
    Communication is Lubrication: Scripts For Your Sex Life

    enJuly 02, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Enhance your summer sex experienceUse Promescent's delay spray, warming arousal gel, Magic Wand vibrator, and Down Under Comfort to make summer the sexiest season yet. Get discounts at promescent.com/emily, sexwithemily.com/magicwand, and emilyandtony.com with code emily.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration when it comes to sex. To enhance the experience, consider using Promescent's line of pleasure-enhancing products, such as their legendary delay spray for longer-lasting intimacy and their warming arousal gel for women. Additionally, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator continues to be a game-changer for those seeking unapologetic pleasure. Lastly, staying fresh and dry with a product like Down Under Comfort can help boost confidence and readiness for intimate moments. Overall, these tools can help make summer the sexiest season yet. Use promescent.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand. Don't forget to check out emilyandtony.com and use code emily for 20% off Down Under Comfort.

    • Navigating complex sexual situations with clear communicationBe clear and honest about desires and intentions, respect boundaries, and maintain open communication in sexual situations

      Effective communication is key in navigating complex and potentially sticky sexual situations. The podcast "Sex with Emily" discusses various scenarios and provides scripts for listeners to help them address these situations with their partners. A common theme is the importance of being clear and honest about desires and intentions, such as when trying to avoid entering a relationship or introducing toys in the bedroom. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of respecting each other's boundaries and maintaining open lines of communication. Listeners are encouraged to sign up for the mailing list and follow Emily on social media for more tips and resources.

    • Communication is key in intimacyBe direct, honest, respectful, and open to new things in intimacy conversations to keep the spark alive

      Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to intimacy. Being direct and honest with your partner about your needs and desires is important, but it's also important to consider their feelings and approach the conversation in a way that is respectful and considerate. Men, in particular, may respond better to softer, more indirect requests, as they often see themselves as pleasers and can be sensitive to criticism or orders. Using positive language and focusing on how the action will make you feel can help create a more enjoyable and satisfying experience for both parties. Additionally, being open to trying new things and having open and honest conversations about your sexual needs and desires can help keep the spark alive in your relationship.

    • Expressing Desires in Sexual RelationshipsUnderstand every partner is unique, communicate openly about desires, respect preferences, and establish mutual agreements to ensure sexual satisfaction.

      Communication is key when it comes to sexual satisfaction, especially regarding oral sex. Some people might feel more comfortable expressing their desires through text messages, while others might prefer discussing it in person. It's essential to understand that every partner is different, and what works for one might not work for another. Some people might not enjoy oral sex, and it's crucial to respect their preferences. However, if one partner consistently denies the other's requests for oral sex, it might be a sign of a one-sided relationship. In such cases, it's essential to communicate openly and establish a mutual agreement. Additionally, people who have had negative experiences with oral sex might be hesitant to try it again. In such cases, it's essential to create a safe and comfortable environment and communicate openly about boundaries, preferences, and techniques. Overall, open communication and mutual respect are crucial for a satisfying sexual relationship.

    • Open communication is essential in sexual relationshipsExpress desires and boundaries honestly, respect each other's choices, and be open-minded and understanding to create a satisfying sexual relationship.

      Communication is key in sexual relationships. The speaker shared her experiences and preferences regarding oral sex and anal sex, highlighting how important it is to express desires and boundaries to one's partner. She also emphasized that everyone's preferences and comfort levels are different, and it's essential to respect each other's choices. The speaker advised being open-minded and willing to try new things if both partners are comfortable with it, but ultimately, honesty and open communication are crucial for a satisfying sexual relationship. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that some people may have negative experiences or insecurities that influence their preferences, and it's essential to address these issues with sensitivity and understanding. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of open and respectful communication in exploring sexual experiences with a partner.

    • Words can shape experiences in sexBe mindful of words and actions towards partners, remember past experiences don't define current relationships, and communication, patience, and understanding are essential for a fulfilling sex life.

