
    Podcast Summary

    • Take a moment to focus on your breathPausing to focus on breath for 8 counts can help regather thoughts, rethink perspective, and return to positive state of mind, taking just a minute but benefits last longer

      Taking a moment to pause and focus on your breath can provide a sense of calm and clarity in your day. Kate Cocker, from the Volley Network, encourages listeners to take 8 breaths and fully exhale on each one. This simple exercise can help you regather your thoughts, rethink your perspective, and return to a positive state of mind. It only takes a minute, but the benefits can last much longer. If you're looking for more ways to focus on positivity and self-improvement, consider joining Kate's Everyday Positivity Journal journey in April. You can sign up at journal30.com for more information. Remember, you have the power to take control of your thoughts and emotions, and you've got this!

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