
    88: The Cost of Unpreparedness and The Importance of Fortitude. "Excursion To Hell"

    enAugust 16, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Soldiers are not always plaster saints, Kipling's poem 'Tommy' highlights their rough sideUnderstanding war's harsh realities requires acknowledging soldiers' rough behavior during peacetime and respecting their courage and bravery during wartime.

      Learning from this Jocko podcast episode is that soldiers, marines, and sailors, who put their lives on the line during wartime, are not always plaster saints. Kipling's poem "Tommy" highlights this, as it portrays soldiers as rough, rowdy, and sometimes even troublemakers during peacetime. The poem also emphasizes that soldiers deserve respect and better treatment during peacetime, but it's their courage and bravery that truly matter when the guns begin to shoot. The book "Excursion in Hell," which Jocko discusses in the episode, is a raw and graphic account of war's brutality. It's important to note that the language and descriptions in the book are offensive and politically incorrect, reflecting the reality of war. If you're sensitive to offensive language, this podcast may not be for you. However, for those interested in understanding the harsh realities of war, "Excursion in Hell" offers a candid and unfiltered perspective.

    • British soldiers on SS Canterbury: Inexperienced and unprepared for Falklands WarBritish soldiers, largely inexperienced, carried heavy loads and trained rigorously, skeptical about the sinking of Argentine ship, faced a long and challenging war.

      The soldiers on the SS Canterbury, a British ship carrying reinforcements to the Falkland Islands during the 1982 conflict, were largely inexperienced and unprepared for the impending war. They were given briefings and intelligence reports about the Argentine forces, which were described as strong but undisciplined, with low morale and limited resources. The soldiers, most of whom had never been in combat before, were carrying heavy loads and training rigorously, anticipating a major conflict. The sinking of the Argentine ship, General Belgrano, on May 3, 1982, was met with skepticism and solemnity among the soldiers. This event marked the beginning of a long and challenging war, which would test the soldiers' resolve and combat readiness. The lack of prior experience and the weight of expectations made for an interesting contrast in their mindset and preparation.

    • The psychological impact of war on soldiers' moraleWar brings unexpected shifts in morale, from elation to silence, and soldiers prepare themselves through fitness drills and speculation, while attempting to mask their fear with humor.

      War brings unexpected shifts in morale, and the anticipation and preparation for combat can be just as tense as the actual fighting. In the excerpt from the book, the soldiers on board the cruise ship were initially elated by their successes against the Argentine forces. However, the sinking of the HMS Sheffield brought a harsh reality, swinging morale from a high to a near silence. As they continued their journey south, the troops tried to prepare themselves for what was to come, engaging in fitness drills and speculating about the landing procedure. Despite the growing tension and mounting nerves, morale remained relatively high, with the soldiers attempting to cover their fear with laughter and joking. The transfer from the cruise ship to a warship and eventual landing was a crowded and quiet experience, with each soldier holding their own thoughts and fears about the impending battle. The author's vivid description of the soldiers' anticipation and preparation serves as a reminder of the psychological impact of war and the importance of keeping troops informed and prepared.

    • The harsh realities and uncertainties of war are introducedWaiting for battle brought nerves and anxieties, unexpected challenges included a blue on blue incident and loss of supplies, quick adaptations required clear communication and coordination, harsh weather and loss of helicopters led to long marches and difficult living conditions.

      War introduces unexpected challenges and hardships, even for those preparing for it. The nerves and anxieties of waiting for the green light were heightened by the sight of a fierce battle between the SAS and enemy forces at Fanning Head. This wake-up call brought home the reality of war and the type of enemy they would be facing. However, they also encountered unforeseen challenges, such as a blue on blue incident between two companies, and the loss of a supply ship carrying essential equipment, including helicopters and supplies, in the Atlantic Conveyor. These unexpected events required quick adaptations and showed the importance of clear communication and coordination. The soldiers had to adjust to the harsh weather conditions and the loss of their helicopters, leading to long marches and difficult living conditions. Overall, the first night introduced the soldiers to the harsh realities and uncertainties of war.

    • British soldiers' determination fueled by tea during Falkland Islands operationTea acted as a crucial morale booster for British soldiers during their grueling 50-kilometer march in the Falkland Islands, despite leaving unnecessary equipment behind.

      During a military operation in the Falkland Islands, the importance of tea as a morale booster for British soldiers was highlighted. Despite leaving unnecessary equipment behind, soldiers carried their essentials, including their brewing equipment, as they embarked on a grueling 50-kilometer march. The terrain was challenging, with steep hills and the impending threat of snow, making the journey even more arduous. Soldiers marched day and night, with only short breaks to rest and brew tea. The young marches remarked on the wisdom of leaving excess weight behind but noted the disadvantage of being the coldest at night. The soldiers' determination and resilience, fueled by their tea, helped them endure the harsh conditions and complete their mission.

