
    Differently Abled Sex with Andrew Gurza

    enAugust 24, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • The Iconic Magic Wand Vibrator: Powerful and TimelessThe Magic Wand vibrator, a cultural icon, offers powerful rumbles and has inspired various versions. Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel enhance pleasure and summer sex life.

      The Magic Wand vibrator, often referred to as the "Cadillac of vibrators," is a cultural icon and symbol of unapologetic pleasure. First introduced decades ago, it's earned accolades like "vibrator of the year" and has inspired various iterations, including wireless, mini, micro, and plush versions. All models retain the powerful rumble that made the original so popular. For those looking to enhance their summer sex life, Promescent offers delay spray and warming arousal gel to help last longer and heighten pleasure, respectively. Additionally, Emily and her guest Andrew Gurza discussed the importance of making sex with disabilities pleasurable and overcoming insecurities in the bedroom.

    • Exploring sexual fantasies with your partnerDiscovering and sharing sexual fantasies can enhance desire, boost appeal, and improve perceptions of your relationship

      Sexual fantasies about your partner can significantly enhance your relationship and sex life. According to a recent study, actively engaging in sexual fantasies with your partner can increase desire, boost appeal, and improve perceptions of the relationship. To introduce this topic to your partner, start by sharing simpler fantasies and gradually build up to more elaborate scenarios. This can help bring new life to your relationship and potentially rekindle attraction. Remember, communication and honesty are key in exploring this aspect of your relationship.

    • A Disability Consultant's Journey into Sex Education and PodcastingBelieving in oneself and taking the first step can lead to success, even when the path isn't clear.

      Andrew Gurza, a disability awareness consultant, Cripple content creator, and host of the Disability After Dark podcast, shares relatable and vulnerable experiences about sex and relationships despite the unique challenges he faces. He started his career as a disability consultant out of a desire to talk openly about disability, defying the naysayers who believed it wasn't a viable job. Andrew's work as a sex educator and podcast host resonates with listeners due to the common vulnerabilities and insecurities surrounding sex. His journey serves as an inspiring reminder that belief in oneself and taking the first step, even without a clear plan, can lead to success.

    • Starting a niche business or project: Share your unique perspectiveBelieve in your unique perspective and fill a void in your niche to reach an appreciative audience

      Starting a business or project, especially when you're one of the few doing it in a particular niche, can be challenging and filled with self-doubt. However, if you're passionate about it and believe in your unique perspective, there's an audience that will relate and appreciate it. For example, a podcast creator discussed her experience as a disabled, queer woman talking about sex and disability. She acknowledged the pressure and fear of potential missteps but emphasized the importance of sharing her truth. The response has been positive, as people want to learn and understand the lived experiences of disability, which are often overlooked or oversimplified. By starting her podcast, she filled a void and reached an audience that found her content relatable and valuable. Today, the way we talk about sex and disability hasn't changed much, and there's still a need for authentic and raw conversations.

    • The Power of Representation and Open ConversationsRepresentation and open conversations about taboo subjects, such as sex and disability, can positively impact individuals and communities. It's important to challenge ableism and educate ourselves on inclusive language and actions.

      Representation and open conversations about often taboo subjects, such as sex and disability, can have a profound impact on individuals and communities. The speaker, a podcast host, shares how they feel the need to exaggerate their sexuality in their podcast to be noticed and heard within their queer community. The response has been positive, with listeners expressing appreciation for the show and learning new perspectives. However, it's important to acknowledge and challenge ableism, the discrimination against disabled people, in our daily lives. By understanding and addressing ableism, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society. The speaker encourages everyone to educate themselves on the topic and to be mindful of their language and actions. Additionally, the speaker promotes Hero Bread, a low-carb bread alternative that allows individuals to enjoy their favorite bread products while maintaining their health goals. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of representation, open dialogue, and self-care.

    • Be mindful of language and actions towards individuals with disabilitiesRecognize that everyone, regardless of disability, deserves respect, autonomy, and the right to pleasure and happiness. Avoid making assumptions and engage in respectful conversations when called out for ableist behavior.

