
    Can You Turn Off the Stress Area of Your Brain? Dr. John Lieurance

    enAugust 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering the Blue Spot in the Brain for Restful SleepLearn about the blue spot in the brain, a crucial area for turning off the stress cycle for better sleep, and practical tips for activating it from Dr. John Lowrance on The Resetter Podcast.

      In this episode of The Resetter Podcast, the host brings on her friend, Dr. John Lowrance, who runs an exceptional regenerative functional medicine clinic. Dr. Lowrance is a brilliant and heartfelt individual, known for introducing groundbreaking concepts to the world, such as the power of melatonin and methylene blue. In this conversation, he discusses a new discovery - the blue spot in the brain, which is crucial for turning off the stress cycle at night for a restful sleep. The episode offers valuable insights into this topic and provides practical tips for turning off the stress spot in the brain, making it a must-listen for those seeking better sleep and overall wellbeing. Additionally, the host invites listeners to join her Reset Academy, a supportive community for those interested in fasting and health.

    • Improve cellular health and physical structure for optimal women's healthThrough techniques like cranial adjustments and endonasal balloon therapy, women can improve cellular health, release restrictions, and activate the pineal gland for better sinus pressure, euphoria, and increased awareness.

      Optimal health and vitality, especially for women, requires addressing both the physical and cellular aspects of the body. Dr. Mindy Pelz's approach, as witnessed in her clinic, offers tools to improve cellular health, release restrictions, and activate the pineal gland for a better second half of life. Through techniques like cranial adjustments and endonasal balloon therapy, one can experience improved sinus pressure, euphoria, and increased awareness. By focusing on cellular health and the physical structure of the body, women can regain control of their health and unlock their fullest potential together.

    • Impact of skull structure and breathing on healthGood skull structure and nasal breathing lead to better filtering, warming, and overall health outcomes

      The structure of our skulls and the way we breathe have a significant impact on our health. The cranium's collapsing inward can lead to a narrowing of the nasal passage and deviated septums. This can cause issues like difficulty breathing, filtering air, and warming it up. Moreover, the nervous system's rhythms, called oscillations, are linked to respiratory cycles. These oscillations affect various brain networks, including the default mode network, salient network, and the blue spot, which is a lesser-known area of the brain. Weston Price's research showed that healthier populations with wider cranial structures and wider palates have better nasal passages, leading to better health outcomes. Breathing through the nose instead of the mouth has numerous benefits, such as filtering air, warming it up, and bringing in nitric oxide, which improves cardiovascular health and hormonal balance. So, maintaining good skull structure and nasal breathing can significantly enhance overall health and well-being.

    • The Locus Coeruleus: A Key Player in Emotional Responses, Attention, and MemoryThe Locus Coeruleus, a midbrain region producing norepinephrine, impacts emotions, attention, and memory, interconnects with the amygdala, follows our circadian rhythm, and can be affected by aging and lower estrogen levels. Techniques like breathwork and CO2 sensors can help regulate it.

      The locus coeruleus, a part of the midbrain responsible for producing norepinephrine in the brain, plays a crucial role in regulating our emotional responses, attention, and memory. This area is interconnected with various parts of the brain, including the amygdala, which is often associated with fear and anxiety. The locus coeruleus follows our circadian rhythm and needs to calm down during REM sleep. However, many factors, such as lower estrogen levels in women or aging, can affect our ability to pause this part of the brain, leading to potential health issues. Techniques like breathwork and focusing on CO2 sensors can help activate and regulate the locus coeruleus. Pharmaceutical companies are exploring this area for potential solutions to depression and other neurological disorders. Overall, understanding the role of the locus coeruleus in our emotional, cognitive, and physiological processes can provide valuable insights into maintaining optimal brain health.

    • The importance of deep REM sleep for memory consolidation and overall brain functionDeep REM sleep is crucial for optimal brain function, including memory consolidation. Factors like stress, alcohol, certain medications, and hormonal imbalances can interfere with this process, making it essential to optimize sleep patterns and hormones for improved mental, emotional, and physical health.

