
    416: Step Up, Work Hard, Have Fun, and Raise The Bar. With "Lead Bob" Bobby Holland.

    enDecember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A Naval Special Warfare Operator's Bravery and LeadershipPetty Officer Robert 'Bobby' Holland, known as 'Lead Bob', displayed exceptional courage and leadership, earning a Bronze Star Medal for suppressing enemy fire while wounded. His Portuguese heritage, entrepreneurial mother, and great-grandfather's immigrant journey inspire determination to make a difference.

      Petty Officer Robert "Bobby" Holland, a naval special warfare operator, displayed exceptional courage and leadership during combat operations in Iraq in 2006. He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for heroically engaging the enemy, suppressing their fire, and providing cover for his team despite being wounded. Throughout his career, Bobby was known as "Lead Bob" for his ability to step up and lead various aspects of missions as an enlisted SEAL. Born and raised in California, Bobby's Portuguese heritage earned him the nickname "Portuguese pig." His great-grandfather had immigrated to America during World War 1, swimming a mile to catch a boat. Bobby's mother was raised on a farm in Selma and later became an entrepreneur. Bobby's story is a testament to courage, leadership, and determination, inspiring us to step up and make a difference in our own lives.

    • Parents overcame their challenging backgrounds to provide stable home environmentBoth parents, despite their rough backgrounds, managed to provide a stable and nurturing home environment for their children, introducing them to opportunities for growth and success.

      Despite coming from humble and challenging backgrounds, both the speaker's father and mother managed to provide a stable and nurturing home environment for their children. The father, who grew up in Selma and had a difficult childhood, became a purchasing manager at a commercial water filtration corporation, and served in the Navy as a Seabee. He introduced his son to the military and instilled a deep respect for it. The mother, whose background was also rough, raised her children well and ensured they had healthy outlets for their energy, such as sports. The speaker himself was very into sports and played various types of football from a young age, including street football in Hawaii. Despite their challenging upbringings, both parents were able to break the cycle of adversity and provide their children with opportunities for growth and success.

    • Parenting for resilience: Let children be themselves while setting expectationsSupportive parents let children be themselves, set clear expectations, and help them grow from challenges to build resilience and reach their full potential.

      Supportive and firm parenting can help children develop resilience and become the best version of themselves, even if they face challenges such as getting into fights or not excelling academically right away. The speaker in this conversation shared that his parents let him be himself while also setting clear expectations and consequences for his actions. He acknowledged that he got into fights as a child but was undefeated, and his parents' approach to discipline and support helped him grow and learn from these experiences. The speaker also emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and being fueled by personal passions, even in the face of adversity.

    • Childhood sports shape future successSports build strength, confidence, and determination, contributing to personal growth and future success.

      Participating in sports, specifically wrestling, during childhood can have a profound impact on a person's life. The speaker, who met a friend named Tyler in middle school and both went on to join the SEAL teams, credits his wrestling experience for teaching him valuable skills and discipline. He was a successful wrestler until 8th grade but met his match and switched to football in high school, where he also excelled. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sports in building strength, confidence, and determination, even if one's career doesn't reach the highest levels. He also mentions how distractions like social life and relationships can hinder personal growth. Overall, the speaker's story underscores the significance of sports in shaping individuals and preparing them for future challenges.

    • Unexpected End to Football CareerDespite setbacks, including personal distractions and lack of focus, one can find passion and purpose in unexpected places

      Despite having the potential to excel in football, the speaker's high school career ended unexpectedly when he was tackled after recovering a fumble during a crucial game. Distractions, including a relationship with a woman named Beth, and a lack of focus on his goals contributed to his inability to gain the necessary weight and secure scholarships. After football, he turned to music as a passion and became self-taught on the guitar. The speaker reflects on his football experience with a sense of nostalgia, acknowledging the challenges and hardships that shaped his journey.

    • Exploring new opportunities can lead to unexpected discoveriesNot having a specific goal right now doesn't mean failure, and exploring new opportunities can lead to unexpected discoveries.

      Sometimes in life, we may not have a clear plan for our future, and that's okay. The speaker in this conversation shared his personal experience of growing up with a passion for heavy metal music, and how he didn't have a set career path after high school. He worked various jobs, including at a Hofbrau restaurant, and eventually discovered Aikido as a new interest. The lack of a definitive plan didn't hold him back, and he eventually found fulfillment in a new passion. It's important to remember that not having a specific goal right now doesn't mean failure, and exploring new opportunities can lead to unexpected discoveries.

    • From Aikido to Navy SEALs: A Complex JourneyPersonal growth is influenced by various factors including personal interests, external influences, and life experiences. It's never a straightforward path.

      The speaker's journey to discovering his passion for martial arts and eventually joining the Navy SEALs was not a straightforward path. He started training in Aikido during his senior year of high school and continued into community college. His interest in martial arts was sparked by various influences, including movies and teachers. However, it wasn't until he encountered a recruitment center and met a Gunnery Sergeant that he decided to pursue a military career. Despite this, his mother was initially opposed to the idea due to his lack of prior discussion about military service. The speaker's experience highlights the complex and multifaceted nature of personal growth and the influence of various factors in shaping one's goals and aspirations.

    • Deciding to join the Navy SEALs and Preparing for the ChallengeDetermination and preparation are crucial when pursuing a challenging goal. Despite initial setbacks, staying focused and persistent can lead to success.

