
    Gigi Gorgeous on Becoming a Mom & EXPOSING Trisha's Crush on Shane Dawson

    enDecember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Gigi Gorgeous Joins OnlyFans to Share Intimate ContentFormer YouTube star Gigi Gorgeous is joining OnlyFans to share exclusive, intimate content with her fans and monetize her body as art, despite being pregnant and married.

      Gigi Gorgeous, a former YouTube star, is joining OnlyFans next week to share content with her fans in a more intimate and exclusive way. She mentioned that the deal was too good to refuse and that she has always been open about her body. While she is currently pregnant and married, she sees it as an opportunity to embrace feminism and monetize her body as art. The conversation also touched on how the world of content creation has changed and how Gigi still works a lot but posts less frequently on YouTube. The discussion was lively and covered various topics, including their shared love for McDonald's and reminiscing about past experiences.

    • Mother's Empowerment in Joining OnlyFansA mom shares her excitement and empowerment in joining OnlyFans, emphasizing the financial benefits, fun, and support from loved ones. She sees it as an opportunity to balance motherhood and creative expression.

      The individual in this conversation is expressing her excitement and empowerment over her decision to join the OnlyFans platform. She acknowledges the potential financial benefits and the fun and adventure that comes with it. She also emphasizes the support she receives from her partner and friends, and the normalcy of being a mom and a content creator. Despite some hesitations and going back and forth on the decision, she ultimately feels that she can do both - be a mother and a content creator on OnlyFans. She admires other successful mothers in the industry and sees it as an opportunity to continue earning income while also expressing herself creatively.

    • The speaker discusses her new content creation venture and her ongoing IVF journeyThe speaker shares her excitement about a new content creation project, involving collaborations and a vanity URL, while also discussing her determination to continue IVF treatments for a successful pregnancy.

      This conversation covers various topics, including the speaker's past eating habits, her new venture into creating content for an adult platform, and her ongoing experience with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The speaker expresses her excitement about her new content creation endeavor, which involves collaborations and the use of a vanity URL. She also discusses her past eating habits, which have included fast food and excessive consumption of sugary drinks. The conversation then shifts to her IVF journey, which she has documented extensively. She shares that she and her partner have had multiple rounds of IVF, resulting in six healthy embryos currently on ice. The process involves regular visits to the doctor, daily injections, and genetic testing to ensure the best possible outcomes. The speaker expresses her determination to continue the process to increase their chances of having a successful pregnancy. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's enthusiasm and determination are evident, whether it's about her content creation or her IVF journey.

    • Misconceptions and assumptions in transgender reproductive experiencesTransgender experiences in reproductive processes are often misunderstood, leading to awkward situations and misgendering. Sharing stories can promote understanding and acceptance.

      Ignorance and assumptions surround the transgender community's experiences, particularly when it comes to reproductive processes. During a conversation, Jasmine and T.J. shared their experiences with IVF and the assumptions they faced. They discovered that even in 2023, there are still misconceptions about gender and reproductive roles. Jasmine and T.J. emphasized the importance of sharing their stories to educate others and promote understanding. Jasmine had undergone hormone therapy for ten years, which affected her sperm production. When they started IVF, the doctor assumed they would need a sperm donor, but T.J. was the one donating sperm. The couple faced awkward situations due to the assumptions and misconceptions about their roles. They also shared their experiences of being misgendered in various settings, such as medical facilities. The couple's oversharing of their experiences led to the idea of starting a podcast, "Oversharing," to educate others about their experiences and the realities of being a transgender couple going through the IVF process. They believe that sharing their stories can help break down barriers and promote understanding and acceptance.

    • The Power of Positive Thinking and ManifestationExpecting a new baby through surrogacy? Stay positive, believe in manifestation, and celebrate the arrival with traditional methods.

      The power of positive thinking and manifestation can lead to great outcomes. The discussion revolved around the excitement of expecting a new baby through surrogacy and the joy of receiving good news. The speakers shared their experiences of manifesting their desires and the impact it had on their lives. They also touched upon the topic of gender and the conflicting feelings towards it, ultimately deciding to celebrate their baby's arrival with traditional gender reveal methods. The conversation highlighted the importance of staying positive, believing in the power of manifestation, and embracing the excitement of expecting a new addition to the family.

