

    Explore "wellnesscoaches" with insightful episodes like "Why our Brains Don't Fear Climate Change Enough", "How to Make Friends and Compliment People", "Grover’s Super Solution to Self-Talk", "Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind" and "Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: The Trauma of Troy" from podcasts like ""The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos", "The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos", "The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos", "The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos" and "The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Why our Brains Don't Fear Climate Change Enough

    Why our Brains Don't Fear Climate Change Enough

    Humans are great at reacting to mortal danger... but only sometimes. Unfortunately, some risks to our safety and wellbeing don't set off alarm bells in our brains. Climate change falls into that category. Why is that?

    Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert explains how some dangers trigger us, and some don't. In discussion with Dr Laurie Santos, he also outlines ways in which we can be made to care more about threats to the planet and maybe react to them in more positive, happiness-inducing ways.   

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    How to Make Friends and Compliment People

    How to Make Friends and Compliment People

    Connecting with people is a sure-fire way to be happier - and you can quickly build relationships with friends and strangers alike just by giving them a sincere compliment.

    In the first show of a season about how to be more sociable - we meet Troy Hawke, who makes a living complimenting everyone he passes on the street, and scientist Xuan Zhao - an expert on compliments who ditched her boyfriend for failing to say out loud all the nice things he thought about her.

    (For more on Xuan's public benefit startup Flourish Science - a company aiming to "help people discover joy, combat burnout, and cultivate deeper connections within supportive communities" - then visit www.flouriship.com.)


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    Grover’s Super Solution to Self-Talk

    Grover’s Super Solution to Self-Talk

    It's not always easy being a podcast host. Dr Laurie is stressed, making mistakes and blaming herself. When things go wrong, we're often our own harshest critics. So how can we tame this type of unkind self-talk?

    Luckily for Dr Laurie, Super Grover comes to the rescue - with tips on how she can talk to herself in kind and compassionate ways that will help her manage her feelings, perform better, and feel happier.

    (Sesame Workshop is a non-profit organization with a mission to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. The work they do is funded by donations big and small - so if you want to become a part of their important work to improve children’s emotional well-being, then visit: sesameworkshop.org/support-us/)

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    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind

    We often think of yoga as a physical exercise - but a centuries-old Sanskrit text, The Yoga Sutras, share teachings intended to improve both the body and mind. The author, Patanjali, makes clear that the poses and stretches are only part of picture - we also need to be kind, contemplative and grounded.  

    Jessamyn Stanley (yoga teacher and author of Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance) takes Dr Laurie Santos through Patanjali's text - saying its lessons "can be applied in every circumstance, no matter who you are or where you are".

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    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: The Trauma of Troy

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: The Trauma of Troy

    In Virgil's epic poem, The Aeneid, few Trojans survive the destruction of their city at the hands of their Greek enemies. A prince, Aeneas, leads a band of those fleeing Troy - but the journey is fraught with deadly storms and hungry monsters.  

    But Aeneas takes a positive view of the struggles he and the other Trojans face, telling them to be proud of their resilience and courage. With the help of MIT classics professor Stephanie Frampton, Dr Laurie Santos explores how The Aeneid can be read as a tale of post-traumatic growth and how we can sometimes emerge happier and stronger from tragic events.  

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    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Socrates and Self-Knowledge

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Socrates and Self-Knowledge

    Question everything... that's a key insight from the great Greek philosopher Socrates. We may think we know ourselves and what makes us happy... but that's not always true. 

    Yale professor Tamar Gendler says that by harnessing our "inner Socrates" we can ask ourselves why we think or feel certain things. We might then find that deeply-held convictions that money or status or accolades are a reliable route to happiness aren't correct, and can then start to pursue the things that might really make us happier.  

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    Coming Jan 2: Let Your Inner Voice be Heard in 2023

    Coming Jan 2: Let Your Inner Voice be Heard in 2023

    At the start of a new year there are plenty of voices telling us to get fit; go on a diet; or supercharge our careers. This advice might be well-intentioned, but it can also be DEAFENING!!! 

    In 2023, try listening to a voice that's often drowned out by all the noise... the voice inside you. From Jan 2, Dr Laurie Santos presents a series of interviews with experts to help you tune in to your inner compass - your intuition. Let it guide your approach to things like work, nutrition and happiness over the coming year.   

