
    433: What Aerial Combat Teaches Us About Leadership and Life. With "Good Deal" Dave Berke.

    enApril 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Aerial combat goes beyond dogfightsAerial combat involves more than just dogfights, it includes engaging targets in the air, on the ground, and contributing to overall battlefield situation

      Aerial combat involves much more than just dogfights between planes. When Jocko and Dave discuss aerial combat, they consider the vast range of capabilities an aircraft can bring to the battlefield. From the perspective of those who flew in older planes during past wars, their aircraft were actually advanced and powerful, contrary to how we view them today. Aerial combat encompasses not only fighting between planes but also how each aircraft contributes to the overall battlefield situation, engaging targets in the air, on the ground, or elsewhere.

    • Start with mission goal, adapt to threatsModern fighter pilots prioritize mission goals while adapting to potential threats for success. This approach, known as 'working backwards,' ensures focus on the end state and allows for adjustments.

      Modern fighter pilots start with defining the mission goal or target before determining the package or resources needed to accomplish it. This approach, also known as "working backwards," ensures that the mission's end state is the primary focus. However, it's important to consider potential threats and their capabilities when deciding on the package, as operating with total impunity is an unrealistic scenario. This adaptive mindset allows for adjustments when the end state changes or when encountering unexpected threats. Additionally, modern fighter pilots often serve a supporting role in facilitating someone else's mission, making the end state of their actions someone else's success. When dealing with near-peer adversaries, offensive counter-air missions, such as seeking to establish air dominance, may be the primary goal, but they are relatively low probability due to enemy choices. Overall, the focus on the mission goal and adaptability to threats is essential for modern fighter pilots and businesses alike.

    • Planning and executing military missions: Threat assessment, ground defense neutralization, and kinetic missionsMilitary missions require different assets and strategies based on threat level and desired outcome. Objectives range from total destruction to mere presence. Even within the same conflict, objectives can vary significantly.

      The nature of a military mission and the assets required depend on the level of threat and the desired outcome. For high-risk, high-threat missions, different assets and strategies are employed compared to lower-risk, lower-threat missions. The planning and execution of these missions involve various stages, such as assessing the threat, neutralizing ground defenses, and executing kinetic missions. These objectives can range from total destruction to providing a mere presence. Even within the same conflict, objectives can vary significantly. For instance, Operation Southern Watch in 2000 was a presence mission where the primary goal was to deter potential threats rather than engage in active combat. The execution of these missions can also result in unique experiences for those involved. In this discussion, the speaker shared his experience of being one of the first to drop a bomb during Operation Southern Watch on the John C. Stennis carrier.

    • Understanding the strategic implications of actions as a young fighter pilotA young fighter pilot recognized the significance of his actions during conflicts, but now sees opportunities for unconventional approaches and the importance of strategic national objectives.

      Even as a young fighter pilot during the late 1990s and early 2000s, the interviewee understood the significant strategic implications of his actions, despite being only 27 years old. He had gained valuable experience during his deployment, dropping bombs in response to 9/11, and later taking down a Russian oil tanker, which made headlines. At the time, these events were significant and made him feel like a celebrity. However, looking back, he acknowledges the limited objectives of the conflict and the importance of understanding the strategic national objectives, even for a single-seat fighter pilot. Now, in a more doctrinalized era, the interviewee sees opportunities for unconventional approaches in aerial combat, such as the use of UAVs and drones, which reduce the risk to human lives and open up new ways of operating that were not considered 20 years ago.

    • From WWII bombers to modern dronesUnmanned aircraft technology is rapidly evolving, with drones becoming increasingly common and manned aircraft likely to be phased out within next few decades due to efficiency and risk reduction.

