
    Evening Tea with GaryVee: The Best Practices to Provide More Kind Candor | Jan 20, 2022

    enNovember 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on content and sponsorships for a successful career as a creatorTo build a financially stable career as a content creator or influencer, consistently produce high-quality content and secure sponsorship deals from major brands.

      To transform a side hustle into a meaningful and potentially lucrative career as a content creator or influencer, it's crucial to focus on two key areas: producing high-quality content consistently across multiple platforms and securing sponsorship deals from major brands. The foundation of financial stability can be built through business development and sponsorships, allowing creators to reinvest in their content and grow their audience. Meanwhile, the mundane but essential tasks of creating and distributing content, engaging with the community, and exploring new formats like podcasts, should not be overlooked. By staying dedicated to these efforts and remaining patient, creators can turn their passion into a sustainable and profitable career.

    • Exploring the intersection of education and NFTsNFTs offer unique, collectible diplomas or certificates, providing students with a tangible, valuable token of their achievement and potential investment opportunity

      The intersection of education and Web 3 technology, specifically NFTs, holds immense potential for innovation. The speaker, who is a virtual educator, shared his experience of discovering the power of creating content on TikTok during the pandemic and pursuing a master's degree in virtual education. He is now interested in exploring how NFTs can be used to enhance education by offering unique, collectible diplomas or certificates designed by emerging artists. This not only provides students with a tangible, valuable token of their achievement but also offers a potential investment opportunity if the artist becomes successful in the future. The speaker's question highlights the potential for Web 3 technology to disrupt traditional education systems and create new opportunities for creators and learners alike.

    • Revolutionizing industries with NFTsNFTs can transform industries like education and music by turning traditional documents into collectible arts, generating royalties for creators, and providing value to original owners. Consistency and self-affirmation are essential for achieving goals in industries relying on one-off licensing.

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have the potential to revolutionize various industries, including education and music, by turning traditional documents and affirmations into collectible arts and generating royalties for creators. This innovative approach not only provides value to the original owners but also supports emerging artists. For instance, selling a diploma as an NFT could mean a shared revenue stream for both the issuing organization and the artist. This concept, while simple, could significantly change the way we perceive and value everyday documents. Another key takeaway is the importance of consistency and self-affirmation in achieving goals. As seen in the conversation, acknowledging the need to be more consistent with social media and repeating the solution to a problem are crucial steps towards finding new clients and making progress in an industry that often relies on one-off licensing.

    • Join conversations and add value on social media to grow businessSocial media success comes from creating valuable content, joining conversations, and reaching out to specific demographics through their connections.

      Creating valuable content consistently on social media platforms like YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram, and LinkedIn is crucial for business growth. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of joining conversations and adding value before promoting oneself. He also suggests thinking about the audience that can forward your content to your target audience, making the content valuable to both parties. Despite the focus on music and songwriters in the discussion, the principles apply to all businesses. Additionally, Gary mentions the importance of understanding the strategy behind the content creation process, which often involves reaching out to specific demographics through their connections. In essence, creating valuable content and using social media effectively can lead to significant business opportunities.

    • Navigating NFT risks and uncertainties with long-term perspective and strong leadershipIdentify visionary founders and executors, acknowledge risks, and maintain a long-term perspective for success in NFTs and other industries

      Navigating through the risks and uncertainties in the world of NFTs requires a long-term perspective and strong leadership. Gary Vaynerchuk, a seasoned entrepreneur, shared his experiences of weathering through past market crashes and emphasized the importance of identifying founders and executors with a clear vision and value proposition for the future. Miles, a listener and new guest on the show, shared his excitement about acquiring a keynote koala NFT and the potential long-term value of the asset. He also acknowledged the risks involved and the importance of being prepared for potential market corrections. Miles also discussed his own business, Boil Boss, and the challenges of scaling a small manufacturing company. He admired Gary's ability to execute in operations and appreciated his motivational speeches less for the inspiration and more for the practical advice. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of resilience, strong leadership, and a long-term perspective in navigating the risks and uncertainties in various industries, including the NFT market.

    • Importance of delegating tasks and focusing on passions in business growthEarly business growth requires delegating tasks, focusing on passions, and enjoying the process for long-term success

      In the early stages of building a business, it's essential to understand the importance of delegating tasks and maximizing efficiency to free up time for innovation and enjoyment. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his experience of managing operations at VaynerMedia during its early days, where he did everything himself due to having a small team. However, as the company grew, he realized the importance of delegating tasks and focusing on the aspects of the business that he loved and was good at. He emphasized that it's important to understand that not everything will be successful in the short term, but if one stays true to their passion and continues to innovate, the businesses will thrive. Ultimately, it's crucial to enjoy the process of building and growing a business rather than solely focusing on maximizing every dollar.