      Words can have a profound impact on our partners and our own perceptions of ourselves and our bodies. In the first story, a woman's comment about her partner's friend's hygiene ruined oral sex for her, demonstrating how a single negative comment can shape our experiences for a long time. In the second story, a man's ex-partner's criticism of his penis size affected him for years, showing how past experiences can influence our self-esteem and our current relationships. These stories emphasize the importance of being mindful of our words and actions towards our partners, as well as being open-minded and willing to try new things, even if we have had negative experiences in the past. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone is different and that communication, patience, and understanding are key to a fulfilling and enjoyable sexual relationship.

    • Communicate effectively and prepare for new sexual activitiesStart conversations about new activities, gauge comfort level, begin gently, use lubricant, respect boundaries, continue the conversation, and prepare thoroughly.

      Effective communication and preparation are key when it comes to introducing new sexual activities, such as anal sex, with your partner. Don't surprise them with it, but instead, start the conversation and gauge their comfort level. Begin with gentle exploration, such as touching or using a finger, and use plenty of lubricant. If your partner expresses disinterest or hesitation, respect their boundaries and don't pressure them. Instead, continue the conversation and learn more about their experiences and feelings towards anal sex. Preparation, including research and purchasing necessary supplies, can also help put your partner at ease and increase the chances of a positive experience. Remember, the goal is to create a comfortable and enjoyable experience for both parties.

    • Exploring Anal Sex: Approach with Care and ConsentApproach anal sex with care, consent, communication, and consider using sex toys for new sensations. Remember, a negative experience can lead to trauma, so proceed slowly and sensitively.

      Exploring anal sex requires careful consideration, communication, and consent. A negative experience can lead to trauma, so it's crucial to approach the situation slowly and with sensitivity. The Hustler Hollywood store can be a helpful resource for those looking to experiment, offering a wide range of toys and a safe space to explore. Communication with your partner or yourself, through workshops or solo play, is essential to enhancing your sex life. The use of sex toys, such as Fleshlight, can also provide new sensations and experiences when used responsibly. Remember, the key is to approach anal sex with care, consent, and open communication.

    • Communication is essential for addressing sexual issuesBe honest and upfront about sexual concerns, discuss potential solutions like Fleshlight or prescription drugs, and ensure both partners feel satisfied and valued.

      Open communication is key in addressing sexual issues between partners. Whether it's premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or anything else, it's important to be honest and upfront about what's going on. This not only helps to alleviate any potential insecurities or misunderstandings, but it also allows both partners to work together to find solutions. For example, discussing the use of products like Fleshlight or prescription drugs like Promescent can help improve sexual experiences for both parties. Ultimately, the goal should be to ensure that both partners feel satisfied and valued in the bedroom.

    • Communicate about sexual concerns and solutionsDiscussing sexual concerns and using products like Promescent can lead to improved intimacy and satisfaction for both partners.

      Communication is key when it comes to sexual intimacy and addressing any concerns or issues that may arise. If you're concerned about lasting longer in bed, consider introducing a product like Promescent, which can help extend the duration without transferring to your partner and without the side effects of traditional medications. To bring up the topic, make it a fun and playful conversation, emphasizing the benefits for both partners. For those who struggle with ejaculating, reassure them that it's a common issue and encourage open dialogue to find potential solutions together. Remember, sex should be an enjoyable experience for both parties, and addressing any concerns can lead to improved satisfaction and intimacy.

    • Open communication is vital for addressing sexual issuesHonest conversations, shared resources, and mutual effort can help improve sexual experiences and prevent misunderstandings in relationships.

      Open communication is key in addressing sexual issues between partners. Both men and women may face various sexual challenges, such as delayed ejaculation or difficulty reaching orgasm, respectively. However, not addressing these issues can lead to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction in the relationship. Therefore, it's essential to have open and honest conversations about these matters, share resources for potential solutions, and work together to improve the sexual experience for both partners. Remember, it's okay not to have an orgasm every time, but the effort to please each other and prioritize each other's pleasure is crucial.

    • Communication is crucial for enjoyable sexual experiences during menstruationStart with a massage to alleviate anxiety, frame menstruation as an opportunity for new experiences, and approach the topic with confidence for a positive experience

      Communication is key when it comes to sexual intimacy, especially around sensitive topics like menstruation. For women, anxiety and stress can impact their ability to orgasm, and starting with a massage can help alleviate this. Periods can be a source of discomfort or embarrassment for some, but it's important to remember that menstruation is a natural part of being a woman. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to disclose that you're on your period, consider framing it as an opportunity for new experiences, such as trying different types of foreplay or using sex toys. Ultimately, it's essential to approach the topic with confidence and openness, allowing both partners to make informed decisions and ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for both.