      It's important to be mindful of language and actions when interacting with individuals with disabilities. Using ableist language or making assumptions based on someone's disability can be discriminatory and ignorant. If someone calls you out for being ableist, it's essential to listen and engage in a respectful conversation to understand and learn from the situation. Misconceptions about individuals with disabilities, such as assuming they cannot experience pleasure outside of traditional sexual means, are problematic and harmful. Everyone deserves the right to pleasure and happiness, regardless of their physical abilities. It's essential to remember that individuals with disabilities are diverse and have unique experiences, and it's crucial to respect their individuality and autonomy. My guest, for instance, shared her experience as a wheelchair user with cerebral palsy, emphasizing the importance of recognizing that her disability doesn't define her ability to live a fulfilling life. Instead, it's an aspect of her identity that requires accommodations and support to navigate daily activities.

    • Embracing vulnerability during intimate momentsBeing open and honest about insecurities and anxieties during intimate moments can help build confidence and deeper connections with others.

      Vulnerability and openness about insecurities and anxieties, even during intimate moments like sex, can help build confidence and connectivity with others. The speaker shared a personal story about feeling self-conscious during a sexual encounter but found confidence by acknowledging and sharing her insecurities. This authenticity not only helped her but also resonated with listeners who related to the experience. Confidence, the speaker emphasized, doesn't mean being perfect or having all the answers, but rather being open and honest about our imperfections and vulnerabilities. This approach can lead to a sense of relief and deeper connections with others. As a sex educator, the speaker acknowledged her own insecurities and the importance of addressing disability in sexuality conversations, rather than creating content solely for an able-bodied audience. Overall, embracing vulnerability and openness can lead to greater confidence and deeper connections in various aspects of life.

    • Creating a welcoming community for disabled individualsEmpathy, respect, and open communication are essential for creating meaningful connections, whether in a podcast or a romantic relationship. Disabled individuals deserve to feel valued and included, and it's important to approach their feelings and experiences with sensitivity and curiosity.

      Creating a welcoming and inclusive community is a powerful motivator. The speaker shared how the positive feedback from disabled listeners makes her feel valued and fulfilled, even if her podcast reaches only a few people. However, when it comes to dating, she emphasized the importance of open communication and respect. The speaker was hurt when a man she dated revealed that her disability was a deal-breaker for him in a cruel and insensitive way. She wished that people would approach the topic of sexuality and disability with more sensitivity and curiosity, focusing on the feelings and experiences of disabled individuals rather than their physical abilities. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, respect, and open communication in creating meaningful connections, whether through a podcast or a romantic relationship.

    • Sharing Relatable Sexual Stories Helps Inspire and EducatePeople with disabilities face challenges in finding comfortable sexual partners. Sharing stories, including those about masturbation, can help spread awareness and normalize sexual experiences.

      Having a good and comfortable sexual experience is often easier when you know your partner well and they understand your needs. For people with disabilities, finding such partners can be a challenge due to societal stigmas and the need for extensive explanation and guidance. Sharing positive and relatable sexual stories, including those about masturbation, can help inspire and educate others in the community. Andrea, who podcasts about sex and disability, emphasizes the importance of listening to and learning from each other's experiences. She encourages listeners to submit their own stories to help spread awareness and normalize sexual experiences for people with disabilities. For Andrea, exploring new ways to masturbate due to changes in dexterity has been a part of her journey, highlighting the importance of adapting to one's body and finding alternative methods when traditional ones become difficult.

    • Exploring Sexuality with Disabilities: A Personal JourneyIndividuals with disabilities face unique challenges in navigating sexuality and self-pleasure due to physical limitations and societal expectations. Maintaining privacy and autonomy is crucial, and ongoing research and collaboration are necessary to create truly accessible sex toys.

      Navigating sexuality and self-pleasure can be challenging for individuals with disabilities due to physical limitations and societal expectations. The speaker shares her experience of giving up masturbation due to pain and learning to experience orgasm through mental stimulation. She expresses her envy of able-bodied individuals' freedom to explore their sexuality physically and the frustration of not being able to do so herself. Despite this, she values the importance of maintaining privacy and autonomy in her sexual experiences. The speaker also mentions her ongoing efforts to create sex toys designed for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the need for research and collaboration with the community to create truly accessible and effective solutions.

    • Designing for disability inclusivity from the startConsidering individual needs and communicating effectively are crucial when designing for disability accessibility in sexual health. Explore alternative solutions like remote controls or slings to enhance comfort and accessibility.

