
    Podcast Summary

    • Observing soldiers and sailors in wartimeRenowned war correspondent Ernie Pyle admired soldiers and sailors for their courage and resilience, capturing their daily struggles and triumphs amidst fear and uncertainty.

      War is a harsh and unforgiving experience that tests your courage and resilience, whether you're a frontline soldier or a sailor. Ernie Pyle, a renowned war correspondent, observed the bravery of soldiers and sailors during wartime, noting their longing for the simple pleasures of civilian life. He described the soldiers' lives as unstable and abnormal, filled with dirt, danger, and uncertainty. Despite the fear of death, it was the reluctance to give up their futures that haunted them the most. From the infantry to the sailors, Pyle held his respect and admiration for the common soldier, capturing their daily struggles and triumphs in the midst of war. His writing provides a poignant reminder of the human spirit's enduring strength in the face of adversity.

    • Engineers in War: Essential and Dangerous RolesEngineers, crucial for military advancement, faced risks in building structures and clearing mines. Soldiers' determination and resilience shone through, even with injuries. War's grim reality was marked by isolation and loneliness of the dying.

      During wartime, even the non-combat roles like engineers were crucial and dangerous. Engineers, who built structures and cleared mines, were essential for the military's advancement. Despite the risks, they remained focused on their jobs and were often armed but not primarily for fighting. The author recounts an instance of a wounded soldier's desperation to return to duty, even with minor injuries, highlighting the soldiers' determination and resilience. Simultaneously, the grim reality of war was underscored by the loneliness and isolation of the dying, leaving an indelible impact on the author. Overall, the text illustrates the complexities and challenges of war, where every role, whether combat or support, played a vital part in the larger conflict.

    • The crucial role of engineers and artillery units in combat zonesEngineers and artillery units played a significant role in World War 2, with their bravery and hard work often overlooked. The intense waiting before the D-Day invasion was the most stressful part for all involved.

      The role of engineers and artillery units in combat zones, especially during wartime, is often underestimated. Witnessing the tough job of these combat warriors firsthand in Ramadi, the speaker was reminded of World War 2 movies and the intense battles between well-trained and well-organized troops. The author's book, which covers various phases of the war and the air war, ultimately leads up to the D-Day invasion. The war correspondents, who were reporting on the events, were just as scared as the soldiers, and the waiting before the invasion was the most stressful part. Shakespeare's quote, "the moment in between taking the action and when you think of the action and when you take the action that moment is an eternity," highlights the importance of closing the distance and taking action. The American engineers and artillery units played a crucial role in World War 2, and their bravery and hard work should not be overlooked.

    • The D-Day invasion: Facing overwhelming challenges with bravery and determinationDespite overwhelming challenges and fears, taking action and determination can help us overcome adversity and make a difference in the world.

      Facing a daunting challenge or situation, no matter how overwhelming it may seem, requires action and determination. The account of the D-Day invasion reveals the immense difficulties and fears the soldiers faced, from enemy defenses to their own anticipatory dread. Yet, once the invasion began, the horror and despair gave way to the prosaic reality of the war. The soldiers had to push through the maze of defenses and obstacles, both on land and underwater, to achieve their goal. This experience underscores the importance of taking action and not letting fear or hesitation hold us back, especially when the stakes are high. The soldiers' bravery and resilience serve as a reminder of the human capacity to overcome adversity and make a difference in the world.

    • Allies push through German defenses on D-DayDespite heavy German defenses, Allies successfully invaded Normandy, leading to a costly victory and the beginning of the end of WWII in Europe.

      Taking a heavily defended, fortified position requires determination and perseverance. The Germans had set up numerous obstacles, including mines, logs, and barbed wire, to prevent an invasion. Despite being outnumbered, the Allies managed to push through and take the beachhead, but at great cost. The aftermath of the invasion was a scene of carnage, with abandoned equipment and personal belongings scattered along the shore. German prisoners were taken, some accepting their defeat, while others were enraged at the "unethical" tactics used by the Americans. The determination and relentless attack of the Allies ultimately led to their victory, leaving behind a stark reminder of the cost of war.

    • The American fighting spirit in action during WWIIThe American spirit of determination and refusal to give up, even in the face of adversity, was a powerful force that contributed to the success of the 9th Infantry Division during the Shearboard Peninsula campaign in WWII.

