
    Ep. 123: Nutrition and Nutritional Supplements

    enMay 24, 2024
    Why might doctors lack knowledge in nutrition and supplementation?
    What should individuals do regarding their nutritional needs?
    How can the quality of supplements affect effectiveness?
    What do the hosts suggest about researching supplements?
    Why is trust important in choosing a supplement brand?

    Podcast Summary

    • Doctor's nutrition knowledgeDoctors may lack sufficient knowledge in nutrition and supplementation, leading to potential misinformation and misunderstanding, making it essential for individuals to educate themselves and consider supplementation when necessary.

      While doctors are important sources of medical advice, they often lack sufficient knowledge in the area of nutrition and supplementation. Contrary to popular belief, it's not possible to get all necessary vitamins and minerals from food alone. Doctors, due to limited training in nutrition during medical school and continuing education, may not be able to provide accurate advice on supplementation. They may recommend probiotics after antibiotic use, but it's crucial to take them after finishing the antibiotic treatment. Unfortunately, doctors' lack of knowledge in this area can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding, making it essential for individuals to educate themselves about their nutritional needs and consider supplementation when necessary.

    • Optimal health benefitsCurrent vitamin and mineral recommendations may not provide optimal health benefits for individuals, as many people don't get enough essential nutrients through their diet alone. Vitamin D requirements for hormonal and immune benefits exceed recommended daily intake, and humans may need higher doses of vitamin C for optimal health.

      The current recommendations for vitamin and mineral supplementation may not provide the optimal health benefits for individuals, as many people are not getting enough of these essential nutrients through their diet alone. For instance, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is often not enough to achieve hormonal and immune benefits, and getting enough vitamin D from sunlight requires extensive exposure without sunscreen. Additionally, the Linus Pauling Institute's research suggests that humans need much higher doses of vitamin C for optimal health than the current recommended daily allowance. It's crucial to reevaluate our beliefs and definitions of vitamins and minerals and understand that the current dietary allowances only prevent disease associated with deficiencies, not promote optimal health.

    • Supplement qualityReputable brands, label reading, and consulting a healthcare professional can lead to better supplement quality and optimal absorption, while cheaper options may offer lower quality or even be rancid.

      Not all supplements are created equal, and getting a high-quality supplement is crucial for optimal absorption and nutritional benefits. While labels can provide some information, the manufacturing process is also essential to ensure quality. Most over-the-counter supplements may be cheaper but likely offer lower quality, and some may even be rancid or hard for the body to absorb. To ensure you're getting the most out of your supplements, look for reputable brands, read labels carefully, and consider consulting a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations. Ultimately, investing in high-quality supplements can lead to better health outcomes.

    • Supplement qualityConsider the forms of vitamins and minerals in supplements for optimal bioavailability and effectiveness. Preferred forms include methylcobalamin for B12 and pyridoxyl5 phosphate for B6.

      The quality of nutritional supplements greatly impacts the results one can achieve. While some supplements may be expensive, they are not always high quality. It is essential to pay attention to the forms of vitamins and minerals listed on the label, as different forms can have varying levels of bioavailability and effectiveness. For instance, methylcobalamin for vitamin B12 and pyridoxyl5 phosphate for vitamin B6 are preferred forms over their less expensive counterparts. Ultimately, if you're not seeing the desired results from your supplements, it might be worth considering the quality of the product and considering a switch to a higher-quality supplement with more bioavailable forms of vitamins and minerals.

    • Supplement labeling and forms of nutrientsPay attention to supplement labeling and the forms of vitamins and minerals listed. Some forms are more beneficial than others, and cheaper supplements may contain fillers or substitutes that can negatively impact health. Investing in high-quality supplements with effective forms can significantly improve nutrient levels and optimize health.

