
    472 The F2 Freestylers: Inspire Millions by Following Your Passion

    enApril 17, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration and determination lead to extraordinary successThrough failing forward, creating genuine fan bases, and building successful professional partnerships, collaboration and determination can lead to global success in unexpected areas.

      Collaboration and perseverance can lead to extraordinary success, even in unexpected areas. Billy Wingrove and Jeremy Lynch, also known as the F2 Freestylers, started as individual freestyle soccer performers with limited income. However, they joined forces and created a powerful brand that grew into the largest soccer YouTube channel in the world, earning them a global ambassadorship with Adidas football. Their story highlights the importance of failing forward, creating genuine fan bases, and building successful professional partnerships. Additionally, their content's universal appeal demonstrates the power of creating media that resonates with a worldwide audience. Overall, their journey underscores the potential for growth and success through collaboration and determination.

    • From London streets to global stardom: The F2 Freestylers' inspiring journeyThe F2 Freestylers, starting from humble beginnings on London streets, grew their global following to over 12 million fans through dedication, talent, and a unique perspective, despite limited reach in the US.

      The F2 Freestylers, a duo known for their football trick shots and combination moves, have built a massive global following of over 12 million fans across social media platforms, despite starting with humble beginnings on the streets of London. Their inspiring, educational, and entertaining content has resonated with audiences worldwide, with the exception of the US, where they currently have a 15% following. The F2 Freestylers have surpassed the reach of many big stars on YouTube and Instagram, even outperforming popular figures like Cristiano Ronaldo and Kylie Jenner in certain months. Their journey began with individual freestyle football performances on the streets, leading to bigger opportunities and the eventual formation of their partnership. They met each other at a football tournament and eventually joined forces, building their personal brand and expanding their reach. Their success serves as a reminder that with dedication, talent, and a unique perspective, anyone can make a significant impact on a global scale.

    • Personal experiences of mistakes leading to successMaking mistakes can lead to greater success if we stay true to ourselves and learn from them, while a mentor or coach can provide valuable guidance during formative years.

      Memorable mistakes can lead to greater success. The speaker shared a personal experience of making mistakes on national television, which initially caused humiliation but ultimately endeared him to the audience and became a defining moment in his career. He also emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not trying to create something new for every audience, while acknowledging the challenge of avoiding repetition. Additionally, the speaker reflected on the importance of having a mentor or coach for guidance during formative years, and how the freestyle dance scene evolved from individual performances to choreographed routines as more people entered the field.

    • Innovating together in a saturated marketTo stay successful, innovate and offer unique content in a team, especially in a saturated market like soccer on YouTube.

      To stay successful and evolve in a saturated market, it's essential to innovate and offer something new and unique. This was the approach taken by two successful freestylers, who, after reaching individual success and earning substantial income from performing, shifted their focus to creating content as a tandem on YouTube. With soccer being the most popular sport in the world and a social media boom, the potential for content creation is unlimited. Their success lies in constantly coming up with fresh, unexplored ideas to cater to the millions of soccer enthusiasts around the world. Their creative minds working together have resulted in a devastating combination that keeps their content growing in popularity. While they have both had individual success, their teamwork and innovation have led them to new heights.

    • The importance of formal coaching in mastering footballGrowing up without a football coach or resources for self-learning can hinder one's understanding and mastery of the game. Utilizing digital resources and promoting grassroots development may help address this issue and foster long-term growth in soccer's popularity.

      The lack of formal coaching and access to football knowledge during one's formative years can hinder one's understanding and mastery of the game. The speaker, who grew up without a football coach or influence in the sport, acknowledges this deficiency in his own knowledge and attributes it to his humble beginnings. He contrasts his experience with the early coaching and training children receive in academies today, and reflects on how YouTube and other digital resources could have been valuable tools for self-learning in his time. Looking ahead, the speakers aim to continue growing their F2 brand and use their platform to discover and promote young, talented YouTubers, helping them to overcome the challenges of breaking through in a crowded digital landscape. They also express their belief that soccer in the US has yet to reach the popularity levels seen in other parts of the world, and while progress is made during major tournaments, the enthusiasm often fades. The reasons for this remain unclear, but the speakers suggest that consistent effort and investment in grassroots development may be key to fostering long-term growth and interest in the sport.

    • Soccer's struggle to surpass established US sportsDespite slower pace and fewer moments of excitement, soccer's growth in the US is evident through rising popularity of trick shot artists and adaptability to weather conditions.

      While soccer is growing in popularity in the US, it faces challenges in outpacing and surpassing the already established sports like NFL, NBA, baseball, and hockey. These sports have deep roots in American culture and tradition. Soccer's slower pace and fewer moments of excitement compared to basketball, for instance, make it harder for newcomers to appreciate the game. The speaker, who has experience playing both soccer and American football, shares his personal preference for the faster-paced, more entertaining nature of basketball and American football. The weather conditions in the US, particularly during summer, can also make soccer less appealing. However, the growth of soccer in the US is evident through the rise of trick shot artists and accounts like Bodie Smith's. The speaker expresses his admiration for Ultimate Frisbee and disc golf, suggesting an openness to exploring various sports and activities.

