
    Dealing with Unrequited Feelings

    en-usApril 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Misogyny and Incel CultureMisogyny and incel culture are complex issues rooted in negative views towards women and a desire for involuntary celibacy. Internet and modern culture contribute to their prevalence.

      The discussion revolved around the concept of misogyny and incel culture. Hayden, the interviewee, identified himself as having a negative view towards women and admitted to being a misogynist. He also identified as an involuntary celibate, or incel. The conversation delved into understanding the meaning of these terms and the reasons behind Hayden's beliefs. Hayden expressed nervousness during the interview and acknowledged that he may not fully fit the description of an incel as he does have opportunities for relationships. The conversation also touched upon the Internet and modern culture contributing to the prevalence of incel culture. It's important to note that the language used in the discussion was explicit and offensive, and the views expressed are not condoned.

    • Exploring murky thoughts in a learning environmentIn a learning environment, it's important for facilitators to clarify unclear thoughts rather than judging them, allowing audience to learn from the process and apply it to their own thinking.

      Clarity in thinking is not necessarily the goal in every situation, especially in a learning environment. The value lies in exploring and understanding the thought process of individuals, even if it may be murky or unclear. The role of the facilitator is to help clarify these thoughts, rather than placing judgment or value on them. This process benefits the audience as they can learn from the thought clarification process and apply it to their own thinking. Additionally, it's important to recognize that everyone's beliefs and thought patterns are unique, and it's essential to approach them with curiosity and open-mindedness. The goal is to start from a place of ignorance, not knowledge, and engage in a dialogue that encourages growth and learning.

    • The importance of asking the right questions to uncover truthsExploring different perspectives can lead to new insights, even if initial answers seem incorrect. Keep asking questions to uncover the truth.

      Sometimes we may not realize we have the answers we're looking for, and it takes asking the right questions to uncover them. This process can involve giving seemingly incorrect answers at first, but through a series of questions and refinements, we can arrive at the truth. This concept was discussed in relation to the red pill and black pill communities, which originated from the pickup artist scene. The red pill community believes that some societal norms around relationships and gender dynamics are false, and the power dynamic between men and women is a significant part of this belief. The term "alpha" and "beta" is used to describe men based on their ability to attract women and assert power, respectively. Despite not fully understanding the black pill, it's believed to be a more extreme version of the red pill, with a focus on accepting harsh realities rather than seeking comforting illusions. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of asking questions and seeking answers, even if they may not be immediately clear or comfortable.

    • Personal experiences of disappointment and missed opportunities in relationshipsPeople's unique experiences with relationships and miscommunications can lead to feelings of regret and missed opportunities.

      People's experiences with relationships and miscommunications can lead to feelings of disappointment and missed opportunities. In the discussion, a person shared an experience of feeling led on by a woman he was interested in. He described her as attractive and a friend of his friends. They met at a club, and he interacted with her, but nothing happened between them. Later that night, he saw her hooking up with another man. The term "hooking up" was clarified to mean kissing. The speaker expressed feelings of regret and missed opportunity. It's important to note that everyone's experiences and perceptions are unique, and this conversation does not represent all experiences or perspectives on relationships or miscommunications. Misogyny was mentioned but not a significant part of the conversation. Instead, it focused on personal experiences and feelings.

    • Discussing feelings of inadequacy and societal biasesRecognizing complex emotions and societal biases is crucial for self-awareness and understanding relationships.

      Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt can lead to complex emotions and self-blame, especially when it comes to matters of race and relationships. In the conversation, it became clear that one person felt they could have benefited from being black due to societal perceptions around race and attractiveness. This thought led to feelings of powerlessness and self-loathing when they saw the person they were interested in with someone else. It's important to remember that everyone experiences complex emotions, and it's essential to acknowledge and understand them rather than judging or dismissing them. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that external factors, such as societal expectations, can influence our thoughts and emotions, and it's essential to be aware of these biases. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness, understanding the root causes of our emotions, and recognizing the impact of societal biases on our thoughts and actions.

