
    Get That Energy Up

    en-gbOctober 02, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Boosting Energy and Positivity on Challenging DaysEngage in activities that raise heart rate, listen to music, or dance to boost energy and positivity on challenging days

      Even on challenging days like Fridays, it's important to find ways to boost your energy and positivity to help you power through and finish the week strong. You can do this by engaging in activities that get your heart rate up, listening to music, or dancing around the kitchen. Remember, you've got this, and the weekend is just around the corner. So, keep pushing forward, and don't forget to join Kate Cocker every day and weekend on Everyday Positivity for more inspiration and journal prompts. You can find her daily videos on YouTube by searching for "everyday positivity" or visiting her website at everydaypositivity.com.

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    Affirmations to set your Soul on FIRE

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    Get in the habit of starting your morning routine with affirmations and seriously watch how it shifts your mood, energy and state of mind.

    If you’d like a written copy of these affirmations so you can add this practice into your routine, head to www.beautifullybuilt.life

    Sending you love, light and good vibes,

    Catch you on the next episode!!

    Xoxo- Coach Sunny ☀️💁🏼‍♀️

    How Can We Really PROVE That We’re Conscious Spiritual Beings? with Richard Gordon

    How Can We Really PROVE That We’re Conscious Spiritual Beings? with Richard Gordon

    If you’ve ever wanted proof that spirituality is real, and what in the world is consciousness, then do we have The Secret Nature of Matter, show for you!


    Today I’ll be talking Richard Gordon the best-selling author of Quantum Touch and the creator of the Quantum Touch healing system, and the author of a very special book on consciousness and spirituality, the secret nature of matter.


    We talk all about the intersection of science and spiritually, about what is really real, how we can prove it, and why it matters in our lives.


    Consciousness Proving Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:

    1. How Richard went from an atheist to a healer
    2. How did Richard develop Quantum Touch?
    3. What is self-created health?
    4. What is faith based science?
    5. What can we learn from the experiments by Dr. Tiller on consciousness?
    6. What can we learn from Dean Radin on the double-slit experiments?
    7. What can we learn from Lynn McTaggart’s intention experiments?
    8. What’s the global coherence project?
    9. What is spontaneous posture realignment?
    10. What’s the importance of examining pelvic and occipital torsion?
    11. What are a few key experiments Richard Gordon has done?
    12. What can we learn about entanglement?
    13. Why does entanglement matter to our lives?
    14. What do these experiments mean to us?
    15. What are some of the old assumptions about matter and consciousness?
    16. Do we live in a mechanistic universe?
    17. Is the brain a physical thing that generates consciousness?
    18. 5 New proposed laws of matter and consciousness
    19. Do we live in a simulated reality?
    20. How do we prove any of this for ourselves? 


    Visit: https://quantumtouch.com/en/


    To find out more visit:


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    53. Does Positive Thinking Make You More Successful?

    53. Does Positive Thinking Make You More Successful?

    To stay positive is demanding however the rewards are worth the effort.  If research illustrates that the right mindset will make us more money, help us excel in our career, and ultimately achieve more then why wouldn’t we want to expend the effort to make that happen?

    In the past, Susan has trained about various ways to improve your productivity including making sure you exercise, meditate, and get your sleep; however during Susan's research in this area, she came upon four less common strategies that you can implement right away in order to achieve a more positive mindset.



    Today, I'm sharing my insights around taking my health and body for granted and the power of shifting your negative body talk to positive affirmations.

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