      When it comes to supplements, it's essential to pay close attention to the labeling and the forms of nutrients listed. Many companies hide behind trade names or ineffective forms of vitamins and minerals. For instance, niacin and vitamin E have various forms, some of which are more beneficial than others. Cheaper supplements may contain fillers or substitutes that can take a toll on your body over time. Newer forms of supplements, like liposomal vitamins, offer improved absorption and easier digestion. These higher-quality supplements can significantly impact your health by increasing nutrient levels in your body more efficiently. Overall, investing in good-quality supplements with effective forms of vitamins and minerals is crucial for optimizing your health.

    • Supplement quality vs costInvesting in high-quality supplements, despite the cost, is essential for optimal health. Trust in the brand and their manufacturing processes to ensure authenticity and effectiveness.

      When it comes to nutritional supplements, it's important to prioritize quality over cost. However, determining the quality of a supplement solely based on its label can be challenging. Trust in the brand and the people behind the product is crucial, as the supplement industry can be deceitful. Consumers should look for transparency in manufacturing and reliable sources for their supplements. Trusting a brand that aligns with your values and has a proven track record can help ensure that you're getting a high-quality product. While it may be more expensive, investing in your health and well-being in the long run is worth it.

    • Identifying market needsIdentify unmet needs in the market and provide high-quality solutions to fill those gaps, emphasizing the importance of vitamins like C and multivitamins for everyone, starting with liposomal vitamin C for optimal absorption and ease for children in liquid form.

      The speakers started their business out of a need they identified in the market, with a goal to provide high-quality solutions that they couldn't find elsewhere. They believe everyone can benefit from a good multivitamin and vitamin C, emphasizing the importance of a high-quality supplement. The speakers also mentioned that vitamin C is essential for humans as we cannot produce it naturally, and they recommended starting with liposomal vitamin C due to its high absorption rate. They also noted that liquids are easier for children to consume. Overall, their message is about identifying unmet needs and providing top-notch solutions to fill those gaps.

    • Essential supplements for good healthHigh-quality omegas, vitamin D (especially the micellized form), a probiotic, colostrum powder, PRP spray, bioactive collagen peptides, a multivitamin, and vitamin C are essential supplements for maintaining good health. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

      High-quality omegas, vitamin D (especially the micellized form), and a probiotic (if tolerated) are essential nutritional supplements for maintaining good health. Colostrum powder and PRP spray, as immune support products, can help keep the immune system balanced. Bioactive collagen peptides are crucial for collagen supplements, ensuring they are effective in the body. A multivitamin and vitamin C are also excellent foundational supplements. Remember, the quality and suitability of these supplements can vary, so it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

    • Collagen qualityInvesting in high-quality collagen supplements with bioactive collagen peptides is crucial for effective absorption, transport, and accumulation in the body, avoiding issues like increased uric acid and oxalate production.

      The quality and form of collagen supplements matter greatly for effective absorption, transport, and accumulation in the body. Poor quality collagen, often with high molecular weight and dosage, can lead to issues such as increased uric acid production and oxalate production. It's essential to be cautious about influencer recommendations and trust the manufacturing process. High-quality collagen, like Fortagell, with bioactive collagen peptides, is crucial for those with pre-existing health conditions, sedentary lifestyles, or liver issues. Investing in a higher quality product can lead to better benefits and improved overall health.

    • Supplement qualityInvesting in high-quality supplements is crucial for effectiveness and avoiding negative consequences. Research reputable companies to ensure the best possible products.

      The quality of supplements can greatly impact their effectiveness, and unfortunately, there are many subpar supplements on the market that give the industry a bad reputation. Erin and Dr. TJ emphasized the importance of investing in high-quality supplements and emphasized the negative consequences of using poor quality ones. They encouraged listeners to do their research and seek out reputable companies to ensure they are getting the best possible products. The hosts also invited listeners to explore their websites, INHSTL.com and Optimal4Life.com, for more nutrition information and to follow them on social media. They emphasized their commitment to answering questions and providing support and encouraged listeners to reach out with any inquiries. Overall, the message of the podcast was the importance of taking control of one's health through functional medicine and making informed decisions about the supplements one uses.

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