      The concept of unmanned aircraft is not a new idea, as evidenced by early attempts to remotely control B17 bombers for suicide missions during World War II. However, the technology at the time was not advanced enough to make this a reality. Contrastingly, today, even a six-year-old can easily operate drones. While manned fighter and bomber aircraft still have a few decades of relevance, the next generation of aircraft, the 6th generation, is being designed and built. However, it's unlikely that there will be another generation of manned fighters after that, as unmanned aircraft are rapidly evolving and may overtake manned aircraft within the next few decades. This shift towards unmanned aircraft is driven by the potential for reduced risk to human life and the ability to accomplish missions more efficiently with swarms of smaller, expendable drones. Ultimately, the goal is to achieve the desired outcome with minimal risk and maximum efficiency, and technology is continually advancing towards that end.

    • Multi-role vs Single-mission Aircraft DebateMulti-role aircraft offer versatility but may not excel in any one task, while single-mission aircraft are specialized but lack adaptability. The military's choice depends on its unique requirements.

      The evolution of technology, particularly in the field of aviation, moves faster than we can imagine. The debate between multi-role versus single-mission aircraft has been ongoing for decades. Multi-role aircraft, like the F-18, are designed to perform multiple tasks, such as fighter and attack missions. On the other hand, single-mission aircraft, like the F-15, are built for specific purposes, like air-to-air combat. The advantage of multi-role aircraft is their versatility, but the risk is that they may not be as proficient in any one task as a single-mission aircraft. However, the example of the F-15 in Iraq and Afghanistan shows that even though it was not used for ground support missions, its presence served as a deterrent. Ultimately, the choice between multi-role and single-mission aircraft depends on the specific needs and resources of the military. The speaker's personal experience as a pilot adds insight into the capabilities of these aircraft and the importance of adaptability in the face of technological advancements.

    • The F-15 Eagle's value in the inventoryThe F-15 Eagle, despite being older and replaced by more advanced aircraft, remains valuable due to its deterrent ability and multi-role capabilities. Versatility and well-trained pilots excel in multiple missions.

      The F-15 Eagle, despite its aging and being replaced by more advanced aircraft like the F-22 Raptor, still holds value in the inventory due to its deterrent ability and multi-role capabilities. The Eagle's nimbleness and maneuverability make it an effective air dominance asset, even if it may not be as fast or powerful as newer models. The ongoing debate about the effectiveness of multi-mission aircraft versus single-role ones continues, but the speaker's experience suggests that a well-trained pilot can excel in multiple missions. The idea that focusing on one mission may not make one an expert in that mission is illustrated by the basketball experiment in Malcolm Gladwell's "Outliers," where diverse training led to better performance in the ultimate task. The F-15 Eagle, with its versatility, continues to serve a valuable role in the arsenal, deterring potential adversaries and providing a solid foundation for future advancements.

    • Versatility in Aerial CombatBeing versatile and skilled in multiple areas is crucial for success in aerial combat. Adapting and excelling in various mission sets can make a significant difference, and ensuring competence in all areas is essential to prevent fumbling through tasks and effectively contribute to the larger mission.

      Being versatile and skilled in multiple areas is crucial for success, especially in complex environments like aerial combat. The debate between single mission versus multi-mission focus has been ongoing, but the ability to adapt and excel in various mission sets can make a significant difference. Multi-role capability is important, but ensuring competence in all areas is essential to prevent fumbling through tasks and to effectively contribute to the larger mission. Even in a single-seat aircraft, a pilot is not alone and must understand their role and the mission as a whole, leading to an extreme form of decentralized command. Ultimately, the success of a mission depends on individuals making independent decisions with a clear understanding of their actions and their impact on the larger objective.

    • Making decisions that align with the missionSuccessful individuals make decisions that support the mission, even in high-pressure situations. Understanding the larger context and potential consequences is key.

      Successful individuals, whether they're in the military or any other field, need to make decisions that align with the objective, even when they're in high-pressure situations. This concept is particularly important in decentralized command structures, where individuals have the autonomy to make decisions that can significantly impact the mission. Using the example of a military mission, a young soldier who is responsible for dropping a bomb must understand the implications of their actions. They need to consider the potential consequences, both positive and negative, and make a decision that supports the overall objective. As individuals advance in their careers, they must remember their earlier experiences and use that understanding to guide their leadership. For example, a squadron commander must harness the enthusiasm and eagerness of their younger team members while also ensuring they understand the larger mission and its implications. The ability to make decisions that align with the mission, even in high-pressure situations, requires maturity and a deep understanding of the larger context. This is a critical skill that sets successful individuals and organizations apart.

