
    Happiness Lessons of The Ancients: Yoga of the Mind

    enMarch 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing in Mental Health and Wellness for Young PeopleCalifornia trains wellness coaches to help youth build skills for better mental health. Small steps like trying new experiences, such as yoga, can lead to positive changes. The sharing economy offers opportunities for income. Calculated risks can lead to unexpected benefits.

      Investing in mental health and wellness, especially for young people, is crucial and can lead to significant improvements in their lives. California is taking a proactive approach by training certified wellness coaches to help youth build essential skills for better mental health. Meanwhile, small steps like trying new experiences, such as yoga, can also lead to unexpected positive changes. Additionally, the sharing economy offers opportunities for individuals to earn income by renting out their homes on platforms like Airbnb. Lastly, taking calculated risks, like signing up for a yoga class with a friend on a discounted deal, can lead to unexpected benefits, even if initial experiences may not seem promising.

    • Embracing new experiences leads to personal growthPushing past uncertainty can lead to profound personal growth through yoga, which goes beyond physical poses to include mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

      Trying new experiences, even if you feel uncertain or unsure, can lead to profound personal growth. Jessamine's decision to push past her self-criticism and fully engage in a yoga class ultimately transformed her life, leading her from an awkward novice to a renowned yoga and wellness professional. This experience taught her that yoga is about more than just the physical poses; it's about understanding and applying concepts like grounding, stability, strength, and flexibility in all areas of life. As she delved deeper into the historic and spiritual roots of yoga, she realized that it's not just about fitness, but about dealing with mental and emotional baggage. Despite initial concerns about cultural appropriation, Jessamine came to appreciate the universality of yoga's benefits. This journey of self-discovery and acceptance is the foundation of her work as a sought-after yoga instructor and the author of "Yoke, My Yoga of Self Acceptance."

    • Ancient spiritual practice of yoga goes beyond physical posesEmbrace the full scope of yoga for personal growth and happiness through ethical guidelines (Yamas) and spiritual wisdom (Yoga Sutras)

      Yoga is more than just physical poses and exercise. It's an ancient practice with spiritual roots that offers guidance for living a happier, healthier life. The 8 limbed path outlined by Patanjali includes not only physical practices like asanas, but also ethical guidelines known as the Yamas. The Yamas remind us to be responsible towards others and have been linked to increased well-being. By stepping outside of our boundaries and embracing the full scope of yoga, we can gain valuable insights for personal growth and happiness. The yoga sutras, with their timeless wisdom, serve as a thread connecting us to the past and offering practical advice for the present.

    • Understanding Our Responsibilities for a Meaningful Life - YamasAhimsa: Practice non-violence towards all beings, including ourselves. Brahmacharya: Preserve our essence before engaging in intimate relationships. Truthfulness, non-covetousness, freedom from desire, and inner peace are other Yamas principles.

      According to Patanjali's Yoga philosophy, our responsibilities towards ourselves and others are crucial for living a meaningful and spiritually enriching life. The Yamas, the first limb of the 8-limbed path, are focused on ethical conduct towards others. Ahimsa, the principle of non-violence, extends beyond avoiding harm to animals and includes using non-violent language towards ourselves and others. Brahmacharya, the principle of chastity, is about preserving one's spirit and essence before engaging in intimate relationships. The other Yamas principles, truthfulness, non-covetousness, and freedom from desire, are all about promoting inner peace and contentment. The next limb of the path, the Niyamas, focuses on self-discipline and self-care, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility towards ourselves.

    • Exploring the 8 Limbed Path of Ancient YogaAncient yoga philosophy focuses on ethical guidelines, mental discipline, and physical practices for overall well-being. Modern applications include mental health coaching and earning income through home sharing.

      The ancient yoga philosophy of Patanjali's 8 limbed path goes beyond physical practices like yoga poses and focuses on ethical guidelines (Yamas and Niyamas) and mental discipline (Dhyanas). These practices aim to regulate both body and mind for a flourishing life. Modern applications of this philosophy include mental health coaching and earning extra income through home sharing. The importance of mental health, especially among young people, was emphasized in the discussion, with California's efforts to address this issue through certified wellness coaches. Additionally, extreme athletes' dedication to their pursuits was highlighted as a spiritual journey, with yoga poses being just one aspect of the 8 limbed path. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of balancing physical, ethical, and mental well-being for a fulfilling life.

    • The original intention of yoga asanas was to find stillness and acceptance, not contortionThe goal of yoga asanas was to prepare for life's challenges by practicing stillness and acceptance, engaging core, lengthening spine, and focusing on breath.

      The original intention of yoga asanas, or poses, was much simpler than many modern practitioners believe. According to ancient texts, asana means "to sit" or "to be." The goal was not to contort the body into uncomfortable shapes, but rather to find stillness and acceptance. Patanjali, the founder of yoga, believed that any form the body takes is a part of the world and evolves throughout one's life. While it's beneficial to practice various poses, the ultimate goal is to use them to prepare for life's challenges. For example, a pose like chair pose requires engaging the core, lengthening the spine, and falling back while staying upright. These actions can also help us navigate difficult situations in life, such as being challenged at work or dealing with mean behavior from others. Additionally, the fourth limb of the eightfold path emphasizes the importance of mindful breath, or prana, for handling tough times. By focusing on our breath, we can calm our sympathetic nervous system and better cope with stress and anxiety.

