
    844 Become a Self-Healer and Break Free of Emotional Cycles with Dr. Nicole LePera

    enSeptember 02, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus shapes our reality, and Dr. Nicole LaPera shares insights on emotional healingEmotional healing involves understanding interdependence, setting healthy boundaries, re-parenting oneself, and choosing what we focus on. Dr. Nicole LaPera, a holistic psychologist, offers valuable insights and practical tips.

      Our focus shapes our reality, and we have the power to choose what we focus on. Dr. Nicole LaPera, also known as the holistic psychologist, emphasizes this perspective in her unique approach to healing. She combines traditional training with a holistic view, recognizing the interconnectedness of the mind and body. In this episode, she shares insights on becoming emotionally unstuck, understanding interdependence, setting healthy boundaries, and re-parenting oneself. Her resonant message on Instagram has reached hundreds of thousands, making a deep impact on people's lives. Whether you're dealing with emotional challenges or seeking self-healing, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips. Tune in to learn more and share this episode with a friend in need.

    • Past experiences shape limiting beliefsRecognizing past experiences that contribute to limiting beliefs and working to reframe them can lead to personal growth

      Our past experiences and the emotionality attached to them shape our limiting beliefs and mindsets. These beliefs can significantly impact various aspects of our lives, including relationships, health, and finances. For instance, scarcity mindset, which can manifest as anxiety over sharing food or resources, can stem from past experiences that instilled a sense of scarcity. The emotional intensity of these experiences contributes to their memorability and long-term impact. Overcoming these limiting beliefs involves recognizing their origins and working to reframe them. The speaker's personal journey involved addressing a scarcity mindset related to food and recognizing the role of past experiences in shaping this belief. By understanding the connection between past experiences and current beliefs, we can work towards healing and personal growth.

    • The past impacts present behaviors and mindsetsRecognizing past patterns and emotions, not remembering every detail, is key to healing and moving forward.

      Our past experiences, whether or not we have clear memories of them, can significantly impact our present behaviors and mindsets. The speaker shared their personal experience of having a lack of memories before a certain age due to trauma, but emphasized that not all cases of memory loss or lack-based mindsets are the result of major traumas. Instead, it can be the result of chronic stress or emotional neglect. The speaker also emphasized that healing doesn't require remembering every detail of the past, but rather recognizing the patterns and emotions that stem from those experiences and addressing them in the present. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the importance of self-awareness and consciousness in breaking free from the past and moving forward.

    • Exploring Consciousness, Self-Awareness, and Interdependence for Personal Growth and Healthy RelationshipsBecoming more conscious and self-aware through therapy and meditation helps us break free from habitual patterns and foster healthy relationships by prioritizing our own needs and interdependence.

      Consciousness and self-awareness are crucial for personal growth and change. We are all habitual creatures with patterned thoughts and behaviors that induce feelings and physical changes in our bodies. Without consciousness and self-awareness, we may get stuck in these patterns. Therapy and meditation are tools to help us become more self-observational and aware of our triggers and past experiences. Interdependence, or being able to meet our own physical and emotional needs, is essential for healthy relationships. However, many people find themselves in situations of dependence due to financial struggles or past traumas. Breaking free from this dependence requires setting boundaries and learning to prioritize our own needs. In essence, consciousness, self-awareness, and interdependence are key to personal growth and healthy relationships.

    • Balancing Family Obligations and Personal BoundariesSetting personal boundaries with family can lead to healthier, more sustainable relationships despite initial discomfort and potential conflict.

      Managing the guilt and pressure of providing for family while maintaining personal boundaries can be a challenging balancing act. This struggle is often internalized from childhood and reinforced by cultural expectations. Setting boundaries with family can be uncomfortable and met with resistance, but ultimately leads to healthier and more sustainable relationships. It's essential to recognize that our emotional wellbeing matters and that we have the right to define our own limits. The process may involve discomfort and potential conflict in the short term, but the long-term benefits include respect, mutual understanding, and improved relationships. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

    • Setting healthy boundaries with familyUse 'I' statements and clear consequences when setting boundaries with family, even if initially met with resistance.

      Setting healthy boundaries with family can be challenging and may not be received well initially. The speaker shares her personal experience of trying to separate her relationship with her chronically ill mother and the constant worry and involvement that came with it. She tried various methods such as having a separate relationship without discussing mom's health, but it didn't work. The speaker then suggests using an "I" statement when setting boundaries and being clear about the consequences if the boundary is crossed. However, she also acknowledges that there may be pushback and manipulation from the family. The speaker shares that many people struggle with the concept of boundaries and may face criticism or guilt when implementing them. Ultimately, setting healthy boundaries is essential for maintaining one's mental and emotional well-being, even if they are not initially received well by family members.