    • Having an open conversation about menstruation and intimacyCommunicate openly and non-judgmentally about menstruation and intimacy, respect each other's comfort levels, and practice safe sex to protect against STIs and STDs.

      Communication is key when it comes to intimacy and menstruation. Some people are comfortable with having sex during their period, while others are not. It's essential to have an open and non-judgmental conversation about it with your partner. Some men might be uncomfortable with the idea, while others might not mind at all. Women might feel more comfortable and safer if their partner is open and accepting of their menstrual cycle. Additionally, it's important to note that STIs and STDs are a common concern for those who are sexually active, and protection is crucial. One in five people in the United States has an STI, and many don't even know they have it. Therefore, it's essential to have open and honest conversations about protection and regular testing. Overall, the key is to approach these topics with openness, understanding, and respect for each other's comfort levels and health.

    • Open communication about STIs is essentialHonesty, protection, testing, and open communication are key to reducing STI risk. If contracted, disclose, take medication, and communicate empathetically.

      Having open and honest communication with your sexual partners about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is crucial, but the laws and regulations surrounding disclosure can be complex. It's essential to use protection, get tested regularly, and be truthful with your partners. However, even with testing and honesty, there's still a risk of contracting an STI. In such cases, it's vital to be understanding and empathetic towards your partner and prioritize open communication. If you have an STI, it's important to disclose it to your partner, take medication as prescribed, and use protection to minimize transmission risk. Remember, the goal is to prioritize safety, honesty, and open communication in all sexual encounters.

    • Discussing STIs and using sex toys in a relationshipHonesty and communication are crucial in sex. Discuss STIs, legally no trouble if informed. Enhance intimacy with toys, no gender bias.

      Communication and honesty are key elements in maintaining a healthy and satisfying sexual relationship. This includes discussing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the use of sex toys. Regarding STIs, it's important to note that legally, you cannot get in trouble if you have informed your partner. Moreover, using toys together can enhance the sexual experience for both partners. Men should not be intimidated by women's toys, as they can provide unique sensations. Women, on the other hand, may find it difficult to have an orgasm during sex, and toys can help bridge that gap. Bringing toys into the bedroom can be a fun and exciting experience for couples. Shopping for toys together can be a great way to explore new options and enhance the relationship. Ultimately, open communication and a willingness to try new things can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual relationship.

    • Open communication and experimentation keep intimacy aliveBe confident and assertive in suggesting new things in bed, and direct in expressing romantic interest to get out of the friend zone

      Open communication and experimentation are key to keeping intimacy and sex interesting in a relationship. The speaker shares her experience of introducing men to sex toys and how they were initially hesitant but eventually enjoyed the experience. She advises women to be confident and assertive when suggesting trying new things in bed. Regarding getting out of the friend zone, the speaker suggests not letting things drag on for too long and being assertive in expressing romantic interest. She also mentions that women often know when a man is interested in more than just friendship, and that trying to kiss them repeatedly without making a move can be a turnoff. Instead, she encourages men to be direct and take the initiative to ask for a date or express their romantic feelings.

    • Expressing Desire: Words and Nonverbal CuesUse clear, confident language and nonverbal signs to express attraction and desire, like 'I want to kiss you' or lingering eye contact, for successful romantic advances.

      Expressing desire through words and nonverbal cues can be effective in conveying attraction to someone. Instead of asking permission to kiss someone, try stating your intention with phrases like "I want to kiss you" or "I'm gonna kiss you." Nonverbal signs such as lingering eye contact, laughing while maintaining eye contact, and holding a gaze for a few extra seconds can also signal interest. Remember, it's not always what you say, but how you say it. A lowered voice and making the first move can also create a spark. If you're interested in someone but haven't made a move, try these techniques. They've been proven to work, and the worst-case scenario is rejection. Don't be afraid to try and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can find more information on the Sex with Emily podcast or by emailing Emily directly. Remember, communication and confidence are key in expressing your desires.

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