    • Breathing, Coaching, and Hosting: Paths to Better Well-beingBreathing practice (pranayama) helps manage stress and connect body and mind. Young people need mental health support, and coaches can provide it. Hosting can earn extra income, and Express Employment Professionals can help find jobs.

      Our breath has the power to help us manage stress and connect our body and mind. Pranayama, or the practice of controlled breathing, can help us switch off the sympathetic nervous system and engage with our physical and spiritual selves. However, it's important to remember that pranayama is just one aspect of the eightfold path to self-understanding. To truly understand ourselves as spiritual beings, we must commit to practicing all of the limbs of the path. Meanwhile, young people are facing unprecedented mental health challenges, and certified wellness coaches can make a difference by offering preventative and early intervention services. These coaches can help children and youth build vital skills to improve their mental health and well-being. If you're not at home, your place could potentially be an Airbnb, and hosting can be a great way to earn extra money. Express Employment Professionals can help you find a job for free, and their wide range of opportunities can help you take the next career step. In summary, practicing controlled breathing can help us manage stress and connect our body and mind. Young people need support to improve their mental health, and certified wellness coaches can provide that. Hosting can be a lucrative way to earn extra income, and Express Employment Professionals can help you find a job.

    • Understanding the 5th Limb of Patanjali's 8 Limb PathThe 5th limb, Pratyahara, encourages detachment from external distractions, but its application can differ for each person, and the 8 Limb Path is a lifelong practice for personal growth.

      The 8 Limb Path of Patanjali is not a checklist for spiritual enlightenment, but rather a lifelong practice for taking care of oneself and engaging with the world. Express Employment Professionals can help simplify the job search process, making it easier to focus on personal growth. Pratyahara, the fifth limb, is about detaching from external things, but the definition and application of withdrawal can vary for each individual. The 8 Limb Path is a continuous journey, and the sutras offer guidance for navigating the complexities of the human experience.

    • Exploring the eight limbs of yoga for balance and unionPracticing concentration and meditation, focusing on breath, leads to reduced anxiety, less stress, better sleep, and fewer negative emotions. The ultimate goal is finding balance across mind, body, and soul (samadhi). Challenges are natural, but persistence leads to balance and union within.

      The practice of concentration and meditation, as part of the eightfold path in yoga, involves focusing on the present moment and withdrawing the senses. This simple act can lead to numerous physical and psychological benefits, such as reduced anxiety, less stress, better sleep, and fewer negative emotions. However, it's important not to get too caught up in the hype and complexity surrounding meditation. Instead, find a comfortable posture and focus on your breath. The more you apply focus and stay present, the clearer your mind will become. The ultimate goal of the eight limbed path is not just to achieve a clear mind, but to find balance across the mind, body, and soul. This balance, known as samadhi, is a deep sense of union with all beings and ultimately, with the universe. It's important to remember that the journey towards this balance is not always smooth, and the bumps in the road are a natural part of the process. In essence, the eight limbed path is not a set of steps to a great life, but rather a way of being alive. As long as we practice the first few limbs, the others will come naturally. My biggest takeaway from following the eight limbed path is that everything is exactly as it should be, and that the challenges we face are a necessary part of the journey towards finding balance and union within ourselves.

    • Exploring the full range of human emotions and experiencesEmbrace all emotions for a richer, more meaningful life. Practice ancient spiritual paths for self-awareness, acceptance, and happiness. Let go of the need to perform or pretend. Embrace each moment fully.

      Embracing the full range of human emotions and experiences, including the difficult ones, is essential for truly appreciating the beauty and richness of life. Committing to the ancient spiritual practices, such as Patanjali's eightfold path, can be a challenging but rewarding journey towards greater self-awareness, acceptance, and ultimately, happiness. It's not about striving for perfection or reaching a final destination, but rather about accepting the path as a lifelong journey of growth and self-discovery. Through practices like meditation and mindfulness, we can learn to let go of the need to perform or pretend, and instead, fully embrace each moment as it comes. As Jessamine's journey shows us, even when the path gets tough, it's worth it to keep going, for the insights and wisdom that come with each step.

    • Investing in Youth's Mental Health and Personal RejuvenationCalifornia invests in mental health coaches for youth, San Diego offers a rejuvenating environment, AI-powered tools like Canva enhance presentations

      Investing in mental health and wellness, especially for our youth, is crucial for their overall happiness and well-being. California is taking a proactive step by building a new workforce of certified wellness coaches to support young people in improving their mental health skills. Meanwhile, San Diego offers an ideal environment for personal rejuvenation, making it an excellent destination for rest, relaxation, and happiness. On the professional front, using AI-powered tools like Canva presentations can help create engaging work decks, allowing users to focus on their presentations and generate captivating slides without the need for additional apps. Overall, prioritizing mental health, seeking inspiration from places like San Diego, and utilizing innovative tools can significantly enhance our personal and professional lives. For more information on California wellness coaches, visit cawellnesscoach.org. To explore the wonders of San Diego, go to sandiego.org. Discover Canva presentations at canva.com.

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