    • The importance of preparation and teamwork in overcoming adversityBeing physically fit and having the best equipment doesn't ensure success in harsh conditions. Preparation, adaptability, and teamwork are crucial for overcoming unexpected challenges.

      Having the best equipment and being physically fit doesn't guarantee success in challenging conditions. During a long march through harsh terrain and weather, even the fittest soldiers struggled, and some were unable to continue. The importance of having adequate body fat and the ability to adapt to the situation became apparent. The commanding officer's decision to rest and make a camp saved the soldiers from potential disaster. This experience taught the importance of being prepared for unexpected challenges and the value of teamwork and support in overcoming adversity.

    • Overcoming challenges togetherClear communication, clear goals, and facing challenges head-on can help individuals and teams push through difficult times and achieve success.

      Enduring hardships and overcoming challenges can lead to a sense of camaraderie and focus, pushing individuals to keep going even when they feel like giving up. This was evident in the soldier's experience during a march, where exhaustion, pain, and uncertainty about their destination didn't deter them from continuing. However, clear communication and setting clear goals are essential to ensure everyone in the team knows where they stand and what they're working towards. Additionally, unexpected setbacks, such as injuries or misunderstandings, can disrupt progress and create additional challenges. In the context of a business, this means keeping employees informed and setting clear objectives to prevent confusion and uncertainty. The soldier's story also highlights the importance of facing challenges head-on and not letting fear or external pressures dictate one's actions. Instead, focusing on the present and the people around you can help push through difficult times.

    • The harsh realities of warSoldiers faced loss, painful conditions, and danger as they transitioned from training to battle

      The harsh realities of war were becoming all too real for the soldiers, as they faced the loss of comrades from their sister battalion, endured the painful condition of trench foot, and received orders for another march. The commanding officer's approach, filled with grim determination, highlighted the seriousness of the situation. The soldiers' focus shifted from training exercises to the harsh realities of war, as they faced the potential danger of enemy artillery and the painful condition of trench foot. The loss of their comrades in 2 Para served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices being made and the importance of each soldier's contribution to the team. The soldiers' mindset evolved from that of trainees to that of soldiers in the heat of battle, as they prepared to dig shell scraps for protection and endure another march. The harsh realities of war were becoming a harsh reality for the soldiers, as they faced the loss of comrades, painful conditions, and the potential danger of enemy fire.

    • Soldiers face unexpected challenges during their missionEffective communication, teamwork, and preparation are crucial for mission success, as demonstrated by unexpected challenges including disagreements among teams, malfunctioning weapons, and friendly fire incidents.

      The soldiers' progress in their mission was marked by challenges against both nature and their own comrades. Despite the hardships, including freezing nights, blisters, and lack of food, morale remained high due to their successful advance without battle. However, they faced unexpected obstacles when the marines refused to join them, and the soldiers were ordered to turn back. Tragedy struck when a returning patrol accidentally engaged in a blue-on-blue contact with a sleeping marine team, resulting in casualties. Additionally, the soldiers' weapons were not properly tested and only a few functioned effectively during the upcoming battle, potentially costing lives and limiting their firepower. These unforeseen challenges underscored the importance of communication, teamwork, and proper preparation in mission success.

    • Unexpected sniper fire during battleBeing familiar with the environment doesn't guarantee complete safety, unexpected threats can still arise and quick adaptation is crucial for survival

      During a battle, even when things seem under control, unexpected challenges can arise. In this case, the soldiers were preparing for an assault when they suddenly found themselves under sniper fire. Despite the danger, some soldiers initially failed to recognize the threat, leading to confusion and panic. This experience served as a reminder that experience and familiarity with the environment can help in recognizing potential threats, but being caught off guard is always a possibility in the heat of battle. The soldiers eventually regrouped and continued their mission, but the encounter served as a valuable learning experience. The first-time experience of being shot at was a shock for some soldiers, and recognizing the sound and impact of gunfire was crucial for survival. The soldiers' ability to adapt and respond effectively to the unexpected situation ultimately determined their success.

    • A soldier's intense experience in a battle with a sniperDuring war, soldiers face dangerous situations and must remain focused to eliminate threats, but the cost of war is high with confirmed deaths and wounded.