    • Understanding the weight of responsibility in decentralized commandIn high-pressure situations, effective decentralized command requires a deep understanding of strategic implications and shared recognition of responsibility among team members to make right decisions and ultimately, succeed.

      Effective decentralized command in high-pressure situations requires a deep understanding of the strategic implications of every decision and the shared recognition of the weight of responsibility among team members. The speaker, a squadron commander, emphasized this concept through his experiences in the military, specifically during the Battle of Ramadi. In such situations, everyone from the frontline troops to the highest-ranking officers is under intense scrutiny, and mistakes can have catastrophic consequences. Decentralized command empowers team members to make the right decisions by understanding the "why" behind their actions and the potential consequences. This sense of shared responsibility and obligation can lead to better decision-making and ultimately, success. The speaker's note from the conversation was "burden of command," emphasizing the importance of recognizing and accepting the weight of responsibility that comes with being in charge.

    • Understanding and Feeling the Weight of ResponsibilitiesEveryone involved in a decision or action bears the responsibility and consequences, instilling a sense of ownership and accountability while allowing flexibility for decision-making.

      Both leaders and team members must understand and feel the weight of their responsibilities. The burden cannot be passed on, and everyone involved must be aware of the consequences of their actions. This concept was exemplified in military contexts, where a misstep could have severe consequences for all involved. The goal is to instill a sense of ownership and accountability, while also allowing flexibility for decision-making. The phrase "the fact buys the bomb" highlights the importance of understanding that everyone involved in a decision or action bears the responsibility, and no one can fully absolve themselves of the consequences. This concept applies to various roles and situations, where effective communication and trust are crucial for success.

    • Understanding the counterintuitive nature of leadershipEffective leadership involves constant awareness, adaptability, effective communication, and providing opportunities for growth instead of removing responsibilities.

      Effective leadership, whether in a decentralized command structure or a business setting, requires careful consideration and understanding of the situation at hand. It's important to remember that our initial reactions may not always be the correct ones. In aviation terms, pitch refers to the movement of the nose up or down, and it's crucial to understand that pushing the nose forward, rather than pulling it back, may be necessary to avoid stalling or making a situation worse. Similarly, in a business context, removing responsibilities from an underperforming employee might not be the best solution. Instead, providing them with more opportunities to succeed could lead to better outcomes. This counterintuitive nature of leadership requires constant awareness and adaptability. Additionally, effective communication and training are essential to prevent issues from arising in the first place. By applying these principles, we can navigate complex situations and lead our teams to success.

    • Understanding the importance of yaw in flying an airplaneEffective flying requires coordinating pitch, roll, and yaw to maintain stability and direction, while avoiding excessive control inputs that can lead to loss of altitude or control

      Flying an airplane involves more than just controlling the pitch and roll. Yaw, or the ability to slide the nose sideways, is also a crucial element in maintaining stability and direction during flight. However, each of these controls has its limitations and potential risks. For instance, excessive rolling can cause one wing to generate more lift than the other, leading to a loss of altitude. Similarly, excessive yaw can result in an adverse yaw response, where the plane's nose whips back in the opposite direction, potentially causing a loss of control. Therefore, it's essential to understand the interconnectedness of these controls and coordinate them effectively to ensure safe and efficient flight. The speaker's experience of flying with a legendary fighter pilot in an open-cockpit aircraft highlighted the importance of this understanding, as he discovered that taking control required more than just understanding pitch and roll. Instead, it demanded a deep appreciation of the yaw axis and the ability to coordinate all three axes of control.

    • Maintaining Balance in FlyingFlying a plane requires constant balance and adjustment, especially during takeoff and landing. Proper training and experience are essential in developing the instincts and skills needed to handle unexpected situations.

