
    #55 Prime Hall - MARSOC Raider Survives The Unthinkable / Horrific Combat Experience | Part 2

    en-usMay 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Belief and support in overcoming traumaBelieving in one's ability to change and having loved ones' support are crucial in overcoming severe trauma. Quickly adapting to a dangerous environment and staying focused on the mission are also essential.

      Overcoming severe trauma requires belief in one's ability to change and the support of loved ones. The speaker shares his personal experiences with trauma, including a peeping tom and the loss of his stepmom, as well as his experience in combat in Afghanistan. He emphasizes the importance of believing in one's ability to change and the role of loved ones in providing support during difficult times. The speaker also highlights the challenges of living in a dangerous environment, such as in Afghanistan, and the importance of absorbing information and learning the operational environment as quickly as possible. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused and committed to the mission.

    • Learning to adapt in volatile military environmentsServing in conflict zones demands quick adaptation, understanding local cultures, and building trust with locals to mitigate insider threats.

      Serving in the military during times of political instability and conflict can be incredibly challenging. The speaker shares his experience of being in Afghanistan during the peak of insider attacks, where the operational environment was volatile and uncertain. The new rules of engagement issued by the President of the United States demoralized the troops and made their mission even more difficult. Living in an enemy village for seven months, the speaker learned the importance of understanding the local environment, adapting quickly, and building trust with the local population. The insider threat required constant revalidation of allies, adding another layer of complexity to their mission. Despite the challenges, the speaker found the experience impactful and gained valuable insights into human performance and intelligence.

    • Life-changing experience in AfghanistanWorked closely with Afghan police, faced constant danger, appreciated local support, and valued every experience

      Serving in Afghanistan was a challenging and life-changing experience for the speaker. He worked closely with the Afghan local police, conducting daily training and operations, and faced constant danger. The loss of trained personnel was a continual challenge, as new recruits would often be killed shortly after graduation. The environment was hostile, with enemy fire a constant threat even during daily tasks. Despite feeling inadequate compared to others with more experience or specialized training, the speaker emphasized that every experience is meaningful. The daily routine involved a combination of rest, watch duty, and Afghan local police training, with nighttime ambush patrols to secure against enemy attacks. Overall, the speaker's time in Afghanistan was marked by intense danger, personal growth, and a deep appreciation for the importance of local support in achieving stability and development.

    • Combat operations in Afghanistan: Setting up ambushes and using technology to engage the enemySoldiers in Afghanistan faced intense and relentless combat, requiring constant vigilance and effective use of technology like drones and communication equipment to engage the enemy. Ketone supplements and hydration products could enhance soldiers' endurance and focus during long deployments.

      Combat operations in Afghanistan involved setting up ambushes to disrupt enemy movements and supply chains. Soldiers had to be constantly vigilant as the Taliban was clever in hiding and attacking when least expected. The use of technology like drones and communication equipment helped in identifying and engaging the enemy more effectively. The fighting was intense and relentless, with both sides constantly replenishing their ranks. Ketone supplements, like HVMN's Ketone IQ, could have been beneficial for soldiers to improve their endurance and focus during long deployments. Additionally, hydration products like Hoist, with its high electrolyte content and low sugar, were essential for maintaining optimal health and performance in the harsh conditions.

    • Military career wish for Hoist hydration, goats used as counter-IED toolDuring military service, wishing for Hoist hydration and using goats as counter-IEDs showcased the importance of intentional actions in dangerous environments.

      During the speaker's military career, they wished they had access to Hoist hydration, especially their favorite flavor, strawberry lemonade. Hoist offers discounts to military and first responders, making it an appreciated option. The speaker also shared a memorable mission experience where they used goats as a counter-IED tool. They took advantage of a goat herder and his goats to lead the way down the road and clear IEDs. This innovative approach allowed them to eliminate most of the IEDs along their route, but unfortunately, they still encountered a few. The speaker emphasized the importance of being intentional with every step due to the prevalence of IEDs in their environment. Additionally, Hoist's military discount and the speaker's shared experience make for a compelling reason to check out their hydration options using the code SHAWN for a 15% discount on their website.

    • Using goats as decoys in military operationsGoats used as decoys saved lives in military operation, but sacrifices were made. Every experience, even tragic ones, can provide valuable lessons for future operations.