    • Discussing Family, Gender, and Personal PreferencesDuring a conversation, speakers shared their experiences with gender expectations and their desires for a child's gender, joked about sperm influence, considered gender-neutral names, and discussed their family backgrounds and ethnicities.

      During a conversation, the speakers discussed their experiences with gender expectations and their desire for a child of a specific gender. They shared stories about their own families and how they came to want a particular gender for their future child. They also joked about the influence of sperm in determining gender and the potential influence of their own upbringing. Additionally, they discussed the names they have considered for their hypothetical children and their preferences for gender-neutral names. The conversation also touched on their own family backgrounds and ethnicities, with one speaker revealing they are 70% Neanderthal according to a genetic testing app. Overall, the conversation revolved around the topic of family, gender, and personal preferences.

    • Discussing unique experiences with beauty standards and cosmetic proceduresPeople can hold stereotypes and make judgments based on limited knowledge. It's crucial to be informed and make decisions based on facts, and remember everyone's journey is unique. Illegal cosmetic procedures pose risks, so seeking professional help is important.

      People, including ourselves, can hold stereotypes and make judgments based on limited knowledge or assumptions. The discussion revolved around physical appearances and surgeries, with one person expressing regret over getting illegal silicone injections in the past. Another person shared their experience with brow bone surgery and the lengthy recovery process. Despite having different experiences, they both acknowledged the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and the potential risks involved. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's crucial to be informed and make decisions based on facts rather than stereotypes. Additionally, the dangers of illegal cosmetic procedures highlight the importance of seeking professional help and being aware of the potential risks.

    • Speaker's changing attitude towards plastic surgeryFrom a past lover of plastic surgery, the speaker now expresses apprehension due to aging and potential risks. They share past experiences with botched procedures and societal influence, now adopting a more cautious approach.

      Despite expressing a love for plastic surgery and having undergone multiple procedures in the past, the speaker now feels apprehensive due to aging and the potential risks involved. They reminisce about past experiences with lip injections and botched filler, but acknowledge that they no longer engage in such practices. The conversation also touches upon the societal influence of celebrities like Kris Jenner and the desire to maintain a youthful appearance. The speaker's perspective on surgery shifts from a carefree "live fast, die young" attitude to a more cautious approach as they age.

    • Navigating the Drama of Couples YouTube and Reality TVProducers can manipulate lives and bring unwanted drama, focusing on hosting drama rather than being the center of it, value loyalty and avoiding confrontation, everyone has their own drama, and striving for a drama-free life.

      While the idea of a couples YouTube channel or reality TV show might seem appealing, it can come with unwanted drama and loss of privacy. The speakers in this conversation express their concerns about the potential for producers to manipulate their lives and bring up uncomfortable topics. Instead, they prefer to focus on hosting drama rather than being the center of it. They value loyalty to their friends and avoiding confrontation. The conversation also touches upon the idea that everyone has their own "drama" and that some people bring the drama to the table while others host it. Ultimately, they believe that everyone should strive for a drama-free life.

    • Comedians' Offensive Jokes: A Subjective MatterPeople have differing opinions on what is acceptable humor, and comedians' pasts and personal lives can impact their careers.

      While some people may find certain comedians' jokes offensive and result in cancellations, others may find the same comedians funny and unbothered. The discussion revolved around the cancellation of Matt Rife and his controversial jokes about domestic abuse and women. While some found it cringe and offensive, others saw it as part of the comedian's act and didn't see the big deal. The line between what is acceptable humor and what is not continues to be a subjective and debated topic. The conversation also touched upon the sensitivity of the audience and how comedians' pasts and personal lives can impact their careers. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone has different sensitivities and perspectives, and what may be offensive to one person may not be to another.

