
    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting with nature brings positivity to mental healthConnecting with nature, through observing or engaging, fosters a sense of interconnectedness and improves mental health.

      Connecting with nature, whether it's through observing the changing seasons or directly engaging with it, can have a positive impact on our mental health. As Kate Cocker from the Volley Network describes, the sight of blooming trees during Earth Day in Manchester brings a sense of hope and wonder, reminding us that we are part of a larger system and interconnected with everything on this planet. This idea was a valuable lesson Kate learned during her cognitive behavioral therapy sessions when dealing with anxiety. By taking the time to appreciate nature, we can foster a sense of connection and feel less alone in the world. So, on Earth Day and every day, take a moment to connect with nature, whether it's by walking up to a tree and placing a hand on its bark or lying on the ground and hugging the earth. These simple actions can help us feel grounded, connected, and filled with a sense of wonder.

    • Connecting with nature brings calm and groundingConnecting with nature can bring a sense of calm and remind us of our interconnectedness with the world. Self-care is also important, and taking time for ourselves can help us overcome challenges.

      Taking the time to connect with nature and feel the earth beneath our feet can help us remember our interconnectedness with the world. This simple act can bring a sense of calm and grounding, and is a reminder that we are all part of something greater. Additionally, taking care of ourselves and putting ourselves first is important. Sign up for the Put Yourself First Journal Journey happening in May at journal30dot.com to begin this self-care journey. In the meantime, remember that you have the strength and ability to overcome any challenges that come your way. Have a great day!

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    You can connect with Dr. Parsons through her email, website or on social media:




















    Why When I Smile, Your Brain Smiles Too! A discussion With Hannah Bornet

    Why When I Smile, Your Brain Smiles Too! A discussion With Hannah Bornet

    Why smiles, joy and laughter are the best medicine, role models and exemplars in life. In this episode Dr Rachel does a Q & A with Hanna, where they talk about how finding joy is an antidote to fear and Scotland evokes the greatest imagery of how nature heals.

    This episode provides a great reminder of the importance of smiling and the mirror neuron system, and how we can change our brain structure by spending time with certain people. We all need the joyful in our lives and this episode explains why. A reminder that we all don't need to have experienced trauma to be a good role model and mentor to the traumatised. 

    Key Insights From This Episode:

    • I think that there's not much space in everyday life for people to have that kind of reflection and realisation space. Dr Rachel
    • I'm a true advocate of having to have that connection between the brain, the body, your wisest parts. - Dr Rachel
    • Not many people realise just the importance of what our feet do in the connection between us and the earth, carrying the weight every single day. - Dr Rachel
    • Maybe the greatest asset would be to have humility and admit, even when something is great it's always got an equal and opposite ungreatness. - Dr Rachel
    • It's so difficult to sit both with somebody in pain and also sit with your own pain and not do anything. I think one of the greatest lessons in life is when we can just sit with pain and just let it be. - Dr Rachel
    • I feel like you have to be ruthless to live a simple life. - Hannah
    • I think we've got to own the situation that we're in. Yes, there’s things that are not within our control at all. But there's plenty that is. And we need to focus on that. - Hannah
    • I often say to people who have hypervigilant nervous systems, seek out people who haven't because your brain will copy their brain, your mirror neuron system will copy theirs. - Dr Rachel
    • Awe and awesomeness has been appropriated really inappropriately in that we'll just say automatically for something that's pretty mediocre. - Dr Rachel
    • I think going through a painful experience allows you to grow and provide you a certain amount of wisdom. - Hannah

    Keywords: trauma, smiles, mirror neurons, nature, grounding

    About Our Guests:

    Hannah Bornet

    Here’s what Hannah said about joining Dr Rachel on the podcast.

    “Chatting with Rach was both enjoyable and insightful – her questions got me thinking about my behaviour and values. It felt like a fun therapeutic chat with an old friend.”

    About Our Host

    Dr Rachel Taylor


    Dr Rachel Taylor is a neuroscientist with decades of experience exploring, discovering and solving everyday challenges faced by many, as well as listening to and telling the stories of people she comes across in her endeavour to show difference is good, trauma is endemic and joy is connection. She started UnBroken as she wanted to highlight that the system is broken not people and uses the UnBroken podcast to share her learnings, honest conversations and words of wisdom with the UnBroken Tribe of listener.

    About UnBroken 


    UnBroken is founded upon the belief that the environment in which we were born, grew in, live in, work in, play in and rest in has a huge impact on how well we believe we are and how well we perform. Wellbeing and optimal human performance are not simply about the absence of disease, they are about the ability to live purposefully, intentionally, joyfully and freely.  

    UnBroken provides a range of supportive online resources including a podcast, blog, apothecary and monthly online membership for people who dare to be different, are open to possibilities and want a different pathway to their own version of success.