
    #61 Tyler Grey - Intense Combat / Injury That Ended His Career | Part 2

    en-usJune 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A former soldier's perspective on the emotional toll of warDespite witnessing intense violence, a former soldier was deeply affected by the sight of children being hurt and had to shut off emotions to do his job effectively, highlighting the complexities of war experiences.

      Tyler Gray, a former Ranger Delta operator, producer, director, and actor, shares his experiences in the military, specifically during a deployment in Iraq, where he witnessed intense violence. Despite being involved in numerous violent encounters, Gray mentions that he was not affected by the violence itself but was deeply affected by the sight of children being hurt. He emphasizes that to do his job effectively, he had to shut off his emotions, especially when it came to taking a life. The war experience, filled with adrenaline and intense situations, was a far cry from the common perception of military service as a group of people marching to face each other on an open field. Gray's experiences offer a unique perspective on the complexities and realities of war.

    • Exploring the complexities of emotionsEmotions arise from the mind-body interaction, and while they can bring pain and vulnerability, they are essential for being human. Engaging with emotions in a meaningful way can be challenging but rewarding.

      Emotions are a complex phenomenon that arises from the interaction between the mind and the body, and understanding their origins remains a fascinating and elusive question. The speaker expresses a sense of detachment from emotions, describing a desire to learn how to feel but also a fear of the potential pain and vulnerability that comes with them. Movies and music have served as a safe outlet for emotional expression for the speaker, allowing them to connect with emotions without the risk of personal reflection. The speaker shares experiences of emotional detachment, including a traumatic childhood incident, and discusses the challenges of engaging with emotions in a meaningful way. Despite the risks, the speaker acknowledges that emotions are an essential part of being human and that embracing them fully may be a worthwhile goal. The speaker also shares a harrowing experience of being part of a military convoy in a dangerous location, highlighting the complexities and dangers of real-life emotional experiences.

    • Ambushed in Fallujah: Fear and Adaptability in Urban WarfareIn urban warfare, adaptability and teamwork are crucial for survival amidst unpredictable, high-pressure situations.

      The speaker's experience in Fallujah during a deployment involved intense combat situations where they felt outnumbered and outgunned, leading to moments of fear and desperation. The speaker recounts an instance where they were ambushed, resulting in casualties for their team. Despite the danger, they managed to retreat and regroup, demonstrating the importance of adaptability and teamwork in high-pressure situations. The speaker also mentions the unpredictability of urban warfare, highlighting the challenges of navigating unfamiliar terrain and engaging in close quarters combat. Overall, the speaker's account underscores the complexities and risks inherent in military deployments.

    • Unexpected events can change the course of our livesStay calm and prioritize essential needs during chaotic situations, and be prepared for uncertainties by having a plan in place.

      No matter how well-prepared or strategic we think we are, unexpected events can drastically change the course of our lives. The speaker recounts a harrowing experience where a failed plan led to a devastating explosion, resulting in the loss of his arm. Despite the shock and initial despair, he managed to prioritize his survival and focus on stopping the arterial bleed. This incident serves as a reminder that even in the most chaotic situations, it's crucial to remain calm and prioritize essential needs. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared for uncertainties in life, such as economic instability or potential loss of wealth, by having a plan in place, like investing in precious metals.

    • Former enemy becomes a saviorIn unexpected situations, past experiences can provide valuable skills and unexpected allies can save the day. Stay focused on survival and believe in the power of resilience.

      Even in the most dire and unexpected circumstances, help can come from the most unlikely sources. The speaker's former team leader, who had once turned against him, was the one who saved his life by applying a tourniquet during an explosion in Iraq. Despite the trauma and the unexpected turn of events, the speaker was able to compartmentalize and focus on survival. His past experiences, including growing up with alcoholic parents and attending a religious camp where he rejected organized religion, shaped his perspective and prepared him for the unexpected. Ultimately, the experience reinforced his belief in the power of resilience and the importance of staying focused on the present moment.

    • A soldier's experience of near-death situations and lack of religious beliefDespite facing life-threatening situations, the soldier remained unconvinced by religion or a higher power, maintaining his skepticism and sense of humor.

      Despite experiencing a life-threatening situation and temporary loss of consciousness, the speaker remained unconvinced by the idea of religion or a higher power. He shared anecdotes from his experience in the military, including being shot and undergoing surgery, but even in moments of potential mortality, he did not feel a connection to something greater. The speaker also shared his sense of humor, making jokes to cope with uncomfortable situations. Despite the passage of time and the significant events he had experienced, he had not kept in touch with his former comrades and had no plans to do so. Ultimately, the speaker's perspective remained unchanged, and he continued to reject the idea of a higher power.

