
    Podcast Summary

    • California trains wellness coaches for youth mental health, Apple Card offers rewards, Airbnb hosts earn money renting homesCalifornia invests in mental health through wellness coaches, Apple Card provides financial rewards, Airbnb offers earning opportunities for hosts, Grover discusses self-talk on Happiness Lab for personal growth

      Mental health is a significant issue for half of California's youth, but there is a solution. California is training a new workforce of certified wellness coaches to help children and youth build essential skills for better mental health. Meanwhile, in the financial world, Apple Card offers cashback rewards, providing an opportunity for daily earnings. Elsewhere, Airbnb hosts can earn money by renting out their homes when they're away. Grover from Sesame Street joined the Happiness Lab podcast to discuss self-talk, a powerful tool for dealing with stress and negative thoughts. Our minds can sometimes mislead us, but understanding the science of the mind can guide us back to true happiness. In summary, there are various ways to address challenges in different areas of life, from mental health to finances and personal growth. For more information, visit cawellnesscoach.org, apple.co/cardcalculator, and airbnb.com/host.

    • Managing Stress and Emotional Regulation: A Personal and Professional NecessityPersonal experiences highlight the importance of emotional regulation for effective work and parenting. Akemi Gibson emphasizes self-grace and learning new emotional muscles, while Ethan Cross studies effective techniques for emotional intelligence.

      Managing stress and emotional regulation is crucial for performing at our best in various aspects of life, including work and parenting. Akemi Gibson, Vice President and Educational Publisher at Sesame Workshop, shares her personal experience of dealing with stress and self-criticism during a meltdown at the grocery store with her toddler. She emphasizes the importance of giving ourselves grace in tough moments and teaching ourselves new emotional muscles to cope with stress. Ethan Cross, a professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan, studies effective strategies for emotion regulation. He highlights that while we teach children various subjects, we often neglect emotional intelligence. By learning and practicing emotional regulation techniques, we can better manage tough feelings and improve our overall well-being.

    • Effectively managing emotions with self talkSelf talk is a powerful tool for emotion regulation, but negative self-criticism can impair thinking, performing, and building relationships. Use distanced self talk to coach yourself effectively.

      Effectively managing emotions is crucial for success in various aspects of life, including thinking and performing effectively, building better relationships, and maintaining good physical and mental health. Self talk, or talking to ourselves inside our heads, is a simple yet powerful tool for emotion regulation. It allows us to keep information active, motivate ourselves, and make sense of our experiences. However, self talk can also have a negative side, known as chatter, which involves harsh self-criticism and negative thought loops that can impair our ability to think, perform, and build healthy relationships. Ethan Kahneman recommends harnessing this tool by using distanced self talk, which involves using the second or third person pronoun to refer to ourselves when engaging in self talk. This technique provides psychological distance and helps us coach ourselves through problems more effectively. Therefore, it's essential to teach children about the benefits and potential pitfalls of self talk and help them develop the skill of distanced self talk for effective emotion regulation.

    • Using objective language for effective stress managementUsing 'distant self-talk' and adopting a superhero persona can help individuals cope with stress and improve performance. Certified wellness coaches play a vital role in supporting young people's mental health. Consider becoming an Airbnb host for extra income while traveling.

      Using objective language, such as second or third person self-talk, can help individuals cope more effectively with stressful situations and improve their performance. This concept, known as distant self-talk, has been proven effective in research and can be observed in everyday life. For instance, Ethan's daughter, Maya, uses self-talk to calm herself before diving competitions. Additionally, adopting a superhero persona can further enhance performance and resilience. In a larger context, certified wellness coaches are playing a crucial role in addressing the mental health challenges faced by young people, especially in the current climate of stressors such as the pandemic, social and political turmoil, and climate disruptions. Lastly, considering becoming an Airbnb host while traveling can be a lucrative opportunity to earn extra income, making your absence less financially burdensome.

    • Using a superhero persona for self-talkAdopting a superhero persona for self-talk can help individuals persevere through challenging tasks, increasing their confidence and determination.

      Using a superhero persona for self-talk can significantly improve one's ability to persevere through challenging tasks. Psychologist Ethan Kross conducted an experiment on children, asking them to perform a tedious and frustrating task. He found that those who adopted a superhero persona and used it to coach themselves stuck with the task nearly twice as long as those who used first-person pronouns. This simple shift in perspective can turn individuals into "performance superheroes," giving them the confidence and determination to push through difficulties. So, if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or struggling with a task, try adopting a superhero persona and using it to coach yourself. It might just give you the boost you need to succeed.

    • Practice self-compassion instead of self-criticismMindfulness and gentleness towards oneself can help learn from mistakes and improve, instead of becoming more stressed and anxious.

