
    361. Andy & DJ CTI: Allen Weisselberg Sentenced, Teachers' Union Firing White Teachers & New Special Agents Harassing Americans

    enAugust 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring personal development and community improvement through podcastThe 'Cruising the Internet' podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, focuses on personal development, addressing problems on a macro scale, and inspiring listeners to make positive changes in their lives and the world.

      The "Cruising the Internet" podcast, hosted by Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz, aims to help listeners improve their lives by discussing various topics, answering questions, and bringing on successful guests. The show's focus is on personal development and identifying and addressing problems on a macro scale. The hosts believe that by raising individual standards, communities and ultimately the world can be positively impacted. The show is free, but if it helps, listeners are encouraged to share it. The hosts alternate between Q&A sessions, real talk, and full-length interviews. The Q&A sessions are a question and answer format, while real talk allows the hosts to share their thoughts on current events and personal experiences. Full-length episodes feature interviews with successful individuals, where they discuss their achievements and how listeners can replicate their success. The show's ultimate goal is to inspire and empower listeners to make positive changes in their own lives and in turn, make the world a better place.

    • Personal experiences and cultural background shape soda preferencesThe speaker's fondness for specific sodas is influenced by their childhood memories, cultural associations, and a desire to support local brands.

      The speaker has a strong preference for Cherry Lime soda, which reminds them of their favorite soda growing up, Diet Mountain Dew. They associate Mountain Dew with Missouri and the black community. Cream soda is also mentioned as a favorite and seems to be popular at gatherings. The speaker is unsure if it's a "white people thing" but acknowledges that they have positive memories of drinking it at casserole parties. They express a desire to see St. Louis revive Vess, a local soda brand, and replace the dominance of Pepsi and Coke Cola. Overall, the speaker's preferences and associations with certain sodas are deeply rooted in their personal experiences and cultural background.

    • CFO of Trump Organization Pleads Guilty to Tax FraudThe Trump Organization, under the leadership of its longtime CFO Alan Wistelberg, is accused of a tax fraud scheme involving evasion of taxes on income, rent, and tuition payments from multiple agencies including the IRS and New York tax departments. Wistelberg faces prison time and a fine, highlighting the risks of complex tax codes for large organizations.

      Alan Wistelberg, the longtime CFO of the Trump Organization, has pleaded guilty to tax fraud charges and agreed to testify against the company. He faces a five-month prison sentence and a $2 million fine. The charges allege that the Trump Organization engaged in a scheme to defraud multiple agencies, including the IRS and the New York tax departments, by evading taxes on income, rent, and tuition payments. The scheme reportedly ran from before 2017, during which time Donald Trump was the president and owner of the Trump Organization. The complex tax code and the need to rely on experts to navigate it make such schemes a risk for even large and wealthy organizations.

    • Consider the larger context and potential motivations behind political investigationsEvaluate investigations beyond headlines, historical context and potential consequences are crucial factors, and be aware of unintended policy effects

      The ongoing political investigations can appear as a witch hunt, with allegations against certain individuals used to make them look unfavorable. However, it's essential to consider the larger context and potential motivations behind these investigations. For instance, some individuals and organizations may be taking billions of dollars from governments while others are being targeted for much smaller infractions. Furthermore, historical context, such as political party affiliations, should be taken into account when evaluating the situation. It's crucial to look beyond headlines and sensationalized information to gain a clear understanding of the issues at hand. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the potential consequences of certain policies, such as the Inflation Reduction Act, which may not actually reduce inflation but instead create more.

    • Recession and Controversial Union Decision Amidst ElectionThe recession and election bring uncertainty, while the Minneapolis Teachers Union's plan to fire white teachers is labeled illegal and divisive, highlighting the complexities and potential consequences of current societal issues.

      We're currently experiencing a recession and the upcoming election could significantly impact the future of the country. The speaker has been warning about this for months, emphasizing the chaos, division, and destruction that's occurring. In a related story, the Minneapolis Teachers Union's plan to fire white teachers ahead of people of color has been labeled illegal and unconstitutional. While the union claims it's to remedy past discrimination, critics argue it's perpetuating present discrimination. The speaker expresses confusion and skepticism about the situation and encourages critical thinking. The union's president, Greta Callahan, is identified as being part of a progressive group, adding another layer to the controversy. Overall, these events highlight the complexity and potential consequences of current societal issues.