      The American fighting spirit is a powerful force, as demonstrated by the actions of the 9th Infantry Division during the Shearboard Peninsula campaign in World War II. Despite the challenges and hardships, the Americans refused to back down and kept the pressure on the enemy, never giving them a chance to recover. This tenacious attitude, embodied by General Manton S. Eddy's leadership style, was a key factor in the division's success. The Germans may have thought they were rolling light, but the Americans were determined to win and get home just as badly as anyone else. General Eddy's unexpected appearances at the front lines boosted morale and showed the soldiers that their commanding general was right there with them, sharing in their experiences. This unexpected leadership style, combined with the division's relentless pursuit of the enemy, proved to be a winning combination. The American spirit of determination and refusal to give up, even in the face of adversity, is a powerful force that continues to inspire today.

    • War is harsh and challenging for soldiersSoldiers endure harsh conditions, fear death, and mental fatigue in war, not the glamour and boldness portrayed in stories.

      War is not glorious or easy as portrayed in victories and glory stories. The soldiers on the front line endure harsh conditions, constant movement, and the fear of death. They are tired, hungry, and often see their friends die. Exhaustion and mental fatigue can make soldiers feel hopeless and wish for a break. Leaders must balance the need to keep pushing forward with the need to protect and rest their troops. Soldiers are hesitant and cautious as they advance, not savage and bold as often portrayed. They are ordinary American boys who find themselves in a terrifying situation with no choice but to continue.

    • Ordinary men, extraordinary warriorsDespite their ordinary backgrounds, men demonstrated courage and resilience during wartime, proving that anyone can be a formidable fighter and adaptable community member.

      Regular men, despite their ordinary appearances and backgrounds, demonstrated extraordinary courage and resilience during wartime. These men, who were often school teachers, plumbers, mechanics, and lawyers, transformed into formidable warriors when faced with the horrors of battle. Their ordinary lives contrasted sharply with their actions on the battlefield, where they proved to be effective and determined fighters. The account of these men's experiences highlights the importance of the reservists, who returned to their normal jobs after their deployments, demonstrating their adaptability and commitment to their communities. Ultimately, their stories challenge the stereotype of the warrior and remind us that courage and bravery are not limited to those born into military families or those who make the military their primary career.

    • General Barton's emotional connection to his regimentThe intensity and scale of war, as depicted in General Barton's speech and the description of the airborne operation, reveal the emotional toll and awe-inspiring power of military action.

      The speech given by General Barton before the massive operation reveals his deep connection and pride for his regiment, which has been at the forefront of many battles. The description of the airborne operation is a vivid portrayal of the intensity and scale of war, with planes filling the sky and heavy bombers bringing a relentless and ominous sound. Despite the precautions taken, the spectacle of the operation was so captivating that the soldiers were momentarily forgetful of their own safety. The speech and the description of the operation highlight the emotional toll of war and the awe-inspiring power of the military in action.

    • The unpredictable and dangerous nature of warWar brings awe-inspiring yet terrifying sights and sounds, leaving soldiers feeling helpless and trapped, while inspiring admiration for pilots carrying out their missions.

      War brings an enthralling yet terrifying spectacle of destruction and chaos. The passage describes an intense bombing raid where soldiers were captivated by the sight of planes in the sky, but were soon horrified as they realized the bombs were heading towards them. The sound of the falling bombs was unlike anything they had heard before, and they were forced to take cover. The experience left them feeling helpless and trapped, highlighting the unpredictable and dangerous nature of war. Despite the fear and chaos, there was also a sense of admiration for the pilots up in the sky, who continued their mission unfazed by the turmoil below. Overall, the passage underscores the complex and contradictory emotions that war can evoke.

    • Friendly fire incident during Allied attackClear communication is crucial in war to prevent friendly fire incidents and ensure success. Despite errors, soldiers must remain focused on their mission and show resilience.

      War is a chaotic and unpredictable experience, as illustrated by an incident where the Allied forces came under friendly fire during an attack. The author describes the intense fear and tension as bombs fell around them, and how they were grateful to have survived. Despite the error, the troops regrouped and continued the attack, showcasing their resilience and determination. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and the fog of war, which can lead to mistakes and even friendly fire. The Air Force played a crucial role in the invasion, providing support from the air and helping to keep the ground forces moving forward. Despite the challenges, the soldiers remained focused on their mission to defeat the enemy. The experience was a sobering reminder of the realities of war and the importance of staying calm and focused in the face of adversity.

    • The end of the European conflict: relief and sacrificeThe war in France marked the end of the European conflict, bringing relief but also immense sacrifice. Strong leadership, previous battles, and the collective strength of the Allied forces led to victory.

