
    Relax, It’s Just Anal with Dr. Hernando Chaves

    enAugust 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore and enhance your sex life this summerDiscover Promescent's delay spray and arousal gel for enhanced pleasure, and explore the powerful Magic Wand vibrator for solo or partnered play.

      Summer is the perfect time to explore and enhance your sex life with the help of products like Promescent's pleasure enhancing lineup. Their legendary delay spray helps men last longer, while their warming arousal gel for women adds an extra layer of pleasure. Additionally, the iconic Magic Wand vibrator, praised for its powerful rumble and status as a cultural icon, can be a game-changer for solo or partnered play. Whether you're new to anal play or a seasoned explorer, there are resources and tools available to make the experience enjoyable and comfortable for all involved. So, make this summer the sexiest one yet by checking out Promescent and the Magic Wand at their respective websites for exclusive discounts and top-quality products.

    • Prepare for anal sex like a workoutApproach anal sex with the right mindset, prepare your partner, understand anatomy, and explore different techniques for comfort and pleasure.

      Anal sex can be an enjoyable experience for many people if approached with the right mindset and preparation. Dr. Charlie Glickman emphasizes the importance of warming up your partner before trying anal sex, comparing it to stretching before a workout. Misconceptions about anal sex, such as assuming it's painful for everyone or that it's the same as what's portrayed in porn, can prevent people from trying it or enjoying it. Understanding the anatomy of the anus and practicing relaxation techniques can help make the experience more comfortable and pleasurable. Anal play includes various activities beyond intercourse, such as using hands or toys, and exploring these options can broaden one's sexual experiences.

    • Exploring Prostate Massage: Open Communication and Fearless PleasureFear of changing sexual orientation can prevent men from trying prostate massage, but open communication and understanding can lead to greater pleasure and intimacy.

      Anal sex, including prostate massage, is a form of sex that involves the anus, and it's important to approach it with open communication and without pressure. Many men may have misconceptions about prostate massage and its potential impact on their sexual orientation. However, the experience can lead to increased pleasure and better communication between partners. The book "The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure" surveyed over 200 people and found that fear of changing sexual orientation was a common concern preventing men from trying it. The massage can be done solo with the use of toys or with a partner, but it's important to communicate and not surprise each other. The prostate, often referred to as the male G-spot, can be reached with a finger or a toy, and it grows in size when aroused. Misconceptions and fear surrounding anal sex and prostate massage can prevent people from exploring new ways to enhance their sexual experiences, but open communication and understanding can lead to greater pleasure and intimacy.

    • Preparing for Anal Sex with a Younger ManGet younger men turned on before anal sex, use lubricant, locate prostate with index finger, and try various strokes for maximum pleasure. Hero Bread provides low-carb options for bread lovers.

      When engaging in anal sex with a younger man, it's important to get him fully turned on before attempting to locate his prostate. This can be achieved through various methods such as oral sex or watching porn. Once he's ready, use lubricant and your index finger to explore the rectum, aiming towards the belly button for the prostate. Older men may have a larger baseline size, so less turn-on may be required. Remember to maintain relaxed breathing and use gentle pressure when you find the prostate. Once you've located it, try the "come hither," circular, and in-and-out strokes for maximum pleasure. Even if his penis isn't fully hard during anal penetration, it doesn't necessarily mean he's not enjoying himself. Hero Bread offers a solution for those who love bread but want to avoid the carb consequences, with fluffy, delicious breads that have 0 to 1 net carbs per serving, 0 grams of sugar, and are packed with fiber and protein.

    • Exploring Hero Bread and Anal PlayHero Bread is versatile and fits dietary goals, offering a light texture. Anal play can lead to increased body awareness and pleasure, enhancing g spot stimulation for some.

