Welcome to this week’s episode of the Therapy Crouch!

    This week, Abbey has had some life affirming news and it has encouraged the gang to discuss all things friendship group related. 

    Ever found yourself stuck with a talkative boring Norman at a wedding? Or had the dreaded experience of when two of your close friends split up and you don’t know which one to keep? You’re not alone.

    Abbey and Peter are here to give you some witty personal anecdotes, and advice on what to do if you ever find yourself in one of these sticky situations. 

    We also find out why Pete could be inline for the next Gucci modelling job and Abbey has some choice words for one of our listeners who has an issue with her attempt at an Italian accent. 

    It’s a cracker!

    Enjoy this week’s Therapy Crouch!

    To contact us: 

    Email: thetherapycrouch@gmail.com 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetherapycrouchpodcast/ 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thetherapycrouch 

    Website: https://thetherapycrouch.com/ 

    For more from Peter



    For more from Abbey


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