
    Podcast Summary

    • Mental health, financial rewards, and personal growthInvest in mental health, maximize financial rewards, and embrace personal growth. Wellness coaches can help improve youth mental health, Apple Card offers cashback, and rediscovering oneself leads to growth.

      Mental health is a significant issue among California's youth, and certified wellness coaches are being trained to help them improve their mental health and overall well-being. Meanwhile, the Apple Card offers cashback rewards on various purchases. On a personal note, author Tabitha Carbon shares her experience of feeling lost in motherhood until she rediscovered herself through her fascination with Benedict Cumberbatch on the TV show "Sherlock Holmes." In summary, investing in mental health, making the most of financial rewards, and embracing personal growth are key takeaways from this discussion. For more information on wellness coaches, visit cawellnesscoach.org. To calculate potential earnings with the Apple Card, go to apple.co/cardcalculator. And to explore the potential of turning your home into an Airbnb, visit airbnb.com/host.

    • The joy of embracing trivial passionsEmbracing seemingly trivial passions openly can lead to greater happiness and connection in life.

      Our deep connections to seemingly trivial things, like a celebrity crush, can bring us immense joy and happiness. Tabitha's obsession with Benedict Cumberbatch, despite feeling embarrassed and ashamed at first, ultimately led her to feel more alive and present. This phenomenon, called being "cumberbatched," is a reminder that our minds may not always lead us to what truly makes us happy. By embracing our passions openly and without guilt, we may find greater connection and contentment in our lives. This idea is explored in the book "This is Not a Book About Benedict Cumberbatch." Our minds can often mislead us in our pursuit of happiness, but understanding the science of the mind can help us navigate back to what truly brings us joy.

    • The stigma of fandom and fear of embracing passionsDespite the negative portrayal of fans in media, fandom is a natural and normal expression of human emotion, bringing joy and a sense of community.

      Fandom, no matter the object of passion, carries a stigma that can deter people from fully embracing their interests. Tabitha's experience with her infatuation with Benedict Cumberbatch illustrates this, as she felt guilt and fear about her intense feelings towards the actor. This fear was compounded by the negative portrayal of fans in the media. However, it's important to remember that fandom is a natural and normal expression of human emotion. As Wil Wheaton, a celebrity and author who has embraced his geek identity, points out, the term "fan" comes from the Latin "fanaticus," meaning "frenzied by the gods." Fandom, whether for sports or entertainment, can bring joy and a sense of community. To overcome the stigma and fully embrace our passions, it's essential to recognize the value and normalcy of fandom and to celebrate the shared experiences it brings.

    • The benefits of deep, unapologetic passionDeep passions improve mental health, bring joy, and contribute to overall well-being. Embrace them for personal happiness and community engagement.

      Having deep, unapologetic passion for the things we love, often referred to as being a "nerd," holds significant psychological benefits. As shared by Will Wheaton, a well-known actor and self-proclaimed geek, his intense love for Star Trek and various other nerdy things brought him immense joy and safety. This enthusiasm is not limited to just the object of affection but also extends to the community of like-minded individuals. Research supports this idea, suggesting that having deep passions and immersing oneself in them can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being. The current generation, particularly young people, faces numerous challenges that impact their mental health. California is addressing this issue by training certified wellness coaches to provide preventative and early intervention services to support children and youth in their daily lives. By embracing our passions and allowing ourselves to fully engage with them, we can not only experience personal happiness but also contribute to the well-being of others.

    • Exploring Fandom and Traveling: A Winning CombinationEngaging in fandom activities like fan fiction, cosplay, and attending conventions can bring cognitive and emotional benefits, while hosting on Airbnb can provide extra income and a sense of belonging during travel

      Traveling and engaging in fandom, whether it's through watching shows or hosting on Airbnb, can bring happiness and extra income. The cognitive and emotional benefits of fandom, such as stress reduction and social connection, have been studied and proven. Fan fiction, cosplay, and attending conventions are forms of imaginative play that can transport fans into a shared, pretensive reality. Meanwhile, hosting on Airbnb can provide additional income and the feeling of being at home while traveling. As a bonus, the creative and playful side of geeking out can lead to the production of beautiful art and merchandise that celebrates the fandom.

    • Forming Significant Social Connections through Parasocial RelationshipsParasocial relationships formed through media consumption can increase self-esteem, reduce feelings of loneliness, and lead to lifelong friendships, providing valuable social connections for those who struggle with feelings of isolation or non-belonging.

      Parasocial relationships formed through consuming media about real or fictional figures can provide significant social connection benefits similar to real-world relationships. These relationships, often formed through fandom, can lead to increased self-esteem, reduced feelings of loneliness, and even the formation of lifelong friendships. The social surrogacy hypothesis suggests that our brains are adaptable in fulfilling social needs, and parasocial relationships can serve as valuable social connections, especially for those who struggle with feelings of isolation or non-belonging. The benefits of these relationships can be attributed to the sense of community, shared interests, and the feeling of being understood and accepted by others who share the same passion.

