
    Podcast Summary

    • Take a moment for yourselfPausing, breathing deeply, and refocusing can help reduce stress and improve focus in daily life

      Taking a moment for yourself to pause, breathe, and refocus can help you feel more present and safe in your everyday life. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try stopping what you're doing, getting yourself into a comfortable position, closing your eyes (if it's safe to do so), and taking four deep breaths. This simple practice can help you gather your thoughts and emotions, bringing you back to the present moment. Remember, you are safe and capable, and this small act of self-care can make a big difference in your day. So, take a moment for yourself, breathe deeply, and go tackle whatever comes next with renewed energy and focus. I'm Kate Cocker from the Volley network, and I'll be here to help you navigate your daily positivity. Have a great day!

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