      War is a chaotic and dangerous experience, filled with the sounds of gunfire and explosions at various distances. The soldiers in this narrative found themselves in the midst of a full-scale battle, pinned down by a sniper. To eliminate the threat, they used a Milan, a hand-held missile, to target the sniper's position. The experience was intense, with bullets whizzing by and the fear of being hit. Despite the danger, the soldiers remained focused and eventually succeeded in taking out the sniper. However, the cost of war was clear, with confirmed deaths and wounded soldiers. The soldiers were relieved when they reached the bottom of the hill and the battle had ended, but the memory of the experience stayed with them.

    • Sounds of War: The Cries of the WoundedWar leaves a deep and lasting impact on soldiers, with the sounds and memories of the battlefield staying with them long after they have returned home. Soldiers must continue to fight and complete their missions, despite the horrors and the knowledge that they have caused harm.

      War is a brutal and devastating experience, with the potential for immense loss of life and the haunting cries of the wounded echoing in the ears of soldiers long after the battle has ended. During the war, supporting arms like machine gun platoons provide cover and lay down heavy fire to allow other elements to advance and assault targets. However, the sounds of the wounded, who are pinned down by snipers and unable to be helped, can be overwhelming and frustrating for soldiers. Despite the horrors of war, soldiers must continue to fight and complete their missions, knowing that they have likely caused harm and taken lives, even if it doesn't feel personal. The experience of war leaves a deep and lasting impact on those who have served, with the sounds and memories of the battlefield staying with them long after they have returned home.

    • A harrowing experience during a bombardment in the Falkland IslandsWar demands split-second decisions with life-or-death consequences, leaving a deep impact on those involved.

      War is a brutal and unforgiving experience, where every decision made can mean the difference between life and death. In the passage, the author describes a harrowing experience during a bombardment in the Falkland Islands, where they were under constant attack from Argentine artillery. The explosions and shrapnel were so close that the author couldn't tell if his shaking was from fear or the cold. The Argentine forces knew their firing positions and were able to dial in their artillery, resulting in relentless attacks on the British forces. During this chaos, the author had to make a split-second decision to shoot and kill a wounded Argentine soldier, who could have been a threat. The experience left a deep impact on the author, and he felt no remorse at the time, as the deadly game of war demanded his full attention and focus. The passage serves as a reminder that war is not a game, but a real-life situation where every decision has consequences.

    • A soldier's harrowing encounter with the enemyWar is unpredictable and brutal, leaving soldiers with fear, loss, and a deep impact on their lives.

      War is a chaotic and brutal experience filled with fear, loss, and unexpected twists. The passage describes a soldier's harrowing encounter with the enemy, resulting in the death of comrades and the realization of the fragility of life. The soldier and his unit faced constant danger, with the threat of death lurking around every corner. The fear and sadness were palpable, and the soldier was left feeling both anger and shock at the loss of his comrades. The unpredictability of war was emphasized by the sudden and unexpected attacks, leaving the soldiers no choice but to react and adapt in the moment. The experience left a deep impact on the soldier, and the memory of the events stayed with him.

    • Humanity shines through in warSoldiers found common ground and offered help despite differences and harsh realities of war, but also had to cope with loss and make difficult decisions.

      Even in the midst of war and danger, the need for human connection and compassion prevails. The soldiers, despite their differences and the harsh realities of their situation, found common ground in their shared experiences and emotions. They went from being enemies to offering help to each other, proving that humanity can still shine through in the darkest of times. However, the harsh realities of war were also present, as seen when friends were lost and the line between life and death was thin. The soldiers had to be hard and make difficult decisions, but they also had to find ways to cope with the loss and keep moving forward. Ultimately, they learned that despite the horrors of war, they were all in this together.

    • Discovering the brutal reality of war through comrades' deathsWar's horrors were made real for the speaker through the discovery of friends' deaths, leaving a deep impact

      War is a brutal and unforgiving experience, as depicted in this account of discovering the deaths of comrades in battle. Instantly upon finding the remains of a friend, the speaker was struck by the reality of his death, which had been reported earlier but was now made real through sight. They came across more friends who had died heroically trying to save others or in the process of treating wounded comrades. The speaker was haunted by the image of one friend, Denzel, whose screams and visible injuries stayed with him. Despite the intensity of the fighting, the soldiers had to continue, setting up defenses and enduring more attacks. The death of Doc, who remained conscious and died alone, was particularly poignant, as his dying words were broadcast over the network for all to hear. The experience left a deep impact on the speaker, underscoring the horrors and sacrifices of war.

    • The human cost of war: Beyond facts and figuresWar's emotional impact on soldiers, like the author's encounter with Craig's death, underscores the importance of recognizing its human cost.