      During a military operation in Afghanistan, the use of goats as decoys to identify and neutralize IEDs proved to be an effective tactic. This method, which was a one-time occurrence, saved human lives by sacrificing the goats in place of soldiers. The Afgan culture and experiences from growing up on the border of Mexico provided a unique perspective and understanding for the soldier, making every experience valuable. However, the most significant experience was an insider attack that resulted in the death of several team members. Despite the tragedy, the soldier believed that everything happens for a reason and that every experience can feed into the next. The operation was conducted with limited resources and manpower, making the successful use of goats as decoys even more impressive. The incident serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers in the line of duty and the importance of staying focused and adaptable in dangerous situations.

    • Cultural misunderstandings and shifting allegiances complicate military operationsCultural differences and loyalty to original trainers can hinder military cooperation, leading to security issues and unexpected attacks in unstable environments.

      Cultural misunderstandings and shifting allegiances can complicate military operations, even in the midst of training and forming alliances. In the discussed situation, Afghan trainees refused to work for Army SF team members due to their loyalty to their original trainer, leading to a fallout and security issues. Additionally, the speaker's own sense of security was shattered when he was attacked unexpectedly, highlighting the unpredictability and danger present in the environment. Amidst geopolitical instability and economic uncertainty, these challenges underscore the complexity of military missions and the importance of effective communication and understanding.

    • Prepare for the future with Goldco and Helix SleepProtect your finances with Goldco's precious metals and ensure a good night's rest with Helix Sleep's mattresses. Stay alert and prepared for unexpected situations.

      Despite the uncertainty of future events, it's important to be prepared, especially when it comes to protecting your financial investments. Sean endorses Goldco as a resource to help individuals defend their money with precious metals. Meanwhile, Helix Sleep offers a solution for ensuring a good night's rest, crucial for overall health and well-being. During a past experience, Sean found himself in a dangerous situation, unaware of an active shooter among the Afghan Special Forces. The incident underscores the importance of being alert and prepared for unexpected situations. While Sean can't predict the future, he encourages listeners to take advantage of opportunities like Goldco and Helix Sleep to secure their finances and sleep, respectively. Performance may vary, and it's essential to consult with financial professionals and tax advisors before making any investment decisions.

    • Military operation turns chaotic with insider attack and active shooterDuring military operations, insider attacks and active shooters pose significant risks. Teamwork, quick response, and resilience are crucial in managing such situations and returning to duty.

      During a military operation, an insider attack occurred, and the situation became chaotic. The team encountered an active shooter in a compound, and they didn't know if there were more attackers. Senior team members, who were Raiders, helped clear the compound, and Afghan Special Forces members joined in due to losses in their team. The shooter was located in an enclosed position and fired over ten RPGs, eventually killing himself in the process. The attack resulted in several team members being injured or killed, and the psychological impact was significant. Despite the severity of the situation and injuries sustained, team members returned to duty within a few days. The incident was a reminder of the risks and unpredictability of military operations and the importance of teamwork and quick response in critical situations.

    • Feeling unsafe in unfamiliar environmentsUnderstanding and adapting to different cultures is crucial for safety and success in unfamiliar environments. Building trust and respect can save lives.

      Experiences in unfamiliar environments can drastically challenge our sense of safety and security. The speaker shares his first deployment experience in Afghanistan, where he felt his safe space was compromised, leading to a wake-up call. He shares how the local commander's actions saved him from potential attacks, emphasizing the importance of building trust and respect in unfamiliar cultures. The speaker also highlights the resilience and strength of the locals, despite living in dangerous conditions. It's essential to understand and adapt to different cultures and values when working in unfamiliar environments. The speaker's experiences illustrate the importance of being cautious, diligent, and respectful in such situations.

    • Finding comfort and connection in military experiencesMilitary experiences, despite challenges, can lead to personal growth and meaningful relationships. A speaker's bond with an Afghan Kuchi dog named Nari during deployment highlighted this idea, as the loss of Nari upon return home triggered an emotional response.

      Military experiences, even those filled with hardships and challenges, can lead to profound personal growth and meaningful relationships. The speaker shared his experience of receiving an Afghan Kuchi dog named Nari during his deployment, which became a source of comfort and companionship in a difficult environment. The loss of Nari upon his return home triggered an emotional response, highlighting the deep connection he formed with the dog. Despite the challenges and potential dangers of military service, the speaker emphasized the importance of these experiences in shaping his life and forming lasting bonds with others. However, he also acknowledged the complex nature of military life, acknowledging the potential for emotional and mental struggles. Ultimately, the speaker's story underscores the idea that even in the face of adversity, there can be valuable lessons and connections to be found.

    • Changing military culture to support veterans' mental healthMilitary culture needs to shift towards promoting mental health and well-being for veterans, reducing stigma and encouraging help-seeking without fear of judgment.