    • Speaker's unexpected interview experience and industry reflectionsThe speaker shared their unexpected experience on a TV show, reminisced about past experiences, and discussed potential taglines for a reality TV show. They also talked about past challenges in the industry due to their weight and being transgender, and their desire to engage with a live audience.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience at a TV show where they were interviewed instead of hosting, reminisced about past experiences, and discussed potential taglines for a reality TV show. The speaker also mentioned their past experiences working with other individuals in the industry and their feelings about not being accepted due to their weight and being transgender. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's desire to engage with a live audience and create a fun atmosphere. Overall, the conversation revolved around the speaker's experiences in the entertainment industry and their reflections on past and potential opportunities.

    • The Complexities of Self-Image: Confidence, Judgment, and AuthenticityDespite appearances, people can struggle with insecurities and self-consciousness. Honesty and acceptance are crucial for building self-confidence and dealing with societal pressure to look a certain way.

      People's appearances and experiences can lead to insecurities and self-consciousness, even if they appear confident on the outside. The speaker shares her experiences of being judged for her Cockney accent and her physical appearance, including her lips and body, and how she wished for honesty and acceptance. She also talks about her surgeries and the complications she faced, expressing her preference for honesty about cosmetic enhancements. The conversation also touches upon the societal pressure to look a certain way and the importance of self-acceptance. Overall, the discussion highlights the complexities and challenges of self-image and the importance of authenticity and empathy towards others.

    • The enduring power of genuine friendshipsTrue friendships provide consistency, reliability, and acceptance, shaping our lives for the better.

      The importance of genuine friendships is revealed as we age. The speaker reflects on how some friendships have faded over time, but the ones that have endured are the ones that have been there through the ups and downs. The Montecito hotel is a symbol of their constant connection, as they have shared significant milestones in their lives together. The speaker expresses excitement to see old friends again and appreciates their consistency and reliability. The conversation also touches on the topic of representation and history being made with the first trans male drag queen on RuPaul's Drag Race. The speaker's friendship with this individual is a reminder of the importance of acceptance and celebrating diversity. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of true friendships and the impact they can have on our lives.

    • Exploring Gender Identity: Drag Kings, Trans Men, and Self-DiscoveryValidate your identity through internal and external transitions, seek support, acceptance, and representation, and embrace your authentic self.

      Gender identity is a complex and personal journey for everyone, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The discussion touched upon the concepts of drag kings, trans men, and the experiences of individuals who identified as such. The speakers shared their experiences of self-discovery, friendship, and the impact of public recognition. They emphasized the importance of validating one's identity through internal and external transitions. The conversation also highlighted the significance of support, acceptance, and representation for individuals questioning their gender, especially at a young age. The speakers encouraged embracing one's authentic self and the importance of being true to one's identity. They also mentioned the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to explore their gender identity and providing resources for those who are unsure or need guidance.

    • The Speaker's Appreciation for Memories and ConnectionsThe speaker cherishes memories and connections, finds joy in reminiscing, and appreciates the unique qualities of people. They also have a fascination with material possessions and the attachment they form to them, while acknowledging the complexity of cancel culture and the importance of self-reflection.

      The speaker values the memories and connections they have with people, especially during significant transitions in their lives. They find joy in reminiscing about the past and the unique qualities that make each person special to them. The speaker also shares their fascination with material possessions, such as designer bags, and the attachment they form to these items, even if their opinions about them change over time. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the complexity of cancel culture and the importance of taking time for self-reflection when faced with criticism or negativity. They encourage authenticity and the pursuit of personal growth.

    • Mother's love and support fueled self-discoveryThe speaker's mother's love for glamour and support of their YouTube career inspired them to embrace their gender identity and transition, despite not being aware of it before her passing.

      The speaker's mother played a significant role in their self-discovery and acceptance, despite not being aware of their gender identity before her passing. The mother's love for glamour and support of the speaker's YouTube career inspired them to embrace their feelings and transition. The speaker expresses regret for not having the opportunity to come out to her and wishes she could have been there to support them as their biggest supporter. The mother's influence is still felt through the speaker's memories of her photo shoots and the sense of validation they brought.