    • War injuries and recovery: harrowing experiencesWar injuries can lead to challenging evacuation, recovery processes and uncertainty about returning to active duty.

      War injuries can lead to harrowing experiences, even during evacuation and recovery. The speaker shared a story of a Medevac flight to Germany, where he witnessed severely injured Marines and felt helpless. He described the challenging process of being transported and the fear of being loaded off the plane due to the condition of the women handling the stretchers. After recovering in Germany and the US, he chose to medically retire due to the uncertainty of his ability to return to active duty. Despite the difficulty of his decision, he acknowledged that it was his own choice and accepted the consequences. Ultimately, the experience highlighted the harsh realities and uncertainties of war injuries and recovery.

    • War's consequences are far-reaching and emotional attachment is lacking for those who initiate itVeteran's experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan reveal regret, disillusionment with political machinations leading to war, concern over autonomous weapons, and disengagement from the political system.

      War is a complex issue with far-reaching consequences, and the ease with which it can be initiated without emotional attachment or accountability is a concerning development for the future of humanity. The speaker, a veteran, reflects on his experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan, expressing regret for his involvement and disillusionment with the political machinations that led to these conflicts. He believes that war is a game played by those in power, and the further removed individuals are from the destruction, the easier it is for them to engage in it. The advent of autonomous weapons and the potential for war to be waged without human intervention is a frightening prospect, as it removes any emotional connection to the consequences of violence. The speaker's experiences have left him disillusioned with the political system and the justifications for war, and he no longer feels compelled to engage in the game.

    • Lack of emotional connection in drone warfareThe use of drones and remote operations in the military can lead to a lack of emotional attachment and understanding, potentially hindering effective support and decision making.

      The shift towards drone warfare and remote operations in the military has led to a lack of emotional attachment and personal connection between pilots and those on the ground. This can have negative consequences, as pilots may not fully understand the situation or be able to provide effective support when needed. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of various products, such as HVMN's ketone supplement and Hoist IV hydration, for improving performance and endurance. The speaker shared his personal experiences and the benefits he has gained from using these products.

    • Las Vegas and Multiple Surgeries Led to DepressionProper communication about medical treatments and their potential side effects is crucial to prevent depression and improve functional outcomes. Unrecognized depression can be masked by substances like opiates.

      The transient nature of Las Vegas and the experience of undergoing multiple surgeries led the speaker to a period of clinical depression, which they didn't fully recognize at the time due to the use of opiates for pain management. The speaker, who was a military member, went to the Mayo Clinic for further treatment and was surprised to learn that they could have had better functional outcomes if they had gone there earlier. The use of opiates, which the speaker didn't realize were similar to heroin, contributed to their depression. Despite feeling clinically depressed, the speaker never considered suicide. Instead, they avoided confronting their situation and coped through excessive drinking. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of proper communication about medical treatments and their potential side effects, as well as the potential for depression to go unrecognized, especially when masked by other substances.

    • Struggling with Misunderstood DiagnosesIndividuals with complex mental health experiences should take charge of their own healing and understanding, as self-education and personal growth can lead to relief and improvement.

      The speaker in this conversation struggled with alcoholism and undiagnosed PTSD during a period of heavy partying and social drinking. He felt misunderstood by healthcare professionals who kept labeling him with the blanket diagnosis of PTSD, leading him to question the meaning and applicability of the term. The speaker eventually began seeking answers on his own and came to the realization that PTSD is a specific mental health condition, not a catch-all diagnosis. He emphasized the importance of individuals taking charge of their own healing and understanding their unique experiences. Despite the challenges, the speaker found relief and improvement through self-education and personal growth.

    • Military experience impacts veteran identityThe military's identity-forming process can create a strong veteran identity, but it can also hinder reintegration if veterans feel they must maintain their military identity in civilian life

      The military experience goes beyond diagnosed conditions like PTSD. Loss and identity formation are common experiences for veterans, contributing to their overall well-being and adjustment to civilian life. The military's process of stripping and re-assigning identities can lead to a strong sense of veteran identity, which can persist even after leaving the service. However, this identity can also hinder reintegration into society if veterans feel they must conform to new environments while maintaining their military identity. Ultimately, recognizing the complexities of the veteran experience beyond diagnostic labels is crucial for effective support and reintegration efforts.