      Making mistakes is a natural part of being human, and being overly critical of ourselves when we make them can have negative physical and psychological consequences. UT Austin psychologist Kristin Neff, an expert on self-compassion, suggests that instead of criticizing ourselves, we should practice talking to ourselves with kindness and care, as we would to a good friend. The first step to doing this is practicing mindfulness, being aware of our emotions and taking the time to notice how we're feeling. The second step is being gentle with ourselves, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes and that it's okay to not be perfect. By being compassionate towards ourselves, we can learn from our mistakes and improve, rather than becoming more stressed and anxious.

    • Recognizing our common humanity and practicing self-compassionSelf-compassion involves acknowledging pain and struggles, expressing kindness towards self, and recognizing our shared humanity. It leads to improved performance, better relationships, increased resilience, and contagious positivity.

      Recognizing our common humanity and practicing self-compassion can help us navigate through difficult times and mistakes in life. Self-compassion involves acknowledging that everyone experiences pain and struggles, and it's important to be kind and supportive towards ourselves during these moments. The three steps of self-compassion are recognizing our common humanity, practicing self-kindness, and being mindful of our thoughts and feelings. Self-kindness can be expressed through physical touch, self-talk, or other acts of kindness towards ourselves. Practicing self-compassion has numerous benefits, including improved performance, better relationships, increased resilience, and even contagious effects on others. It's never too late to start cultivating self-compassion skills, and it can make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

    • Supporting Young People's Mental Health: Solutions and ResourcesBecome a wellness coach, explore hosting on Airbnb, seek job assistance, practice self-compassion for positive impact on young people and self.

      There are various ways we can support the mental health and well-being of young people, who are facing increasing challenges in today's world. One solution is to become a certified wellness coach, as California is building a new workforce to provide preventative and early intervention behavioral health services. Additionally, individuals can earn extra income by becoming Airbnb hosts or seeking help from Express Employment Professionals for job search assistance. Lastly, it's important to prioritize self-compassion and mindfulness practices for ourselves as adults, as our mental well-being also impacts those around us. By implementing these strategies, we can make a positive difference in the lives of young people and ourselves. For more information, visit cawellnesscoach.org, airbnb.com/host, and expresspros.com.

    • Practicing Self-Compassion: Mindfulness, Common Humanity, and Self-KindnessMindfulness, recognizing common humanity, and self-kindness are key components of practicing self-compassion, which can significantly improve our well-being and help us navigate through challenging situations. Even superheroes have off days, so be kind to yourself.

      Practicing self-compassion through kind self-talk can significantly improve our well-being and help us navigate through challenging situations. As Super Grover demonstrated, the first step is mindfulness, which involves slowing down and paying attention to our feelings and surroundings. The second step is recognizing common humanity, meaning acknowledging that everyone experiences struggles and setbacks. Lastly, self-kindness involves being gentle and compassionate with ourselves. By practicing these strategies, we can learn to be our own coaches and model healthier forms of self-talk for the young people in our lives. Remember, even superheroes have off days, and it's essential to be kind to ourselves during those times.

    • Investing in mental health, traveling, and technology for happinessInvesting in mental health, visiting uplifting places, and using tech like Canva Presentations can boost happiness.

      Prioritizing both physical health and mental wellness contributes significantly to overall happiness. California is addressing the mental health challenges faced by nearly half of its youth by training certified wellness coaches to work with them. Meanwhile, a trip to San Diego can provide a rejuvenating experience with its sunny weather, welcoming people, and beautiful scenery. On a professional note, Canva Presentations' AI-powered feature allows users to generate captivating slides with minimal effort, making work presentations more effective. Overall, investing in mental health, traveling to uplifting environments, and utilizing technology to enhance productivity can lead to increased happiness.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    Awe reduces stress, helps us forget our minor worries and makes us feel more connected to the people around us. We all need more awe in our lives - but surely it's not that easy to find awesome experiences on your average Tuesday?

    Actor Tony Hale explains how everyday awe helps ease his anxieties, while UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner shows us how to find awe in music, art, scenery... even in a walk around our block. And Dr Laurie explores the things that give her a sense of awe with the help of Mike Menzel - who built a space telescope that lets us see billions of years into the past.  

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    How to Tame Stress

    How to Tame Stress

    Dr Laurie is stressed, and it's harming her health. Constant worry and stress is bad for our bodies and our minds, but how can we break the cycle and relax? It turns out scientists have learned a lot from one of America's most stressed-out communities - caregivers.  

    Hollywood star Steve Guttenberg talks about the toughest chapter of his life - caring for his dying dad - and Dr Elissa Epel explains why some caregivers suffer badly from stress, while others seem to find ways to live with the awful situation they find themselves in daily.  

    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    Dr Laurie HATES boredom! Since childhood she's found it so painful that she'll do anything to avoid being bored. She'll watch crappy TV. She'll find extra work to do. She'll snack. But boredom is actually an incredibly useful tool to boost our happiness and creativity.  

    With the help of leading boredom experts, Dr Laurie learns how to embrace doing nothing and finds that in the midst of tedium our brains can come up with the most amazing breakthrough ideas. 