    • Finding Empowerment through Self-ExpressionDespite adversity and bullying, being true to oneself and standing up for what's right can lead to growth and empowerment. Acceptance and kindness are crucial, especially for marginalized communities.

      Self-expression and individuality, even in the face of adversity and bullying, can lead to growth and empowerment. The speaker shares stories of her experiences with makeup, water bras, and bullying in high school. Despite feeling uncomfortable and even bullied for her choices, she learned to stand up for herself and be protective of those she cared about. The conversation also touches on the importance of acceptance and kindness, especially for marginalized communities like the LGBTQI+ community, and the challenges they face with bullying in today's digital age. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of being true to oneself and standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

    • Evolution of societal norms towards sexuality and identityHarry Styles' fashion choices spark discussions about his sexuality, reflecting societal shift towards accepting people without labels, and hoping future generations grow up in a world where sexuality is not a defining factor.

      Societal norms and attitudes towards sexuality and identity are evolving, with people becoming more accepting and less focused on labels. Harry Styles, for instance, has not publicly identified his sexuality, but it's a topic of discussion due to his fashion choices and the trend towards queer representation. The speaker expresses hope that future generations will grow up in a world where sexuality is not a defining factor. The conversation also touched on the impact of social media, which allows information to spread rapidly, contrasting the speaker's experience growing up without it. The discussion also included reflections on past sponsorships, including one for Crest Whitening, and the speaker's current podcast sponsorship.

    • Authenticity and Adaptability in Building a Successful PlatformBeing true to yourself and your audience, even in the face of setbacks and challenges, is crucial for building a successful platform. Adapting to different formats and understanding diverse audiences can also help broaden your reach.

      Creativity and honesty are essential elements in building a successful platform, even without external sponsors or producers. The conversation revealed that Trisha Paytas had experienced setbacks with her podcast, where the producers wouldn't let her post the recorded episode online. However, she continued to be authentic and honest with her audience, eventually moving on to create content independently through Patreon. The discussion also touched upon the importance of understanding and adapting to different formats, such as podcasts and drag queen impersonations, to connect with diverse audiences. Despite facing challenges, Trisha's unwavering commitment to being true to herself and her fans has led to her continued success on YouTube.

    • Unexpected humor in friendships and interactionsFriendships and interactions can lead to amusing situations and unexpected reactions, including a friend's refusal to RSVP to a wedding or a famous person's unusual behavior. Respecting others' boundaries and events is important, and social media can impact our interactions. The conversation also highlighted the talents and potential of individuals.

      People and relationships can bring humor and surprise into our lives, even when things don't go as planned. From the conversation, it became clear that friendships and interactions with others can lead to amusing situations and unexpected reactions. For instance, a friend's refusal to RSVP to a wedding or a famous person's unusual behavior can provide entertainment and create lasting memories. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of respecting others' boundaries and events, such as weddings, and the impact of social media on our interactions. Furthermore, the conversation highlighted the talents and potential of individuals, even if they don't always recognize it themselves. Overall, the conversation showcased the unexpected and humorous aspects of human relationships and interactions.

    • Discussing Getty Images monopoly, naming children, and luxury experiencesGetty Images dominates high-quality image market despite high fees. Speakers shared thoughts on naming children and luxury brands, regretted missed experiences, and preferred intimate weddings.

      Getty Images holds a monopoly on high-quality images, making it a go-to source despite its expensive licensing fees. The conversation also touched on the topic of naming children and the allure of luxury brands and experiences. The speakers expressed regret over missing out on certain events and experiences, and the desire for unique names for their hypothetical children. Additionally, they discussed the size and extravagance of weddings, with some preferring intimate renewals of vows over large, elaborate ceremonies. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of pop culture references, personal anecdotes, and musings on life and consumer choices.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Large WeddingsLarge weddings can be overwhelming and may disrupt the flow of the day, but a smaller, more intimate wedding allows for more personal connections and a memorable experience.