    • Defining and maintaining healthy boundariesSetting and maintaining boundaries is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships. It involves communicating clearly and following through, even if it's challenging.

      Creating boundaries is essential for healthy relationships and personal growth. This process involves defining what your boundaries are, communicating them calmly and lovingly, and maintaining them. It can be challenging to uphold boundaries due to feelings of guilt or fear of hurting others, but it's crucial to remember that it's our responsibility to tolerate our feelings and not acquiesce to avoid them. By setting and maintaining boundaries, we can avoid resentment and improve our overall well-being. It's important to remember that not everyone will receive our boundaries well, but it's still our job to communicate them clearly and follow through. Ultimately, setting boundaries is an individual process of self-reflection and growth, and it's an important step towards living a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Setting healthy boundaries in toxic familiesChoosing to distance oneself from toxic family situations can bring freedom and positives, but also sadness and potential stigma. Prioritize self-care and adapt to family dynamics while maintaining emotional health.

      Setting healthy boundaries in toxic family situations can be a difficult decision, leading to complex emotions such as sadness, guilt, and potential ostracization. The speaker shares her experience of choosing to distance herself from her family due to their destructive behavior towards her. She reflects on the positives and negatives of this decision, including the freedom to create her own traditions and the sadness of missing out on family events. She also acknowledges the potential stigma and blame that may come with distancing oneself from a family, but emphasizes the importance of prioritizing one's own well-being. The speaker also discusses her past use of dissociation as a coping mechanism and how some people may find ways to show up for their families while not allowing their negative actions to affect them. Ultimately, she encourages flexibility and adaptability in navigating family dynamics and prioritizing one's own emotional health.

    • The limitations of traditional talk therapyConsider a holistic approach to therapy, addressing the body and nervous system for better mental health outcomes.

      Traditional talk therapy may not be effective for many people due to the neglect of addressing the whole person, including the body and nervous system. The speaker shares her personal experience of struggling with anxiety despite years of talk therapy and medication. She emphasizes the importance of considering the gut-brain connection and the role of nutrition and a dysregulated nervous system in mental health. The speaker encourages a more holistic approach to therapy, which addresses the body and nervous system in addition to the mind. She also mentions the significance of science and research in understanding the importance of this approach.

    • Addressing the subconscious and regulating the nervous systemTo induce lasting change, traditional therapy should focus on both the conscious mind and subconscious, and include techniques like breathwork to regulate the nervous system and break free from past patterns.

      Traditional therapy focuses only on the conscious mind, but lasting change requires addressing the subconscious and regulating the nervous system. The subconscious, which is often overlooked, plays a significant role in our behaviors and patterns. Breathwork, such as conscious belly breathing, is a simple yet effective tool to help regulate the nervous system and gain control over physiological reactions. By calming the mind and body, we can make better decisions and break free from past patterns. The mind and body are interconnected, so stressful thoughts can lead to physical reactions, making it harder to calm the mind. Therefore, it's essential to work on both the mind and body to induce positive change.

    • Cultivating Gratitude and Positive ThinkingConsistently practicing gratitude and positive thinking can reduce stress, attract abundance, and improve overall well-being. Despite financial stress, regular practice can help build resilience and expand perception.

      Cultivating a mindset of gratitude and positive thinking is essential for reducing stress and scarcity in our lives. This practice involves consistent self-observation, meditation, and focusing on what we're grateful for. By shifting our focus to gratitude, we can attract more abundance and opportunities, and improve our overall well-being. The fight or flight response can make it difficult to focus on gratitude, especially during financially stressful times, but consistent practice can help us build resilience and expand our perceptual field. The power of gratitude is not just anecdotal, but scientifically proven to shift our brainwaves to a different frequency. So, to eliminate scarcity in our lives, we first need to start paying less attention to negative thoughts and reprogram our subconscious through consistent repetition of positive ones.

    • Notice and redirect your attention to build attentional muscleNotice old narratives, redirect attention, use affirmations, create new neural pathways, manifest positive thoughts, address past wounds, practice self-care, be patient and persistent.

      Building our attentional muscle is crucial in managing our thoughts and narratives. By noticing and then redirecting our attention, we can weaken old narratives and reprogram our subconscious with new, positive thoughts. Affirmations, as mental rehearsals, can help create new neural pathways in the brain. Manifestation involves pairing these new thoughts with feelings or actions that make us feel better. Our deeper work may involve addressing past wounds and learning to consider and meet our own needs. It's a journey of exploration and self-care, requiring patience and persistence.

    • Navigating Emotions Independently for a Healthy RelationshipLearning self-reliance and self-care can lead to a more fulfilling relationship by reducing dependence on a partner for validation and allowing appreciation for their gestures of consideration.