    • Military experiences differ greatlyUnderstand your unique military background, reflect on experiences, and assess challenges for a successful transition to civilian life

      Military experience varies greatly depending on the specific role and length of service. For some, military life involves intense camaraderie and combat, while others have more traditional jobs and experiences. The speaker's own experience was with a combat unit, leading to a sense of identity tied to military life. However, not every military role is the same, and many service members have civilian careers after their military service. The speaker acknowledges this and emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and self-assessment in understanding one's own experiences and challenges after leaving the military. The speaker also mentions using video diaries as a tool for self-reflection and self-assessment.

    • Unscripted videos: A treasure trove of untapped contentThousands of unscripted videos can contain valuable content for others, even if seemingly insignificant to the creator.

      Creating unscripted videos for an extended period can result in a vast collection of content, some of which may hold significant value to others despite seeming insignificant to the creator. The speaker in this conversation shared his experience of having recorded over a thousand videos over the years, some of which were later included in a documentary despite being unimportant to him. He also mentioned that the process of re-watching and organizing these videos was not an enjoyable experience. The conversation also touched upon the idea that what one perceives as uninteresting in their personal story may be of great interest to others.

    • Military service and self-advocacyThough military service may not be valued in civilian life, individuals must advocate for themselves and accept responsibility for their own care and well-being.

      Military service may not be valued or recognized in civilian life, and individuals must advocate for themselves in their personal and medical journeys. The speaker shares his experience of feeling unappreciated for his military background in LA and his father's call during filming, which he downplayed. He also discusses his desire to understand himself better through recording his diaries and the inspiration he drew from a person with multiple personality disorder. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and self-advocacy, noting that one must accept responsibility for their own care and well-being. Despite the challenges, the speaker encourages perseverance and learning from experiences.

    • Understanding Our Emotions and ThoughtsTrying to control every aspect of life can lead to misery, focus on building a new identity and understanding ourselves in the present, we are constantly evolving and embracing this reality can lead to greater happiness and peace of mind.

      Therapists can only understand our experiences based on what we tell them, and they cannot fully grasp the depth and complexity of our emotions and thoughts through conversations alone. We are the only ones who truly know what we have been through, and trying to control every aspect of our lives can lead to misery and dissatisfaction. Instead, it's essential to accept that we cannot go back to the past and focus on building a new identity and understanding ourselves in the present. We are constantly evolving, and every day brings new experiences and challenges. Embracing this reality and letting go of the desire to control everything can lead to greater happiness and peace of mind.

    • The journey towards happiness is continuousFocus on the present moment and find joy in the journey towards happiness, celebrating successes along the way and working towards feeling worthy of desired things.

      The pursuit of happiness is a continuous journey rather than a destination. Happiness can only be felt in the present moment, and for many people, the journey towards achieving their goals is more fulfilling than the end result. It's essential to celebrate successes along the way and work towards feeling worthy of the things we desire. The speaker shared personal experiences of realizing long-held dreams and how overcoming feelings of unworthiness led to greater enjoyment of life's experiences. Ultimately, the key is to focus on the present moment and find joy in the journey towards happiness.

    • Recognizing self-worth through self-careSelf-care is crucial for feeling deserving of good treatment, but mental health care often falls short, emphasizing talking therapy while neglecting complex factors impacting mental health.

      Self-care and treating oneself well are essential for feeling deserving of good treatment, even if it requires challenging societal norms or seeking out unconventional methods. The speaker's experience with a Gucci wallet and their journey towards recognizing their worth is an example of this. However, mental health care is often limited, focusing on talking therapy and not addressing the complex interplay between brain chemistry, hormones, and other factors that can impact mental health. The speaker's frustration with this highlights the need for a more comprehensive approach to mental health care.

    • Taking responsibility for our health and wellbeingEducate yourself about your body, address hormonal issues, make lifestyle changes, seek professional help, and recognize codependency for improved mental and physical health.

      Understanding the complex interconnectedness of various aspects of our health and taking responsibility for our own mental and physical wellbeing is crucial for improvement. The speaker's personal experience with hormonal imbalances illustrates this concept. He discovered the importance of addressing hormonal issues after feeling unwell and learning about the impact of inactivity and trauma on hormone production. This realization led him to make lifestyle changes and seek professional help, resulting in significant improvements. The speaker emphasizes that while we don't need to be experts, we should educate ourselves about our bodies, just as we would with a car. Additionally, recognizing and addressing codependency can be a game-changer for many individuals, particularly veterans. Ultimately, the power to heal and grow lies within ourselves, and taking charge of our mental and physical health is a key step towards personal growth and empowerment.