      Flying a plane requires constant balance and caution, especially during takeoff and landing. The slightest misstep can lead to dangerous situations like adverse yaw, which can result in a violent and uncontrollable response. A good pilot is always seeking balance in all control surfaces and constantly adjusting to maintain equilibrium. This requires a deep understanding of the plane's behavior and the ability to feel and respond to subtle changes. The lack of this "seat of the pants" feedback in modern fighter jets is a criticism, as it can make flying less intuitive and more reliant on technology. Additionally, proper training and experience are crucial in developing the instincts and skills needed to handle unexpected situations in the air.

    • Understanding aircraft capabilities and limitationsGaining a deep understanding of tools' capabilities and limitations enhances performance and decision-making. Knowing aircraft's usable load impacts mission capabilities, and advanced technology like GPS offers precision but trade-offs.

      Having a deep understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the tools at your disposal can significantly enhance your performance and decision-making abilities. The speaker shared his experience of becoming proficient at estimating speed and other aircraft parameters based on feel in older aircraft, and how the introduction of advanced technology like GPS made it harder to rely on such sensory feedback. He also emphasized the importance of understanding the usable load of an aircraft, which includes the weight and placement of weapons and fuel, and how it impacts the aircraft's performance and mission capabilities. This concept can be applied to business as well, where understanding the capabilities and costs of the assets you bring on board is crucial for making informed decisions and avoiding potential shortfalls. The speaker also highlighted the game-changing impact of GPS-guided weapons, which offer greater precision than human senses but come with their own trade-offs.

    • Military aviation terms 'clean' and 'dirty' refer to airplane's configurationIn military aviation, 'clean' configuration means landing gear and flaps up, while 'dirty' means down. Dirtying up the plane can make it more stable during certain stages, but also less efficient and louder. Ground effect can lead to longer landings and stopping difficulties.

      While technologies and tools, such as GPS systems, offer significant benefits, they also come with drawbacks and costs. In military aviation, the terms "clean" and "dirty" are used to describe an airplane's configuration. "Clean" refers to having the landing gear and flaps up, while "dirty" means having them down. While "dirtying up" the plane makes it less efficient and louder, it can also make the plane more stable and efficient during certain stages of flight, such as landing. However, getting caught in "ground effect," where the plane becomes more efficient and floats just before landing, can lead to longer landings and potential difficulties in stopping the plane on the runway. This concept can be counterintuitive, but it's an important consideration for pilots to manage effectively.

    • Ground effect in aviation: Beneficial in some cases, challenging in othersGround effect, caused by proximity of wings to the ground, can lead to instability and unwanted bouncing during civilian landings. Pilots must learn to manage it, and aircraft design plays a role in handling it.

      Ground effect plays a significant role in aviation, particularly during landings. It's caused by the proximity of the wings to the ground, reducing drag and causing the aircraft to "float." While this can be beneficial in certain situations, such as carrier landings where pilots intentionally crash into the ground, it can be a challenge for civilian pilots who aim for smooth landings. In such cases, ground effect can lead to instability and unwanted bouncing on the runway, potentially causing pilot-induced oscillations (PIO). To mitigate this, pilots must learn to tolerate and manage ground effect, avoiding excessive control inputs. Additionally, the design of the aircraft's landing gear plays a crucial role in handling ground effect, as some aircraft, like the F-16, have thin, delicate gear that requires more delicate handling. Overall, understanding and managing ground effect is a critical aspect of aviation safety and efficiency.

    • Differences between aircraft models causing confusion for pilotsNegative transfer can lead to mistakes and confusion for pilots due to differences in aircraft models, especially with the increasing use of digital equipment.

      The small differences between aircraft models can lead to significant challenges for pilots due to negative transfer, or the carryover of habits from one plane to another. This can result in confusion and mistakes, such as reaching for the wrong button or switch. For instance, in the case of the F18 and F16, the canopy switch and seat adjustment were located in opposite places, leading to pilots accidentally opening the canopy instead of adjusting their seat during landing. This issue can be compounded by the increasing use of digital equipment in modern aircraft, which while convenient, can also introduce additional complexities and require more time to operate. Ultimately, the importance of standardization and familiarity with the unique features of each aircraft cannot be overstated for ensuring safe and effective flight operations.