    • Judging people by race is harmfulFocus on character and actions for unity, address educational issues fairly to promote progress

      Judging people based on their race is wrong and harmful to society. This perspective goes against the divisive ideology that aims to weaken America by creating racial hatred and division. Instead, focusing on the content of a person's character and their actions is essential for unity and progress. The speaker also suggests addressing educational issues by evaluating teachers based on their students' performance and offering competitive salaries to attract qualified educators. Ultimately, recognizing the importance of individual character and unity is crucial to counteracting the intentional demoralization of society and preserving the freedom and quality of life in America.

    • Divisive social narratives fuel education and law enforcement issuesBy respecting and valuing teachers and law enforcement, we can potentially improve education and public safety. Let's focus on common goals and not be divided by side issues.

      The issues plaguing education and law enforcement in the U.S. are not inherent, but rather intentionally created through divisive social narratives. The speaker argues that by respecting and valuing teachers and law enforcement, we could potentially improve education and public safety. Furthermore, the comparison to other countries, particularly India, highlights the absence of these issues in their educational systems. The speaker urges individuals to stand up for their communities, raise standards, and be vocal against these divisive narratives to save the country from losing its way. The underlying message is to not let ourselves be divided by side issues and instead focus on the common goal of improving our society.

    • IRS's Controversial Recruitment Program and Growing WorkforceThe IRS is expanding its budget and workforce, raising concerns about potential harassment and abuse of taxpayers. Its Adrian Project, where students are trained to conduct mock arrests, has added to these concerns.

      The IRS is increasing its budget and workforce significantly through the Inflation Reduction Act, leading to concerns about potential harassment and abuse of taxpayers. The IRS has a long-standing recruitment program called the Adrian Project, where high school and college students are trained to conduct mock arrests and carry fake firearms. While these students are not actual law enforcement officers, the program has raised concerns about the IRS's tactics and intentions. With the new funding and hiring, the IRS is expected to double its workforce and potentially target young people who may be apathetic towards money or tax laws. The seriousness of the situation should not be downplayed, as the IRS's increased presence and authority could have significant implications for individuals and businesses.

    • Government preparing for potential tax resistanceConcerns of government hiring armed tax collectors targeting 'domestic terrorists' or Americans with strong beliefs, reflecting potential future tax resistance due to perceived government overreach

      There is a concern that the government may be preparing for potential tax resistance by creating an army of armed tax collectors, targeting those labeled as "domestic terrorists" or regular Americans who hold strong beliefs in their country. This theory stems from the belief that these groups have been planning for decades, anticipating a time when people may reject paying taxes due to government actions such as high taxes, immigration policies, and perceived theft of resources. These agencies may be hiring individuals who hold similar ideologies to carry out this role. It's essential to stand firm in one's beliefs and show pride in one's country during these uncertain times.

    • Personal Excellence and Cultural RevolutionEmpower yourself through personal growth and set a good example to bring about change, despite leaders or violence. Be vigilant and contribute to positive change in your own way.

      Individuals have the power to bring about change through personal excellence and cultural revolution, rather than relying on leaders or violence. The speaker emphasizes that those in power want people to be weak, poor, dependent, apathetic, and unpatriotic, and that it's essential to raise personal standards and set a good example to counteract this. An interesting news story that illustrates this concept is about a two-year-old Turkish girl who bit and killed a snake after it bit her, showing fearlessness and determination. The speaker also warns that we live in a dangerous time and encourages everyone to be vigilant and contribute to positive change in their own way.

    • An unexpected tragedy from an ordinary eventBe aware of surroundings, danger can lurk in unexpected places, and being prepared is crucial.

      Even the most ordinary events can take unexpected and tragic turns. In this case, what appeared to be a harmless encounter with a rubber snake turned out to be a real venomous snake that bit a young girl, resulting in her death. Despite the unexpected outcome, the girl's quick reaction and bravery were noted by those present. The incident serves as a reminder that danger can lurk in unexpected places and that being prepared and vigilant is crucial. The lack of a clear understanding of the situation and the absence of a picture of the incident only adds to the mystery and intrigue of the story. Ultimately, the incident is a sobering reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of being aware of our surroundings.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

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    Welcome to The Resilient Learner Podcast!

    We help learners of all ages cultivate the adaptable mindsets and skills necessary to carve their own path in their education and careers.

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    If you're new to the podcast, The Resilient Learner Podcast may be for you if you relate to any of the following:

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    • You were very good at following paths created for you by authority figures, but feel incapable of creating your own 'life syllabus'.

    If you like this episode, please subscribe, share, and leave us a rating and review on iTunes!

    Music by Music Unlimited from Pixabay