      Determination and preparation are key when pursuing a challenging goal. The speaker shares his experience of deciding to join the Navy SEALs after a conversation with a Gunnery Sergeant. He took time to consider his decision and prepare himself, reading books and creating a training plan. However, he failed an eye test during military processing and was unable to join at that time. Despite this setback, his determination to achieve his goal didn't waver, and he eventually went back to reapply. The process was smooth once he was ready, and he emphasizes the importance of safety during training, particularly when practicing breath holds in the water. Overall, his story highlights the importance of setting a goal, preparing thoroughly, and staying determined in the face of obstacles.

    • The Power of Determination and PersistenceDetermination and persistence can help overcome obstacles. Seek support and don't give up, even when the outcome seems uncertain.

      Determination and persistence can help overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. The speaker, in this case, failed the eye test required to join the Navy SEALs, but instead of giving up, he sought out doctors and optometrists until he found a solution. His mother supported him throughout the process, and he eventually passed the necessary tests and was able to join the program. This experience taught him the importance of not giving up and pushing through challenges, even when the outcome seemed uncertain. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of having a strong support system during difficult times. When faced with adversity, having someone who believes in you and encourages you to keep going can make all the difference.

    • Military Influence and Overcoming FearGrowing up in a military community can make joining the military seem less daunting, but for those unfamiliar, leaving family and friends can be intimidating. Facing initial challenges and adapting to new situations can lead to personal growth.

      Growing up in a military community can influence one's perspective about leaving for military service, making it seem less daunting and permanent. However, for those who haven't been exposed to military life, the idea of leaving family and friends behind can be overwhelming and lead to second thoughts. During his preparation to join the military, the speaker had such thoughts and shared them with a friend, who helped him overcome his fears. Despite initial challenges in boot camp, such as failing at the RCPO role due to lack of rhythm, the speaker persevered and learned valuable skills. The experience of making his bed in the morning and sleeping underneath it became a clever trick to catch a few more minutes of sleep during early wake-up calls. Ultimately, the speaker's journey involved facing challenges and adapting to new situations, ultimately leading to personal growth.

    • Learning from a mentor's expertise and prior preparationEffective preparation and a strong foundation can help individuals excel in challenging situations, like military training. Mentors can provide valuable lessons and inspire determination to overcome obstacles.

      Effective preparation and prior experience can significantly impact one's performance during challenging situations, such as military training. The speaker shared an experience from his time in school with fellow trainees, one of whom was an expert in nature tracking and survival skills. This mentor took the speaker on adventures in the swamps, where they encountered alligator gar – large, prehistoric-looking fish with teeth. The speaker was impressed by his mentor's bravery and resilience, as they interacted with these creatures. Later, the speaker joined the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUDS) training program, where he faced various physical challenges, including a torn meniscus. Despite his injury, he managed to excel in the first phase due to his prior preparation. However, he struggled with running in soft sand and swimming in the ocean, which were essential components of the training. During Hell Week, he found himself in the Smurf crew, which was made up of smaller trainees. Despite his average height, the speaker was placed in this group due to the overall size of his class. However, he remained determined and continued to push himself, eventually graduating with class 233 in October 2000. Throughout his experiences, the speaker emphasized the importance of being well-prepared and having a strong foundation to build upon. He learned valuable lessons from his mentor and applied them to his own training, ultimately leading to his success in the BUDS program.

    • Surviving the Challenges of SEAL Training's Hell WeekHell Week tests trainees' physical and mental limits, pushing them to endure chaos and uncertainty, ultimately leading to resilience and team spirit.

      The SEAL training, specifically Hell Week, pushes individuals to their physical and mental limits. The experience is challenging and grueling, with high expectations and little rest. Some trainees, even those with impressive backgrounds, may find themselves unable to cope and choose to quit. The unpredictability and chaos of Hell Week can be overwhelming for those who thrive on order and structure, leading to mental breakdowns and ultimately, quitting. Despite the difficulties, most trainees persevere, driven by their determination, commitment, and the desire not to let their team down. The psychological impact of Hell Week is significant, with some experts suggesting that the experience can lead to a rewiring of the brain and a heightened sense of resilience.

    • Navy SEAL training: A formative experience of pushing past limitsNavy SEAL training is an intense journey of teamwork and overcoming adversity, resulting in personal growth and achievement

      Military training, specifically Navy SEAL training, pushes individuals to their limits and beyond. The speaker shared an experience of perforating his eardrum during underwater training in the second phase, which resulted in him being pulled out of the class. Despite the disappointment of leaving, he later found his way to SEAL Team 3 Charlie. The training environment was intense and documented by cameras, capturing both triumphs and struggles. The speaker acknowledged the importance of teamwork and camaraderie in getting through the challenging experiences. The small size of the class and the scrutiny from the cameras made it a unique experience, with a tight-knit group of individuals. Despite the difficulties, the speaker expressed pride in passing water tests and pool competition, but faced challenges during Drager buddy breathing exercises. The experience was formative, pushing the speaker to overcome adversity and ultimately succeed in achieving his goal of becoming a Navy SEAL.

    • Naval SEAL training: Life-threatening missions and commitment testsNaval SEAL training is a life-threatening job with rigorous demands. Potential recruits must fully commit and prepare for the physical and emotional challenges.

      Joining the Navy SEALs requires a clear understanding of the nature of the job, which involves putting one's life on the line to kill enemies and protect team members. During his training, the speaker encountered challenges, including failing to qualify with rifles and experiencing the September 11 attacks, which solidified his commitment to the team. A trainee who wasn't fully committed quit during this period. After completing SQT, the speaker joined SEAL Team 3 and went through further training. It's crucial for potential recruits to consider the realities of the job and be prepared for the physical and emotional demands.