      War is a complex and emotionally charged experience that can't be fully understood through facts alone. The author's personal encounter with the death of a soldier named Craig left a profound impact on him, changing his perspective on war forever. Despite the victory in the battle, the loss of Craig's life was a deeply sad and emotional experience that stayed with the author long after the war ended. The author also notes that for some soldiers, the war seemed like an exercise, and the end came as a surprise. Overall, the author's experience highlights the human cost of war and the importance of recognizing the emotional toll it takes on individuals.

    • Soldier's Near-Death Experience and the Challenges of Readjusting to Civilian LifeWar can lead to dangerous consequences, including loss of life and difficulty readjusting to civilian life. Soldiers may feel disconnected from their families and struggle to find meaning in their experiences.

      War can lead to intense experiences and greed, but also dangerous consequences. The text describes a group of soldiers looting a bunker filled with weapons and personal items, only to discover it was booby-trapped the next day. This near-death experience made one soldier realize his greed and the importance of caution. Upon returning home, the soldier felt out of place in civilian life and struggled to connect with his family, feeling a deep sense of loss for his comrades. The soldier's wife showed little interest in his war experiences, further isolating him. The soldier's anger and frustration at civilians living their normal lives, and his longing for his friends, highlight the challenges of readjusting to civilian life after war.

    • The Complex Reality of War for VeteransWar is a deeply personal experience with long-term impacts on veterans, including nightmares, feelings of isolation, and anger. It's essential to remember that war is not a game and to support veterans in their struggles after returning home.

      War is a complex and deeply personal experience that goes beyond the headlines and public perception. Veterans, including the speaker in this text, often face challenges such as nightmares, feelings of isolation, and anger, even after returning home. These experiences are not unique, and it's important for veterans to know they are not alone. Despite the difficulties, the speaker also expresses pride in the military and the camaraderie experienced during service. It's crucial to remember that war is not a game, and the effects of carnage are often hidden from public view. The determination of junior ranks and the cohesion of military units are essential to military success. The speaker also reflects on the frustration and disappointment that can come after a war has ended. Overall, the text highlights the complex and often hidden realities of war and the importance of supporting veterans in their struggles after returning home.

    • War reveals human capacity to endure and riseWar brings out the best and worst in people, revealing hidden strengths and the importance of being prepared and trained for all situations.

      War brings out the best and worst in people, especially young soldiers like Private Ian Scrivens, Corporal Alex Shaw, and Private Ian West. Kipling's "Tommy" and the Falklands War serve as reminders of the human capacity to endure hardships and rise above them. These men, despite their young age and low ranks, demonstrated immense courage and resilience. Moreover, we all have the potential to be better, and it is often through adversity that we discover our hidden strengths. The Falklands War is just one of countless untold stories of bravery and sacrifice. It's crucial to remember that these stories deserve recognition and that we must be prepared to face challenges and push beyond our limits. As leaders, we should not keep potential assets "in the glass" for emergencies, but rather train and socialize them to be valuable contributors in all situations.

    • Versatile team members benefit leaders and team members alikeDeveloping adaptable team members leads to growth and effective contributions, as demonstrated by the Navy SEALs' approach.

      Effective leadership involves developing versatile team members who can adapt to various situations, rather than relying on individuals who only excel in specific roles. This approach not only benefits the leader but also provides opportunities for team members to grow and contribute more effectively. The Navy SEALs, as depicted in the discussed book, offer a prime example of this concept. While some members may have initially been pigeonholed as "break glass in case of war" types, those who recognized the importance of professionalism and versatility ultimately made a more significant impact. Additionally, the books bring to light the demanding physical conditions that SEALs face, emphasizing the importance of rigorous training and conditioning.

    • Impact of Military Gear Weight vs Camping GearMilitary gear weighs significantly more than camping gear, impacting physical conditioning and endurance. Personal stories can enhance podcast content, and listeners can support the podcast by purchasing related products and leaving positive reviews.

      The weight of gear carried during tactical operations is significantly heavier than what one might encounter during camping or hiking. For example, during military training, gear could weigh up to 110 pounds before adding water. In contrast, camping gear might only total around £30-£40. This difference in weight can have a significant impact on physical conditioning and endurance. Another interesting topic that came up during the conversation was the influence of tea on the speaker's life. He shared how his wife, who is a Brit, introduced him to tea and specifically pomegranate white tea during a desert training command. The cold tea was a welcome refreshment during long hours of sleep deprivation. This experience led him to try Jocko white tea, which he now enjoys regularly. To support this podcast, the speaker suggested sharing personal stories, just as he did about his experiences with kettlebells and tea. He also mentioned that listeners could purchase Jocko white tea or other products related to the podcast, such as books or merchandise. Additionally, they could leave positive reviews or recommendations to help spread the word about the podcast.

