
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Solutions for Health, Gifts, and Affordable Wireless PlansPlushCare offers weight loss solutions through telehealth, Blue Nile has a wide selection for Mother's Day gifts, and Mint Mobile offers affordable wireless plans

      PlushCare can be a valuable resource for individuals struggling with weight loss. This telehealth provider offers access to doctors who can prescribe FDA-approved weight loss medications for qualified individuals. Additionally, PlushCare accepts most insurance plans, making it an affordable option for many. On a different note, Blue Nile is a great place to find thoughtful gifts for Mother's Day, with a wide selection of jewelry and fast shipping options. Lastly, Mint Mobile is offering a price drop on their wireless plans, making it an affordable option for those looking to switch providers. In the world of food and comedy, the Off Menu podcast featured comedian and actor May Martin discussing her favorite dishes, and the group's disdain for shrimp-flavored primula. Overall, these discussions offer solutions for various needs, from health and wellness to gift-giving and entertainment.

    • May's Clay Man: A Mysterious CompanionMay anthropomorphizes objects, fearing consequences, and is stuck with a mysterious clay man despite initial intentions to destroy it.

      May Martin was expected to come to the dream restaurant even before her birth, and she brings along a clay man she made during lockdown, which she's unsure if it's benevolent or malevolent. May expressed a desire to deceive her mother about having a PhD and has an obsession with the clay man, fearing the consequences of destroying it. The podcast hosts will ask what the clay man wants for each course. May explained that she anthropomorphizes objects and is hesitant to destroy the clay man due to the fear of potential repercussions. Despite her initial intention to destroy it, she's now stuck with it. May went out to meet a friend and had an excessive amount of red wine, leading to a hungover state during the interview.

    • The Concept of Mame Arton and the Fate of OpponentsSpeakers discussed Mame Arton, a wrestler who dismembers opponents and decides their fate based on their nature, and shared their personal preferences for sparkling water, reminiscing about natural water sources.

      The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics, including art, wrestling, and personal experiences. One intriguing idea that emerged was the concept of Mame Arton, a wrestler who dismembers opponents and asks them if they are malevolent or benevolent before deciding their fate. The speakers also shared their preferences for sparkling water and reminisced about drinking water directly from natural sources. Despite one speaker having a hangover, they still managed to keep the conversation lively and engaging. However, the speaker later regretted admitting their hangover, fearing the backlash from their audience. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' creativity, sense of humor, and shared interests.

    • Exploring the idea of finding the freshest water and discussing magical fountainsThe group engaged in a lively conversation about trying new things and shared personal experiences, including finding the freshest water and the idea of a magical fountain of youth.

      The group had an engaging conversation about various topics, including trying new things and reminiscing about past experiences. James shared his experience of drinking water from a running stream in France, and the group discussed the idea of finding the freshest water possible. They also entertained the idea of a magical fountain of youth or a fountain that could arrest time. Although James had once jokingly wished for the fountain of youth water, he clarified that he wouldn't want to go back to his twenties. Instead, he preferred the idea of a time-stopping fountain. The conversation also touched upon eating fruits like peaches, mangos, and even oranges with the peel, which led to a discussion about hearsay and personal experiences. Overall, the conversation showcased the group's creativity, sense of humor, and appreciation for new experiences.

    • Considering the Consequences of IndulgencesIndulgences can bring joy, but excessive consumption may lead to negative consequences. Consider the potential outcomes before indulging.

      We all have our desires and indulgences, but it's important to consider the consequences. During our conversation, we discussed the appeal of a babbling brook for refilling a glass and the irresistible allure of Willy Wonka's chocolate river. However, we also acknowledged that too much of a good thing can have negative effects. The chocolate river, if consumed excessively, could lead to regret and even health issues. Similarly, a chocolate fountain in a bar might seem like an extravagant idea, but in reality, it might not be appreciated by everyone. It's essential to strike a balance between indulgence and moderation. So, the next time you're faced with a tempting indulgence, take a moment to consider the potential consequences before diving in headfirst.

