
    Ep. 105: Why We Get Sick and How to Get Well

    enJune 22, 2024
    What are the limitations of conventional healthcare approaches?
    How do chronic diseases develop over time?
    What is the focus of functional medicine?
    What health risks contribute to chronic illnesses?
    Why is prevention more important than treatment?

    Podcast Summary

    • Root cause of health issuesConventional healthcare often overlooks the root cause of health issues, focusing on treatments rather than prevention, leaving many people with unanswered questions and a desire for a more holistic understanding of their health

      The question of how we get sick is often overlooked in conventional healthcare. Many people are given medications without understanding the root cause of their health issues. Chronic diseases, which affect a large portion of the population, are largely preventable, yet we focus mainly on treatments rather than prevention. Conventional medicine is trained to identify and treat symptoms with medication or surgery, often neglecting to investigate the underlying causes. This approach leaves many people with unanswered questions and a desire for a more holistic understanding of their health. Instead of solely relying on medications, it's essential to explore the why behind our health concerns and take steps towards prevention.

    • Underlying causes of chronic diseasesFunctional medicine identifies and addresses the root causes of chronic diseases, while conventional medicine manages symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners help patients make lifestyle changes to improve health and reduce chronic conditions.

      Conventional medicine focuses on managing symptoms of chronic diseases, while functional medicine aims to identify and address the underlying causes. Chronic conditions, such as diabetes, anxiety, depression, and migraines, can significantly impact one's health. Functional medicine practitioners are trained to investigate the root causes, considering factors like lifestyle choices and epigenetics. They help patients make necessary changes to improve their health and reduce chronic diseases, which may not have been effectively addressed through conventional medicine. The rest of the discussion will explore various underlying causes of chronic diseases. If you have a chronic condition, it's essential to consider what may be contributing to it and seek help from a functional medicine practitioner.

    • Gut dysfunction and nutrient imbalancesAddressing gut dysfunction and nutrient imbalances, common in chronic conditions, is crucial for recovery. These issues can lead to deficiencies and require professional help to effectively address.

      Identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic health issues is crucial for recovery. These causes can include gut dysfunction and nutrient imbalances. Gut dysfunction can manifest in various ways, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, parasites, and insufficient stomach acid. Nutrient imbalances can result from poor absorption due to gut issues, leading to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. Both of these issues are common in those with chronic conditions and require professional help to address effectively. By acknowledging personal responsibility and making necessary lifestyle changes, individuals can improve their health and potentially reduce or eliminate the need for medication.

    • Nutrient and hormone managementFinding a knowledgeable functional medicine practitioner is crucial for addressing nutrient imbalances and hormonal dysregulation, which can significantly impact overall health.

      Proper management of nutrients and hormones is crucial for optimal health. Going to a functional medicine practitioner who understands the complex interplay between various nutrients and hormones is essential for addressing nutrient imbalances. Hormonal imbalances, such as cortisol dysregulation, can significantly impact overall health and communication between different parts of the body. Hormones act like a spider's web, and an imbalance in one area can affect the entire system. Ensuring you find a knowledgeable practitioner is vital to avoid throwing your body far out of balance and making the journey back to balance more difficult and lengthy. Regular blood work may not reveal major nutrient deficiencies, as doctors may not fully understand the associations between different markers and nutrients.

    • Health risks and chronic illnessesAddressing underlying health issues like toxins, hidden infections, hormone imbalances, immune dysregulation, and cellular dysfunction can improve overall well-being and reduce risk of chronic illnesses. Seek help from functional medicine practitioners if conventional medicine falls short.

      We are exposed to various health risks, such as toxins, hidden infections, hormone imbalances, immune dysregulation, and cellular dysfunction, which can lead to chronic illnesses. Despite being common, these issues can cause significant harm, and it's essential to prioritize our health by addressing them. For instance, we may need to eliminate toxins from our environment, get tested for hidden infections, balance our hormones, support our immune system, and improve cellular function. Conventional medicine may not be adequately equipped to diagnose or treat these conditions, so seeking help from functional medicine practitioners could be beneficial. By being proactive and taking steps to address these underlying health issues, we can improve our overall well-being and reduce our risk of chronic illnesses.

    • Underlying factors of chronic conditionsChronic conditions result from a combination of factors like nutritional deficiencies, gut dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, environmental toxins, and emotional stress. Functional medicine focuses on identifying and addressing these root causes.

      Chronic conditions often stem from a combination of various underlying factors, rather than a single cause. These factors can include nutritional deficiencies, gut dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, environmental toxins, and emotional stress, among others. These issues can build upon each other and worsen over time, making it essential to address the root causes. Conventional medicine typically focuses on treating symptoms from the outside in, whereas functional medicine approaches healthcare from the inside out, aiming to identify and address the underlying root causes.

    • Root cause of chronic health conditionsFunctional medicine identifies and treats the underlying cause of chronic health conditions, improving overall health and reducing the need for long-term medication use.

      Our bodies are not malfunctioning when we experience chronic health conditions like high cholesterol. Instead, our bodies are trying to protect us and heal. Conventional medicine often focuses on treating the symptoms with medication, but functional medicine looks for the root cause. This could be nutrient deficiencies, gut issues, hormonal imbalances, or toxic exposures. By addressing the underlying cause, we can help our bodies heal and reduce the need for long-term medication use. Chronic conditions don't just appear overnight; they develop over time. Therefore, it's essential to find a functional medicine practitioner who can help identify and treat the root cause, rather than just covering up the symptoms. This approach can lead to better health and happiness. For more information, visit theinstituteofnaturalhealth.com or follow us on social media.

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