      Self-reliance and self-care are crucial for a healthy and stable relationship. The speaker shares how she learned to navigate her emotions independently, reducing her dependence on her partner for validation and consideration. This newfound independence allowed her to fully appreciate and enjoy the added gestures of consideration from her partner. The speaker also reflects on how past relationship experiences shape our expectations and emotional climates in future relationships. Ultimately, the goal is to seek familiarity not just logically, but emotionally, while striving for self-sufficiency and self-love.

    • Early experiences shape emotional expressionRecognize the impact of upbringing on emotional lives, learn and practice healthy emotional expression

      Our earliest experiences and environments shape how we understand and express emotions. Many people learn emotional language and expression from their families, but if caregivers are uncomfortable with their own emotions, they may not provide a safe space for children to learn. This can lead to certain emotions being shamed or ignored, and individuals carrying these patterns into adulthood. Breaking this cycle can be challenging and often requires significant personal growth or a major life event as a catalyst. Ultimately, it's important to recognize the impact of our upbringing on our emotional lives and make a conscious effort to learn and practice healthy emotional expression.

    • Our subconscious minds prefer familiarity over unfamiliarityTo overcome our subconscious resistance to change, make small daily promises and focus on consistency.

      Change is hard because our subconscious minds are programmed to prefer familiarity over unfamiliarity. Our subconscious mind, which registers experiences in a black and white way, associates unfamiliar experiences with potential danger and threat. This mental chatter and physiological responses can make us feel uncomfortable and even cause us to revert back to our old habits. To overcome this, it's important to make small daily promises to ourselves and focus on consistency rather than setting unrealistic expectations. By taking small steps towards change each day, we can ultimately make progress and create new, healthier habits. Remember, the power of the subconscious is strong, but with conscious effort and determination, we can overcome its resistance to change.

    • Rebuilding Trust with Consistency and Self-HealingConsistently keeping promises to ourselves rebuilds trust, inner child work heals past wounds, daily self-healing practices support the process, and navigating life with wounds breaks old patterns and provides deeper needs.

      Consistency and trust go hand in hand. Keeping promises to ourselves, even when it's difficult, helps rebuild trust in ourselves and leads to increased self-belief and confidence. Inner child work is necessary for healing past wounds and developing new ways of reacting to triggers. Every day self-healing practices, such as examining lifestyle choices and addressing physiological needs, can support this process. The goal is not to eliminate all wounds, but to navigate life with them, breaking old reaction patterns and providing ourselves with deeper needs.

    • Small lifestyle changes lead to big improvementsConsistent habits, self-awareness, and consciousness can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. Try removing one problematic habit or making one healthier choice daily, and use practices like journaling to identify areas for growth.

      Making small, consistent changes in your lifestyle can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. This can be as simple as removing one problematic habit or making one healthier choice each day. Developing self-awareness and consciousness through practices like journaling can help you identify areas for growth and enable deeper, long-term shifts. The speaker, a holistic psychologist, plans to expand her reach by offering courses, workshops, and group healing sessions to help more people incorporate these practices into their lives. Her free "future self journaling" template is available on her website and Instagram for those interested in starting their journey towards self-improvement.

    • Finding community and support through social media and in-person eventsSocial media and in-person events can provide valuable connections for personal growth and healing. Consistently sharing wisdom and being present can positively impact others.

      The power of connection, whether through social media or in-person events, can significantly impact personal growth and healing. The speaker shared their experience of using Instagram as a platform to find community and support during a time of transition in their life. They acknowledged the impact of the speaker's content and consistency in sharing wisdom, making complex ideas easy to understand. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being present and embracing the current moment as a powerful truth. They encouraged creating opportunities for human connection, whether through travel or local events, to foster growth and healing.

    • Embrace hardships for personal growthHealing takes time and effort, but it leads to personal growth and empowerment. Embrace hardships and consciously create yourself for greatness.

      We all have an authentic self and the journey towards healing involves consistent effort and embracing the hardships of life. Authenticity, healing, and hard work are keys to self-discovery and greatness. Our unique qualities make us amazing beings, but societal conditioning can make us forget this truth. Healing takes time and effort, but it's worth it for personal growth and empowerment. Embrace the hardships, show up daily, and consciously create yourself. Greatness is not about easy accomplishments, but about healing and becoming the best version of yourself. Share this message with a friend and be a giver today. Focus on positivity and healing to empower your life.

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1624

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you been a victim of trauma dumping? Does someone in your life use this tool to manipulate or control you? When we don't ask permission before unloading our pain on  others, we can hurt them, create pain, and destroy the trust they have in us. This behavior  isn't benign or "a part of being a friend".  It's hurtful and emotional abusive. Set boundaries that protect yourself from trauma dumping in every form.

    Understanding Trauma Dumping:

    •  What is Trauma Dumping?  
    • How Does Trauma Dumping Work? 
    • How to Deal with Trauma Dumping?