    • Fresh ingredients enhance food enjoymentFresh ingredients, especially bread and butter, can significantly improve the taste and enjoyment of food. However, there are limits to this, and personal preferences and cultural norms should be considered.

      The freshness and quality of ingredients, especially when it comes to bread and butter, can greatly enhance the enjoyment of food. However, there are limits to this, and it's important not to take it too far. For instance, spreading butter on poppadoms might not appeal to everyone, and the idea of drinking freshly churned butter straight from the source might seem excessive. The discussion also revealed some interesting anecdotes about personal experiences and childhood memories related to food. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of enjoying the food we eat and the memories and experiences associated with it.

    • A Passionate Speaker's Love for Shrimp and MemoriesThe speaker shares their deep appreciation for shrimp, fond memories, and even an imaginary 'prawn key' inspired by oversized shrimp. They are excited to share their 'cornucopia of shrimp' dish consisting of shrimp dumplings, shrimp tempura, and shrimp cocktail.

      The speaker has a deep appreciation for shrimp and fond memories associated with it. These memories include experiences of large, fresh shrimp during a tour in Sydney, and even an imaginary "prawn key" inspired by oversized shrimp. The speaker also mentions their brother's interest in swords and making chainmail, and how he would protect the family during imagined home invasions. Despite feeling nervous about sharing their culinary creation, the speaker is excited to share their "cornucopia of shrimp" dish, which consists of shrimp dumplings, shrimp tempura, and shrimp cocktail, each with distinct sauces. The speaker expresses their love for shrimp and their belief that one can never truly get full on it. They also share a long-running mental game of imagining the biggest recorded shrimp and creating a "prawn key" inspired by it. Overall, the speaker's passion for shrimp and the memories associated with it shines through the conversation.

    • James Bond and Ed's conversation about Doctor Prawnguff's prawn invention and their shared fondness for fresh prawnsDespite a lackluster audience response, James Bond and Ed found emotional significance in their conversation about Doctor Prawnguff's prawn invention and their shared love for fresh prawns.

      During a comedy show at the Sydney Arts Festival, James Bond and Ed discussed a recurring bit involving a large prawn invented by a character named Doctor Prawnguff. The bit included Doctor Prawnguff announcing his invention and Bond asking about his plan, to which he replied "no plan." This bit was often reenacted during the DVD commentary, and someone even made a cross stitch of "no plan" with prawns. The conversation also included memories of an ice cream sandwich they shared, with James being allergic to coconut. The conversation revolved around the shrimp they were eating during the show and ended with their shared fondness for a fresh prawn from Sydney. Interestingly, the heckler who disrupted their performance the night before was asleep during their act. Despite the lack of a large audience response, the prawn story held significant emotional importance for James.

    • Unexpected joys in life's challengesEmbrace the unexpected, as it can lead to unforgettable moments of joy and discovery, even in the most challenging situations

      Even in the most unexpected situations, there can be moments of delight and surprise. Despite a challenging comedy tour with an unengaged audience and a seemingly odd invitation to a yacht, the experience led to an unforgettable meal and an encounter with a humble and charming host. The food, simple yet delicious, transformed a potentially disappointing situation into a memorable one. Similarly, in life, we may face challenges and hardships, but there's always the potential for unexpected joys and discoveries. During the tour in Sydney, the comedians faced a disengaged audience and a surreal experience when they were invited to a yacht by a man who had fallen asleep during their performance the night before. The woman on the yacht seemed meek and unassuming, and the food she prepared was simple, yet surprisingly delicious. The quality of the ingredients and the simplicity of the meal transformed a potentially disappointing situation into a memorable one. This experience serves as a reminder that even in the most unexpected situations, there can be moments of delight and surprise. It's important to keep an open mind and be willing to embrace the unexpected, as it can lead to experiences that are truly unforgettable.

