
    Podcast Summary

    • Discover new foods to keep weight loss journey excitingIncorporating new foods can help prevent boredom and keep weight loss journey engaging. Try new fruits, veggies, or recipes to add excitement and adventure.

      Incorporating variety in our daily routines, especially when it comes to food, can help keep us motivated and engaged in our weight loss journey. Boredom can be a major obstacle, and trying new things can help prevent it. The Slimming World book is a great resource for discovering new, free foods, and even small steps like trying one new item can lead to a sense of adventure and excitement. Whether it's a new fruit or vegetable, or a recipe inspired by a listener's suggestion, the possibilities are endless. So, dig out your book, grab a highlighter, and start exploring. You never know what delicious and nutritious discoveries you might make. And if you've already tried something new, share your experience with the Slimming World community by emailing slimmingworldpodcast@gmail.com or finding them on Instagram.

    • Exploring Flavorful Plant-Based ProteinsDiscover new ways to prepare tofu for added flavor and try traditional plant-based dishes like peas pudding for satisfying, protein-rich meals.

      Plant-based proteins, like tofu, can be prepared in various ways to add more flavor and make for satisfying meals. Carol shared a vegan tomato sauce recipe using scrambled tofu, which added protein and depth to the dish. Tofu, often criticized for being bland, can be transformed with seasonings like soy sauce, salt, sugar, chilies, and herbs. Additionally, discovering new traditions, such as peas pudding, can introduce tasty and filling plant-based options into your diet. Peas pudding, made from yellow split peas, offers a good amount of protein and can be used in various dishes, such as soups, pastries, or even as a hummus-like spread. By exploring new plant-based options and preparing them creatively, individuals can enjoy nutritious and flavorful meals while embracing different culinary traditions.

    • Trying new foods can lead to unexpected joysBeing open to new foods can lead to discovering new flavor combinations and expanding your diet. Don't judge a food by its appearance or texture, you might be missing out on a delicious surprise.

      Trying new foods, even if they seem unappetizing at first, can lead to discovering new flavor combinations and expanding your diet. During a discussion about a canned pea product, it was discovered that it was essentially mashed lentils with paprika, turmeric, water, and salt. Although the speaker initially found the appearance and texture off-putting, she decided to try it and was surprised by its taste, which was similar to mushy peas. This experience reminded her of the importance of being open to new things and how it can lead to discovering unexpected joys and benefits. Additionally, for individuals following specific dietary restrictions, such as vegetarians or vegans, it's essential to plan and consider various protein sources to ensure proper nutrition.

    • Trying New Ingredients: Okra and Vine LeavesExploring a new dish, okra risotto, requires finding okra, vine leaves, and other ingredients. Okra looks like tiny courgettes or mini cones, while vine leaves are palm-sized or between spinach and taco size. Finding unstuffed vine leaves may be challenging, and the dish will be served on pita bread with vegan ham and edamame protein sauce.

      The speaker is excited to try a new dish, an okra risotto, but is having trouble finding some ingredients for the dish, specifically okra and vine leaves. They describe okra as looking like tiny courgettes or mini cones with a spiral bottom. Vine leaves, which they also want for the dish, are described as being about the size of a palm or somewhere between a spinach leaf and a taco. The speaker is unsure if they can find unstuffed vine leaves and is asking for suggestions. They are also planning to serve the dish on warm pita bread with vegan ham and a protein sauce made from edamame beans. The speaker is a radio presenter and is known for their descriptive abilities, while their friend Matt is less helpful in describing the appearance of the ingredients. The speaker is also discussing the symbol testing they have been doing and the significance of certain foods based on their symbolic value.

    • Exploring new plant-based dishes and flavorsExpanding your palate with new plant-based options can lead to discovering delicious and versatile dishes like okra risotto and trying new textures, such as okra's sliminess. Be open to reading labels to ensure vegan-friendliness of foods and don't shy away from plant-based alternatives to traditional dishes.