    • Sharing Passion and Creativity through Football Trick ShotsCreating unique content with passion and joy can inspire and bring happiness to others, making a positive impact on their lives.

      The power of passion and creativity can inspire and bring joy to others. The discussion revolves around a group's experiences creating unique and entertaining football trick shots. They recall their past successes, the challenges they faced, and the times they've inspired fans. One memorable moment was meeting a young boy in Brighton who was moved to tears by their encounter. They emphasized that their seemingly simple YouTube content carries a deeper meaning, providing inspiration and hope to those who need it. They believe that pursuing dreams with passion and joy can make a significant impact on people's lives.

    • F2 Free Stylers: Inspiring Positivity and Hard WorkThe F2 Free Stylers duo inspires positivity and hard work through their book, YouTube channel, and brand. They let go of individual egos to build something bigger, leading to the Rascal Clothing brand's growth.

      The F2 Free Stylers duo, known for their football freestyling skills, have created a book and a brand that inspires positivity and hard work. Their book, "F2 World of Football: Play like a Pro," offers personal stories, tutorials, and encouragement for persevering through adversity. During a record-breaking book signing event, they were praised for being good role models. Their YouTube channel is the best way to connect with them online, and they put the F2 brand on hold to create a unified presence. By letting go of their individual egos, they built something bigger than themselves, which later evolved into the Rascal Clothing brand, now outgrowing the F2 in terms of business growth. The underlying theme of their work is the importance of staying positive, working hard, and believing in oneself.

    • Identifying a unique selling proposition and filling a niche gap in the marketResearch the industry, find a demand no one else has addressed, establish a strong brand identity, and execute effectively to make millions.

      Identifying a unique selling proposition (USP) and filling a niche gap in the market can lead to business success. The entrepreneurs in this discussion, who started the clothing brands F2 and Rascal, emphasized the importance of researching the industry and finding a demand that no one else had addressed yet. They also highlighted the significance of having a strong brand identity and USP to differentiate themselves from competitors. For instance, they came up with the name Rascal on a plane ride and registered it immediately to establish a standalone brand. They also invested in high-quality cotton manufacturing and focused on unique fits and designs to create a USP for their clothing. As a result, they built a massive following on social media and sold 30,000 items in their first year, with plans to expand further. Additionally, they saw their clothing ventures as their babies and their talents, and they were determined to make a success out of something they had no prior experience in. They advised that anyone starting a business should look for a niche gap in the market, think of ideas before others do, and execute them effectively to make millions. You can check out their brand, Rascal, at rascalclogging.com.

    • Living authentically and learning from experiencesEmbrace life with no regrets by being good and creating your own luck. Help others and grow personally. Don't let others dictate your career path, ask deep questions to find your passions.

      Reflecting on our lives and sharing valuable lessons can bring about deep introspection and inspiration for others. Billy's first truth encourages living a life without regrets by being a good person and creating your own luck. His second truth emphasizes the power of helping others, not just for their benefit but also for the giver's personal growth. Carol's first truth advises taking people's advice but not letting them dictate your career path. Her second truth encourages asking deep, meaningful questions to discover and pursue your greatest passions. Both emphasize the importance of living authentically, contributing to others, and introspection for personal growth.

    • Appreciate the blessings in life and focus on bringing joyRecognize the importance of happiness, appreciate blessings, and create value through actions.

      It's important to appreciate the good things we already have in life instead of constantly striving for more. As the speaker shared, we can easily forget how fortunate we are and get caught up in wanting the next income level, material possession, or opportunity. But as they learned from a personal loss, it's crucial to take a step back and recognize the blessings we have. Greatness, according to the guests, is defined by happiness, whether for oneself or others. And what we do, whether it's in sports or entertainment, ultimately aims to bring joy to people. The speakers, who didn't make it professionally but built a successful business, serve as an inspiration to chase your dreams and create value in the world. So remember, it's essential to focus on the journey, make the most of each day, and take action towards your goals.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Did you ever feel like you weren’t comfortable in your own skin? (20:29)
    Do you feel like there was a time when you didn’t communicate well? (23:10)
    Do you feel like you still need to chase relevancy? (27:38)
    Where does your mind go when there’s pressure? (30:44)
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    Why people shouldn’t show off on social media (21:17)
    The biggest challenge he’s had to overcome (24:44)
    How he’s able to raise his kids to not feel like they are riding off his name (28:46)
    What it’s like skateboarding in a loop (38:39)
    The thing Tony still needs to achieve (41:27)
    The thing he wants more people to know about him (46:53)