    • Technology and old-school methods coexist in aviationDespite advanced technology, traditional methods and old-school equipment remain essential in complex aviation environments. Human error can also lead to catastrophic outcomes.

      Modern technology, such as the F-35's touchscreens and voice commands, while advanced, cannot completely replace the need for traditional methods and old-school equipment in complex environments like aviation. The speaker shared examples of this in the context of flying the F-35 and landing on an aircraft carrier, where a vintage volume knob and a net barricade were necessary due to unexpected issues. Additionally, human error plays a significant role in aviation accidents, often in combination with other factors, and can result in catastrophic outcomes. These lessons were emphasized through stories of aviation mishaps caused by pilot error and the rare but dangerous use of net barricades.

    • Pilot error caused by target fixation leads to CFITMaintain situational awareness and avoid single-minded focus to prevent CFIT, a dangerous phenomenon causing pilots to fly into the ground even in ideal conditions

      Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) is primarily caused by pilot error, specifically target fixation. This phenomenon can occur even in ideal weather conditions, making it particularly dangerous. Pilots can become so focused on their targets or tasks that they lose awareness of their surroundings and ultimately fly into the ground. This issue is not due to pilots being overwhelmed by multiple tasks, but rather their inability to prioritize and focus on essential information. The consequences of target fixation can be catastrophic, not only in aviation but also in everyday life, where individuals may continue down a destructive path despite clear warnings. To avoid CFIT, it's crucial to maintain situational awareness and remain detached from single-minded focus, allowing for a broader perspective and the ability to make informed decisions.

    • Staying aware of warnings and signsIgnoring warnings and signs in life and work can lead to disastrous consequences. Stay engaged and aware to prevent potential catastrophes.

      It's crucial to pay attention to the warnings and signs around us, both in our personal lives and professional roles, as ignoring them can lead to disastrous consequences. This was emphasized through the discussion of various aviation disasters and human errors that contributed to them. The inability to read the room, detach, or listen to others can be debilitating and potentially catastrophic. As Jocko mentioned, these discoveries are often not gentle lessons but rather life-altering events. It's essential to stay aware and engaged with our surroundings and the people in our lives, ensuring we don't miss the warning signs that could prevent a catastrophic episode.

    • Overconfidence can lead to dangerous situationsStay aware of surroundings and potential hazards, rather than being solely focused on a specific goal. Remain calm and detached during high-pressure situations, and trust indicators and warnings to prevent accidents.

      Being overconfident and fixated on a target can lead to dangerous situations, potentially resulting in catastrophic outcomes. The speaker shared a personal experience of parachuting with a friend, where his arrogance and focus on catching up to him led him to come dangerously close to a Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) incident. This experience, and others throughout his career, underscored the importance of staying aware of surroundings and potential hazards, rather than being solely focused on a specific goal. While some close calls were due to mere luck, others were avoided by catching the warning signs in time. The speaker emphasized the need to remain calm and detached from emotions during high-pressure situations, and to trust the indicators and warnings designed to prevent accidents.

    • Adapting and redefining approach when plan isn't workingBe open to new strategies when current plan isn't effective, acknowledge when a plan isn't working and make a change, emphasized the importance of being adaptable in various scenarios including flying and leadership.

      Being able to adapt and redefine your approach when your current plan isn't working is crucial for success, whether in flying, leadership, or everyday life. The speaker shared personal experiences of being caught off guard by alarms or danger in flying, and how the worst moments were the ones where they were surprised or overwhelmed by signals they had ignored for too long. Similarly, in military situations, being unable to process and respond to threats can have dire consequences. The term "redefine" was introduced as a way to acknowledge when a plan isn't working and to make a change. This concept was applied to various scenarios, including flying and leadership, and emphasized the importance of being open to new strategies when the current one isn't effective. The speaker encouraged listeners to "redefine the fight" when faced with obstacles, and emphasized that while it can be difficult to do, it's a necessary skill for success.