    • Nostalgic Preferences for Classic Roast DinnersThe speaker values comforting roast dinners with lamb, gravy, and horseradish, and holds fond memories of well-cooked lamb from Australia and New Zealand. They also have a soft spot for affordable cauliflower cheese and are open to trying new dishes.

      The speaker has a strong preference for a classic lamb roast with good gravy and horseradish instead of mint sauce. They have fond memories of well-cooked lamb from Australia and New Zealand and associate roast dinners with comfort and safety, especially during a hangover. The speaker also shares a nostalgic experience of enjoying cheap, basic cauliflower cheese during the 90s. Despite having a restaurant critic father, they are open to trying new dishes and are intrigued by the idea of a "little clay man" who may have unusual food preferences. Overall, the speaker's food choices reflect a desire for comfort, nostalgia, and a sense of adventure.

    • Side dishes add joy and excitement to mealsFood side dishes can elevate meals, bring back memories, and create memorable experiences through their unique flavors and presentations

      Food, particularly side dishes, can bring great joy and excitement to people. Whether it's horseradish with lamb, wasabi with ramen, or lobster mac and cheese, the right side dish can elevate a meal and even bring back fond memories. Some people, like May and her interviewee, even have a history of trying out extreme food experiences for the sake of it. Horseradish, wasabi, and even wasabi peas can be particularly potent and memorable side dishes, known for their ability to clear nasal passages and leave a lasting impression. The conversation also touched on the importance of presentation, with a preference for serving side dishes in nice pots or clay pots. Overall, food and side dishes can bring people together, create memorable experiences, and add excitement to everyday meals.

    • Favorite foods and drinks inspired by moviesSpeaker's love for nostalgic foods and drinks inspired by movies connects them to characters and experiences, transporting them to different times and places.

      Both the speaker and I have a shared appreciation for foods and drinks that evoke nostalgia and a sense of connection to certain characters or experiences. The speaker's favorite drink is a whiskey soda, inspired by Jude Law's character in "The Talented Mr. Ripley," and their favorite food is the burger cooked in the woods from the movie "Stand by Me." They also mentioned a fondness for kid food and a natural, outdoorsy approach to eating. If they could only eat and drink what a character in a movie had, they would choose the kids from "Stand by Me." For me, the conversation brought up the theme of food and its connection to memories and experiences. It's a reminder that the foods and drinks we enjoy can transport us to different times and places, and can be a source of comfort and joy.

    • Childhood and teenage experiences shape our preferencesExperiences and influences can lead us to try new things, develop preferences, and even form unhealthy habits, but bring us comfort and enjoyment.

      Our experiences and influences, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can shape our preferences and habits significantly. The speaker shares stories from their childhood and teenage years, including their introduction to whiskey and whiskey sodas, which they now enjoy but initially tried due to external influences. The taste of whiskey, especially in the form of a Rob Roy cocktail, grew on them, and they even learned to make it themselves. However, there's a sense of sadness or depression associated with indulging in these pleasures alone, especially during lockdown times. The speaker also mentions an instance of consuming an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting, an experience influenced by a friend's suggestion and a movie they were watching. Overall, these stories illustrate how our experiences and influences can lead us to try new things, develop preferences, and even indulge in habits that may not be the healthiest or most socially acceptable, but bring us comfort and enjoyment.

    • A conversation about protein and favorite peanut butters leads to jokes about shrinking downThe speaker expresses a strong preference for Manilife peanut butter and jokes about shrinking after consuming a large amount, while ultimately deciding on pumpkin pie for dessert.

      During a conversation about protein intake and serving sizes, the topic shifted to favorite peanut butters, leading to a discussion about Manilife peanut butter and the trilogy "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids." The speaker expressed their strong affinity for Manilife peanut butter and even ordered a large quantity of it. They also joked about the implications of consuming an entire bucket of peanut butter and the potential for shrinking down to the size of a Cheerio. The conversation then turned to desserts, with the speaker initially expressing a preference for white birthday cake but ultimately deciding on pumpkin pie instead.