    • Prioritizing relationships and humility for personal and business growthFocusing on true happiness and success, prioritizing relationships, especially family, and practicing humility can lead to remarkable accomplishments in both personal and business life. Set boundaries and prioritize work during office hours to manage social media presence and job responsibilities.

      Focusing on what brings true happiness and success, rather than societal pressures or personal ego, is crucial for personal and business growth. The speaker emphasized the importance of prioritizing relationships, especially with family, and the value of humility in achieving success. When starting a business, it's essential to see projects through and create systems to allow for growth and scaling. The speakers' success story serves as a reminder that ambition and hard work, coupled with humility and love for family, can lead to remarkable accomplishments. Balancing social media presence and job responsibilities can be managed by setting boundaries and prioritizing work during office hours.

    • Good management and work culture impact employee satisfaction and productivityEffective managers trust employees to manage their time, avoid micromanaging, and create a positive work culture where employees can grow and contribute to the business. Employees should find a job that aligns with their personal values and goals for optimal productivity and satisfaction.

      The culture and leadership of a company significantly impact an employee's job satisfaction and productivity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having good managers who understand the value of employees' happiness and trust them to manage their time effectively. He also warns against micromanaging and being overly demanding, as it can lead to a toxic work environment. For small business owners, it's crucial to view employees as part of the family and to create a positive work culture where employees can grow and contribute to the business. Additionally, the speaker encourages employees to find a job that aligns with their personal values and goals, whether that means prioritizing social media presence or focusing on in-person interactions. Ultimately, building a successful business requires a balance between productivity and employee satisfaction.

    • Balancing independence and support for employee growthEncourage independence while providing support for sales employees' growth. Communicate candidly and hire experienced sales professionals.

      Allowing employees to learn and grow independently, while also providing guidance and support, is crucial for their development, especially in sales environments. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized the importance of letting employees sink or swim, but not leaving them to drown. He compared this approach to raising a capable child, requiring both independence and support. Communication plays a significant role in this process, and implementing more candor into day-to-day interactions can lead to better business relationships and overall success. Vaynerchuk also highlighted the importance of hiring individuals who have previously experienced sales environments, as they bring valuable knowledge and experience to the table. Overall, the key takeaway is that a balance of independence and support, along with effective communication, is essential for personal and professional growth.

    • The importance of kind candor for building relationshipsEffective communication through kind candor leads to stronger, more positive relationships.

      Effective communication, specifically candor, is essential for building positive relationships, both personally and professionally. However, delivering candor kindly and constructively is crucial to prevent fear or negative reactions. The speaker shared their personal struggle with candor towards employees due to ego and fear of their perceived inadequacy, leading to negative relationships and unexpected terminations. They emphasized the importance of vulnerability, clear communication, and loving the relationship more than the outcome to deliver kind candor. Constructive criticism, while important, can be perceived negatively if not delivered kindly. The speaker encouraged overcommunicating and being open about concerns to prevent misunderstandings and build stronger relationships. Overall, the key takeaway is that candor, delivered kindly and constructively, can lead to stronger, more positive relationships.

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    WATCH THE FULL EPISODE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbo6C1FKXO0&list=PLfA33-E9P7FBahSYlSAjOMGsuRPLMWWEO

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

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    Tweet Me! @garyvee

    Text Me! 212-931-5731

    My Newsletter: garyvee.com/newsletter

    Check out my new NFT project: veefriends.com

    Join the VeeFriends Discord: https://discord.gg/veefriends

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    1. Commenting on other influencers content
    2. Subscription and Monetisation Tools: Do you have all the monetisation tools switched on for all your platforms?
    3. Multi-stream lives: You would have to be a full time creator to do lives everywhere. Run lives on multiple platforms at the same time and record yourself too so you can then repurpose the content for youtube/podcasting.
    4. Newsjacking: Use what is topical to create discussion and hack the algorithms.
    5. Interview people. You will get some of the individuals you interview following.
    6. Embrace the haters! They create discussion and virality so grow a thick skin and embrace them.


     “You’ll get more reach if you comment more”

    “Where you’ve got passion for the subject there’s already energy there”

    “Embrace the critics, embrace the trolls, embrace the haters because they make you go viral!”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com