      Getting good quality sleep, specifically deep REM sleep, is essential for our mental and emotional health, memory consolidation, and overall brain function. The locus coeruleus, a key area of the brain responsible for transferring data from short-term to long-term memory during REM sleep, requires a deep pause to function optimally. However, factors like stress, alcohol, certain medications, and hormonal imbalances can interfere with this process. For instance, high cortisol levels, which can be caused by stress or working late, can make it difficult for the brain to consolidate memories. Similarly, the loss of estradiol during menopause can negatively impact memory and further exacerbate the issue if deep REM sleep is not achieved. To address these challenges, Dr. Mindy has teamed up with Tony Horton to create PowerSync 60, a revolutionary 60-day fitness program designed to help individuals, regardless of gender or menopausal status, optimize their hormones and sleep patterns for improved memory and overall well-being. By visiting doctormindy.org and using the code p s 60pels, individuals can access this program and join a community dedicated to enhancing their mental, emotional, and physical health.

    • Progesterone calms down the blue spot in the brainProgesterone helps balance brain activity, calming down the blue spot and reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, while minimizing the risk of conditions like Alzheimer's.

      Progesterone plays a crucial role in calming down the blue spot in the brain, which is linked to stress, anxiety, and depression. Progesterone helps activate beta endorphins, which in turn calm down the locus coeruleus, the area responsible for the blue spot's activity. When the blue spot is overactive, it can lead to excessive norepinephrine production, causing fear responses and wearing down the body. Progesterone helps bring balance by shutting down the locus coeruleus, creating a negative feedback loop. Chronic stress can wear down women's bodies, potentially contributing to conditions like Alzheimer's, which may start at the locus coeruleus. By ensuring proper progesterone levels and minimizing stress, individuals can promote better mental and physical health and longevity.

    • Maintaining brain health during menopauseFocus on oral and nasal hygiene, colon health, sleep, sunlight exposure, and stress management to support the locus coeruleus and improve women's experiences during menopause.

      The loss of hormones during menopause can negatively impact the locus coeruleus, a part of the brain crucial for managing stress and sleep. This consequence shouldn't be addressed by throwing more hormones at it, as it may go against our natural cycle. Instead, focusing on maintaining oral and nasal hygiene, as well as colon health, can help reduce inflammation and support the locus coeruleus. Factors like sleep, sunlight exposure, and stress management also play significant roles in caring for this part of the brain. This holistic approach, which the speaker calls "blue spot therapy," aims to address the root causes of women's struggles during menopause beyond just hormone replacement.

    • Impact of Nasal Health on Brain FunctionPoor nasal health can lead to negative impacts on the microbiome, potential infections, endotoxin release, brain stress, inflammation, and hormonal imbalance, specifically for women.

      The health of our nasal passages and sinuses plays a significant role in brain health. A collapsed nasal passage can lead to negative impacts on the microbiome, potential infections, and the release of endotoxins into the body. These endotoxins can then enter the brain, causing stress and inflammation. The brain is constantly reading stress signals from the body, and when it receives a signal of internal stress, such as a jammed cranium or endotoxin buildup, it can create a feedback loop that tightens muscles and contracts the masseter and temporalis. This stress can further impact hormonal balance, specifically in women, leading to a problem with the locus coeruleus. The more we understand this intricate relationship between the body and brain, the more we can intervene and support these systems to function optimally. This is the root of biohacking and the reason for the increasing popularity of various therapies and interventions to minimize stressors and support overall health.

    • Tools for improving mood and energy levelsMethylene blue, magnesium, and breath work can enhance mood, energy, and potentially boost fertility by calming the nervous system, optimizing mitochondrial health, and increasing vascularity

      Certain lifestyle tools, such as IV methylene blue, magnesium, and breath work, can significantly improve mood and energy levels by calming the nervous system and enhancing vascularity. Methylene blue, a former dye now used medicinally, has an affinity to mitochondria and acts as both an oxidant and antioxidant, making it 30% more effective in energy production. Magnesium, which most people are deficient in, can be optimally absorbed when taken with nicotinamide. The high density of mitochondria in the eggs in women's ovaries highlights the importance of mitochondrial health for fertility. Overall, these tools can lead to increased energy, improved sleep, and potential benefits for fertility.