    • Protecting Against Hope and DisappointmentPeople who struggle with self-esteem may downplay positive experiences to protect themselves from potential disappointment and maintain a sense of control.

      People, especially those who struggle with self-esteem or feelings of inadequacy, often dismiss their positive experiences and emotions as insignificant. This behavior can be a protective mechanism against hope and the potential disappointment that comes with it. During a conversation, Hayden shared an experience where he made someone laugh and they started playing games together online. Despite feeling good about this interaction, Hayden downplayed its significance by stating that making people laugh isn't a big deal for him. When challenged, Hayden acknowledged that he might have been protecting himself from hope and potential disappointment. This pattern of behavior is common among individuals who struggle with self-worth and may contribute to their feelings of isolation and disconnection.

    • Online relationships and unrequited lovePeople cannot make someone else love them back, and being needy or obsessive can push others away. It's natural to have feelings of loneliness and desperation, but pursuing a relationship based on these feelings alone is unlikely to succeed.

      People cannot make someone else love them back, and being needy or obsessive can push others away. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of developing feelings for someone he met online, but she didn't reciprocate. He admits to playing games with her out of boredom and desperation, which made him feel needy. The speaker also acknowledges that people, including women, on Discord, the platform they met on, can be bored and desperate. He reflects on how his obsession with her led him to think about a future with her, but he never shared his feelings with her. The conversation highlights that it's natural to have thoughts and feelings that might make us feel alone or pathetic, but we're not alone in experiencing them. Ultimately, the speaker didn't pursue a relationship with her because she didn't share the same feelings, and he recognized that trying to force a relationship would be pointless.

    • The importance of clear communication in relationshipsEffective communication involves expressing feelings honestly and consistently to avoid misunderstandings and hurt.

      Communication is key in any relationship. The conversation reveals a situation where one person felt undervalued and unappreciated due to inconsistent communication and feelings of being an afterthought. The other person, despite having strong feelings, struggled to express them honestly and straightforwardly, leading to misunderstandings and hurt. The experience left the speaker feeling that it's difficult to change someone else's feelings, and ultimately, they stopped communicating for an extended period. This situation underscores the importance of clear, open, and consistent communication in maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Navigating Complex Emotions and RelationshipsCommunication and understanding are crucial in exploring complex emotions and relationships. Miscommunications and power dynamics can lead to confusion and fear of vulnerability. It's important to consider the other person's perspective and the potential impact of our words and actions.

      Communication and understanding are key in navigating complex emotions and relationships. In the conversation, Hayden expressed feelings of confusion and unease regarding a past friendship. The conversation partner tried to help Hayden explore these feelings, but Hayden seemed unsure of how to label them or where they came from. The conversation touched on themes of miscommunication, power dynamics, and the fear of being vulnerable. Despite the confusion, it's clear that Hayden values the friendship and the opportunity to discuss these feelings with someone. The conversation partner offered insight and challenged Hayden to consider alternative perspectives, but ultimately, Hayden's thoughts and feelings remained his own. The conversation served as a safe space for Hayden to explore his emotions and gain a better understanding of himself. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of considering the other person's perspective and the potential impact of our words and actions on others. Hayden assumed that his friend had intentionally led him on, but it's possible that there was a misunderstanding or miscommunication. By exploring these feelings and considering alternative perspectives, Hayden gained a deeper understanding of the situation and himself.

    • Assumptions about feelings can be misleadingPeople can hide their feelings and assumptions based on past experiences can be inaccurate. Open communication is key.

      Assumptions about someone's feelings towards us can be based on our own beliefs and past experiences, rather than on actual evidence. In the discussion, it became clear that one person believed the other had no romantic interest in them based on certain situations. However, it was pointed out that people can hide their feelings and that the belief may have stemmed from the person's own insecurities and past experiences. The conversation also touched upon the idea that people may not always be able to detect when someone else has feelings for them, and that it's important to consider this possibility instead of making assumptions. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and expressing our feelings to those we are interested in, rather than making assumptions based on our own beliefs and past experiences.