      War is a complex and destructive experience filled with fear, exhaustion, and uncertainty. Soldiers like Tommy Clayton, despite their harrowing experiences, continued to serve due to their duty and focus. The war in France marked the end of the European conflict, a relief but not a cause for celebration due to the immense loss and sacrifice. The victory was a result of many factors, including strong leadership, previous battles, and the collective strength of the Allied forces. Despite the horrors of war, it also showcased the incredible power and determination of the American people.

    • Reflecting on the sacrifices of war and the challenges of peaceVictory in war should be met with humility and gratitude, recognizing the sacrifices of fallen soldiers and the ongoing challenges of peace. Ernie Pyle's writings remind us of the importance of tolerance and understanding in a complex world.

      Victory in war should be met with humility and gratitude, rather than pride. Ernie Pyle, a war correspondent, emphasized the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by fallen soldiers and the challenges of transitioning from war to peace. He also shared his own personal struggles with depression and the fear of not surviving the war. The end of one war does not mean the end of all conflict, and the world will continue to present challenges that require tolerance and understanding. As we reflect on the experiences of those who have served and the lessons of history, we can appreciate the preciousness and complexity of life. To support this podcast, consider visiting our website and making a donation or becoming a member for exclusive content. Thank you for listening and for being a part of our community.

    • The power of descriptive writingReading and rereading powerful passages aloud can enhance their impact, while descriptive language can transport readers mentally and emotionally.

      The power of descriptive writing can transport readers mentally and emotionally, making even ordinary events or objects seem extraordinary. The speaker shares an example from a book where the description of heavy bombers as "heavies" and the sound they made was so vividly written that it left a lasting impact. The writer's use of straightforward, plain English also adds to the impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading and rereading powerful passages aloud to fully appreciate their effect. In the same vein, the speaker also mentions the importance of taking supplements, specifically mentioning Krill Oil, and admits to not having taken it despite expressing interest.

    • Personal Experience with Krill Oil for Joint PainSpeaker shares how taking krill oil led to reduced joint stiffness and pain within a few days, based on his personal experience and others' reports.

      The speaker has experienced noticeable improvements in joint stiffness and pain after taking krill oil. He shares his personal experience of carrying his young daughter and dealing with an ankle injury, which exacerbated his joint issues. However, after starting to take krill oil, he noticed a significant reduction in stiffness and pain within a few days. He also mentions that others have reported similar experiences and that his father-in-law had recommended krill oil for joint pain years ago. The speaker is now a believer in the benefits of krill oil for joint health. Additionally, he mentions his preference for Warrior bars made of buffalo meat as a good source of nutrition. He emphasizes that he doesn't recommend meal replacements and instead encourages people to eat whole foods like a steak when possible.

    • Supporting the Jocko PodcastListeners can support the Jocko Podcast by shopping through their Amazon links, subscribing on iTunes and YouTube, purchasing items from the Jocko Store, and wearing merchandise.

      Supporting the Jocko Podcast can be as simple as shopping through their Amazon links. This passive method doesn't cost listeners anything extra, but it generates revenue for the podcast through a referral system. It's a collective way for listeners to support the podcast while continuing their regular Amazon shopping habits. To make this even easier, the Trooper Tool Chrome extension can be downloaded to automatically direct Amazon purchases through the podcast's links. Additionally, listeners can support the podcast by subscribing on iTunes and YouTube, purchasing items from the Jocko Store, and wearing merchandise like the "Discipline Equals Freedom" t-shirt or rash guard, which can provide a subliminal mental boost. Overall, there are multiple ways to support the Jocko Podcast, and even small actions like shopping through their Amazon links can make a big difference.

    • Rash Guards: Essential Gear for Jiu JitsuRash guards offer improved grip, comfort, and protection for jiu jitsu practitioners. Originally designed for water sports, they've become essential gear due to their benefits and customization options.

      Rash guards, originally designed for water sports like surfing and bodyboarding, have now become essential gear for practicing jiu jitsu. While they were once used primarily for their intended purpose, the demand for jiu jitsu-specific rash guards has led to their design and production. These garments offer multiple benefits for jiu jitsu practitioners, including improved grip, comfort, and protection from mats and partners. Additionally, patches and other accessories are now available for customization. The production process for these items is decentralized, allowing for creative freedom and innovation. For those outside of the US, it's important to provide a phone number for customs purposes during the shipping process. Overall, the popularity and versatility of rash guards have made them an essential part of the jiu jitsu community.