      Trying new foods, especially plant-based options, can expand one's palate and introduce new flavors and textures. During a conversation about various dishes and ingredients, it was mentioned that vine leaves could be stuffed with different things, such as meat or vegetables. Claire shared her experience of trying new fruits and vegetables since adopting a plant-based diet and discovering new dishes like okra risotto. The group also discussed the versatility of okra, which can be slimy but can be cooked to reduce that texture. They also tried and discussed the taste of vegan ham and pea pudding. The conversation also touched on the importance of reading labels to ensure vegan-friendliness of certain foods, such as crisps. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being open to trying new foods and the potential discoveries that come with it.

    • Discovering the joy of trying new ingredientsEmbrace the adventure of trying new ingredients, even if the final dish isn't perfect. Variety and affordability add excitement to cooking.

      The hosts, while trying new and unusual ingredients like okra and peas pudding, banana blossom, and japuru, discovered that preparing and cooking these foods can be an adventure, and the experience of trying new things can be more enjoyable than the final dish itself. The hosts shared their experiences of trying these ingredients for the first time, and the importance of affordability and variety in their cooking. The hosts also discussed the process of preparing and cooking these unusual ingredients, such as opening a can of banana blossom and drying it out on a tea towel. They also shared recipes for dishes like fishcakes made with banana blossom as a vegan, meat-free alternative to fish. Despite initial hesitation and skepticism, the hosts were won over by the new ingredients and the excitement of trying something new. They emphasized the importance of exploring new flavors and textures in cooking, even if the final dish doesn't always look appealing. Additionally, the hosts encouraged listeners to try new things in their own cooking, such as tofu and jackfruit, and to experiment with different recipes and techniques to make the most of their ingredients. Overall, the discussion highlighted the joy and adventure of trying new foods and the importance of being open to new experiences in the kitchen.

    • Discovering Delicious and Unique FlavorsTrying new foods can lead to discovering delicious and unique flavors. Encourage experimentation with recipes and new ingredients like curry paste and chilies. Exposure to various foods at a young age can influence one's palate.

      Exploring new foods and trying things outside of one's comfort zone can lead to discovering delicious and unique flavors. The speaker shared their experience of trying new foods like fish and chips, banana blossom, and various fruits such as star fruit, kumquat, and dragon fruit. They also mentioned their past as a vegetarian and how their staple food was chips and cheese. The conversation also touched upon the idea of experimenting with recipes and adding flavors like curry paste and chilies. The speaker expressed their excitement about trying new foods and encouraged others to do the same, whether it's a new type of meat, fish, or fruit. They also mentioned the importance of exposure to various foods at a young age and how it can influence one's palate. Overall, the conversation emphasized the joy and excitement of discovering new flavors and expanding one's culinary horizons.

    • Exploring New Foods and Shopping ChallengesDiscovering new foods brings joy and fiber-rich plantains and Sam Samp can be found in larger supermarkets or local shops.

      Claire and the speaker have shared their experiences of trying new foods and the difficulty of finding certain items in supermarkets. One food they discussed was plantain, which Claire had not tried before but the speaker recommended for its simplicity and fiber content. Plantain can be found in the middle of the aisle in larger supermarkets or in local shops, and it's usually cooked with low-calorie spray and can be used in savory dishes. Another food mentioned was Sam Samp or Sam Fish, which look like tiny asparagus and are full of fiber. They can be found near the asparagus in supermarkets or at a greengrocer. Claire also shared her fondness for lychees, which she associates with childhood memories and enjoys peeling despite their unattractive appearance. The conversation also touched on other foods the speaker's husband has introduced her to in the fish aisle, such as octopus and lobster, which she has yet to try. Overall, the conversation highlights the joy of discovering new foods and the shared experience of trying to find them in supermarkets.

    • Exploring new ingredients and plant-based alternativesBoth individuals share their experiences of trying new foods and expanding their culinary horizons due to dietary changes, discussing plant-based alternatives like tahini and balsamic vinegar, as well as seafood and grains like spelt.