      Weddings can be overwhelming and pressure-filled events for both the bride and groom, as well as their guests. People may feel the need to take up the couple's time, causing delays and disrupting the flow of the day. Some guests may become overly emotional or intoxicated, monopolizing the couple's attention. It's essential to remember that everyone present is there to celebrate the couple's union and have a good time. However, large weddings can lead to a "meet and greet" atmosphere, making it challenging for the couple to connect with each guest meaningfully. A smaller, more intimate wedding may allow for more personal interactions and a more memorable experience for all involved. Despite the potential challenges, weddings are a joyous occasion, and it's essential to appreciate the love and support of true friends who attend, even if they unexpectedly show up at your own wedding.

    • Budgeting for an Event: Photographer and Videographer CostsSpeaker was surprised by high photographer and videographer costs, considered cheaper options, discussed pop culture influences, and shared embarrassing TV experience.

      The discussion revolved around budgeting issues for an event, specifically regarding the cost of a photographer and videographer. The speaker was surprised by the high price tag they heard, but had planned to book someone else for less. The conversation also touched on various pop culture topics, including TV shows and musicians, and how these influences affected the speakers' experiences and emotions. The speaker expressed feeling embarrassed and ashamed during the viewing of a particular show, and also mentioned meeting Britney Spears during her tour. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of topics, from financial planning to pop culture, and the speakers' reactions to these experiences.

    • Sharing Grief with Britney SpearsMeeting Britney Spears led to a bond over shared loss, emphasizing the importance of supportive people during grieving process

      Grief is a complex and personal experience that can't be measured or contained within neat stages or feelings. The speaker shared her experience of meeting Britney Spears and how they bonded over their shared loss, but also acknowledged the challenges of opening up to others about such a deeply emotional topic. The speaker emphasized the importance of having supportive people in one's life to help navigate the grieving process, which can be a long and winding road. Ultimately, the speaker reflected on how talking openly about her grief with her partner had helped her heal, even as she acknowledged the ongoing nature of the process.

    • Reflecting on past challenges and the importance of family supportRecalling past experiences, the speaker acknowledges that having a strong family support system can make dealing with challenges much easier.

      The speaker reflects on her past experiences and realizes that having a supportive family makes handling challenges easier than when she was alone. The conversation also touches upon their shared memories of Vegas and the speaker's admiration for her friend's lifestyle. Additionally, the topic shifts to the Real Housewives TV show, and the speaker expresses her desire to be part of it, reminiscing about past rumors and her reactions to Denise Richards' controversial behavior on the show. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's nostalgia, appreciation for her friend, and her aspirations.

    • Misunderstandings and Backlash for Public FiguresPublic figures must communicate clearly and sensitively when discussing sensitive topics to avoid misunderstandings and backlash. Clear intentions and empathy are crucial for avoiding harm to others.

      Public figures, including content creators, can face significant backlash and misunderstanding when sharing personal experiences or opinions. Gigi Gorgeous, a content creator, shared her struggles with gender identity and was labeled insensitive and offensive by some for her wording in a video. She later called out Trisha Paytas, another content creator, for her coming out videos, which was misconstrued as mocking. Gigi expressed regret for her actions and felt remorse for any harm caused to Trisha. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and sensitivity when discussing sensitive topics, especially for public figures with large followings. Additionally, it underscores the need for understanding and empathy when interpreting the intentions behind someone's words.

    • Supporting a friend and exploring personal identityExploring personal identity can involve challenging experiences, but open dialogue and self-acceptance lead to greater comfort and authenticity.

      People's identities and experiences, including gender identity, can be complex and evolving. The speaker shares an experience of supporting a friend during a difficult time, while also undergoing her own personal journey with gender expression. She discusses the challenges of hiding behind a persona or character, and the significant lifestyle changes that came with stopping hormone treatments and no longer tucking. Despite the initial adjustment, she feels more comfortable and at ease with her authentic self. The conversation also highlights the importance of open dialogue and the unexpected discoveries that can come from sharing personal stories.

    • Representation, Vulnerability, and Personal StoriesSpeakers discussed the importance of representation in media, the emotional impact of sharing personal stories, and the power of vulnerability to inspire and resonate with audiences.