    • The Challenging Early Days of SEAL Team TrainingJoining the SEAL teams requires intense training, a strong work ethic, and the ability to adapt and persevere through challenges. Teamwork and camaraderie are essential, and the experience builds character for future SEAL team service.

      Joining the SEAL teams as a new enlisted member involves a challenging and demanding experience. The speaker shared stories of their early days, which included rough initiation trips, hard labor jobs, and the pressure to earn the Trident pin. He mentioned that the workup process was intense and that new recruits were expected to feel overwhelmed and unsure if they would make it. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of staying focused and determined, as the experience built character and prepared them for the rigors of SEAL team service. The speaker also highlighted the importance of teamwork and camaraderie, as well as the diverse range of responsibilities within the team. Overall, the speaker's reflections underscored the importance of resilience, adaptability, and a strong work ethic in the SEAL teams.

    • Staying focused during high-stakes training and missionsNew Navy SEALs must learn from experienced team members and stay committed, even during challenging training exercises and uncertain missions.

      Every moment matters and there's no room for complacency, especially when facing high-stakes situations. This was particularly true for a Navy SEAL who shared his experiences of being a new guy during the build-up to the Iraq War. He recounted several harrowing incidents where he almost drowned during training exercises. Despite these challenges, he emphasized the importance of staying focused and learning from more experienced team members. When they eventually deployed, they found themselves in Kuwait, preparing for the unknown. Their time was spent enforcing UN sanctions through shipboardings, which the SEAL described as old-school pirate work. Through it all, he emphasized the importance of staying committed and learning from mistakes, even when things went wrong.

    • Navy SEALs discontinued use of Desert Patrol Vehicles due to mechanical instability and difficulty of obtaining parts in the fieldDespite their impressive appearance, Desert Patrol Vehicles were not practical for military use due to their tight tolerances and high likelihood of breakdowns. Humvees, with their interchangeable parts, proved to be a better choice for military operations.

      The use of Desert Patrol Vehicles (DPVs) in military operations, specifically by the Navy SEALs, was discontinued due to their mechanical instability and the difficulty of obtaining necessary parts in the field. These high-speed dune buggies, while looking impressive, had tight tolerances and were prone to breaking down. In contrast, vehicles like Humvees, which were more commonly used, had interchangeable parts and were easier to maintain. During the invasion of Iraq, the SEALs were part of the strategic mission and used CH-53 Sea Stallions to transport their DPVs into Iraqi territory. However, the experience was harrowing, with the team members in MOP gear, under constant threat of chemical and biological attacks, and the DPVs strapped into the helicopter with limited space. The realization of the potential danger and uncertainty of their mission was a stark reminder of the risks involved in military operations.

    • The emotional toll of combat and the power of uncertaintyCombat situations can be more overwhelming due to uncertainty and fear of potential danger. Being on the ground and in control can be less frightening than being in a vehicle or aircraft.

      The uncertainty and fear of potential danger in combat situations can be much more overwhelming than the known dangers. The speaker's experience in a helicopter during a deployment to Iraq was particularly harrowing, as he felt helpless and doomed if something went wrong. This feeling was intensified by the lack of prior combat experience and the unknown nature of the mission. Despite the fear, the speaker found that being on the ground and in control was preferable to being in a vehicle or aircraft. The mission itself turned out to be relatively simple, but the anticipation and anxiety leading up to it were significant. The encounter with the local population was a positive experience, as they were grateful for the presence of the military. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the emotional toll of combat and the power of uncertainty to heighten fear and anxiety.

    • First Deployment: A Formative ExperienceThe first deployment in the Navy SEALs is a steep learning curve, but facing intense pressure builds character and prepares individuals for future success.

      The speaker's first deployment in the Navy SEALs during the Iraq War was a significant learning experience. He was part of a mission to secure waterways in the Shattal Arab Waterway between Iran and Iraq, which was considered the largest NSW mission at the time. The speaker felt pressure as a new guy and learned valuable lessons the hard way. He felt like a "stupid new guy" during workup but by the end of the deployment, he felt competent and part of a team. The learning curve in the first platoon is steep, and it's normal for new guys to struggle. However, in the second platoon, things become easier, and individuals should focus on becoming dependable and reliable team members. The speaker emphasized the importance of facing intense pressure and the role it plays in building character. After the deployment, he was fired up and ready to continue his journey in the next platoon, where he went on to attend various schools, including Breacher training, which he found particularly appealing. Overall, the speaker's first deployment was a formative experience that shaped him into the SEAL he became.

    • A close call during rehearsalsMistakes made during training with high risk can have serious consequences. The 'crawl, walk, run' approach ensures safety and effectiveness.

      Complacency and rushing through training can have serious consequences. The speaker, who went through Breacher School with Jeremy and Chris, who attended Sniper School, shared a story about a close call during a rehearsal where he detonated a cap that should not have been detonated, injuring Jeremy. This mistake could have been fatal if it had been a live explosion. The speaker felt the weight of his mistake heavily and feared being kicked out of the program. Despite this, he was given a second chance and became one of the lead Breachers for the FTX. This experience served as a reminder that the "crawl, walk, run" approach to training is crucial, and mistakes should be made with minimal risk to ensure safety and effectiveness. The team, consisting of the speaker, Jeremy, Chris, and others, went on to have a challenging deployment together.

    • Military experience: A transformative journeyServing in the military, especially during times of war, can be transformative. It shapes one's life with cherished memories, brotherhood, and a sense of adventure and purpose.