      Hero Bread offers a delicious and light texture that fits into various dietary goals while providing added fiber. This versatile bread can be used for sandwiches, wraps, tacos, and even as a low net carb croissant alternative. Meanwhile, regarding anal play, exploring this area can lead to increased body awareness and pleasure, regardless of whether it's sexually stimulating or not. Some women may even experience better g spot stimulation through anal play. Remember, everyone's preferences and experiences are unique, and there's no right or wrong way to enjoy sexual pleasure.

    • Exploring Sexual Preferences with VibratorsUnderstand your body and partner's preferences, start with smaller sizes, maintain hygiene, communicate, and experiment for a satisfying sexual experience with vibrators.

      Everyone's body is unique, and it's essential to explore and understand your own and your partner's preferences when it comes to sexual activities. Vibrators, including butt plugs, can be a great addition to a couple's sex life, offering various sizes, materials, and functions. However, it's crucial to start with smaller sizes and gradually work your way up to avoid discomfort or injury. Additionally, maintaining proper hygiene is essential, and toys can be cleaned and sterilized using different methods, such as boiling water or a dishwasher. Communication and experimentation are key to a satisfying sexual experience, and it's essential to remember that everyone's body responds differently.

    • Exploring Pegging: A Unique Sexual ExperiencePegging is a sexual practice where a woman uses a strap-on dildo on a man, often with prostate stimulation. Use a curved toy, apply pressure on the lower belly, and seek guidance for optimal positioning.

      Pegging is a sexual practice involving a woman wearing a strap-on dildo and a man on the receiving end. It was popularized by Dan Savage and can be done with or without prostate play. Prostate play during pegging can be achieved by using a curved dildo and having the woman angle her thrusts up towards the man's belly button. Any smooth, g-spot toy with a curve can be used for this purpose. Men also enjoy vibrations during pegging. To help with positioning, a woman can press down on the man's lower belly above the pubic bone to help position the prostate for optimal stimulation. For those struggling with body positioning during pegging, resources such as sex education websites and professionals like sex coaches can provide helpful guidance.

    • Discovering the right position for peggingExperiment with positions, use sex furniture, and approach the topic with curiosity and openness when introducing pegging to a partner.

      Successful pegging involves experimenting with different positions and building up core strength. The use of sex furniture like Liberator pillows can help with positioning. When introducing pegging to a partner, it's important to bring up the topic outside of the bedroom, and approach it with curiosity and openness. Avoid bringing it up during sex to avoid potential negative reactions and arguments. Use casual conversations, such as during a road trip or while doing an activity together, to bring up the topic. Be open about sharing what you've learned and why you're interested in trying it. If your partner expresses discomfort, ask them what specifically makes them feel uneasy to better understand and address their concerns.

    • Communicating about new sexual experiencesOpenly discuss sex outside the bedroom, bring up new activities casually, and respect boundaries to ensure consensual and enjoyable experiences.

      Effective communication is key when introducing new sexual experiences, such as anal play, in a relationship. Many couples avoid discussing their sex lives due to societal taboos or discomfort, leading to misunderstandings and misconceptions. To overcome this, it's essential to have open and honest conversations about sex outside of the bedroom. Bringing up the topic casually, during non-intimate moments, can help create a comfortable and non-judgmental space for both partners to express their desires and explore new possibilities together. Remember, it's important to respect each other's boundaries and ensure that any new activities are consensual and mutually enjoyable.

    • Exploring Sexual Intimacy Through Open ConversationsHonest conversations about sex can deepen intimacy and keep the spark alive. Share memorable moments and express desires to build a foundation for trying new things together.

      Having open and honest conversations about sex and exploring new experiences together can help deepen intimacy and keep the spark alive in a relationship. By starting with sharing memorable moments and expressing desires, partners can build a foundation for trying new things and growing together sexually. It's important to remember that these conversations may be uncomfortable at first, but approaching them with patience, understanding, and a non-judgmental attitude can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life. Additionally, acknowledging the importance of communication and the potential benefits for both partners can help make the conversation easier and more approachable.