    • Don't throw away your 'pie' without offering it to othersKeep improving and offering yourself to others, even if imperfect, to increase chances of connection and avoid self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness

      We often hold ourselves back from connecting with others due to our own self-doubt and the fear of rejection. The speaker in this conversation uses the analogy of baking a pie to illustrate this point. He explains that if he keeps throwing away pies that he believes are not good enough without offering them to others, he will never know if they would have liked it. Similarly, when we don't give people a chance to get to know us, we create a self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness and bitterness. The solution is to keep improving ourselves and offering our "pie" to others, even if it's not perfect yet. By doing so, we increase the chances of finding someone who appreciates us for who we are. It's important to remember that rejection is a natural part of life, and we cannot control others' opinions of us. Instead, we should focus on being true to ourselves and giving others a chance to get to know us.

    • Fear of rejection and lack of experience hinder Hayden's romantic lifeOvercoming fear of rejection and taking risks are crucial for personal growth and forming meaningful relationships.

      Hayden's fear of rejection and lack of experience are preventing him from pursuing a relationship. He's holding back from expressing his feelings to a potential girlfriend because he's uncertain of how she might respond and unsure of his own worth as a boyfriend. This fear has created a self-reinforcing cycle where he avoids testing his hypothesis about his lovability, leading to a lack of progress in his romantic life. The conversation highlights the importance of being willing to take risks and face potential answers, even if they're uncomfortable, in order to grow and learn. Ultimately, Hayden's reluctance to put himself out there is hindering his ability to form meaningful connections and experience the rewards of a relationship.

    • Expressing Complex Emotions in FriendshipsHave open and honest conversations about complex emotions without confessing love unidimensionally. Acknowledge the value of the friendship and involve the other person in the process to foster deeper connection and potentially discover shared feelings.

      When it comes to expressing mixed feelings to someone, it's important to have an open and honest conversation, without confessing love unidimensionally. Instead, acknowledging the complexity of your emotions and the value of the friendship can lead to growth and understanding for both parties. The conversation doesn't have to result in a specific outcome, but rather an opportunity to share and explore feelings in a safe and respectful way. By shifting the focus from telling everything or telling nothing, and involving the other person in the process, you can foster a deeper connection and potentially even discover shared feelings.

    • Understanding and respecting women's agencyBeing emotionally available is key to successful relationships. Dismantle past insecurities and respect individual preferences to broaden dating pool and build strong connections.

      Emotional availability is crucial for successful relationships. It's the ability to understand and respect women's agency and individual preferences. Men who are emotionally available are not seen as beta, but rather as good partners who can think and act in shades of gray. The belief that women will reject us or that our efforts are not good enough often stems from insecurities and past experiences. These beliefs can be dismantled to improve our relationships and broaden our dating pool. It's important to remember that everyone has unique preferences, and it's essential to allow our partners to express their own. Additionally, having high standards is not a problem, but unidirectional standards that only focus on physical attractiveness can hinder the potential for happy relationships.

    • Expanding Standards Beyond Physical AttractivenessSeek relationships where individuals feel valued, appreciated, and supported, focusing on inner qualities and personal growth.

      While it's natural to have standards and be attracted to others, it's essential to expand those standards beyond physical attractiveness. The most satisfying relationships are those where individuals feel valued, appreciated, and supported, regardless of their physical appearance. The speaker suggests aiming for someone whose average of qualities is greater than an 8, but who also makes us feel good about ourselves and doesn't make us feel like a "piece of shit." Ultimately, what we truly desire is love and acceptance from someone who wants us for who we are. The speaker encourages introspection and meditation to help identify and address personal issues that may be hindering us from forming meaningful relationships. It's important to remember that personal growth and progress come from taking action and offering ourselves imperfectly to others, rather than relying solely on external validation or conversations.

