
    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on what you can controlEmbrace the present, let go of past regrets, and prioritize to regain control and improve well-being

      It's essential to focus on the things in your life that you can control, instead of dwelling on the past. Kate Cocker shared a quote from her Formula 1 racing fan father, attributing it to Lewis Hamilton. This philosophy encourages letting go of things beyond your control and focusing on the present and the future. When life becomes overwhelming, it's crucial to prioritize and let go of unnecessary stressors. By doing so, you can regain control and improve your overall well-being. So, if you're feeling burnt out or overwhelmed, remember to focus on what you can control and leave the rest behind. As Kate mentioned, she has a journaling episode coming up that she believes you'll enjoy. Overall, the message is to stay positive, focus on the present, and let go of things beyond your control.

    • Join Kate Cocker's Facebook group for deeper discussionsExplore deeper discussions and connections with Kate and positivity enthusiasts in her Facebook group

      Kate Cocker invites listeners to join her Facebook group, "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker," for deeper discussions and interactions beyond her flash briefing on Volley FM. The group is a community where positivity is shared and encouraged. To ask a question or join, simply search for the group on Facebook. Kate looks forward to welcoming new members and continuing the conversation there. The flash briefing format doesn't allow for in-depth conversations, but the Facebook group offers an opportunity for listeners to engage more fully with Kate and the positivity movement. So, if you're interested in deeper discussions and connections with like-minded individuals, consider joining the "Everyday Positivity with Kate Cocker" Facebook group.

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    Resources and Links: 

    National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network 

    Therapy For Black Girls

    Better Help

    The Podcast 


    The Box Series


    Nashville specific resources: 

    Nashville Nutrition Partners