
    Get Yourself Through The Mess

    en-gbJuly 17, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Take a step back and gain a new perspectiveWhen feeling lost or overwhelmed, take a break, assess your situation from a different angle, and regain your sense of direction

      When feeling lost or overwhelmed, it's important to take a step back and gain a new perspective. Just as a hiker might climb a hill to get a better view of their surroundings, we too can benefit from taking a break and assessing our situation from a different angle. This can help us recalibrate and find the right path forward. As Kate Cocker, from the Volley network, shared in her Everyday Positivity episode, this lesson stuck with her from her teenage years, and it can be applied to any situation where we feel lost or unsure of the way forward. So, when you're feeling overwhelmed, remember to take a step back, gain a new perspective, and regain your sense of direction. You've got this!

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    104 – Stuck in Bad Habits? Stop Spinning Your Wheels and Learn the 3 Requirements for Lasting Change

    Ever known you needed to change something in your life, but you’ve had such a hard time actually sticking to a new way of being? 


    Life is the ultimate journey and because of that, we’re constantly seeking growth, which requires us to change.  And sometimes change is hard - it can be super uncomfortable. 


    But it’s also really hard when we know we need to change, we want to change, and we know what action we need to take, but we just can’t seem to actually do it (or do it consistently).


    In today’s episode, I coach you through the 3 different requirements for lasting change.  In this simple framework, you’ll learn where to start and what you need to get crystal clear about, in order to create lasting change.



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    What is self-talk? Well, essentially, it’s talking to yourself, more specifically, the way in which you talk to yourself. Most times, it isn't positive and when we do engage in negative self-talk, we soon start to believe it for real and even worse, start acting on it.

    In this podcast episode we discuss three ways to help you avoid negative self-talk.

    After listening, feel free to send me a note letting me know how you plan to eliminate the self-talk in your life, so you can pursue the dreams and goals you have for yourself.

    Also, go ahead and send along any issues or topics you'd like me to discuss in future episodes. You can reach me directly at ksue@ksuesweeney.com or at any of the social platforms listed below.

    Also, don't forget to rate and review this podcast and then share this episode with someone else you know that would find it helpful. I so appreciate your kindness.

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    Nature Nurtures The Body & Soul- Part 2

    Nature Nurtures The Body & Soul- Part 2

    Stress and the body:  Why it's important to breath in fresh air:


    When was the last time you consciously stopped what you were doing AND took a deep purposeful breath of air into your lungs?


    If it takes you more than 30 seconds to answer that question, it's been too long.


    Getting trapped in the busyness of our day to day lives can cause subtle layers of stress and anxiety that can build up toxins, inflammation, and lethargy in our bodies.  That's why its important to incorporate mindful breathwork into our hectic days, but it's even more important to incorporate the nature into our lifestyle, on one level or another.


    Nature provides the space to shift our mindset, let go of stress, relieve tension, and restore a healthy rhythm to life.   Rebalancing with, in and through nature is accessible to everyone even if you live in the heart of a big bustling city.


    Tune to learn 3 tips to increase mindfulness and reduce stress.


    Creating a sense of grounding is critical to managing anxiety, reducing overwhelm, and establishing much needed balance.


    Today's show will help learn how interact with nature in order to live a healtier life.