      The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics, including their experiences with reality TV shows, feelings of exclusion, and inspirational stories. One notable moment was when they discussed the lack of representation in certain shows and the emotions that came with it. Another topic was their vulnerability in sharing personal stories, which could inspire and resonate with audiences. The speakers also shared their experiences with success, such as having documentaries produced about them and the emotional impact it had. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of representation, vulnerability, and the power of sharing personal stories.

    • Sharing personal experiences of infertility and treatmentsBeing open and honest about personal infertility experiences can provide valuable information and support to others. The discussion about freezing eggs and sperm, as well as the shared struggles with hormones and treatments, emphasized the importance of this communication for future generations.

      Openness and honesty about personal experiences, especially related to infertility and the various challenges that come with it, can provide valuable information and support to others going through similar situations. This was evident in the discussion about freezing eggs and sperm, as well as the shared experiences of struggling with hormones and infertility treatments. The importance of being open and honest was further emphasized by the potential impact on future generations, as children may come to understand the lengths their parents went through to bring them into the world. The discussion also highlighted the beauty and complexity of the human body and the incredible ability it has to create life, despite various challenges. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of sharing experiences and supporting one another through the journey of infertility and parenthood.

    • The complexities of IVF and surrogacyAdmiration for individuals undergoing IVF and surrogacy, appreciating their dedication and secrecy. YouTube trends discussed, with a preference for monthly favorites videos.

      The journey of IVF and surrogacy is a complex and personal experience filled with physical challenges and emotional growth. The speaker expresses admiration for those who undergo these processes, appreciating the dedication and secrecy required. Additionally, the topic of YouTube trends was discussed, with the speaker expressing a fondness for monthly favorites videos and sharing her own experiences with perfumes. Despite the trend of prank videos being mentioned as something that was not enjoyed, no strong dislike was expressed towards any specific trend.

    • Social Media's Role in Addressing Creator's Mental HealthSocial media platforms must prioritize creators' well-being and intervene when necessary to prevent potential mental health issues. Online communities can significantly impact individuals, and creators should maintain a friendly and cordial online presence.

      Social media platforms, such as YouTube, have a responsibility to address potential mental health issues among their creators. The speaker expressed concern for creators like FouseyTube, who streamed excessively and appeared to be in distress. They wished that YouTube had intervened in similar situations they had experienced in the past. The speaker also discussed the gaming and beauty communities and their influence on individuals, with some creators focusing solely on their respective niches and others maintaining a more lifestyle-oriented approach. The speaker was not a part of the beauty community but had met some of its prominent figures. They emphasized the importance of being friendly and cordial with everyone online. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need for social media platforms to prioritize the well-being of their creators and the potential impact of online communities on individuals.

    • Reflecting on Past ConnectionsRespect people's privacy and don't make assumptions based on appearances or past experiences. Meaningful relationships can have a profound impact on our lives.

      The speaker has had deep connections with various people in her life, including a past crush on Shane, who later came out as bi. Despite her feelings, she respected his privacy and never pursued the relationship further. The speaker also mentioned her ability to connect with people on a deep level, even if they were not romantic interests. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being open-minded and not making assumptions about people based on appearances or past experiences. The speaker's reminiscing about past experiences highlights the significance of meaningful relationships and the impact they can have on one's life.

    • Sharing Past Experiences and Admiration for Each OtherThey cherished their past collaborations, appreciated each other's talents, and admired each other's preferences for brands.

      The speakers in this conversation have shared memories of their past experiences, including filming a music video together and their shared love for editing and makeup. They expressed admiration for each other's talents and discussed their preferences for certain brands. Despite some misunderstandings about specific stores and collaborations, they expressed a deep respect and appreciation for each other's abilities and personalities. They also acknowledged the challenges they have faced in their lives but emphasized the importance of staying positive and moving forward. Overall, the conversation highlights the strong bond of friendship and shared interests between the two speakers.

    • Navigating Deep Connections as a Public FigureDespite a large social circle, forming deep, personal connections remains a challenge for influencers. Cherishing past memories and valuing close friendships are essential.