    • Staying adaptable and open to changeAdaptability and openness to change are crucial for success in various situations, whether in jujitsu, dealing with people, or in business. Be willing to redefine or pivot when necessary to achieve better results.

      Being adaptable and willing to redefine or pivot in various situations, whether it's in jujitsu, dealing with people, or in business, can lead to better results. The ability to adjust your plan or perspective (redefinition) or change direction (pivot) is crucial for success. This concept applies to mutual support in aviation as well, where the movements of each aircraft must be coordinated to provide and receive support. The key is to remain fluid and flexible, as the situation can change constantly. It's essential not to get stuck in one way of thinking or approach, as it may not always be effective. So, be open to redefining or pivoting when necessary.

    • Effective teamwork in high-stress situations involves fluidly linking team members together through tetheringIn high-stress situations, effective teamwork requires constantly assessing and adjusting roles and positions to provide cover, concealment, and clear lanes for action, rather than designating leaders and followers.

      Effective teamwork and mutual support in high-stress situations, such as combat or crisis management, requires a fluid and adaptable approach to tethering or linking team members together. This concept goes beyond just staying close to each other, but involves constantly assessing the situation and adjusting roles and positions to provide cover, concealment, and a clear lane for effective action. Tethering is not about designating specific team members as leaders or followers, but rather ensuring that everyone is connected and supported at all times. This can mean switching roles or positions during the fight to better navigate the complexities of the situation and outmaneuver the enemy. The origin of this concept comes from dogfighting, where the ability to maneuver out of plane and out of phase with an opponent makes the fight more dynamic and difficult for them to predict and counter. Effective tethering requires constant communication, adaptability, and a shared understanding of the situation to ensure that no team member is left alone and vulnerable.

    • Understanding and Responding to Complex EnvironmentsEffective decision-making and success require situational awareness, the ability to adapt to changing situations, and the flexibility to switch between simultaneous and sequential approaches.

      Situational awareness (SA) is crucial for effective decision-making and success in various fields, including fighting and leadership. SA refers to the ability to understand and respond to the complex environment around us. Lack of SA can lead to poor decisions and negative outcomes. It's essential to maneuver differently and adapt to changing situations. Simultaneous and sequential approaches have their pros and cons, and the ability to switch between them based on the situation is vital. In essence, being aware of your surroundings and understanding the context is the foundation for making good decisions and being an effective leader.

    • Maintaining a low signature in military and lifeBeing aware of the impression we leave on others and adjusting our actions accordingly can help us succeed in both military and everyday life.

      Being aware of the signature you present to the world is crucial, whether it's in a military context or in everyday life. A signature can include visual and heat signatures, as well as the actions and behaviors we exhibit. In the military, maintaining a low signature can mean the difference between success and failure in a mission. Similarly, in life, being mindful of the impression we leave on others can help us navigate relationships and achieve our goals. It's important to be aware of when we're "marking," or emitting a strong signature, and to adjust our actions accordingly. Additionally, being behind the power curve, whether in aviation or in life, can hinder our progress and limit our ability to succeed. By staying aware of these concepts and adjusting our actions accordingly, we can stay ahead of the curve and effectively manage the signatures we present to the world.

    • Stay ahead of the power curve and broadcast your intentionsTo succeed, prioritize critical tasks, communicate intentions, and adapt when plans change

      It's essential to get as far ahead of the power curve as possible in life and in projects to avoid falling behind and sacrificing important tasks or opportunities. The SEAL teams taught this lesson effectively, emphasizing the importance of completing critical tasks before they become urgent. Additionally, it's crucial to broadcast your intentions to those you're working with to ensure everyone is on the same page and can adapt when plans change. The power curve concept and the rule of broadcasting intentions are valuable strategies for staying in control and achieving success.

    • Assume other party doesn't see or know, take ownership, and be aware of external factorsEffective communication, situational awareness, and adaptability are crucial for success in conflicts or competitions. Assume the other party doesn't see or know what we're doing, take ownership of our actions, and be aware of external factors to find the right balance between aggressive and conservative approaches.