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    Move to Your Happy Place

    Move to Your Happy Place

    People who live in some places are happier than others. But if you move to a happy country, happy city or happy district, will it make you feel better? And what can do if you can't uproot from your current home, can you make sad spaces happier?  

    Dan Buettner introduces us to his "Blue Zones", and explains why these places score so highly in wellbeing surveys. Helen Russell tells her story of moving to one of the happiest nations on earth...in bleak midwinter. And Texan Jason Roberts admits he had to break the city laws to make his neighborhood in Dallas a bit nicer. 

    For further reading: 

    Helen Russell - The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country.

    Dan Buettner - The Blue Zones of Happiness: Lessons From the World's Happiest People.

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    Nerd Out! The Happiness of Being a Fan

    Nerd Out! The Happiness of Being a Fan

    Really love a TV show; a boyband; a sci fi movie; or a celebrity? We're often too embarrassed to admit adoring some things for fear that we'll be seen as frivolous or childish - but we may be missing out on the happiness benefits that geeking out can bring.   

    Dr Laurie Santos explores the joy of fandom with Benedict Cumberbatch obsessive Tabitha Carvan, YA author Jennifer Lynn Barnes and Star Trek actor (and geek-vangelist) Wil Wheaton. 

    For Further Reading:

    Tabitha Carvan - This Is Not A Book About Benedict Cumberbatch 

    Wil Wheaton - Still Just a Geek

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    Q: "How Do I Stop Negative Self-talk?"

    Q: "How Do I Stop Negative Self-talk?"

    It can speak to us in the middle of a work project, the middle of a date, or the middle of the night. The critical voice in our head telling us we're just not good enough and we're headed for failure. Listener Patricia Branigan wrote in to ask what we can do the quiet down this chatter.  

    To explain what damage negative self-talk does to us and explore some simple strategies to challenge our inner critic, Dr Laurie Santos is joined by "chatter" expert Ethan Kross (professor of psychology and management at the University of Michigan).

    You can read more in Ethan's book 'Chatter: The Voice in our Head (And How to Harness it)'.


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    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Lao Tzu

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Lao Tzu

    The challenges of life often cause us to work frantically to overcome our difficulties - but the Chinese thinker Lao Tzu recommended that instead we should emulate the slow, steady, yet powerful flow of a river.

    Solala Towler has studied and taught the principles of Daoism for more than 30 years - and explains how we can implement them into our daily lives. Things like retaining our childlike wonder, being content to go with the flow, and appreciating moderation in all things so that we don't burn ourselves out.

    You can read more about Solala's work at https://abodetao.com/

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    Happier Holidays: How to Give and Receive the Perfect Gift

    Happier Holidays: How to Give and Receive the Perfect Gift

    Exchanging holiday gifts is supposed to be joyful... but for many of us it is a source of stress, anxiety and hurt feelings. To transform the way you think about the act of giving and receiving presents, Dr Laurie Santos has gathered together the top experts in the field of happiness to share their tips, tricks and science-backed strategies. They even tackle the thorny issue of giving money in lieu of a present - with some surprising conclusions.

    Joining Laurie for a festive Zoom party are Jamil Zaki from Stanford University, Liz Dunn from the University of British Columbia and Nick Epley from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

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    How to Be a Better Ally

    How to Be a Better Ally

    You might detest bigotry and injustice, but have you done anything to address these problems? There are many reasons we stay silent and inactive when we know we should intervene to defend the rights of others. We look at the psychology underpinning our reluctance to act and the ways in which we can match our moral beliefs with concrete actions.

    Featuring James Barr and Dan Hudson, co-hosts of the podcast 'A Gay and a Non-Gay'.

    WARNING: This episode talks frankly about discrimination, hate crimes and sex.

    For an even deeper dive into the research we talk about in the show visit happinesslab.fm

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    Calm Can Be Contagious

    Calm Can Be Contagious

    In normal times our minds can be filled with unhelpful thoughts, but during this crisis you might be finding it even harder to calm your anxious internal monologue. Meditation could be helpful.

    Dan Harris (host of the Ten Percent Happier podcast) had a panic attack while reading the news live on ABC - and found that meditating brought him a calm he'd never previously known. He tells Dr Laurie Santos how we can all use simple meditations to help us and our families during the pandemic.

    The show includes a guided meditation from Dr Santos.

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