      Despite having a large social circle and being active on YouTube, the speaker finds it challenging to form deep, personal connections with other influencers. They value having a small circle of close friends and cherish the memories they've made together. The speaker also mentions that they've deleted many old videos due to regretting some of the things they said. The conversation also reveals that they used to have a large group of friends who were always present in their lives, but now they live more privately with just a few close companions. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of genuine, deep friendships and the value of cherishing past memories.

    • Managing a YouTube channel: Content creation, self-reflection, and emotional connectionsMaintaining a YouTube channel requires consistent content creation and self-reflection. Old content may need to be deleted, and posting frequency may change based on inspiration levels. Brand deals can impact a channel, and managing a channel can evoke personal emotions.

      Maintaining a YouTube channel involves constant content creation and self-reflection. The speaker in this conversation discusses her experience with managing her old content and her current posting frequency. She shares that she once deleted a large number of videos but now posts less frequently due to a lack of inspiration. She also mentions her experiences with brand deals and the impact they have had on her channel. The conversation also touches on the speaker's feelings of horniness and guilt, which she associates with her time on the platform. Overall, the conversation highlights the personal and professional challenges that come with managing a YouTube channel, as well as the emotional connections that viewers and creators can form through the content.

    • Discovering New Things: A Source of ExcitementEmbrace new experiences, even if they're unfamiliar or unpopular, as they can lead to personal growth and new discoveries.

      The speaker is expressing her excitement about discovering a new social media platform and a new music genre, despite some people's dislike for it. She is curious and open to new experiences, whether it's subscribing to new content creators or listening to new music. The speaker also shares her past experiences of trying new things, such as singing, but never fully committing to them. She expresses her dislike for sports and shares her memories of being bullied during gym class. Despite these experiences, she values the importance of trying new things and believes it builds character. The speaker also expresses her desire to support her hypothetical son in his interests, even if it's something she's not particularly fond of. Overall, the speaker is an open-minded and curious individual who is always looking for new experiences and embraces the unknown.

    • Exploring potential collaboration and sharing perspectivesTwo individuals discussed their differing opinions on horror stories, celebrity friendships, and live streaming while expressing a desire to work together on a project, potentially as sisters in a show.

      During this conversation, the two individuals expressed their shared desire to work together on a project, potentially as sisters in a show. They also discussed their differing perspectives on various topics, including their feelings towards horror stories, celebrity friendships, and live streaming. The interviewee revealed that she's not a fan of scary things and has mixed feelings about live streaming due to potential negative comments from viewers. They also mentioned their long-standing friendship and the ease of getting together for conversations. Despite their differences, they found common ground in their shared experiences and the potential for a collaborative project.

    • Embracing positivity and ignoring negativityFocusing on positivity and ignoring negativity can lead to a more fulfilling experience. Recognize the impact of self-care and the importance of not dwelling on negativity, even when it comes from others.

      Focusing on positivity and not engaging with negativity can lead to a more fulfilling experience. The speaker shares her personal journey of no longer blocking negative comments online and appreciating the support of her fans, even if it wasn't always present. She emphasizes the importance of not dwelling on negativity and instead focusing on the good things in life. Additionally, the speaker discusses her evolving identity as a content creator and influencer, recognizing the impact she has on others and the importance of self-care. She encourages the idea of manifesting positivity and good things in life, even if it may seem unconventional or difficult to achieve.

    • Reflecting on Past FriendshipsReflecting on past friendships can bring appreciation and connection. Self-reflection, personal growth, vibrations, and meditation contribute to mental well-being. Stay true to oneself and cherish good friends.

      The power of memory and reminiscing about past experiences, even the cringeworthy ones, can bring about a sense of connection and appreciation for the friendships we have had. The conversation also touched upon the importance of self-reflection, personal growth, and the role of vibrations and meditation in mental well-being. The speakers shared their experiences of navigating complex relationships, the importance of being true to oneself, and the value of good friends who support us through our ups and downs. Ultimately, the discussion emphasized the importance of cherishing the past while staying present and embracing the journey of life.