      Effective communication and situational awareness are crucial in any kind of conflict or competition, be it air combat or otherwise. The speaker emphasizes the importance of assuming the other party doesn't see or know what we're doing, and taking ownership of our actions. He also highlights the need to be aware of external factors that could impact the situation, such as the ground in air combat. The concept of "skate versus bonsai" illustrates the trade-offs between aggressive and conservative approaches, and the importance of finding the right balance. Ultimately, the goal is to learn from each other and adapt to changing circumstances. In the context of air combat, this means being prepared to break off attacks when necessary and being aware of the potential risks and rewards of different strategies. In broader terms, these principles can be applied to any situation where effective communication, situational awareness, and adaptability are key to success.

    • Avoid catastrophic outcomes by prioritizing flying the plane, navigating, and communicating in the correct order.Maintain a balanced approach to problem-solving by prioritizing flying the plane (executing the plan), navigating (deciding on a direction), and communicating in the correct order to avoid target fixation and disastrous consequences.

      Effective communication, flying the plane (or executing the plan), and navigating (deciding on a direction) are all crucial in avoiding catastrophic outcomes. This concept is often referred to as "aviate, navigate, communicate." When faced with a problem, it's essential to prioritize flying the plane first before focusing on communication and navigation. Ignoring this order can lead to target fixation or boresighting, where one becomes overly focused on a single issue, losing sight of the bigger picture. This can result in disastrous consequences. Therefore, it's essential to maintain a balanced approach and keep the priority in the correct order: aviate, navigate, communicate.

    • Stay focused and use high-quality resourcesStaying focused and alert is crucial for success. Use high-quality resources to maintain focus and represent what you believe in.

      Staying focused and alert, whether in a high-pressure situation or a fun activity, is crucial for success. Using the analogy of go-kart racing, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not getting bored or sidetracked, as this can lead to negative consequences. He also mentions the importance of using good quality fuel, in this case, JockoFuel, which represents integrity and clean energy. The speaker encourages listeners to try JockoFuel and shares various ways to purchase it. He also mentions representing OriginUSA for jujitsu gis and rashguards. Essentially, the message is to stay focused, use high-quality resources, and represent what you believe in.

    • Jocko Willink's Team Promotes Merchandise OfferingsSign up for email lists or subscriptions to access exclusive merchandise drops from Jocko Willink's team, including apparel, accessories, and high-quality beef products.

      Jocko Willink and his team are promoting various merchandise offerings, including limited edition drops and subscription-based models, through their respective websites. Jocko specifically mentioned OriginUSA.com and JockoStore.com for apparel and accessories, as well as Coloradocraftbeef.com and Primalbeef.com for high-quality beef products. Additionally, ShirtLocker offers a monthly subscription for new design releases. These drops are not necessarily limited edition, but rather exclusive to those signed up for the email list or subscription. The team encourages supporters to sign up for email lists and consider purchasing merchandise to show support for their values of freedom and discipline. The conversation also touched on the concept of "drop culture," where items are only available for a limited time, but this is not the same as the one-time or monthly drops discussed.

    • Redefine lifestyle habits for better healthExplore resources, question food choices, integrate consistent activities, and prioritize self-awareness for improved health and wellbeing.

      Individuals and families have the power to make healthy choices and redefine their lifestyle habits, even in the face of societal pressures and distractions. The speakers emphasized the importance of self-awareness and the need to question the combination of foods we consume, especially when dealing with issues like obesity and diabetes. They encouraged listeners to explore resources like beef sticks, primal beef, podcasts, and books to gain knowledge and inspiration for making positive changes. Jiu-jitsu was mentioned as an example of a consistent and valuable activity that can be integrated into family life, providing benefits such as confidence and self-defense skills. The speakers emphasized that this doesn't have to be an all-consuming commitment, but rather a normal and essential part of daily life. The Warrior Kid books and plans were highlighted as accessible resources for anyone looking to make improvements in their own lives.

    • Investing in children and youth through jiu-jitsu and fitness programsLeadership, community, and personal growth are essential for children and youth. Jiu-jitsu and fitness programs can help keep them on the right path, while organizations like America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses support veterans and their families.