    • The benefits and drawbacks of being part of a fan communityBeing part of a fan community can foster a sense of belonging, identity, and even inspire prosocial behavior, but it can also lead to toxic behaviors and negative experiences. Embracing one's passions, even the unconventional ones, can lead to personal growth and positive outcomes.

      Being part of a fan community can bring significant benefits such as a sense of belonging, identity, and even prosocial behavior. However, it can also lead to toxic behaviors and negative experiences for some individuals. Will Wheaton, an actor who faced harsh criticism from toxic fans, emphasizes the importance of embracing one's geeky pursuits and the potential positive impact they can have on personal growth and inspiration for others. Despite the potential negatives, the overall benefits of being a fan often outweigh the drawbacks. Embracing one's passions, no matter how unconventional they may seem, can lead to unexpected personal growth and positive outcomes.

    • Wellness coaches support children and youth's mental health during challenging timesWellness coaches offer preventative and early intervention services, playing a crucial role in supporting children and youth's mental health during the pandemic and other societal challenges.

      Certified wellness coaches play a crucial role in supporting children and youth by offering preventative and early intervention behavioral health services. With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation, political turmoil, racism, injustice, and climate disruptions on young people's mental health, wellness coaches are the first line of defense. Meanwhile, if you have a home but are not always at home, consider becoming an Airbnb host to earn extra income. Express Employment Professionals can help you find a job for free, and Tabitha Carvin's story shows that it's not always a bad thing to pursue your passions wholeheartedly, even if it seems scary at first. Connecting with like-minded individuals can help you feel less alone and open up new opportunities.

    • Embracing passions leads to personal growth and happinessEmbrace passions fearlessly, discover supportive communities, and find joy in self-expression to unlock personal growth and happiness.

      Embracing our passions, no matter how trivial they may seem, can lead to profound personal growth and happiness. Tabitha's experience of connecting with other fans of Benedict Cumberbatch online led her to discover a supportive community and the courage to be vulnerable. This empowered her to make significant life changes and find joy in expressing her love for the actor. The fan community's shared experience also allowed individuals to identify unmet needs and inspired them to pursue their desires. Tabitha's advice is to embrace your passions without fear of judgment, as they can open doors to self-discovery and happiness. For those yet to find their passion, Tabitha encourages them to keep looking and to remember that everyone is entitled to find joy in the things they love.

    • Embrace your inner geek and find joy in your interestsEngaging in hobbies or passions, no matter how trivial, can lead to profound happiness and improved mental well-being.

      Allowing yourself to fully engage in your interests, no matter how trivial they may seem, can lead to profound happiness and joy. It's important to give yourself permission to love something and not shy away from it due to societal expectations or feelings of embarrassment. By being mindful and paying attention to those sparks of intrigue, you can unlock a deeper sense of connection and presence. The science shows that even seemingly meaningless hobbies or passions can have a positive impact on your mental well-being. So, unleash your inner geek, commit to exploring your unique targets of joy, and embrace the happiness benefits that follow. Whether it's a traditional geeky interest or a topic all your own, the key is to give yourself permission to fully engage and enjoy.

    • Create engaging presentations with AI assistance in Canva PresentationsCanva Presentations streamlines the process of creating professional presentations by offering AI-assisted design and content suggestions, allowing users to focus on their content and effectively communicate their message.

      Canva Presentations offers a streamlined solution for creating engaging work presentations with the help of AI technology. Instead of switching between various apps, you can now generate captivating slides directly within Canva Presentations. Its AI capabilities provide assistance right where you need it, allowing you to focus solely on your presentation content. This versatile tool caters to various industries and departments, including sales, marketing, HR, and academia, making it an ideal choice for nailing your next professional presentation. You can explore and create your presentations at Canva.com, specifically designed for work presentations.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    The Power of Awe... and Where to Find it

    Awe reduces stress, helps us forget our minor worries and makes us feel more connected to the people around us. We all need more awe in our lives - but surely it's not that easy to find awesome experiences on your average Tuesday?

    Actor Tony Hale explains how everyday awe helps ease his anxieties, while UC Berkeley's Dacher Keltner shows us how to find awe in music, art, scenery... even in a walk around our block. And Dr Laurie explores the things that give her a sense of awe with the help of Mike Menzel - who built a space telescope that lets us see billions of years into the past.  

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    How to Tame Stress

    How to Tame Stress

    Dr Laurie is stressed, and it's harming her health. Constant worry and stress is bad for our bodies and our minds, but how can we break the cycle and relax? It turns out scientists have learned a lot from one of America's most stressed-out communities - caregivers.  

    Hollywood star Steve Guttenberg talks about the toughest chapter of his life - caring for his dying dad - and Dr Elissa Epel explains why some caregivers suffer badly from stress, while others seem to find ways to live with the awful situation they find themselves in daily.  