      Military experience, especially during times of war, can be transformative. The speaker shares his experience of serving with veterans of various conflicts, from Grenada and Panama to the Gulf War. He notes that while they had seen combat, his platoon had not. However, once they got past initial challenges and found their footing, they became highly functional and effective. They trained hard, had fun, and stayed out of trouble. As the mission in Iraq evolved and became more dangerous, the sense of living life to the fullest intensified. The camaraderie, testosterone, and adrenaline combined to create a unique experience, often referred to as the life of a frogman. During deployment, they rotated every three months between the Pacific and Iraq, ensuring that everyone got a taste of combat. This sense of adventure, brotherhood, and purpose shaped their military experience and left them with cherished memories.

    • Sequence of deployments during Iraq War impacted soldiersSoldiers gained valuable experience through constant deployments but faced high costs and logistical challenges, including extended training periods and frustration from unexpected deployments.

      The sequence of deployments during the Iraq War had both pros and cons. On one hand, it allowed soldiers to look forward to their assignments and gain valuable experience. On the other hand, the constant deployment and training resulted in high costs and logistical challenges. For instance, soldiers would often spend months getting up to speed before being sent home or to a new location. One soldier shared his experience of being part of a platoon that was pulled from a deployment in Fallujah, leaving them feeling frustrated. However, they eventually linked up and had a successful deployment where the soldier cut his teeth as a breacher. Despite the challenges, the soldier and his team became experts in direct action operations, contributing to the modern SEAL team's reputation for creating effective procedures. Overall, the deployments were intense and provided immediate gratification, but also came with significant costs and logistical complexities.

    • Navigating unexpected challenges with team cohesion and individual growthMilitary teams demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability, thriving during unexpected challenges and leadership transitions through strong team dynamics and individual growth.

      Even during challenging military deployments and leadership transitions, the importance of strong team dynamics and individual growth shines through. The speaker shared an experience of a mission where they were paired with army personnel and had to navigate an unexpected city-wide surround. Despite the pressure, the team managed to complete the mission successfully. Later, during a deployment in 2005, the speaker found themselves under new leadership with their former peers stepping into leadership roles. While there might have been initial apprehension, the team's cohesion and the new leaders' abilities allowed for a smooth transition. The speaker emphasized the impressive qualifications of their team and how Jeremy, in particular, handled the leap from peer to leader with ease. Overall, this account highlights the resilience and adaptability of military teams in the face of change.

    • Balancing authority and relationshipsEffective leaders find balance between asserting control and building respectful relationships. Prepare team for challenges, but be ready to take charge when needed.

      Effective leadership involves finding the right balance between asserting authority and building relationships. Jeremy, a highly skilled and respected frogman, demonstrated this skill by confidently taking charge while maintaining respect from his team. However, the importance of preparation was also highlighted during their first mission, where lack of water and gear led to a challenging experience. Leaders should ensure their team is well-equipped and ready for the challenges ahead, while also being able to make decisions and take charge when necessary.

    • SEAL training continues off the clockNew SEAL recruits faced extra conditioning and bonding rituals during their leave periods, demonstrating the team's unwavering commitment to excellence and camaraderie.

      New recruits in a SEAL team were put through rigorous training and conditioning, even during their leave periods. This included running and physical conditioning sessions, as well as unofficial bonding rituals. One new recruit, Biggles, was not in shape when he arrived for desert warfare training, leading to him being paired up with another team member for extra conditioning. Another incident involved hazing or bonding rituals gone wrong, resulting in a new recruit, Johnny Kim, being shaved and roughed up. Despite these challenges, the team camaraderie and the desire to maintain high standards were evident.

    • Joining a new platoon and tough training build team moraleEffective leadership and challenging training foster camaraderie and team spirit, shaping a successful team.

      Effective leadership and challenging training can significantly shape a team's dynamics and morale. The speaker recounts their experience of joining a new platoon, where they underwent various bonding rituals and rigorous training sessions. One of their platoon chiefs, Tony, stood out as a tough and unconventional leader who pushed them to their limits. Despite his seemingly unorthodox methods, such as drinking only coffee and dip in the desert, Tony's reputation as a hardened frogman and his dedication to training inspired awe and respect among the team. The grueling training sessions, including the infamous 60 gunner course, tested their limits and built a strong sense of camaraderie and team spirit. Ultimately, the team's success can be attributed to the leadership of figures like Tony and the demanding training they endured.

    • Leadership goes beyond skills and operationsEffective leaders empower team members and build rapport through humility and encouragement.

      Effective leadership goes beyond being tough and skilled in operations. It involves understanding the dynamics of a team and empowering team members to succeed. The speaker shared an experience of working with a superior named Tony, who demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities. Despite his tough exterior and impressive operational abilities, Tony also showed humility and encouraged his team to take on challenges, building rapport and respect. Another instance involved the speaker encouraging a teammate during an obstacle course, pushing each other to perform at their best. This anecdote is a testament to the importance of both individual skill and interpersonal leadership in achieving mission success. The speaker's leadership philosophy was significantly influenced by Tony's example.

    • Embracing new opportunities can lead to greater impactNew opportunities may initially seem less desirable, but they can lead to significant rewards and impact. Trust the process and embrace the unknown.

      Sometimes, opportunities that seem less desirable at first can lead to greater impact and rewards. In this case, the speaker was given the choice between a relatively straightforward mission in Baghdad or a more challenging one in Ramadi. Initially, the team was hesitant to leave the known comfort of their original mission, but ultimately decided to take the risk and go to Ramadi. There, they found themselves in a volatile and chaotic environment, but were able to make a significant impact on the enemy. The speaker recalls feeling excited about the potential for greater damage to the enemy and the opportunity to do good. Despite the initial uncertainty and apprehension, the team ended up having a successful deployment in Ramadi. This experience highlights the importance of being open to new opportunities and trusting that they may lead to greater rewards, even if they seem less desirable at first.