    • Identifying roots of insecurity, seeking helpIdentify causes, seek help, improve posture, practice relaxation techniques for self-confidence growth

      Overcoming feelings of insecurity and improving self-confidence is a process that requires time and effort. It's not something that can be solved through one conversation or a simple fix. The first step is to identify the root causes of these beliefs and consider seeking help from a therapist or coach. Additionally, posture plays a role in confidence – sitting up straight and expanding your chest can help improve your mood and self-perception. Practicing techniques like Darth Vader breath and focusing on the sensation of breathing can also help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. Remember, it's okay to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable during this process, but with consistent effort and the right tools, you can make progress towards greater self-confidence.

    • Pushing through negative emotions during meditationAccepting and practicing with negative emotions can help overcome them, showing that they don't have to control us.

      Overcoming negative emotions and feelings, such as anxiety and embarrassment, requires practice and acceptance. During a meditation session, a Twitch streamer named Hayden was challenged by a therapist named Dr. K to sit through increasingly difficult meditation exercises while dealing with these emotions. Despite feeling like an idiot and struggling, Hayden was able to complete the exercises. The therapist explained that this experience showed Hayden that he could still do things even when faced with negative emotions, and that he didn't have to let those emotions control him. The therapist also suggested that understanding the root of negative emotions and letting go of them, as well as accepting that negative emotions are a natural part of life, are important steps in overcoming them. Overall, the session demonstrated the value of pushing through difficult emotions and continuing to take action, even when it's not easy.

    • Identifying past influences on self-worth and challenging comparisonsReflect on past experiences and relationships, especially with significant figures, to understand the root cause of low self-worth. Challenge negative thoughts resulting from comparisons by taking small steps towards emotional resilience, such as smiling at people despite inner doubts.

      Understanding the root cause of low self-worth and recognizing the power of comparisons are crucial steps towards overcoming feelings of shame and inadequacy. The speaker suggests reflecting on past experiences and relationships, particularly with significant figures like fathers, to identify how they may have influenced negative self-perceptions. Additionally, recognizing and challenging the negative thoughts that result from comparisons is essential. Start by taking small steps, such as smiling at people, despite any inner voice telling you otherwise. This process builds emotional resilience and gradually reduces the power of emotions over your actions. Remember, the goal is to do things you don't normally do, even if they feel uncomfortable at first. Emotion resistance is the key to making progress.

    • Authenticity leads to unexpected attractionBeing true to oneself can lead to unexpected romantic outcomes, even if societal perceptions suggest otherwise.

      Being authentic and true to oneself can lead to unexpected and attractive outcomes in relationships. The speaker shared his personal experience of struggling with his identity and trying to be someone he wasn't to win people's approval. However, he found that women were more attracted to his authentic self once he let go of his pretenses and became a monk. This experience was surprising to him, as he had assumed that being a monk would eliminate any romantic prospects. The speaker also noted that societal perceptions about what women find attractive can be incorrect, and that becoming a doctor did not automatically make one more desirable. Overall, the lesson is that being true to oneself and embracing authenticity can lead to unexpected and positive outcomes in relationships.

    • The power of self-perceptionSelf-reflection and self-improvement can help overcome perceived obstacles and lead to a fulfilling life. Engage in activities for enjoyment and be true to oneself, rather than constantly seeking validation or a romantic partner.

      Our mindset and self-perception play a significant role in our experiences and interactions with the world around us. The speaker shared his personal journey of realizing that his inability to attract a girlfriend had nothing to do with his physical appearance or ethnicity, but rather his thoughts and self-confidence. He emphasized the importance of engaging in activities for the sake of enjoyment and being true to oneself, rather than constantly seeking validation or a romantic partner. The speaker also touched upon the concept of not taking oneself too seriously and being open to new experiences. Overall, the discussion highlighted the power of self-reflection and self-improvement in overcoming perceived obstacles and living a fulfilling life.

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