    • Supporting the Locus Coeruleus for Better Well-beingPracticing cold plunge therapy, sauna use, sleep, exercise, and consuming nutrients like methylene blue can support the locus coeruleus, leading to improved focus, memory, mood, and prevention of degenerative neurological disorders.

      Taking care of the locus coeruleus, a part of the brain responsible for focus, memory, and happiness, is crucial for overall well-being. Stressors, whether physical, emotional, or chemical, can negatively impact this area, leading to difficulty focusing, memory issues, and a heightened stress response. Practices like cold plunge therapy, saunas, sleep, and exercise can support the locus coeruleus, helping to prevent degenerative neurological disorders and improve mood. Nutrients like methylene blue, which affects the mitochondria and possibly the brain and reproductive system, may help bring the body to a healthier state and potentially even reverse some aging effects. The lack of estrogen, a hormone that helps with REM sleep and mood regulation, can lead to anxiety, depression, and a weakened immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and autoimmune conditions. By focusing on the health of the locus coeruleus, we can address various aspects of wellness and improve our overall quality of life.

    • The Role of Brain Health in MenopauseFocus on self-care, stress reduction, and hormonal support to mitigate negative effects of menopause on the brain, specifically the 'blue spot' linked to stress response and neurotransmitters.

      Taking care of the brain, specifically the part related to depression, anxiety, and hormonal changes, is crucial for overall health and wellbeing. Neglecting this part of the brain could potentially lead to degenerative neurological disorders. The "blue spot" in the brain, which is linked to stress response and neurotransmitters, plays a significant role in this. Hormonal changes during menopause, such as the decrease in estradiol and progesterone, can lead to the neurochemical armor coming down, allowing traumas and cellular dysfunction to surface. To mitigate the negative effects of menopause, it's essential to focus on self-care, stress reduction, and hormonal support. The blue spot's beta endorphin receptors can also be controlled by progesterone, making it an essential hormone to consider. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of addressing the underlying causes of common menopausal symptoms and viewing menopause as an opportunity for personal growth and rebirth.

    • Managing stress for a healthy blue spotCalm your blue spot through relaxation, hormonal support, and a peaceful environment for proper hormonal balance, circadian rhythm, and overall wellbeing.

      Managing stress is crucial for maintaining a healthy blue spot, which is linked to our core fear response and plays a significant role in our overall wellbeing. This blue spot, located in the brain, needs to be calm for proper hormonal balance and circadian rhythm, which can be achieved through relaxation techniques, hormonal support, and creating a peaceful environment before bed. Neglecting this can lead to chronic stress and anxiety, disrupting sleep and perpetuating the cycle of stress. By addressing stress and taking care of our blue spot, we can potentially improve various symptoms and live a more balanced life.

    • Nasal passages and gut health impact brain functionRegular nose breathing supports brain health, homemade yogurt boosts gut health, and self-love practices promote overall well-being.

      The health of our nasal passages and the microbiome in our gut play crucial roles in brain and neurological health. The buildup of tau protein in the locus coeruleus, which is connected to the trigeminal nerve and nucleus, is linked to breathing through the nose instead of the mouth. This nose breathing helps regulate neuro oscillations through the respiratory cycle. On the other hand, a dysregulated microbiome in the gut can cause inflammation. Making homemade yogurt and fermenting it for an extended period can help increase the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Additionally, self-love practices, such as contemplating life and realizing that we are infinite and love, can contribute to overall well-being. It's essential to prioritize the health of our nasal passages and gut, as they have significant impacts on our brain and neurological health.

    • Self-love and Understanding the Body's ComplexitiesSelf-love is crucial for healthy relationships and personal growth. Understanding the body's complexities through right-brain creativity and left-brain logic can lead to effective nutritional combinations and healing.