    • Making an Impact in RamadiSEAL team's quick execution and problem-solving skills led to the discovery and neutralization of an IED, saving lives, and set a precedent for the deployment.

      During a deployment in Ramadi, the SEAL team made a significant impact by quickly executing missions and establishing a precedent of hard work. In the first few days, they worked under the CO of SEAL team 1 to complete as many missions as possible. Leif, a team member, was initially stressed about paperwork but was encouraged to go ahead with an operation, which they successfully completed. The team also began doing sniper overwatch positions, and one of these positions led to the discovery and neutralization of an IED, saving lives just in time for a meeting with the brigade commander. Additionally, attending memorial services for fallen soldiers was an eye-opening experience. The team's determination to make an impact, even in unfamiliar situations, resulted in a strategic impact that was noteworthy. The team's past SR training, which focused on problem-solving, proved valuable in the urban environment. The team's quick adaptation and effective execution of missions set a precedent and contributed to the overall success of the deployment.

    • Adapting to new situations and environmentsNavy SEALs excel at turning chaotic situations into manageable operations by being open-minded and adaptable, even when facing unfamiliar situations or learning new skills

      Adaptability is a crucial skill for success in challenging environments. The Navy SEALs train not only for specific tasks but also to think, learn, and adapt. They excel at turning chaotic situations into manageable operations. Even when they face unfamiliar situations or have to learn new skills, their ability to adapt allows them to figure things out and improve. This adaptability was evident during their deployment to Iraq, where they had to work with different elements and use new equipment, requiring them to learn quickly and collaborate effectively. The Navy SEALs' open-mindedness and ability to adapt made all the difference in their ability to succeed in these new and unfamiliar situations.

    • Making quick decisions and adapting during a hostage rescue missionEffective planning and adaptability are essential in high-pressure situations, allowing for successful execution with minimal violence.

      Effective planning and adaptability are crucial in high-pressure situations, especially when dealing with potential danger. During a hostage rescue mission, the team had to make quick decisions and split up to ensure their safety and success. The speaker, who was the breach team member, made the call to enter a building that was off-limits for overwatch, which ultimately proved beneficial in providing a clear view of the target area. This decision-making and flexibility allowed the team to successfully execute the mission with minimal violence and save the hostage. The speaker's childhood fascination with Rambo and his experiences in the military influenced his approach to problem-solving and willingness to take calculated risks.

    • Rescuing a hostage in Ramadi: Intense combat experiencesNavy SEALs faced heavy fighting and unpredictable situations during a mission to rescue a kidnapped teenager in Ramadi, carrying large ammo to prepare for gunfights, and despite injuries, they remained dedicated and resilient.

      The experiences of Navy SEALs during combat deployments in Iraq were intense and unpredictable. During a mission to rescue a kidnapped teenager in Ramadi, the team encountered heavy fighting and had to adapt quickly to changing situations. The team, including the speaker, was constantly in the field and faced numerous gunfights. They carried large amounts of ammunition to be prepared for these encounters. Despite the risks, they were successful in completing their mission and rescuing the hostage. However, the speaker himself was injured during the operation and had to be medevaced and sent to Germany for recovery. The team's experiences highlight the high-stakes and high-risk nature of their work, as well as their dedication and resilience in the face of danger.

    • The Complexities and Realities of WarWar is filled with difficult decisions and unexpected twists, but the importance of camaraderie and support in the face of adversity shines through.

      War is a challenging and unpredictable experience, filled with difficult decisions and unexpected twists. The speaker shares his personal experience of being injured and separated from his platoon, describing the physical and emotional toll of the situation. Despite the hardships, he found meaning in being there for his injured comrade and acting as a liaison to his family. The experience of being away from the platoon during a tragic event was tough, but it also highlighted the importance of being dependable and being there for each other in times of need. The speaker's story underscores the complexities and realities of war, and the importance of camaraderie and support in the face of adversity.

    • Updates on soldier's injury and funeral arrangementsReceiving emails about a soldier's injury and funeral arrangements during deployment brought mixed emotions of relief, anxiety, and sadness for the speaker and his team.

      During a deployment in 2006, the speaker and his team received updates about a fellow soldier, Ryan, who had been severely injured in an explosion. The emails detailed Ryan's condition, which included him regaining consciousness and some mobility, but also uncertainty about the extent of his injuries, particularly to his eyes. The speaker expressed gratitude for not being present for the worst of it but also shared the family's anxiety and uncertainty about Ryan's future. Additionally, the team was making arrangements for Mark's funeral and was sending support to both families. The speaker reflected on the emotional toll of receiving and rereading these emails years later.

    • A defining moment of guilt and responsibilityReturning to duty despite injury brought fulfillment and gratitude, highlighting the sacrifices and camaraderie in the military.

      Life presents us with challenging situations and difficult decisions, and these moments can significantly shape our future. The speaker's decision to return to his platoon after being injured was a defining moment for him. He felt a deep sense of guilt and responsibility to be there for his team, despite facing resistance. This decision brought him a sense of fulfillment and gratitude, and he realized the importance of being present for the people and experiences that matter most. The speaker's experience also highlights the sacrifices and hardships that come with serving in the military, and the resilience and camaraderie that helps individuals get through even the most challenging times.