    • Food evokes memories and emotionsFood can bring joy, memories, and connections. It can evoke strong emotions and remind us of loved ones and special moments.

      Food, especially traditional dishes like pumpkin pie, can evoke strong memories and emotions. The speaker fondly remembers his friend's mom making pumpkin pie every Thanksgiving, and how she made extra for him. The unique flavor of pumpkin pie, made with specific brands and ingredients, is something the speaker enjoys. Food can also bring people together, as seen in the shared experience of enjoying a meal during Thanksgiving, despite its controversial origins. The speaker also mentions their friend's mom's feeding habits, which added to the experience of staying over at her house. Additionally, food can serve as a source of comfort and a way to learn new skills during times of isolation, such as lockdown. The speaker's experience with leeks is an example of this. Overall, food plays a significant role in our lives, bringing joy, memories, and connections.

    • Nostalgic Cooking: Finding Joy in the Past and PresentThe speaker shares his love for cooking and experimenting with various dishes, and the nostalgic connection he has to an old, controversial cookbook called 'The Seducer's Cookbook'.

      The speaker has been enjoying cooking and experimenting with various dishes, including roasted broccoli, pasta with chorizo and capers, and even reminiscing about an old cookbook called "The Seducer's Cookbook." The Seducer's Cookbook, though problematic by today's standards, was an attempt to use food as a means to seduce women, with recipes that were supposed to be presented in seductive ways. The speaker also mentioned that his father wrote this cookbook in his twenties and it was panned by critics due to its controversial theme and unsexy recipes. Despite the cookbook's flaws, the speaker found joy in the memories and the idea of using food to connect with people. The speaker also shared a hypothetical meal plan, which included a variety of dishes from different cuisines, and suggested adding roasted broccoli to the roast from New Zealand. Overall, the speaker's passion for cooking and experimenting with different dishes, as well as the nostalgic connection to the Seducer's Cookbook, shone through the conversation.

    • The power of shared memories and experiencesCherishing memories and experiences can bring great joy and happiness, as conversations and discoveries can evoke fond feelings and remind us of wonderful times

      The power of shared memories and experiences can bring great joy and happiness. During a conversation between James Acaster and May Martin, they reminisced about a delicious meal they had at Acaster Camon, which left a lasting impression on both of them. The mention of the meal brought back fond memories for James, and he was glad that May felt the same way. The conversation also led to the discovery of a lovely photo of James enjoying Prosecco on a yacht, which further reminded him of the wonderful time they had. The importance of cherishing memories and experiences was emphasized, as it can bring happiness and positivity even when other things may seem forgettable. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the various projects and podcasts that James and May are involved in, showcasing their creativity and passion for sharing knowledge and experiences with their audiences.

    • Shopping for Mother's Day: Whole Foods, Quinn's, 1800flowers, and Rob Orton's PodcastTreat moms exceptionally well on Mother's Day by shopping at Whole Foods for savings on body care, candles, and tulips. Consider Quinn's for luxury items. 1800flowers.com offers a one-stop-shop for all special occasion gifts. Rob Orton's podcast provides daily inspiration.

      This discussion highlights the importance of treating moms exceptionally well on Mother's Day and the best place to shop for premium gifts, flowers, and desserts is Whole Foods Market. Prime members can enjoy savings of up to 33% on body care and candles, and a 15 stem bunch of tulips for just $9.99. Additionally, Quinn's offers luxury items at affordable prices with a commitment to safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing. 1800flowers.com is a one-stop-shop for all special occasion gifts, promising love and care in every product. Lastly, Rob Orton's daily podcast offers a unique perspective on everyday life with thought-provoking stories and poems. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the importance of making special occasions memorable, whether it's through thoughtful shopping or daily inspiration.

    Recent Episodes from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

    Ep 253: Sophie Willan

    Ep 253: Sophie Willan

    The Dream Restaurant is taking bookings for its 12th series, and our first diner is ‘Taskmaster’ and ‘Alma’s Not Normal’ star Sophie Willan. Woo!