      Self-love is essential in all aspects of life, including relationships. It means bringing your inner love and positivity to others while also reminding yourself of your worth. Our guest, a self-proclaimed "medicine man" with a unique blend of curiosity about the human body and artistic and scientific intelligence, emphasized this point. His superpower lies in his ability to understand the complexities of the body and create effective nutritional combinations. This integrated right-left brain thinking aids him in making sense of abstract concepts and finding patterns. The connection between the locus coeruleus and pineal gland is an example of this, as they are deeply interconnected in the circadian rhythm. Empowering people with knowledge about their bodies can contribute significantly to healing the world.

    Recent Episodes from The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep236

    Satchidananda (Satchin) Panda, PhD is a Professor at the Salk Institute in California, where his research focuses on the circadian regulation of behavior, physiology, and metabolism in model organisms and in humans. Dr. Panda discovered a blue-light sensing cell type in the retina entrains our master circadian clock, affects mood, and regulates the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. Recently, he discovered that maintaining a daily feeding-fasting cycle – popularly known as time-restricted feeding (TRF) – can prevent and reverse metabolic diseases. Based on a feasibility study in humans, his lab is currently carrying out a smartphone-based study to assess the extent of circadian disruption among adults. Dr. Panda has received the Julie Martin Mid-Career Award in Aging Research, the Dana Foundation Award in Brain and Immune System Imaging, and was a Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences


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    To help raise money for nonprofits that support, protect, and provide opportunities to women around the world, go to https://drmindypelz.com/glag/

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep235

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep234

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep233

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep232

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep231

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep230

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep229

    Kate Horsman is a Nature-based Holistic Therapist and Breathwork Therapist. This field merges her education and work as a Professional Counsellor, Therapeutic Breathwork Facilitator and Mindfulness leader in Vancouver, BC Canada, the sacred and ancestral lands of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam Nations. Her education is dimensional, including multiple modalities to approach healing work. Her schooling has brought her to Professional Counselling (VCCT), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Nutrition (CSNN), and Plant-based science (eCornell), melding the bridge betw

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep228

    Sara Szal Gottfried MD is a physician, researcher, educator, mother, and seeker. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF, but is more likely to prescribe a CGM and personalized nutrition plan than the latest pharmaceutical. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about trauma, hormones, and health. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Her focus is on the interface of mental and physical health, N-of-1 trial design, personalized molecular profiling, use of wearables, and how to leverage these tools to improve health outcomes.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep227

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    For full show notes, resources mentioned, and transcripts go to: www.drmindypelz.com/ep97/

    To enroll in Dr. Mindy's Fasting membership go to: resetacademy.drmindypelz.com

    In this episode, we dive into hormonal changes and the effect hormones and missing hormones have on brain health.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://www.drmindypelz.com/ep191.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://www.drmindypelz.com/ep205.

    You can get 30% off your subscription when you go to HVMN.com/PELZ

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://www.drmindypelz.com/ep215.

    Ariel Garten is the Co-Founder of Muse, a leading consumer neurotechnology and meditation company. 

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Selene is grounded and into her own zone and power, Post Menopause. But it didn't start off like that. Perimenopause was a deeply confusing time to her because, like so many of us, it caught her unaware, She lost muscle seemingly overnight, her joints started aching like never before and her sleep became unusually erratic. She is keen to share as much information about this time of life as possible and to make sure that we all do the same in order to take the shock, confusion and fear out of it. We must share all the information from night sweats to vaginal dryness and everything in between. 

    In this episode we discuss the changing landscape of elite endurance sports - spoiler alert: more mature women are competing and they're winning! We talk about new studies emerging on women that are relevant to hormonal health, muscle health and brain health and one that has just dropped on low carb availability: could you be sensitive to carbohydrate deprivation? Is intermittent fasting or low-carb dieting not feeling good to you? And why should we exercise after all? 

    You can find Selene on IG @FitChick3, on https://seleneyeager.contently.com and if you haven't found it yet - listen to Hit Play Not Pause, you're in for a treat.