      Both individuals in this conversation have been trying new foods and exploring different ingredients since making dietary changes. Claire has discovered various plant-based alternatives and condiments, such as tahini and balsamic vinegar, while the other person shared their experiences with seafood and grains like spelt. They also discussed their past experiences with certain foods and how their dietary restrictions have led them to expand their culinary horizons. Despite not having tried some items before, they remain open-minded and curious about new ingredients and recipes.

    • Mindful food consumption leads to better health outcomesBy looking up unfamiliar ingredients and trying new foods, we can make more informed decisions and add excitement to our meals, leading to a healthier relationship with our food.

      Being more mindful of what we consume and taking responsibility for our food choices can lead to better health outcomes. Many people may have gained weight unknowingly due to a lack of awareness about the contents of their food. Eating out or relying on labels that claim "low fat" or "healthy" can sometimes lead to denial about the true contents of our meals. By looking up unfamiliar ingredients and trying new foods, we can make more informed decisions and add excitement to our meals. The importance of this was emphasized by the speaker's discovery of new vegetables and their realization that simply repeating the same shopping habits would not lead to different results. The takeaway is to approach our food with curiosity and a willingness to learn, leading to a more engaged and healthier relationship with our meals.

    • Understanding and accepting differences in food preferences and appearancesEmbrace individuality, be open to new experiences, and find joy in shared experiences despite differences in food preferences and appearances.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and everyone has unique preferences and comfort levels when it comes to food and appearance enhancements. During a podcast episode, Anna and Clare shared their contrasting perspectives on this topic while trying a new recipe for banana blossom fishcakes. While Clare was excited to try the new recipe and enjoyed the spiciness of the dish, Anna found it too spicy for her taste and had a strong reaction. Despite their differences, they both agreed that trying new things, whether it's a new recipe or a new perspective, can be an enjoyable experience. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of embracing individuality and being open to new experiences, even if they may not be perfect the first time around. Overall, their conversation highlighted the importance of being understanding and accepting of differences while also finding joy in shared experiences.

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    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

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    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Slimming World Podcast
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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan.
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

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    Read more about the latest Slimming World research here: https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/overcoming-setbacks/

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

    224: Keep On Running!

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    Plus, Anna and Clare have a little announcement to make about Slimming World sponsoring this year's Race For Life events!

    Interested in signing up to a Race For Life event? Find out more here! https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/race-for-life/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions.
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences.

    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.
    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. 

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    For specialist information and advice on all aspects of living with diabetes, call the Diabetes UK helpline on 0345 123 2399. To find out your risk of type 2 diabetes, visit

    If you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World and the support we offer people living with diabetes, head to slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Read about how Food Optimising can help you manage type 2 diabetes here: slimmingworld.co.uk/blog/slimming-world-and-diabetes-uk-partnership/

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. Produced by ASFB Productions. Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    We hope you’ve really enjoyed this episode and if you’d love to find out more about joining Slimming World head to www.slimmingworld.co.uk to search for your nearest group or discover more about our digital-only service.

    Presented by Clare Savory and Anna Mangan. 
    Produced by ASFB Productions. 
    Slimming World Podcast is sponsored by Slimming World.

    Please note: The info we share is based on our personal weight loss experiences. Always check with your consultant or a health professional when following a weight loss plan.

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    You can download The Doctor’s Kitchen app for free to get access to all of our recipes, with specific suggestions tailored to your health needs and new recipes added every month. We’ve had some amazing feedback so far and we have new features being added all the time - check it out with a 7 day free trial too.

    Do check out this week’s “Eat, Listen, Read” newsletter, that you can subscribe to on our website - where I send you a recipe to cook as well as some mindfully curated media to help you have a healthier, happier week.

    We would love to get your feedback on the subject matter of these episodes - please do let me know on our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook & Twitter) what you think,and give us a 5* rating on your podcast player if you enjoyed today’s episode.

    Check out the recipes and app here: https://apple.co/3G0zC0Z

    Join the newsletter and 7 day meal plan here: https://thedoctorskitchen.com/newsletter/

    Check out the socials here: https://www.instagram.com/doctors_kitchen/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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