    Watch series one of ‘Alma’s Not Normal’ on BBC iPlayer. Series two is coming soon.

    Follow Sophie on Instagram @sophiewillan

    Tickets for ‘Off Menu: Live in London’ go on sale this Friday 12th July at 10am. Visit offmenupodcast.co.uk for details.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    Ep 252: Jason Mantzoukas

    ‘How Did This Get Made?’ podcaster and ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ star Jason Mantzoukas finishes up series 11. And half of his meal is lurking in the shadows…

    Listen to Jason’s podcast ‘How Did This Get Made?’ wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    Ep 251: Helen Skelton

    TV presenter, author and Strictly contestant Helen Skelton takes on her next challenge: ordering her Off Menu menu in the Dream Restaurant.

    Helen Skelton’s book ‘In My Stride’ is out now published by Headline. Buy it here.

    Follow Helen on Twitter and Instagram @helenskelton

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    Ep 250: Patti Harrison

    US stand-up and ‘I Think You Should Leave’ star Patti Harrison is this week’s dream dinner guest. She arrived so early her table wasn’t ready yet.

    Trigger warning: this episode contains talk of eating disorders.

    Patti Harrison is bringing her show ‘My Huge Tits Huge Because They Are Infected NOT FAKE’ to London’s Soho Theatre at the end of May and the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

    Follow Patti on Instagram @party_harderson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    Ep 249: Rhys Nicholson

    ‘Drag Race Down Under’ judge and ‘Taskmaster Australia’ star Rhys Nicholson is our guest diner this week. And they’ve brought along their pal Jeff Tartare.

    Rhys brings their new show ‘Huge Big Party Congratulations’ to the Edinburgh Fringe this August and then is touring the UK. For dates and tickets go to rhysnicholson.com.au

    Rhys’s book ‘Dish’ is out now. Buy it here.

    Watch Rhys’s special ‘Live at the Athenaeum’ on Netflix.

    Follow Rhys on Instagram @rhysnicholson

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Ep 248: Huge Davies

    Comedian and podcaster Huge Davies brings disturbing news. Another great episode of Off Menu with Ed Gamble and The Boy.

    Listen to Huge Davies’s podcast ‘Slime Country’ with Ed Night and Sunil Patel wherever you listen to podcasts.

    Watch Huge’s special ‘The Carpark’ on YouTube for free.

    Follow Huge on Twitter and Instagram @hugedavies

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 247: Ardal O’Hanlon (Live in Dublin)

    It’s the final b-b-b-b-bonus episode from the live tour and what better way to end than with Irish comedy god and ‘Father Ted’ star Ardal O’Hanlon. Oh, and eating a creamy dessert.

    Follow Ardal on Twitter @ardalsfolly and Instagram @ardalohanlon

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Ep 246: Karan Gokani

    Co-founder of Hoppers restaurants Karan Gokani has a table booked this week, and he’s bringing along Edward Stephenson Jamison Gamble as his dining companion.

    ‘Hoppers: The Cookbook’ is out now, published by Quadrille Publishing. Buy it here.

    Go to Hoppers restaurants in London. Visit hopperslondon.com to book a table.

    Follow Hoppers on Instagram and TikTok @hopperslondon

    Follow Karan on Instagram @karancooks

    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Ep 245: Tommy Tiernan (Live in Dublin)

    Irish comedy icon Tommy Tiernan joins us for night one in Dublin. And, no, this episode hasn’t been edited much.

    Tommy Tiernan is on tour now with ‘Tommedian’. For dates and tickets go to tommytiernan.ie

    Follow Tommy on Twitter @Tommedian and Instagram @officialtommedian

    Recorded by Matt Mountford-Lister for Storm Productions Group live at the Bord Gáis Energy Theatre in Dublin.

    Edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.

    Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).

    Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.

    And go to our website www.offmenupodcast.co.uk for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.

    Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.