    • The Importance of Treating Yourself for Personal GrowthBelieve in your worth, prioritize self-care, and offer empathy to yourself and others for improved mental and emotional health.

      Treating yourself is crucial for personal growth and well-being. This simple act can significantly improve how you feel about yourself and your life. The speaker emphasized that people only ever get what they feel they deserve, and if you don't believe you're worth treating yourself, others may take advantage. Self-care is not a sign of weakness but a necessary step towards better mental and emotional health. Additionally, the speaker shared that he plans to take a break from work to prioritize self-care and encourages listeners to do the same. He also emphasized the importance of helping others and offering advice when possible. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of self-compassion, self-care, and empathy for oneself and others.

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    56:18 Disconnecting To Technology 
    59:46 Connor’s Paintings
    1:01:30 Saluting The Geek Squad 
    1:06:44 Biting Flip Flops and Pool Floaties
    1:09:13 Uncovering The Turd Criminal 
    1:15:18 Entering TV Corner
    1:17:06 See You In Bonus!!!

    Ryan's Trip to Court, Evans Secret Lingo, & CboysTV being shown on TV

    Ryan's Trip to Court, Evans Secret Lingo, & CboysTV being shown on TV
    In today's podcast we break down Evans' secret lingo, react to US being on fox news, how we prefer people to describe us, weird small town laws, micahs and ryans run-ins with the law, and more. Thanks for watching give us 5 Stars if you would. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://www.shopify.com/wideopen Follow us on Instagram @cboystv and @lifewideopenpodcast To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenYT Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV If you like the show, telling a friend about it would be amazing! You can text, email, Tweet, or send this link to a friend: https://bit.ly/LifeWideOpenWithCboysTV You can also check out our main YouTube channel CboysTV: https://www.youtube.com/c/CboysTV Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Elegance, Crystals & A Holiday Nightmare

    Elegance, Crystals & A Holiday Nightmare
    Wait until you hear this one! Joanne's had a complete debacle of a holiday and Vogue is convinced that "sageing" is a bit much, but she's found a brilliant alternative.

    If you'd like to get in touch, you can send an email to hello@MTGMpod.com

    Please vote for My Therapist Ghosted Me in The National Comedy Awards 2021, for Best Comedy Podcast! Visit the website and VOTE here: http://www.thenationalcomedyawards.com/

    For more information about Joanne's gigs, just visit www.joannemcnally.com

    #61 Tyler Grey - Delta Force Operator's Darkest Hour in War / Overcoming Self Doubt | Part 1

    #61 Tyler Grey - Delta Force Operator's Darkest Hour in War / Overcoming Self Doubt | Part 1
    Episode #61 is a masterclass in self discovery and self worth. Tyler Grey is a former Army Ranger Sniper & Delta Force Operator turned Actor and Director. You might know him from the hit CBS series "SEAL Team." In part one of this two-part series, Grey recounts his childhood, where he found his love for the military and film. He unpacks his socially awkward history and how his childhood would impact his future endeavors. He tells us about his experience making the SEAL team show. Grey and Shawn also focus in on ideas of self worth and "nature vs. nurture." Grey also covers his early days in the ranger regiment plus a run in with the beginnings of Blackwater and its creator and former SRS Guest - Erik Prince. Grey vividly describes how a bad day in Baghdad gets worse and what it feels like to look your enemy in the eye. We are proud to share his story. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://moinkbox.com/srs https://mudwtr.com/shawn - USE CODE "SHAWNMUD" https://bubsnaturals.com - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://learshawn.com - Best Way to Invest in Gold: Lear Capital Call them today at 800-741-0551 or go to https://LearShawn.com Get your FREE Gold and Silver investor guides from Lear Capital Receive up to $15,000 in FREE bonus metals with a qualified purchase Information contained within Lear Capital’s website is for general educational purposes and is not investment, tax, or legal advice. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Consult with your tax attorney or financial professional before making an investment decision. Tyler Grey Links: SEAL Team Series - https://www.cbs.com/shows/seal-team/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tyleragrey Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    An orgy in suburbia

    An orgy in suburbia

    Following an afternoon of slightly challenging radio performance, Jane and Fi bring you an all email special.

    There's plenty to discuss - like what excuse would you use to get out of an embarrassing situation? What happened when Jane almost interviewed Hilary Clinton? And why does Fi keep asking that poor man what CDs he's buying?

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Assistant Producers: Kate Lee

    Times Radio Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.