    • Discovering connections through meaningful conversationsEngaging in conversations, even during simple interactions, can lead to fascinating discoveries and connections. Make the most of opportunities to learn and connect with others.

      Engaging in meaningful conversations with people, even during simple interactions, can lead to fascinating discoveries and connections. This was evident during a conversation between the speaker and a physicist they met at the gym. Although they didn't discuss physics directly, they still found common ground and shared experiences. The conversation led to the discovery of a unique Australian martial arts term, "too easy," which the speaker found intriguing. These types of conversations can occur through various means, such as email or podcasts, and can result in valuable learning experiences and long-lasting memories. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of making the most of the opportunities we have in life, including learning new things and connecting with others. The conversation also touched on the sacrifices made by individuals in the past, and the importance of remembering and honoring their legacies. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of engaging with others and the potential for meaningful discoveries that can arise from even the most casual interactions.

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    Scott Huesing - Author of Echo in Ramadi | Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines

    Scott Huesing - Author of Echo in Ramadi | Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 4th Marines
    "In war, destruction is everywhere. It eats everything around you. Sometimes it eats at you." —Major Scott Huesing, Echo Company Commander

    From the winter of 2006 through the spring of 2007, two-hundred-fifty Marines from Echo Company, Second Battalion, Fourth Marines fought daily in the dangerous, dense city streets of Ramadi, Iraq during the Multi-National Forces Surge ordered by President George W. Bush. The Marines' mission: to kill or capture anti-Iraqi forces. Their experience: like being in Hell.

    During his career spanning ten deployments, he operated in over 60 countries worldwide. Throughout his numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa he planned, led, and conducted hundreds of combat missions under some of the most austere and challenging conditions.

    Scott is a published author since 2005. Echo in Ramadi is a snapshot in time that changed the face of operations on the battlefield; a captivating story of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines during the Second Battle of Ramadi in support of the Multi-National Forces (MNF) Surge Strategy in 2006. His true-life account provides keen insights into what may be an unfamiliar world to readers, but very familiar to those, like Scott, who lived it and endured this historic fight.

    Echo in Ramadi is a firsthand account of the U.S. Marines as they fought in the deadliest city of Iraq. He conducted over 75 interviews with his Marines, soldiers and Gold Star families to honor their sacrifices both on and off the battlefield. His story shares not only the firefights and friction but also the tragic aftermath of war and healing of those that continue to battle with the effects of Post Traumatic Stress.

    The foreword, written by Major General James Livingston (Medal of Honor Recipient), Vietnam Veteran and former Echo Company Commander, speaks volumes. Praise for Echo in Ramadi includes LtCol Oliver North, political commentator and host of War Stories on the Fox News Channel. Dale Dye, Actor, and decorated Vietnam Veteran. Best-selling authors Bing West, Jack Coughlin, Robin Hutton, Charles Sasser. Most important to Scott are the endorsements from his Marines and Chris Libby, Gold Star brother of Corporal Dustin J. Libby (KIA 6 December 2006). Echo in Ramadi was written to honor the sacrifices and spirit of his Marines and the families they supported - it is his tribute to them and honor to tell this great story. Readers will no doubt feel the pain, emotion, laughter, intensity, and friction that Scott describes in unvarnished detail.

    We discuss his career path from enlisted Marine to an officer as he led Echo Company through the bloody streets of Ramadi - and the qualities that ultimately shaped his leadership style and decisions to write about this historic battle.

    He shares his process of writing. Describing how putting pen to paper can serve as an outlet for others to heal - helping veterans cope with and share the unnatural acts they faced on the battlefield.

    Scott describes with humility how he learned from his examples of leadership over the span of his career - both good and bad. Listeners will also gain perspective on the importance of learning from the living warriors from the past battles and how to tap into those of the Greatest Generation while they are still alive. He shares his network skills and how to leverage tools and programs available to veteran artists, such as The Veterans Writer’s Project to help move forward with personal goals in writing, speaking, and life.

    Finally, Scott talks about his charity, Save the Brave, a certified 501(c)3 serving as the Executive Director. Connecting veterans through outreach bringing service members together to share camaraderie long after they leave the service and no longer wear the uniform. Providing outreach programs provided by Stoked on Fishing hosted by Fox West Sports.