    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    How I Stopped Fearing Boredom

    Dr Laurie HATES boredom! Since childhood she's found it so painful that she'll do anything to avoid being bored. She'll watch crappy TV. She'll find extra work to do. She'll snack. But boredom is actually an incredibly useful tool to boost our happiness and creativity.  

    With the help of leading boredom experts, Dr Laurie learns how to embrace doing nothing and finds that in the midst of tedium our brains can come up with the most amazing breakthrough ideas. 

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    How to Fight Perfectionism

    How to Fight Perfectionism

    Holding yourself to impossibly high standards is self-defeating and makes for a miserable life. Can Dr Laurie Santos find ways to tackle her constant perfectionism so she can perform better and have more fun? 

    She hears from researcher Thomas Curran about a worrying growth in perfectionism in society, and asks "recovering perfectionist" Jordana Confino how to tackle the nagging voice in your head telling you to always push yourself and work harder.  

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    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    My Personal Struggle to be Happy (Coming June 3)

    Sometimes the happiness teacher flunks her own class. In a deeply personal new season, Dr Laurie Santos opens up about the things she really, really struggles with. Things like crippling perfectionism, chronic stress and a paralyzing fear of death. 

    With the help of world-class experts, a Hollywood star and a host of normal people who grapple with the same issues, Dr Laurie will face up to her own happiness demons and try to defeat them. 

    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Happiness Through Generosity : Liz Dunn on The TED Interview

    Liz Dunn is a regular guest on The Happiness Lab, but in this extended interview with TED's Chris Anderson she take us on a deep dive into her research. It shows that by increasing our generosity and by giving to others we can significantly boost our own happiness. 

    Listen to more episodes of The TED Interview wherever you get your podcasts.  

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    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Adam Grant and Maya Shankar

    A chance to hear a recent episode of A Slight Change of Plans in which Maya Shankar asks psychologist Adam Grant about his new book "Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things". They talk about how to filter out unhelpful feedback, the benefits of imperfectionism, and why we need to give soft skills more respect. 

    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

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    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Five Tips to be Happier at Work (Dr Laurie at SXSW)

    Work is a worry. Are we paid enough? Should we be getting promoted quicker? Is artificial intelligence about to replace us all? 

    Speaking at SXSW 2024, Dr Laurie Santos argues that because of all our career woes we often neglect our happiness. She walks through her top five tips for improving our workplace wellbeing - which will not only make us feel better, but might even cause our salaries to rise!  

    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Tame Those Devices: 10 Tips to Achieve Digital Balance

    Technology is amazing! We can make video calls, find facts in an instant and watch movies on our phones. We take all this for granted, but have we let our screens and devices take over too much of our lives? 

    To mark Digital Wellness Day on May 3, we hear from Amy Blankson (author and "chief evangelist" at the Digital Wellness Institute) about her ten tips to tame our devices at home and in the workplace. 

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    How to Grow After Adversity

    How to Grow After Adversity

    Karen Guggenheim was devastated by the death of her husband, Ricardo. She was alive, but dead to the world around her. Slowly she put her life back together and found growing happiness. To share her insights with others in need, Karen started the World Happiness Summit

    Karen's campaign to spread global happiness is just one example of "post traumatic growth". Clinical psychologist Dr Edith Shiro (author of The Unexpected Gift of Trauma) has worked with many people who have recovered from trauma and grown as a result. She explains how we can give ourselves the best possible chance to experience post traumatic growth.

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    Related Episodes

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind

    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind

    We often think of yoga as a physical exercise - but a centuries-old Sanskrit text, The Yoga Sutras, share teachings intended to improve both the body and mind. The author, Patanjali, makes clear that the poses and stretches are only part of picture - we also need to be kind, contemplative and grounded.  

    Jessamyn Stanley (yoga teacher and author of Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance) takes Dr Laurie Santos through Patanjali's text - saying its lessons "can be applied in every circumstance, no matter who you are or where you are".

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    Brad Stulberg || Finding Groundedness

    Brad Stulberg || Finding Groundedness

    Today we have Brad Stulberg on the podcast. Brad is an internationally known expert on human performance, well-being, and sustainable success. He’s co-author of the bestselling Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Wired, Forbes, and more. He’s a contributing editor to Outside Magazine. In his coaching practice, Brad works with executives and entrepreneurs on their performance and well-being and he regularly speaks to large organizations on these topics as well. His latest book is called The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success That Feeds−Not Crushes−Your Soul.


    · The truth with a capital T

    · Brad’s coaching practice

    · The Practice of Groundedness

    · Benefits of exercise and movement

    · What is groundedness?

    · The right way to strive

    · The problem with hustle culture, optimization, and biohacking

    · Research findings about loneliness, alcoholism, and anxiety

    · Accepting where you are to get where you want to be

    · Difference between stillness and groundedness

    · Process mindset over results mindset

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    E60: Joe Wicks on Addiction, Childhood Trauma, Depression And World Domination.

    E60: Joe Wicks on Addiction, Childhood Trauma, Depression And World Domination.
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