      The military culture of suffering in silence and the stigma surrounding asking for help needs to change. Despite the intense training and competition required to excel in high-threat environments, the failure lies in the transition out. Veterans, including those from World War II, have suffered in silence for decades, fearing judgment and negative consequences. The overuse of soft units and the high stress levels, especially in tier one units, can lead to chronic stress and mental health issues. It's crucial to promote a positive and supportive environment for veterans to seek help without fear of judgment or being labeled as weak. The military community and society as a whole must recognize the importance of mental health and well-being for veterans. Additionally, the glorification of war and military service through social media and other means can be detrimental and should be addressed.

    • Consequences of Military ExperienceMany veterans face mental health challenges, lack of support can worsen issues, media and government misrepresentation of war, and societal disregard for public service make military recruitment difficult.

      The military experience, while filled with unique and unforgettable moments, often comes with lifelong consequences that are not always acknowledged or understood by the public. Many veterans have faced mental health challenges, including suicide attempts, and the lack of support and understanding from society can exacerbate these issues. The speaker also criticizes the media and government for not accurately representing the realities of war and for turning against service members when scandals arise. These factors, along with a growing sense of entitlement and disregard for public service in American culture, make it increasingly difficult to recruit new members into the military and law enforcement.

    • A minor health issue can lead to major life changesAddress health concerns promptly to prevent unexpected life alterations and maintain identity and purpose

      A seemingly minor medical issue, like a back injury, can lead to a cascade of health concerns and unexpected life changes. For the speaker, this meant a medical retirement from the Marine Corps after a career as an operator. The experience was a shock, as it involved not only physical limitations but also a loss of identity and sense of purpose. The speaker's story highlights the importance of addressing health concerns promptly and the potential far-reaching consequences of seemingly small medical issues. It also underscores the value of support systems, like the medical officer in this case, who helped the speaker navigate the transition and plan for the future.

    • Military-to-civilian transition challenges for veterans with disabilitiesEmpower veterans to live independent and fulfilling lives, rather than creating a system that perpetuates helplessness.

      The military-to-civilian transition can be a challenging and demoralizing experience for veterans, particularly those with disabilities. The VA appointment system can feel like a full-time job, and the lack of confidence built up during the medical evaluation process can hinder veterans' ability to make decisions and move forward in their civilian lives. This can create a cycle of dependency and frustration, and it's essential for support systems, such as family and friends, to help veterans navigate this transition and regain their confidence. Ultimately, the military and VA must prioritize empowering veterans to live independent and fulfilling lives, rather than creating a system that perpetuates a sense of helplessness.

    • Healing from past traumasSupport and healing can help individuals confront and heal from past traumas, transforming their lives and strengthening their resolve.

      The power of support and healing can help individuals overcome even the most difficult challenges in their lives. The speaker shared his experience of attending a healing event at the Brian Bill Foundation, where he was initially hesitant due to trust issues but ultimately found help through hypnotherapy. The therapy allowed him to confront and heal from past traumas, including childhood experiences that he had buried. The speaker emphasized the importance of trust and the impact of Gold Star family members, who have lost loved ones, in creating healing opportunities for others. The event provided him with the tools to move forward and strengthened his resolve. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the transformative power of support and healing in the face of adversity.

    • Exploring the complexities of overcoming traumaPersevere through challenges, seek help, and stay connected during the healing journey from past traumas.

      Overcoming trauma and healing from past experiences is a complex and ongoing process. The speaker shares how revisiting past traumas through therapy led him down a rabbit hole of self-reflection and questioning. He discusses the challenges of getting off medications and dealing with social anxiety, which led him to use alcohol as a coping mechanism during business school. Despite these setbacks, he emphasizes the importance of perseverance and making decisions that are best for one's individual situation. He also highlights the importance of seeking help and staying connected with support systems throughout the healing journey.

    • Unexpected opportunities from persistence and passionPersisting through challenges and staying passionate can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections. Be open to help and embrace resilience.

      Persistence and passion can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections, even during challenging times. The speaker shares his experience of starting a unique training business for athletes, which gained momentum despite initial skepticism. He trained NFL players and later Olympic swimmers and UFC fighters, creating a buzz around his underwater torpedo league. Simultaneously, he struggled with depression and imposter syndrome, masking his emotions with a tough exterior. It wasn't until he met a classmate and SEAL who recognized his issues and connected him with resources for healing that he began to turn things around. Through these experiences, he learned the importance of being open to help and the power of resilience in the face of adversity.

    • Personal experiences teach valuable lessonsThrough challenging experiences, we can learn the importance of perseverance and surrender, letting go of grudges, seeking support, and trying new things for personal growth.

      Life experiences, even the most challenging ones, can provide valuable lessons. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling lost and desperate, which led him to identify the importance of both perseverance and surrender. He explains how he wanted to experience the raw, real-life reality, but also realized the need to let go of grudges and find support when needed. The speaker's encounter with the Avicii documentary resonated with him, as he recognized the similarities between his own feelings of exhaustion and the artist's experience. Ultimately, he found solace in connecting with others and trying new experiences, such as 5MEO DMT, which he hoped would bring about positive change.

    • A transformational healing journey with Ayahuasca and 5-MeO-DMTUndergoing a traditional indigenous healing ceremony with Ayahuasca and 5-MeO-DMT can serve as a life-changing experience, helping individuals let go of grudges, gain new perspective, and make significant personal changes.

      The speaker underwent a transformational experience through a traditional indigenous healing ceremony involving Ayahuasca and 5-MeO-DMT, which served as a "hard reset" for him after reaching a point of desperation in his life. He describes the experience as a once-in-a-lifetime event, unlike anything he had encountered before. During the ceremony, he learned to let go of grudges and grievances, and was reconnected with his ancestors and family tree. The process helped him gain a new perspective on life and led him to make significant changes, including three years of sobriety from alcohol. The speaker emphasizes that this experience was not something to be taken lightly or done regularly, but rather a last ditch effort for those facing serious personal issues.

    • A man's transformative psychedelic experience in the woodsThrough a deeply traumatic and transformative psychedelic experience, the man felt reborn and inspired to make a positive impact on mental health. Despite the initial negative impact on his family, he used the experience to become a better person.

      The speaker described a deeply traumatic and transformative experience during a psychedelic ceremony in the woods. He went through a death and rebirth experience, which he described as divine and surreal. He kept his eyes closed during the experience and felt rejuvenated and reborn after it was over. The experience had a profound impact on him and his family, and he felt a strong desire to use it to make a positive impact on mental health. He was the only person he knew who went through the experience without a blindfold. The ceremony consisted of multiple parts, with the second part revealing the next steps in his life. His wife and kids noticed the positive change in him after the experience. However, he later realized the negative impact his judgmental attitude had on his family and used the experience as a motivation to be the best version of himself.

    • Unexpected experiences and trusted relationships fuel personal growthUnexpected experiences and relationships can reveal hidden strengths and help us face challenges, while trust and communication are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships during times of stress.

      Personal growth and self-discovery can come from unexpected experiences and the people we trust. The speaker shared how his transition period put a lot of stress on his wife and served as motivation for him to focus on his family and be his best self. He also mentioned that when he's stressed, he may act out towards those he trusts, revealing his true colors. During one of his journeys, he had a powerful experience with DMT, which helped him deal with mental health issues and face traumas. The experience was euphoric and allowed him to see the energy flowing through everything, although it looked the same as in everyday life. The speaker emphasized that every experience is unique, and sometimes simple things, like addressing needs before embarking on a journey, can make a big difference.

    • Exploring innovative solutions for health and wellbeingSeeking professional help and new information can lead to transformative experiences and improvements in health. Reliable sources and innovative treatments are key when traditional methods fail.

      Seeking out professional help and accessing new information can lead to transformative experiences and improvements in health and wellbeing. The speaker shares his personal experience with stem cell therapy and how it significantly improved his back problems. He emphasizes the importance of finding reliable sources of information and treatments outside of conventional networks when traditional methods have not been effective. The speaker also mentions his upcoming book and his work with UTL and Deep In Fitness. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of exploration, perseverance, and seeking out innovative solutions to improve one's quality of life.

    • Underwater Football's Journey to Mainstream PopularityUnderwater football, a unique sport with safety benefits, is growing despite initial challenges, with a supportive community and a goal of Olympic recognition

      Underwater football, a unique and innovative sport, is on the brink of mainstream popularity despite facing initial skepticism and challenges. The idea for the sport came to the speaker during his time in Iraq, and since then, the community has grown, with six active teams and a training methodology called Deep in Fitness. The sport, which resembles a crossfit version in the water, has proven safety and benefits, and the team has worked to gain acceptance and insurance coverage. Despite initial obstacles, underwater football is pushing towards Olympic demonstration and wider recognition. The speaker emphasizes that the community is the driving force behind the sport's success, and they are making progress towards making it a spectator sport and a global phenomenon.

    • Focus, Relaxation, Economy of Motion, and Efficient Breathing for Personal GrowthDuring tough times, prioritize focus, relaxation, efficient movement, and deep breathing for optimal personal growth and enhanced cognitive control, self-mastery, and human performance.

      During challenging times, focusing on one thing, letting go of distractions, and practicing relaxation and efficient movement can lead to significant personal growth and breakthroughs. The speaker shares his experience of building a community around this concept, even during the pandemic, when people were moving across the country to be a part of it. He also compares the mind to a computer, emphasizing the importance of closing out mental tabs and being singularly focused for optimal performance. The acronym FREB (Focus, Relaxation, Economy of Motion, Efficient Breathing) serves as a simple guide to achieving this state of mind. By applying these principles, individuals can enhance their cognitive control, self-mastery, and overall human performance.

    • Identifying and eliminating drag in lifeEliminating unnecessary movement and thought patterns can significantly improve performance and flow in various aspects of life, leading to enhanced abilities in sports, business, and personal relationships.

      Identifying and eliminating both physical, mental, and emotional "drag" can significantly improve performance and flow in various aspects of life, not just underwater training. Drag refers to any unnecessary movement or thought patterns that hinder optimal performance. By addressing these areas, individuals can enhance their abilities in sports, business, and personal relationships. The speaker, who works with over 40 clients, emphasizes the importance of learning from each experience and finding solutions to unique challenges. The Underwater Training Logistics (UTL) community, made up of military and civilian individuals, attracts a "warrior class" of people dedicated to pushing their limits and discovering their potential. The ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on others and continue learning from each interaction.

    • Adding a P.S. to your cover letter can boost its readabilityAdding a heartfelt P.S. to your cover letter can increase its chances of being noticed and remembered by recruiters, leaving a positive impression

      Making a strong first impression in job applications can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed. According to Skip Freeman, author of "Headhunters Hiring Secrets," adding a P.S. to your cover letter can boost its readability by up to 75%. This simple addition can help differentiate your application from others and show your enthusiasm for the position. In a heartfelt conversation, two individuals expressed their gratitude and admiration for each other before parting ways. They acknowledged the impact of their collaboration and looked forward to staying connected. This exchange serves as a reminder that every interaction, no matter how brief, can leave a lasting impression. So, whether you're writing a cover letter or engaging in a conversation, put your best foot forward and leave a positive impact.

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    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?

    #111 John Burke - What Happens When We Die?
    John Burke is the New York Times Bestselling author of No Perfect People Allowed, Imagine Heaven and Imagine the God of Heaven. He founded and pastored Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. He's also the president of Gateway Leadership Initiative (GLI), a nonprofit organization. As an international speaker, Burke has addressed thousands of people across more than a dozen countries. He has spent the last several years investigating and documenting the near death experiences of people from all walks of life. Burke has worked tirelessly to analyze these experiences and share the truth behind these extraordinary stories with the world. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://helixsleep.com/srs https://mypatriotsupply.com https://trueclassictees.com/srs https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://ShawnLikesGold.com | 855-936-GOLD #goldcopartner John Burke Links: Books - https://imagineheaven.net Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/johnburkeofficial | https://www.facebook.com/imagineheavenbook IG - https://www.instagram.com/johnburkeofficial Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 20, 2024

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin

    #110 Tu Lam - Call of Duty & The Way of Rōnin
    Tu Lam is a former Army Special Forces Green Beret and CEO of Rōnin Tactics. Tu Lam escaped communist rule in Vietnam as a child and would ultimately immigrate to the United States and serve in Special Operations for over 20 years. Today, he continues to run Rōnin Tactics and is widely known for his appearances in the hit video game series Call of Duty. Most recently, Tu Lam has authored The Way of Rōnin, an incredible chronicling of his life and work. The book is available now to preorder. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://lairdsuperfood.com - USE CODE "SRS" https://mypatriotsupply.com https://betterhelp.com/shawn https://drinkhoist.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" Tu Lam Links: Preorder The Way of Rōnin - www.harpercollins.com/pages/way-of-ronin Train - https://www.ronintactics.com IG - https://www.instagram.com/ronintactics X - https://twitter.com/ronintactics FB - https://www.facebook.com/people/Ronin-Tactics/100064816893518 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGbWCJCruG_3HlRlMaIq6xA Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram | Download Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Shawn Ryan Show
    en-usMay 16, 2024

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    | Edith Shiro |

    ► Website | https://dredithshiro.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/dr.edithshiro

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    ► The Unexpected Gift of Trauma Book | https://a.co/d/h39e4Jw


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