    • The power of past connectionsCherishing past relationships and recognizing old connections can lead to heartfelt exchanges and strengthen present relationships. Positive reinforcement and encouragement can also play a key role in building meaningful connections.

      The power of nostalgia and recognition can evoke strong emotions and excitement. Chi Chi reached out to Ashley after seeing a video of her, reminiscing about a moment from 12 years ago. Ashley was touched by the unexpected contact and the shared memory. The exchange led to a heartfelt exchange of messages, with both women expressing admiration and affection for each other. The conversation ended with Chi Chi encouraging Ashley to continue her creative pursuits and promising to support her. The exchange highlights the importance of cherishing past connections and the impact they can have on our present lives. It also underscores the power of positive reinforcement and encouragement in building meaningful relationships.

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    enJune 13, 2024

    Tana Mongeau EXPOSES Cody Ko & Trisha DEFENDS Tarayummy Amidst Backlash

    Tana Mongeau EXPOSES Cody Ko & Trisha DEFENDS Tarayummy Amidst Backlash
    On episode 86 of 'JUST TRISH', Tana Mongeau accidentally sets the Internet on fire after she alleged she slept with Cody Ko when she was just 17 years old--and he was 25. Plus, Trisha defends Tarayummy after the new it-girl gets accused of copying Tana Mongeau. And why are Trisha and Oscar suddenly on team JoJo Siwa?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 11, 2024

    Meredith Duxbury On Breakup Speculation & Inspiring Selena Gomez

    Meredith Duxbury On Breakup Speculation & Inspiring Selena Gomez
    Meredith Duxbury is a maximalist when it comes to her beauty routine... and when it comes to spilling the tea. The famed TikTok beauty guru joins Trisha to end the speculation about her breakup from Brandon Remer. Plus, Meredith dishes on being hailed as Selena Gomez's FAVORITE influencer.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 11, 2024

    Trisha Gives BIRTH to Baby Elvis!

    Trisha Gives BIRTH to Baby Elvis!
    Elvis has left the womb and entered the building. Trisha has officially given birth to baby girl no. 2! How has the arrival of her second daughter changed her perspective on life, motherhood, and Hot Topics? Plus, who was secretly leaking her baby announcement?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 04, 2024

    Dr. Drew Reveals How Pregnancy Has CHANGED Trisha

    Dr. Drew Reveals How Pregnancy Has CHANGED Trisha
    Addiction specialist, Dr. Drew, is BACK ahead of the birth of Trisha's baby to reflect about how pregnancy has changed her for the better. Plus, Dr. Drew weighs in on how she can cope with postpartum depression the second time around. And the famed TV personality has plans to get Trisha on the silver screen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enMay 30, 2024

    Pokimane Addresses Cookie Controversy & Drama with Charlie MoistCr1TiKaL

    Pokimane Addresses Cookie Controversy & Drama with Charlie MoistCr1TiKaL
    On episode 82 of 'JUST TRISH'--the queen of streams Pokimane is here, and she's opening up like never before. For the first time ever, Poki finally addresses the controversy over her Myna cookies caused by xQc and Charlie (MoistCr1TiKaL / penguinz0). Plus, Poki also discusses her scary stalker experiences, and how the toxic Twitch drama inspired her to help uplift her fellow female creators.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enMay 28, 2024

    Ted Nivison Teaches Trisha Paytas About Space, Gooning, Science & MORE!

    Ted Nivison Teaches Trisha Paytas About Space, Gooning, Science & MORE!
    Our favorite straight guy, TedNivison, is here to teach us his ways. On this EXTRA SPECIAL episode of 'JUST TRISH', Ted teaches Trisha Paytas all about his favorite subjects: Space, science, history, and gooning. Plus, the 'Chuckle Sandwich' host opens up about life before his meteoric rise to social media fame, as well as learns some valuable information about the LGBTQIA+ community.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enMay 23, 2024

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     Instagram: @feelingseen.beingheard

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    Socials, Services & Website www.thepositivityxperience.com


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    NOTE - There may be affiliate links in the description or episode. Should you choose to use one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I appreciate your support!

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