    • Debate over Proper Burpee TechniqueSome believe hands should clap above head, others argue against it in burpees, emphasizing the importance of proper form and individual adaptations in fitness routines.

      During a conversation about fitness routines, it was mentioned that a person had successfully completed 100 burpees in 9 minutes and 30 seconds. This achievement was impressive, and it sparked a discussion about the technicalities of performing a burpee correctly. The debate centered around whether the hands should touch above the head for a proper burpee or not. While some believe that the hands should clap above the head, others argue that it's acceptable to keep the hands closer to the body. The conversation also touched upon the physical challenges that come with different types of workouts and how individuals adapt to them based on their fitness levels. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of understanding the technicalities of exercises and the individual variations that can exist in their execution.

    • Maintaining proper form during burpeesEnsure effective burpees by jumping over object with chest to ground and chin over bar, while proper push-up form is individual preference as long as integrity is upheld. Use proper equipment for added challenge or ease.

      During a burpee exercise, it's essential to maintain proper form to ensure the effectiveness of the movement. This includes jumping over an object, such as a barbell, with chest to the ground on each side and chin over the bar. However, the specific execution of the push-up portion of the burpee is at the discretion of the individual, as long as the spirit of honesty and integrity is upheld. Some may choose to touch their chest to the ground every time, while others may not. Ultimately, the goal is to challenge oneself and follow the protocol to the best of one's ability. The discussion also touched upon the importance of using proper equipment, such as a mat, to make the exercise easier or more challenging, depending on one's preference and experience level.

    • Comparing the complexity of individuals to cars on a freewaySupporting creators, no matter how small, can lead to significant reactions and widespread support, like a single sodium ion in a large body of water.

      Every person, no matter how insignificant they may seem, has a complex and unique story. This was the analogy the speaker intended to make, drawing a comparison between the multitude of cars on the freeway and the individuals inside them, each with their own life stories. The speaker also emphasized the importance of supporting creators, no matter how small the action, as it can lead to significant reactions and widespread support. This concept was further reinforced using the analogy of a single sodium ion in a large body of water, capable of creating a massive reaction when combined with others. The speaker encouraged listeners to support the podcast and its creators by purchasing books or other items through the website or Amazon, emphasizing that even small actions can lead to substantial reactions and widespread support.

    • Engage with Jocko's content and support the podcastSubscribe to Jocko's YouTube channel for video episodes and bonus content, explore the Jocko Store for merchandise, and check out the psychological warfare album for personal growth resources.

      Subscribing to Jocko's YouTube channel and exploring the Jocko Store are easy ways to engage with the content and support the podcast. While YouTube offers video versions of podcast episodes, it also provides additional content like deleted scenes and "Jocko McNuggets." The Jocko Store offers merchandise for sale, and checking it out is a simple way to show support. Additionally, Jocko's psychological warfare album is a valuable resource for listeners looking to address their weaknesses and strengthen their resolve. The campaign against weakness is an ongoing effort for personal growth, and Jocko's content provides valuable insights and motivation. Subscribing to the YouTube channel and exploring the store are low-commitment actions that can lead to significant benefits.

    • Nurturing Creativity with Jocko Willink's PhilosophyEmbrace creativity naturally, apply Jocko's strategies to diet, exercise, work, engage with Origin community, and purchase supplements.

      Allowing creativity to flow naturally without forcing it is an effective approach to overcoming creative blocks. This philosophy, inspired by Jocko Willink's psychological warfare techniques, can be applied to various aspects of life, including diet, exercise, and work. By understanding the mental process behind these strategies, individuals can better equip themselves to tackle challenges and make progress. Additionally, supporting the Origin brand through their jujitsu needs, attending their live events, and purchasing their upcoming supplements are ways to engage with the community and contribute to personal growth.

    • Practical Guide to Personal Development and LeadershipThe 'Discipline Equals Freedom' field manual offers practical solutions for nutrition, workouts, martial arts, sleep, and mindset, helping readers make tough decisions and improve leadership skills.

      The "Discipline Equals Freedom" field manual by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin is a comprehensive resource for various aspects of personal development, including nutrition, workouts, martial arts, sleep, and mindset. The book provides practical answers to common questions and helps readers make difficult decisions by shifting their perspective. The book's enduring popularity is due to its functional and pragmatic approach, making it a valuable tool for individuals and teams seeking to improve their leadership skills and achieve success. Additionally, Echelon Front offers leadership consulting services and hosts events for businesses and individuals looking for guidance and inspiration. Finally, the authors express gratitude to servicemen and women, first responders, and all those facing personal challenges, encouraging them to keep going and fight hard.

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