    Along with his selfless work with Save the Brave, he is also the President of the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines Association, a non-profit that helps Veterans and active duty Marines and is the Vice President on the Board of the KD Poynter Legacy Foundation to provide funds and support to all Veterans. He is a sought-out public speaker and a member of Bravo 748, a military speaking consortium and a featured author with Patriot Authors Unsung online magazine.

    I had a great conversation with Scott, and from it—I can easily see why if anyone can show the world that heroes are real… he is the one to do it.

    Show Notes

     Pre-Marine Corps Huesing (08:39)

     I try to get Scott’s recipe for leadership (10:50)

     Filling voids (12:48)

     Scott’s decision to go to college (15:00)

     A calling to serve (15:57)

     Learning how to and how NOT to lead from the environment around you (19:49)

     Leading from the front: “It’s not just a bumper sticker” (21:32)

     Leading up to leading the Marines of Echo, in Ramadi…(23:12)

     Chemistry (25:08)

     Experiencing Ramadi over 75 times (28:42)

     Scott’s advice on writing your own story (36:00)

     The Veterans Writer’s Project; The Writers Guild of America (WGA) (38:22)

     Finding a way to maintain the high-tempo life outside the service (39:52)

     “It’s acceptable to struggle” (42:25)

     Scott talks about the process of starting a/his business after the service (44:56)

     Learning from Veteran Warriors: Lunch with PFC Jim Skinner (48:08)

     Save The Brave! (52:28)

     A sneak peek into book number two (55:15)

     Scott’s advice for those struggling to find themselves today (55:57)

     20-year Hindsight (59:05)

     The “Major” Legacy (1:00:00)

    Shout Outs:

    Save the Brave Foundation

    Nick Velez

    Ernesto “Ernie” Delgado

    Stoked on Fishing

    Fox Sports - West

    Shea McIntee

    Andrew Pereira

    PFC Jim Skinner

    The Veterans Writer’s Project; The Writers Guild of America (WGA)

    The Marines of Echo Company 2nd Bt, 4th Marines

    The Soldiers of Task Force 1-9 infantry

    The warriors of 77th armored Steel Tigers

    The Gold Star families that sacrificed their families to protect ours

    Major General James Livingston

    Colonel Oliver North

    Dale Dye

    Bing West

    Jack Coughlin

    Dustin Libbey (KIA)

    The Return of Huesing - #1 Best Selling Author of “Echo in Ramadi”

    The Return of Huesing - #1 Best Selling Author of “Echo in Ramadi”
    Retired Marine Major, and #1 Best Selling author of Echo in Ramadi reached out to me to touch base with the #YearOfTheVet family, and fill us in on what he’s been up to since the last conversation between us!

    Echo in Ramadi, describes Scott’s account during the winter of 2006 through the spring of 2007, where two-hundred-fifty Marines from Echo Company, Second Battalion, Fourth Marines fought daily in the dangerous, dense city streets of Ramadi, Iraq during the Multi-National Forces Surge ordered by President George W. Bush. The Marines' mission: to kill or capture anti-Iraqi forces. Their experience: like being in Hell.

    During his career spanning ten deployments, he operated in over 60 countries worldwide. Throughout his numerous deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa he planned, led, and conducted hundreds of combat missions under some of the most austere and challenging conditions.

    Scott is a published author since 2005. Echo in Ramadi is a snapshot in time that changed the face of operations on the battlefield; a captivating story of Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines during the Second Battle of Ramadi in support of the Multi-National Forces (MNF) Surge Strategy in 2006. His true-life account provides keen insights into what may be an unfamiliar world to readers, but very familiar to those, like Scott, who lived it and endured this historic fight.

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    Lorenzo McNulty - Entrepreneur | Author |  Founder of Keep it Hemple
    My Very First Podcast, I introduce, my friend... my brother... My Guide.... Marine Corps Veteran....

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    Founder of The Wealth Academy, and author of "A Girl's Gotta Have Her Own Money: Pretty | Powerful | Profitable," McNulty has focused his energy into providing both men & women the information and tools, to become financially independent, and not have to struggle the way he did on his journey to his children's independence.

    McNulty started from the bottom of sales, all the way to the corner offices—training Fortune 500 CEO's... this is a "wealth" of knowledge to listen to... pun intended.

    *I have to apologize for the dissonance of the two mic levels and the first few couple of minutes of tech problems, but WHEN YOU GO LIVE, YOU'RE LIVE BABY!

    Keep listening... because it was such a great conversation that may help you in some way, shape, or form!