    • Witnessing Resilience in BUDS TrainingThe BUDS training program pushes individuals to their limits, creating an environment that tests their perseverance and resilience. Memories and impressions formed during this time last a lifetime, and the best advice for those going through it is to not quit.

      The BUDS (Buddy Reconnaissance Group) training program is a challenging and transformative experience that pushes individuals to their limits. As a former BUDS instructor, the speaker shared his experiences of witnessing trainees' resilience and determination during Hell Week. He was surprised by who made it through and was impressed by their ability to power through despite adversity. The speaker also emphasized the lasting impact of instructors on trainees, and how memories and impressions formed during this time last a lifetime. He shared that the ultimate goal of the selection program is to create an environment that pushes individuals to quit, and that the best advice he could give to someone going through BUDS is to not quit. The speaker also shared that he had initially planned to leave BUDS but was persuaded to stay by a colleague, which led to further leadership opportunities. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity, and the significant impact of the BUDS program on those who go through it.

    • Building bonds within a team leads to successFamiliarity and shared experiences among team members can lead to stronger bonds, effective leadership, and improved performance.

      Having prior experiences and relationships within a team can lead to greater success and cohesion. The speaker shares his experience of sneaking onto a team's deployment after BUDS to get to know them better and build a strong bond. This ultimately led to a successful deployment with minimal conflict and strong leadership. Additionally, the team's familiarity with each other allowed them to hit the ground running, as they already knew each other's strengths and weaknesses. The speaker also mentions how golf became a shared interest among team members during a deployment delay, further strengthening their bond and demonstrating the importance of shared experiences and hobbies within a team.

    • Sharing passions and the importance of determinationHaving shared interests brings people together and determination helps us excel in them, be it in a team or personal pursuit.

      People, especially those in teams or groups, have shared passions or hobbies that they invest their time and money into. Golf is one such hobby mentioned in the conversation, which can be as challenging and mentally engaging as other hobbies like jujitsu or surfing. The speaker shares his personal experience of golfing and the frustration that comes with trying to master the game. He also talks about his military background and being part of the last deployment in Iraq, where they had the unique experience of starting and ending the war. Despite the challenges and the anticlimactic end to the deployment, the speaker made chief during that time and continued his career in the military. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of having shared interests and the determination to excel in them, whether in a team setting or personal pursuits.

    • Leading a platoon: A rewarding challengeLeading a platoon requires managing expectations, instilling purpose, and creating a legacy through effective leadership.

      Leading a platoon as an enlisted SEAL was the pinnacle of the speaker's military career. It was a moment where they felt prepared and ready, having learned valuable lessons from their Chiefs and other leaders. However, leading a platoon came with its own challenges, such as managing expectations and getting team members on board with the new mission. The speaker found it rewarding to train hard and instill a sense of purpose in their team, even if the mission wasn't as "sexy" as combat deployments. They left a mark on their team by creating a manifesto and instilling the TCB (Take Care of Business) philosophy. It was fulfilling to see former team members now leading their own platoons and continuing the legacy. The speaker's leadership style was influenced by various experiences and mentors, including a love for movies like Predator. They felt obligated to pass on what they had learned during their 12-year tenure on the teams. The Charlie Platoon's patch was a symbol of their emphasis on the sea and their commitment to taking care of business efficiently.

    • Experiencing loss and leading through hardshipStaying resilient during hardships and finding support from loved ones can help us overcome adversity.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of challenges. The speaker shared his personal experiences of losing his father due to alcoholism and his platoon mate being murdered. These tragic events occurred in quick succession and added to the stress of being a platoon leader with a pending deployment. The speaker also mentioned his father's struggle with alcoholism and how it affected his life. Despite the hardships, the speaker remained resilient and focused on leading his platoon effectively. The experiences of losing his father and platoon mate had a profound impact on him, but he found solace in the support of his friends and the birth of his second child. The speaker's story highlights the importance of staying strong during difficult times and the power of resilience and support from loved ones.

    • A unique screening experience for military personnel and a glimpse into Chris Kyle's lifeThe American Sniper movie, based on Chris Kyle's life, resonated deeply with military personnel, highlighting his bravery and the challenges faced by soldiers' families during deployments. Chris Kyle's appreciation for family life after service and his sense of humor were also memorable.

      The American Sniper movie, portraying the life of Chris Kyle, stands out as the most popular military film of all time, surpassing classics like Saving Private Ryan and Platoon. The film's screening for military personnel was a unique experience, showcasing the challenges of condensing someone's life into a two-hour block. Chris Kyle, a legendary figure during the Fallujah battles, was recognized for his bravery and selfless actions. Despite their post-military disconnection, the speaker was glad to reconnect with him and learn about his appreciation for family life after his service. The film also highlighted the challenges faced by families of soldiers during deployments and their eventual return. Lastly, the speaker fondly remembered Chris Kyle's sense of humor and mischievous nature, which the film did not fully capture.

    • Military friendships and pranksIn the military, strong bonds can form through friendships and playful pranks, even in high-pressure environments. Having a clear career plan and supportive friends and mentors can also lead to personal growth.

      Even in challenging and high-pressure environments like military deployments, friendships and pranks can form strong bonds between individuals. The speaker shares an anecdote about a friend who disapproved of his napping habit during their deployment, leading to a series of pranks. Despite the annoyance, the speaker looks back on the experience fondly as a memorable part of their military career. Another key takeaway is the importance of having a plan for one's career, as the speaker admits to being aimless as a platoon chief and eventually deciding to switch to the Warrant Officer career path for a change. The speaker also highlights the importance of having supportive friends and mentors, as Jeremy's suggestion led him to pursue the Warrant Officer role. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of camaraderie and personal growth in the military experience.