      Designing with disability in mind from the start, rather than adapting existing designs, is crucial for creating inclusive and effective solutions. Andrea and her sister are working on a disability-driven design for a toy, prioritizing disability from the beginning, and seeking community support through a GoFundMe campaign. Ben, a listener, shares his wife's challenges with limited mobility due to medical issues, and they've been struggling to find comfortable sex positions. The conversation highlights the importance of communication and considering individual needs when addressing sexual health and accessibility issues. Andrea and Emily brainstorm potential solutions, suggesting exploring alternatives like remote controls or slings to make sex positions more comfortable and accessible for Ben's wife. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the significance of designing with accessibility and inclusivity in mind from the outset.

    • Understanding and Communication are Key to Overcoming Sexual Fears and ChallengesFocus on communication and finding alternative ways to connect intimately beyond penetrative sex to overcome sexual fears and challenges. Therapy can help alleviate past traumas and anxiety surrounding sex. Most people are not focused on penis size during sex, instead focus on emotional connection and foreplay.

      Communication and understanding are key in overcoming sexual fears and challenges. Ben's wife's fear of sex due to past trauma and physical limitations is a common concern for many couples. As a sexually active disabled person, I understand the fear of not being able to move freely or causing discomfort during intimate moments. However, it's important to remember that there are various ways to connect intimately with your partner beyond penetrative sex. Hand jobs, oral sex, and massages are just a few alternatives. Additionally, addressing past traumas through therapy can help alleviate fear and anxiety surrounding sex. Michael, a listener, shared his own concern about his small penis size when flaccid, but it's important to remember that most people are not focused on penis size during sex. Instead, focusing on foreplay and building emotional connection can lead to satisfying experiences for both partners. Overall, communication and finding alternative ways to connect intimately can help couples overcome their sexual fears and challenges.

    • Redefining the focus of sexual encountersEmphasize mutual pleasure, communication, and intimacy for reduced anxiety and more enjoyable sexual experiences.

      Focusing too much on performance and appearance in sexual encounters can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress. Instead, the emphasis should be on mutual pleasure and intimacy. For instance, men may worry about the size or appearance of their penis when flaccid, but most women are not overly concerned about it. Moreover, coming or reaching orgasm is not the only goal of sex, and the experience itself can be enjoyable regardless of whether fluids are exchanged or not. Furthermore, it's important to recognize that sexuality is not a fixed entity and that everyone's preferences and experiences change over time. Some days may be focused on pleasing a partner, while others may be more about receiving pleasure or simply enjoying the intimacy. Ultimately, the key is to communicate openly and consensually with your partner and to prioritize mutual enjoyment and satisfaction. As one speaker shared, the societal pressure to prioritize male pleasure can be particularly damaging for women in heterosexual relationships, who may have been raised to believe that their role is solely to please their partners. However, it's essential to remember that everyone deserves to experience pleasure and enjoy their sexual encounters in their own way. In summary, focusing on mutual pleasure, communication, and intimacy can help reduce anxiety and stress in sexual encounters and lead to more enjoyable experiences for all involved.

    • Everyone is responsible for their own orgasms and sexual fulfillmentBe honest about your desires, communicate openly, and prioritize your own pleasure in sexual experiences.

      Everyone deserves and is responsible for their own orgasms and sexual fulfillment. It's important to have consciousness around this and not just focus on giving pleasure to others. If you find yourself in a situation where you're not able to have an orgasm, remember that it's okay and that you're still responsible for your own pleasure. Additionally, for those new to sex or feeling nervous, it's important to slow down and not rush through the experience. Honesty and open communication with partners are also crucial when discussing unconventional sexual desires. Josh, a bisexual man, shared his desire to have a non-romantic, sexual relationship with another man, and Emily advised him to be honest with his wife about his intentions and listen to her response.

    • Having open communication is essential when exploring new romantic feelingsPrepare for a thoughtful conversation about boundaries and expectations when exploring new romantic feelings outside of your current partnership.

      Open communication is crucial when exploring a new aspect of your relationship, especially when it involves potential romantic feelings for someone outside of your current partnership. Andrew Gurza, a disability consultant and host of the Disability After Dark podcast, emphasized the importance of having a conversation about boundaries and expectations before engaging in any new experiences. He also highlighted the possibility that your partner might have specific rules or feelings about the situation. Gurza encouraged listeners to be prepared for a longer, thoughtful conversation and to ensure that mechanisms are in place to manage the new part of the relationship. To connect with Gurza for consulting work or to listen to his podcast, visit his website at www.andrewguerza.com or follow him on Twitter @andrewguerza or @disabilityafterdarkpod.

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