    • Having open conversations about intimacy and pleasureStarting uncomfortable conversations about sex and intimacy can lead to increased connection and deeper relationships. Proper education and open dialogue can help individuals explore pleasures and improve their sex lives.

      Having open and honest conversations about intimacy and pleasure in relationships, including the topic of sex, is important for building healthy and expansive intimate lives. It may be uncomfortable at first, especially if the topic has never been discussed before. However, starting these conversations can lead to increased intimacy and connection between partners. Many people lack proper sex education, and researching and having these conversations can help individuals and couples explore the pleasures of sex and improve their relationships. Remember, it's important to be patient and understanding with your partner if they are hesitant or uncomfortable with the topic. Additionally, anal sex is a common interest for many people due to the erogenous nature of the area, and having open and honest conversations about it can lead to new experiences and deeper connections in a relationship.

    • Exploring the Taboo of Anal SexAnal sex can be pleasurable and enjoyable for many, despite common misconceptions. With proper communication, consent, and preparation, it can be a consensual and pleasurable experience for partners or solo.

      Anal sex, despite common misconceptions, can be a pleasurable and enjoyable experience for many people, regardless of their gender or cultural background. The taboo surrounding it can add to the excitement and arousal. However, many people may be hesitant due to misconceptions about pain or cleanliness. It's important to remember that anal sex, like sushi, can be a new and unfamiliar experience that might take some exploration and experimentation to enjoy. The idea that it's only for gay men or that enjoying it makes one gay is also a myth. With proper communication, consent, and preparation, anal sex can be a consensual and pleasurable experience between partners or even solo. It's essential to approach it with an open mind and a willingness to learn and try new things.

    • Navigating new sexual experiencesEffective communication, education, and experimentation can lead to greater pleasure and intimacy during new sexual experiences. Use lubricant and approach it with an open mind to overcome negative associations and past painful experiences.

      Exploring new sexual experiences can be uncomfortable and confusing at first, but with communication, education, and experimentation, they can lead to greater pleasure and intimacy. The speaker shared a personal experience of feeling conflicted about an unexpected pleasurable sensation during foreplay, which later developed into an interest in anal play. She emphasized the importance of communication and using lubricant to make the experience enjoyable for both parties. Many people may have negative associations with anal sex due to past painful experiences or lack of education. The speaker encouraged listeners to approach it with an open mind and explore it in a consensual, educated, and communicative way. She also shared her own experience of a painful first attempt at anal sex, which was due to a lack of lubricant and communication. The speaker emphasized that it's a process and that everyone's experience is unique.

    • Preparation and Communication for Anal SexEffective communication and preparation are essential for a positive anal sex experience. Discuss hygiene needs, use lubricants, and remember everyone's preferences are different.

      Effective communication and preparation are crucial elements for a positive and pain-free anal sex experience. During the discussion, it was shared that people often avoid talking about discomfort or pain, leading to misunderstandings and potentially painful situations. Preparation includes discussing hygiene needs, deciding on cleanliness levels, and using lubricants. It's important to remember that everyone's preferences are different and communication is key. The use of lube is non-negotiable for anal sex due to the anus not self-lubricating. Additionally, starting with a well-groomed finger and ensuring clean and trimmed fingernails can help prevent injuries.

    • Proper lubrication essential during anal sexUse long-lasting silicone lubes, consider tools like shooters or capsules, and communicate for a comfortable anal sex experience

      Proper lubrication is crucial during anal sex due to the rectum's lack of self-lubrication. The squeegee effect, where lube gets squeezed out during insertion, can make it difficult to maintain sufficient lubrication. Solutions include using a lube shooter or silicone capsules that dissolve inside the rectum, providing long-lasting lubrication. Silicone lubes are often preferred for anal sex due to their longevity and slipperiness compared to water-based lubes. Communication and reapplication of lubricant are essential for a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

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