      Investing in the lives of children and youth can have a profound impact on their future. Jiu-jitsu and fitness programs can help keep kids on the right path and away from trouble. For those interested, Echelon Front offers leadership consulting and events, including sold-out gatherings in Nashville and Dallas. Additionally, there are opportunities for online training and charitable organizations like America's Mighty Warriors and Heroes and Horses that support veterans and their families. Overall, the importance of leadership, community, and personal growth cannot be overstated.

    • Staying focused and aware is crucialDistractions, no matter how small, can disrupt productivity and safety. Stay focused and aware in all aspects of life to maximize productivity and ensure safety.

      Being fully present and aware of your surroundings is crucial for productivity and safety. The speaker shared an experience of how scrolling through social media during a workout disrupted his focus and made the workout session shorter. He emphasized that distractions, no matter how small, can have significant impacts on our ability to perform effectively. He also highlighted the importance of situational awareness, especially in critical situations, and the consequences of losing focus. The speaker also expressed gratitude towards the military personnel, first responders, and other essential workers for their service and sacrifice in keeping us safe. Overall, the key takeaway is to stay focused and aware in all aspects of life to maximize productivity and ensure safety.

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    Ben Thompson – Platforms, Ecosystems, and Aggregators - [Invest Like the Best, EP.176]

    Ben Thompson – Platforms, Ecosystems, and Aggregators - [Invest Like the Best, EP.176]
    My guest today is Ben Thompson. Ben is the author of my favorite business strategy newsletter called Stratechery. He’s also the host of the exponent podcast, and now the Dithering, a podcast he recently launched with John Gruber. I think Ben is among the most interesting business analysts in the world, and I’ve learned from and directly applied many of his ideas. We cover many of the major concepts he’s introduced over the years, including his well know aggregation theory. I think that to understand how the internet has changed the business world for good, you must read Ben and follow his thinking. I’m excited to finally have him as a guest on the show. Please enjoy our conversation. For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast. Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub. Follow Patrick on Twitter at @patrick_oshag   Show Notes (01:26) – (First question) – Companies that are built for the next disruption             (1:32) – The End of the Beginning (9:58) – Aggregation Theory and the Smiling Curve (13:18) – Steps to creating an aggregator (19:46) – Pattern of successful aggregators or luck? (24:34) – How aggregators interact with suppliers and consumers (30:49) – Taking on other aggregators (34:09) – Platform vs aggregator in the scope of Shopify vs Amazon/Walmart (40:55) – The Moat Map (46:16) – Value chain thinking and profitable business models (51:58) – Future of media and independent content creator’s vs bundles (56:07) – Bundling independent creators (1:00:37) – The infrastructure layer of technology and software companies (1:02:35) – His thoughts on gaming platforms (1:06:13) – The atoms vs the bits in the tech world (1:12:18) – What he’s learned from covering Netflix (1:13:46) – Kindest thing anyone has done for Ben             (1:15:56) – Stratechery Podcast   Learn More For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast.  Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub Follow Patrick on Twitter at @patrick_oshag

    Right to Repair Deep Dive!

    Right to Repair Deep Dive!
    After making a recent MKBHD Right to Repair video, Marques and Andrew take to Waveform to dive a bit deeper into the topic and discuss how Right to Repair is affecting both consumers and companies. The conversation explores the many complexities of the topic, including how several regions are handling it differently. Come for the spirited debate, stay for the multiple interviews from a broad range of Right to Repair experts. Links: Subscribe to the pod & share with friends: http://bit.ly/WaveformMKBHD Subscribe to the pod on YouTube: https://bit.ly/WVFRMPodcastYouTube https://twitter.com/wvfrm https://twitter.com/mkbhd https://twitter.com/andymanganelli https://twitter.com/AdamLukas17 https://www.instagram.com/wvfrmpodcast/ shop.mkbhd.com Music by KamrenB: https://spoti.fi/2WRJOFh MKBHD Right to Repair: https://bit.ly/3hHyYNi iFixit: https://www.ifixit.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices