
    60: The Importance of Standing Up Against Evil, and its Heavy Cost. "The Rape of Nanking"

    enFebruary 01, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The Invasion of Nanking: A Horrific Event of Mass ViolenceThe invasion of Nanking was a tragic event marked by mass rapes, murders, and looting, highlighting the human capacity for evil and the importance of understanding history to prevent repeats.

      The invasion of Nanking, China by the Imperial Japanese Army in 1937 was a horrific event marked by unspeakable acts of violence and savagery against a peaceful population. The Japanese military had been preparing for war for decades, with schools and toy shops promoting militarism and instilling hatred towards the Chinese people. The book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang vividly details these atrocities, which include mass rapes, murders, and looting. The author, Iris Chang, dedicated herself to sharing this story to prevent such events from happening again. The human capacity for evil and the importance of understanding history to prevent repeats are key themes of this episode. However, it is important to note that the content of this podcast is graphic and not suitable for children or those with weak stomachs.

    • Military training in Japan led to lack of critical thinkingJapanese soldiers' obedience and superiority beliefs led to arrogance, lack of flexibility, and inability to adapt during war, causing tragic atrocities like Nanking Massacre

      The rigid military training in Japan from the late 1800s to the early 1900s, which emphasized obedience and unconditional loyalty, produced a generation of soldiers who were excellent at following orders but lacked the ability to think critically. This mindset, coupled with the Japanese belief in their superiority, led to a sense of arrogance and an expectation of easy victories in their war with China. However, when faced with resistance, the Japanese soldiers' lack of flexibility and inability to adapt proved to be detrimental. The infamous Nanking Massacre in 1937 is a tragic example of this, as the Japanese soldiers, who had been raised to value obedience above all else, committed unspeakable atrocities against the Chinese population.

    • Japanese deception during Nanking MassacreThe Japanese military deceived Chinese soldiers with false promises, leading to their mass execution during the Nanking Massacre to eliminate food problem, prevent retaliation, and minimize guerrilla forces.

      During the Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937, despite initial orders forbidding disorderly entry into the city and the protection of foreign rights and interests, the Japanese military later issued secret orders to kill all captive Chinese soldiers. This massacre, known as the Nanking Massacre, was carried out under the guise of clandestine operations to eliminate the food problem, prevent retaliation, and minimize the formation of guerrilla forces. Despite the Chinese soldiers' initial surrender and disarmament, they were later deceived with promises of good treatment and transported to a small island, only to be executed in a coordinated ambush by the Japanese military. The ruthless logic behind these orders allowed the Japanese to achieve their objectives with less resistance than anticipated.

    • The Nanking Massacre: A horrific event during the Sino-Japanese WarThe Nanking Massacre resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Chinese civilians and soldiers, and left countless women traumatized due to systematic killing and raping by Japanese soldiers during the war.

      The Nanking Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was a horrific event during the Sino-Japanese War where Chinese soldiers and civilians were systematically killed and raped by the Japanese army. The massacre began after the Chinese soldiers' surrender, and the Japanese soldiers, believing that every Chinese person was a potential enemy, killed indiscriminately. The victims included soldiers, elderly men and women, and children. The Japanese soldiers also raped women and girls, believing it would make them more powerful in battle. The massacre continued for several days, with victims being taken out of the city and killed in different locations. The Japanese military had officially outlawed rape, but the soldiers disregarded this rule due to deeply embedded cultural beliefs. The massacre resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Chinese civilians and soldiers, and the rapes left countless women traumatized. The Japanese soldiers showed little remorse for their actions, viewing their victims as something less than human. The Nanking Massacre is a stark reminder of the brutalities of war and the devastating impact on civilians.

    • Japanese military tactics to desensitize soldiers during Nanking MassacreThe Japanese military used methods like killing competitions, turning friends into enemies, and using torture to desensitize soldiers, enabling them to commit atrocities against civilians during the Nanking Massacre.

      The Japanese military employed various methods to desensitize its soldiers to killing civilians during the Nanking Massacre. This included organizing killing competitions, turning friends and family members into enemies, and using torture and mutilation as forms of entertainment. The atrocities committed during this time, such as beheadings, rapes, live burials, and mass incinerations, surpassed the limits of human comprehension. Soldiers reported a complete lack of remorse or sense of wrongdoing, describing their actions as those of demons or animals. The Japanese military's tactics were effective in numbing soldiers to the horrors of war and allowing them to commit unspeakable acts against innocent civilians.

    • The Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937: Brutal acts of violence and sexual assaultDuring the Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937, civilians, including women and children, suffered extreme acts of violence and sexual assault. Methods included torture, mutilation, and death, with victims ranging from nuns to young children. The invasion was marked by a disregard for human life and dignity.

      The Japanese invasion of Nanking in 1937 involved extreme acts of violence and sexual assault against civilians, including women and children. Methods of torture ranged from bombarding flesh with dogs, to burying victims up to their waists and letting them be mauled by German shepherds, to acid baths and impalement. Rape was widespread and systematic, with victims coming from all walks of life, including nuns and young children. The violence was brutal and often resulted in death, with some victims having their genitals cut off and sold. Old age and pregnancy did not spare victims from assault. The Japanese also engaged in acts of mutilation and destruction, including impaling women's vaginas with rods and sticks, and killing children by suffocating them or bayoneting them. The invasion was marked by a complete disregard for human life and dignity.

    • Americans and Europeans saved thousands during Nanking MassacreDuring the Nanking Massacre, some Americans and Europeans defied the Japanese invaders, risked their lives to establish a safety zone, and rescued thousands of Chinese refugees.

      During the Nanking Massacre in 1937, the Japanese army committed unspeakable atrocities, including sexual torture and forced incest, leading to the degradation of entire Chinese families. Those who resisted were brutally punished. However, there were some Americans and Europeans, such as John Rabe and Robert Wilson, who defied the Japanese invaders and risked their lives to establish a safety zone and rescue thousands of Chinese refugees. Despite the horrors of the time, these individuals demonstrated courage and compassion, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. John Rabe, a German and a Nazi, was instrumental in setting up the safety zone and even wrote a letter to Hitler explaining the situation, although it's unclear if it was ever read. The detailed journal he kept was later discovered and became a crucial document in understanding the events that transpired during this tragic period.

    • Westerners who stayed during Nanking MassacreTwo brave individuals, Wilson and Minnie Votrin, risked their lives to help and document the Nanking Massacre, preserving crucial evidence against denials.

      During the Nanking Massacre in 1937, Westerners, including an American surgeon named Wilson and a head of the education department named Minnie Votrin, bravely stayed behind to help and document the horrific events unfolding in China. Wilson witnessed and recorded the unspeakable violence against civilians, performing surgeries for free despite the toll on his own health. Minnie Votrin, on the other hand, risked her life to protect women and girls from Japanese soldiers, hiding them in her college and even disguising their identities. Their courage and determination serve as testaments to the human spirit during times of war and genocide. The importance of their diaries and records cannot be overstated, as they provide crucial evidence that contradicts denials and downplaying of the severity of the Nanking Massacre.

    • The Nanking Massacre: Remembering a Tragic Chapter in HistoryThe Nanking Massacre was a horrific event during China's invasion by Japan in the late 1930s, resulting in over 300,000 deaths and countless rapes. It's important to remember the real people and families affected, and acknowledge the truth of history.

      The Nanking Massacre was a horrific event in which countless innocent people were raped, tortured, and killed by Japanese soldiers during China's invasion in the late 1930s. The brutality and scale of the massacre were almost unimaginable, with estimates of over 300,000 deaths and countless rapes. However, the memory of this atrocity was almost forgotten due to various reasons, including the Japanese downplaying of the horrors and the Chinese Communist state's efforts to build relationships with post-war Japan. It's important to remember that behind the statistics and the history, there were real people, with real families and real lives, who were affected by this tragedy. And, similarly, the Japanese soldiers involved were also human beings, who were capable of such unspeakable acts. The Nanking Massacre is a stark reminder of the devastating impact of war on individuals and communities, and the importance of remembering and acknowledging the truth of history.

    • Japanese government's censorship of WWII history textbooksThe Japanese government's censorship of history textbooks in the late 1990s downplayed WWII atrocities, particularly the Nanking Massacre. Historian Inaga Saburo faced a 30-year legal battle to include accurate info. The gov't demanded revisions, removing references to Japanese aggression, rape, and civilian atrocities.

      The Japanese government's censorship of history textbooks in the late 1990s significantly downplayed the atrocities committed by the Japanese army during World War II, particularly the Nanking Massacre. This censorship was challenged by Japanese historian Inaga Saburo, who faced a 30-year legal battle to include accurate information about the massacre in school textbooks. The government demanded revisions to Inaga's manuscript, removing references to Japanese aggression, rape, and atrocities against Chinese civilians. The censors argued that such language contained negative ethical connotations and might be misinterpreted. Iris Chang, a Chinese American historian, later wrote extensively about the Nanking Massacre, detailing the brutal violence and rape that occurred during the Japanese occupation of Nanking. Her book brought international attention to the issue, but even in the late 1990s, Japanese nationalists continued to deny the facts of the massacre. The government's censorship of history textbooks highlights the importance of accurate historical record and the need to acknowledge and learn from past atrocities.

    • Iris Chang's Journey to Writing a Bestseller on the Nanking MassacreThrough dedication, hard work, and a strong belief in her ideas, Iris Chang overcame challenges and controversy to write a bestselling book about the Nanking Massacre.

      Iris Chang's dedication and hard work in researching and writing her book about the Nanking Massacre paid off when it became a New York Times bestseller. Prior to this achievement, Iris spent countless hours at the National Archives, conducting research, and organizing information for her book. She also sought out leadership roles in conferences and events related to the topic, and gained recognition through interviews and speaking engagements. Throughout the process, Iris was inspired by the power of speeches and the potential for her writing to leave a lasting impact on the world. Despite initial challenges and controversy, her perseverance and passion led to her book's success. This story highlights the importance of dedication, hard work, and a strong belief in one's ideas.

    • The Double-Edged Sword of SuccessSuccess brings immense joy and significant stress, impacting personal relationships and emotional wellbeing.

      Making it big in writing, like Iris did with her book on the Rape of Nanking, brings both immense joy and significant stress. Iris's success led to international acclaim and respect, but it also resulted in neglecting her loved ones and being overwhelmed by the emotional weight of people's stories. The constant demand for her time and attention, as well as criticism from detractors, took a toll on her. Iris's experience reflects the double-edged sword of success, where the rewards can be great but so can the challenges. Despite the stress, she continued to write and engage with her audience, demonstrating her resilience and determination.

    • Reflecting on Success, Happiness, and the Human ConditionSuccess and happiness can coexist, but acknowledging the hardships and struggles of others can provide valuable perspective and remind us of our own blessings.

      Success and happiness are not mutually exclusive, and the experiences and stories of others can provide perspective and remind us of our own blessings. Iris, a successful author, has been reflecting on this through letters to her mother. She's been revisiting the stories of individuals who have suffered greatly, like Richard Rhodes, and recognizes the importance of acknowledging the fortunate circumstances in her own life. However, she's also been preoccupied with the deaths of Charles Schulz and the end of the Peanuts comic strip, which has led her to ponder the depth of Schultz's appeal and the human condition's capacity for depression and insecurity, despite achievements and accolades. This introspection underscores the importance of empathy and understanding the complexities of the human experience.

    • The Struggle of Balancing Career and FamilyAuthors and parents face immense pressure to balance their career and family life, and the stress can sometimes lead to mental health issues.

      Iris, a dedicated author and mother, faces intense pressure to balance her career and family life. Despite the challenges, she believes in setting a strong example for her son and strives to teach him independence and critical thinking. However, during a trip to Louisville, she experiences paranoia and a breakdown, leading her parents to fly out and find her in the psychiatric unit. The incident may have been caused by sleep deprivation and delusions, but Iris's experiences highlight the complexities and stresses of juggling personal and professional responsibilities.

    • The Complexities of Treating Mental Health ConditionsEffective mental health treatment requires individualized care, ongoing communication, and a collaborative approach between patients, families, and healthcare providers to ensure safe and effective use of psychiatric drugs.

      The experience of Iris, as described in the text, highlights the complexities and challenges of treating mental health conditions, particularly when it comes to the use of psychiatric drugs. The text illustrates how Iris' condition, possibly a combination of stress and a potential onset of bipolar disorder, led her to be prescribed various medications, some of which had severe side effects. The text also shows how Iris' resistance to taking the drugs and her suspicion of the medical system added to the complexity of her treatment. Ultimately, Iris' experience underscores the importance of individualized care and ongoing communication between patients, their families, and healthcare providers to ensure effective and safe treatment.

    • Mental health medications and the risk of suicidal thoughtsBe aware of potential side effects of mental health medications, communicate openly with healthcare providers, and consider a holistic approach including therapy.

      Mental health medications, while intended to help, can have serious side effects including suicidal thoughts and impulses. Iris's story illustrates this danger, as she attempted suicide during a medication change and was most vulnerable during these transitions. Despite her family's belief in the importance of medication, Iris herself did not want to take it. Her eventual suicide came as a shock, as she had been planning it while her loved ones tried to help. It's a tragic reminder that mental health issues are complex and require a holistic approach, including both medication and therapy. It's crucial to be aware of the potential side effects of medications and to communicate openly with healthcare providers about any concerns.

    • Embrace challenges, bring light to darknessStrive to make a positive impact, embrace challenges, and remember the importance of balance and light in the face of adversity.

      We should strive to make a positive impact on the world, like Iris did, despite the challenges we face. Iris' life was a brilliant but short one, like a rainbow that fades quickly. But before we fade away, we should shine and bring light to the darkness. It's important to remember that our situations may seem difficult, but they are small challenges that we can overcome by embracing them. We should also be mindful of not getting too close to the darkness, as it's important to know the light, but we must balance it with the awareness of the good in the world. Just like Iris, who had a successful and beautiful life, but lost it all, we must stay oriented and not lose sight of the good, even when surrounded by darkness.

    • Staying focused in difficult timesRecognize positive things, seek trusted allies, and stay attuned to surroundings for better navigation in challenging situations.

      When we find ourselves in difficult or disorienting situations, it's important to focus on the things that bring us back to the surface and help us navigate through the darkness. This can be as simple as recognizing the presence of positive things in our lives or seeking out the perspective of trusted friends and allies. It's also crucial to be aware of the potential for external factors, such as drugs or extreme emotions, to disrupt our thought processes and make it harder for us to find our way back to the light. Ultimately, by staying attuned to our surroundings and remaining open to new experiences, we can better equip ourselves to face the challenges that come our way and emerge stronger and wiser from even the most trying circumstances.

    • Perception can be distorted by thoughts and emotionsEngage in physical activity to improve mood and counteract misinterpretations. Stay active physically and mentally for overall well-being and mental aging.

      Our perception of reality can be distorted by our thoughts and emotions, leading us to misinterpret situations. The speaker shared an experience of mistaking water for a harmful substance due to his heightened state of fear. This can be related to everyday experiences, such as interpreting neutral situations as negative due to our mental biases. To counteract this, engaging in physical activity, like working out, can help release endorphins and improve mood. The importance of staying active, both physically and mentally, was emphasized as an effective strategy for overall well-being and mental aging. Additionally, it was suggested to approach challenging situations with a clear and objective mindset, rather than allowing our thoughts to impose false realities on actual circumstances.

    • Working out and supplements boost brain health and life improvementEnhance brain health and life through exercise and supplements like Alpha Brain and Shroom Tech. Support Jocko Podcast and shop Jocko-approved merchandise for additional benefits.

      Working out and taking supplements, such as Alpha Brain and Shroom Tech, can enhance brain health and overall life improvement. The enhancer for this process is the workout itself. Supporting Jocko Podcast through Amazon click-throughs and purchasing Jocko-approved merchandise from the Jocko Store are also effective ways to contribute and improve one's life. The use of supplements, like Shroom Tech, is not considered cheating but rather an additional tool to optimize one's performance and well-being. The analogy of adding sodium to water, creating a significant reaction with a small action, illustrates the importance of these small steps towards self-improvement.

    • Overcoming Temptation with Jocko's AlbumJocko's album provides listeners with psychological warfare tactics to strengthen willpower and self-control, using the example of resisting a doughnut.

      Jocko Willink's album, which can be purchased from various platforms like iTunes, Amazon Music, and Google Play, offers listeners psychological warfare tactics for dealing with moments of weakness. The album includes short tracks, one of which is about resisting the temptation of a doughnut, emphasizing the importance of willpower and self-control. Listeners are encouraged to view their willpower as stronger than that of inanimate objects, such as a doughnut, to maintain self-discipline. Jocko also sells white tea on Amazon, but international buyers should be cautious as they may encounter unexpected shipping costs when purchasing from the Jocko podcast's official eBay listings. For a simpler purchasing experience, visitors can visit Jocotee.com.

    • A boy's journey to overcome bullying and self-doubtWay of the Warrior Kid teaches kids that with hard work, study, and training, they can overcome problems like bullying and self-doubt.

      The new book "Way of the Warrior Kid" by Jocko Willink is a valuable resource for children facing hardships. The book, which is written from the perspective of a 10-year-old boy named Mark, follows his journey as he deals with bullying and self-doubt. The book's author, Jocko, explains that he felt strange praising the book, as he wrote it from Mark's perspective, but when he read it, he realized how inspiring and relatable it was from a child's point of view. The book emphasizes that all problems are solvable, and with hard work, study, and training, they can be overcome. Jocko encourages readers to preorder the book to ensure a sufficient print run and to share copies with team members. Additionally, he recommends other books like "Extreme Ownership," "Raping Anne King," and "The Woman Who Could Not Forget" which are available on his podcast website.

    • Join the Extreme Ownership Community at the MusterAttend the Extreme Ownership Muster for valuable leadership insights from experts, connect with them on social media, and join a community dedicated to illuminating darkness and preventing evil from thriving.

      The Extreme Ownership Muster is an opportunity for individuals and businesses to align their leadership and gain valuable tools to lead and win. This event, which is described as a "game changer," will feature experts like Leif Babin, Echo Charles, and Jocko Willink, who will be openly engaging with attendees to discuss leadership, management, health, and more. The muster is not just a one-time event; followers can connect with these experts on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Additionally, the speakers expressed their gratitude to those in the military, police, and fire department for keeping society safe and making the world a better place. The podcast episode served as a reminder that darkness exists, and it's essential to illuminate it, preventing evil from thriving on a mass or personal level. So, join the community, engage in the discussions, and get ready to shine. The next muster will take place on May 4th and 5th at the Marriott Marquis in New York City.

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    Tulsi Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) is an American politician, United States Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021. Gabbard was the first Hindu member of Congress and also the first Samoan-American voting member of Congress. She was a candidate for the Democratic nomination in the 2020 United States presidential election,[2][3] before leaving the party and becoming an independent in October 2022.

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