    • Finding personal growth through unexpected meansUnexpected experiences, like injury, can lead to personal growth through consistent practice and seeking professional help.

      Personal growth and improvement can come from unexpected places, even during challenging times. The speaker shares his experience of going from being an operator in Iraq to dealing with a back injury and finding solace in golf. He highlights how practicing golf consistently helped him get better and provided him with a sense of purpose during a difficult transition out of his platoon. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of seeking professional help when dealing with injuries and imbalances. Despite the initial struggles, he was able to find relief and continue his golf journey, ultimately leading to personal growth and a renewed sense of passion.

    • From Military to Entrepreneur: Transitioning with Valuable SkillsThe military can equip individuals with valuable skills and experiences, leading to personal growth and professional opportunities. One veteran used his background to pursue an MBA and discovered a business opportunity, demonstrating the potential for a successful civilian career.

      The military experience, despite its challenges, can lead to personal growth and professional opportunities. The speaker shared his experience of pushing through the physical and mental demands of being a warrant officer in Special Forces teams, which ultimately led him to get in great shape and prepare him for his next chapter. He then transitioned into a role as a training officer, overseeing the curriculum and execution of training for high-caliber Special Forces trainees. However, after deciding to retire, he found himself uncertain about his future. He looked to those around him and was inspired to pursue an MBA program, which he did during his last year on active duty. During this time, he had an epiphany and came up with the idea for a navy seal-inspired golf bag. Despite not having a fully fleshed-out business plan, he pitched the idea in an entrepreneurship class and discovered a potential market opportunity. Thus, his military background and experiences provided him with the foundation to succeed in his civilian career.

    • Former military member forms team through shared hobby and networkingNetworking and teamwork led a former military member to start Hooley Golf, a golf apparel company, by recruiting a fellow golfer and building a team through shared interests.

      Networking and teamwork played a crucial role in the founding of Hooley Golf. The speaker, a former military member, joined a class where the prerequisite was to join or create a team. He recruited team members by looking for shared hobbies in a bio book and found a fellow golfer, Kevin Lee. Together, they built a team and went through multiple stages, eventually focusing on golf apparel. The name Hooley was chosen for its connection to the speaker's background and its meaning as an old Scottish golf term. The speaker retired from the teams in July 2021 and graduated from the program in June 2022, leading him to fully commit to Hooley Golf. Despite the challenges of being a young company, the speaker found it extremely rewarding.

    • Exploring Priorities through IntrospectionIntrospection and self-exploration are essential for discovering personal priorities and passions. The Honor Foundation's program encouraged journaling and reflection, helping the speaker clarify his goals and pursue entrepreneurship.

      Introspection and self-exploration are crucial steps towards discovering one's priorities and passions. The Honor Foundation, an organization that helps veterans with their transition from military to civilian life, played a significant role in this process for the speaker. During the program, he was encouraged to journal and reflect on his past experiences and motivations. This introspective period helped him clarify what he wanted out of his family and work life, leading him to pursue entrepreneurship and create a golf brand that catered to a niche market. The speaker's experience demonstrates the importance of taking the time to understand oneself and identifying personal priorities, which can ultimately lead to fulfilling endeavors.

    • Golf Enthusiasts from Diverse BackgroundsFunctional, durable golf apparel holds potential in the market for golfers from diverse backgrounds and schedules, aligning with the niche market and offering personal growth opportunities through golf programs like Caddy School for Soldiers.

      Golf is a passionate pursuit for many individuals, reaching beyond the stereotypical image of country club members. These golf enthusiasts come from diverse backgrounds and schedules, practicing in their spare time, often early in the morning or late at night. The market for golf apparel catering to this group, with a focus on functionality and durability, holds great potential. The speaker's business idea of creating such clothing aligns with this niche market and has the potential to "slay" due to the dedication and investment golfers put into their hobby. Additionally, programs like Caddy School for Soldiers show the transformative power of golf in bringing people together and providing opportunities for personal growth.

    • Golfing in Saint Andrews: History and PassionSaint Andrews offers a unique golfing experience with historical courses and the assistance of caddies, while the Navy Seal Foundation supports military teams and families, embodying dedication to service.

      Saint Andrews, Scotland, is the mecca of golf and a must-visit destination for golf enthusiasts. Established in the 17th century, it is home to some of the oldest and best golf courses in the world. The experience goes beyond the technical aspects of the game, as caddies play a crucial role in helping golfers manage emotions and strategy, ensuring they have their best round possible. Beth, the speaker's wife, continues to serve the country through her work as a program manager for the Navy Seal Foundation, which supports military teams and their families. The organization's impact extends to helping veterans recover from physical and mental challenges. Overall, Saint Andrews represents the rich history and enduring passion for golf, while the Navy Seal Foundation embodies the dedication to serving and supporting those who serve our country.

    • Staying connected to family and communityFormer military members emphasized the significance of long-lasting relationships and the Navy SEAL Foundation's role in bringing people together. Creativity and openness to new experiences were also highlighted as important for success.