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    How to Fight Perfectionism

    How to Fight Perfectionism

    Holding yourself to impossibly high standards is self-defeating and makes for a miserable life. Can Dr Laurie Santos find ways to tackle her constant perfectionism so she can perform better and have more fun? 

    She hears from researcher Thomas Curran about a worrying growth in perfectionism in society, and asks "recovering perfectionist" Jordana Confino how to tackle the nagging voice in your head telling you to always push yourself and work harder.  

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    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    Sometimes the happiness teacher flunks her own class. In a deeply personal new season, Dr Laurie Santos opens up about the things she really, really struggles with. Things like crippling perfectionism, chronic stress and a paralyzing fear of death. 

    With the help of world-class experts, a Hollywood star and a host of normal people who grapple with the same issues, Dr Laurie will face up to her own happiness demons and try to defeat them. 

    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Liz Dunn is a regular guest on The Happiness Lab, but in this extended interview with TED's Chris Anderson she take us on a deep dive into her research. It shows that by increasing our generosity and by giving to others we can significantly boost our own happiness. 

    Listen to more episodes of The TED Interview wherever you get your podcasts.  

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    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    A chance to hear a recent episode of A Slight Change of Plans in which Maya Shankar asks psychologist Adam Grant about his new book "Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things". They talk about how to filter out unhelpful feedback, the benefits of imperfectionism, and why we need to give soft skills more respect. 

    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Work is a worry. Are we paid enough? Should we be getting promoted quicker? Is artificial intelligence about to replace us all? 

    Speaking at SXSW 2024, Dr Laurie Santos argues that because of all our career woes we often neglect our happiness. She walks through her top five tips for improving our workplace wellbeing - which will not only make us feel better, but might even cause our salaries to rise!  

    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Technology is amazing! We can make video calls, find facts in an instant and watch movies on our phones. We take all this for granted, but have we let our screens and devices take over too much of our lives? 

    To mark Digital Wellness Day on May 3, we hear from Amy Blankson (author and "chief evangelist" at the Digital Wellness Institute) about her ten tips to tame our devices at home and in the workplace. 

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    How to Grow After Adversity

    How to Grow After Adversity

    Karen Guggenheim was devastated by the death of her husband, Ricardo. She was alive, but dead to the world around her. Slowly she put her life back together and found growing happiness. To share her insights with others in need, Karen started the World Happiness Summit

    Karen's campaign to spread global happiness is just one example of "post traumatic growth". Clinical psychologist Dr Edith Shiro (author of The Unexpected Gift of Trauma) has worked with many people who have recovered from trauma and grown as a result. She explains how we can give ourselves the best possible chance to experience post traumatic growth.

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    Nick: @nick_movingpastmediocre

    Julian: @julian_fearlesslife

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    Let's Talk About... Evolution & Growth (Episode 187)

    Let's Talk About... Evolution & Growth (Episode 187)

    What’s the key to taking your mental health from ‘meh’ to ‘amazing!’? It’s focusing on your personal growth and evolution! 🌱📈🥳 Your personal evolution is all about how you work on your growth and development over time by learning new things, overcoming challenges, and becoming a better version of yourself.

    Personal development is a massive industry, full of people charging for life coaching and guidance, and they can be really helpful, but there are also lots of things you can do too grow by focusing on your self actualization (or self actualisation if you’re in Australia!). In this new episode of the Let’s Talk About Mental Health podcast I’m teaching you how to be deliberate about your psychological wellbeing for the sake of your self development, and I’m sharing wellness tips that help you to make your growth a priority. So, let’s talk!

    Let’s Talk About Mental Health. Because the more we talk about it, the easier it gets. 

    Become a subscriber on Spotify for early access to ad-free episodes: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ltamentalhealth/subscribe

    💬 PS: When you’re done I’d love to know what you think, so let me know in the comments or find me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/ltamentalhealth. 😃

    If you’re new here… hi! 👋😃 I’m Jeremy Godwin and I teach you how to look after your mental health. I release new podcast episodes and videos every Sunday, plus I write books about improving your mental health; find out more at the link in my profile or go to www.ltamh.com


    Improve your mental health in just 10-15 minutes a day with my Daily Reflection Tool and Self Care Planner! Just $12.50 AUD (about $9 USD), find it here: https://sowl.co/s/bsw5ZB  


    Read the episode transcript:

    English: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=10991 

    Spanish: http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=11000 

    Portuguese:  http://letstalkaboutmentalhealth.com.au/?p=10998 


    About Let’s Talk About Mental Health:

    Let's Talk About Mental Health is the weekly podcast that teaches you how to look after your mental health, with simple ideas that draw on both quality research and the experience of writer and host Jeremy Godwin. Each episode focuses on practical things you can do to improve your mental health and take control. Discover the podcast all about better mental health and join listeners in over 170 countries worldwide! Let's Talk About Mental Health. Because the more we talk about it, the easier it gets.


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