    Additional Resources: 

    Ready for More? 

    Love the podcast? Leave a 5* review and I'll give you a FREE eBook. Ready to commit to the next level of transformation? You have the power to turn your life around, but it starts with making a choice and taking action. Join my email list to get the best advice delivered right to your inbox. Really ready to turn your life around? Get coached by me. Apply for my signature 8-week private coaching program. Visit www.therealebjohnson.com for all the details.

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    Love the podcast? Leave a 5* review on Apple Podcasts. Ready to commit to the next level of transformation? Join my email list to get my best advice. Want to get coached by me? Apply now: www.therealebjohnson.com.

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) w/ Sue Baci

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) w/ Sue Baci

    Michele shares that she met with a brand new therapist. She also finished reading the book How to Be a Person in the World by Heather Havrilesky.

    Today Michele talks to her mom, Sue Baci, who shares her experience with Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Sue talks about learning skills to maintain good emotional health, mindfulness, how to compromise, and how she stayed calm during a family emergency. She explains how to avoid “catastrophic thinking,” including anxiety about dwelling the past or in the “what ifs.” They talk about the frustration and difficulty that comes along with diagnosing mental illness.

    Follow Therapy Roulette!

    IG: @therapyroulettepod

    Twitter: @TherapyRoulette

    YouTube channel: Therapy Roulette

    Email us! therapyroulette@gmail.com

    Follow Michele Baci!

    IG: @michelebacicomedy

    Twitter: @michelebaci

    Theme music by @hannahvsthemany

    Listen to Hannah Vs. The Many:


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    Psychologists On Overcoming Loneliness, Anxiety & Stress [MASTERCLASS] EP 1320

    Psychologists On Overcoming Loneliness, Anxiety & Stress [MASTERCLASS] EP 1320

    Today’s episode revolves around psychology. Three experts on behavioral psychology share their perspectives and advice for how to combat overwhelming levels of stress in your life and ways to increase your level of self-love.

    In this episode, 

    • Dr. Nicole LePera, holistic psychologist & best-selling author, teaches us how to harness the most powerful regulator of stress and approachable ways we can reparent ourselves. 
    • Kati Morton, clinical psychologist, shares her tips to defeat loneliness and the things you need to be doing to build deeper relationships. 
    • Kelly McGonigal, health psychologist & best-selling author, explains the science behind physical activiity’s positive effects on your mental health and why you should stop thinking that there is good and bad stress. 

    For more, go to lewishowes.com/1320

    Full episodes:

    Dr. Nicole LePera - https://link.chtbl.com/1047-pod

    Kati Morton - https://link.chtbl.com/1047-pod

    Kelly McGonigal - https://link.chtbl.com/1047-pod

    How To Find Long Term Love

    How To Find Long Term Love

    06 February 2024: Dr Thoraiya from Human Relations Institute & Clinic answers the questions "Are you looking for love? What should we be looking for in a romantic partner? And do we need to have our own life together before starting one with someone else?". Hamza Zaouali is a Career Coach, Professional Recruiter and Entrepreneur and he is giving advice to fresh graduates about the toughest job market he has ever seen. Sandy Zanella, a passionate advocate for family well-being and mental health tells us about her Family Mental Health Matters Summit. Sebastian Bates shares Strategies for Combating Bullying and Supporting Children’s Mental Health.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    TSSH 6 - Generally Stonewalling Jackasses 👎

    TSSH 6 - Generally Stonewalling Jackasses 👎

    Podcast content and song lyrics by Tami Atman. Podcast production by LW Nolie. Music and vocals by Lisa Yves.

    Stonewalling is a term that was developed by psychologist Dr John Gottman, who specializes in relationship research and therapy.  Stonewalling is when a person withdraws from a conversation or discussion and refuses to acknowledge you or your efforts to discuss anything, ignores your requests, responds with dismissive, invalidating replies or gives infuriatingly vague responses.  Mothers who are controlling, combative, dismissive, or high in narcissistic traits may use stonewalling as a way of marginalizing, ignoring and dismissing a child. The message communicated is that the child is unimportant or irrelevant, and that her feelings and thoughts don’t matter to anyone and that they are crazy for having emotions. These confusing and frustrating messages become internalized and carried over into adulthood as a well-entrenched belief system about the self. The abuse we grow up with is hard to recognize because we’ve unconsciously normalized it.  Visit https://www.gottman.com/ for more valuable information. 

    We are fun NON-therapists and we discuss not-so-fun toxic families and multi-generational dysfunction.  We are ordinary people sharing a healing journey in hopes to inspire other ordinary people to laugh as well as find their own path to healing. We are not life coaches. We are not licensed therapists.  We want to the be the voice of the unheard and take the subject of toxic families more seriously than we take ourselves...and we use bad words. 