      Staying connected to family and community is an important aspect of life, especially for those who have served in the military. This was highlighted in a conversation between two former military members, who shared their experiences of attending an event with their wives, reminiscing about their time in the Navy SEALs, and reflecting on the impact of the Navy SEAL Foundation. They emphasized the significance of long-lasting relationships and the foundation's role in bringing people together. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the importance of creativity and being open to new experiences. The former military member shared how his background in drawing influenced his career as a special operator and how it continues to inspire his current business venture, Hula, which produces tactical golf bags. He also mentioned how various creative pursuits can contribute to success in different fields. Lastly, the conversation showcased the versatility and appeal of Hula's golf apparel, which is not limited to golfers but can be worn by anyone who appreciates the cool, subtle designs. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of staying connected, being creative, and embracing new opportunities.

    • Expanding Beyond Golf with Authenticity and RelatabilityHooli Golf aims to connect with a broad audience through authenticity and relatability, expanding into lifestyle apparel and potentially other sports, while collaborating with influencers like DOD King who embody these values.

      The Hooli Golf brand aims to connect with a wide audience beyond just golfers, leveraging the spirit of the brand to expand into lifestyle apparel and potentially other sports. The brand's founder, who is not a golfer himself, emphasizes the importance of authenticity and relatability, as shown through their connection with a popular golf influencer, DOD King. This influencer, who goes against the norm by not using technology in his golf game, has gained a large following by embracing his unique approach and speaking out against those who use technology unfairly. Hooli Golf sees potential in collaborating with DOD King due to his authenticity and working-class background, which aligns with the brand's values. The brand can be found on various social media platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as their website, hooligolf.com.

    • A life of versatility and impact: The Bobby Holland storyThrough sharing stories and learning from diverse perspectives, we can gain new insights and appreciate the value of leadership and setting high standards.

      The discussion highlighted the versatility and impact of an individual, Bobby Holland, who excelled in various roles, including design and leadership, and left a lasting impression on those around him. The conversation also touched upon the importance of sharing stories and learning from different perspectives, just as in a prequel or sequel, where new insights can be gained about familiar characters and events. The mention of a movie called "Go" further emphasized this idea of multiple perspectives and overlapping stories. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the value of remembering and learning from the past, as well as the importance of leadership and setting high standards.

    • Reflecting on personal growth through old emails and memoriesRe-reading old emails can bring back memories and emotions, providing valuable insights into personal growth and development. The concept of a 'def reset' encourages individuals to focus on various aspects of their lives for preparation and self-improvement. Finding sources of motivation and energy can help individuals stay focused and productive.

      Revisiting old emails and memories can be a powerful way to reflect on personal growth and development. These documents serve as a historical record of our thoughts and feelings at a particular point in time. During the discussion, Bob shared how re-reading old emails brought back memories and even triggered emotions. This process can help us remember details that we might have otherwise forgotten and provide valuable insights into our past. Another topic that emerged during the conversation was the concept of a "def reset," which emphasizes the importance of preparation and self-improvement. Starting on January 1st, individuals are encouraged to focus on various aspects of their lives, including physical, mental, professional, and family, to ensure they are ready for the challenges ahead. This idea is similar to the military's preparation for rigorous training programs, where individuals must be mentally and physically prepared beforehand. Lastly, the discussion touched upon the importance of finding sources of motivation and energy, such as Jocko Fuel, to help individuals stay focused and productive. Whether it's through a favorite flavor of protein shake or a supportive community, finding what drives and energizes us can make a significant difference in our daily lives.

    • Making a Delicious Milkshake with Bread and SupplementsBlend bread, an egg, ice, and a Mokar TD banana. Chill and add greens and creatine for health. Support American businesses by buying from OriginUSA.com.

      Creating a delicious homemade milkshake involves using bread for thickness, freezing it for an extra cold taste, and incorporating key supplements like greens and creatine into your daily routine. The milkshake recipe includes blending bread with an egg, ice, and Mokar TD banana, and chilling it in the fridge or freezer for added appeal. Additionally, the importance of buying American-made products from OriginUSA.com was emphasized, as a way to support the American economy and workers. The use of greens and creatine was highlighted as a crucial component of daily life, akin to brushing your teeth. It's recommended to consume them after brushing and before a workout, but the order doesn't have to be rigid. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of enjoying simple pleasures, like a well-made milkshake, while also prioritizing health and supporting American businesses.

    • Maintaining Discipline for Freedom and Well-BeingEmbrace discipline for freedom, prioritize proper nutrition, seek leadership development, and utilize available resources for overall well-being.

      Discipline and freedom are interconnected, and it's important to maintain a disciplined approach to life even when rest or setbacks occur. This doesn't mean things will always go perfectly, but representing the idea of discipline equals freedom can still be a valuable mindset. Additionally, proper nutrition, such as getting enough protein, is essential for overall well-being. For those interested, there are various resources available, including books, online training academies, and charities that support military families. Remember, leadership is crucial in all aspects of life, and organizations like Echelon Front can help individuals and teams develop these skills. Lastly, don't forget to check out Jocko Willink's website, jocko.com, for more information and resources.

    • Lessons from Bobby Holland: Work hard, have fun, prioritize relationships, and stay humbleLearn from Bobby Holland's leadership style: work hard, enjoy life, prioritize relationships, and stay humble. Don't forget to address potential threats and take necessary precautions.

      We can learn valuable lessons from leaders like Bobby Holland, who encourages us to work hard, have fun, and prioritize our relationships. But it's important to be mindful of potential threats, like algorithms and security risks, and take necessary precautions. Holland's leadership and service to our country is greatly appreciated, and we should all strive to make a positive impact in our communities, just like the first responders who protect us every day. Remember to have Elvis in your life, run things, raise the bar, and stay humble. Thank you, Bobby, for your inspiring words, and to all the brave men and women in uniform, your sacrifice is deeply appreciated.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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    enJune 05, 2024

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