
    Happier Holidays: How to Give and Receive the Perfect Gift

    enDecember 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on mental health and new opportunitiesDuring challenging times, prioritize mental health and explore new possibilities. California trains wellness coaches for youth, Apple Card offers rewards, and happiness experts share tips for a joyful holiday season.

      There are two important things to focus on during these unusual times: prioritizing mental health and exploring new opportunities. California is addressing the mental health crisis among its youth by training certified wellness coaches to help them thrive. Meanwhile, innovative financial tools like the Apple Card offer rewards that can make everyday purchases more beneficial. Additionally, even during challenging times, there are ways to make the holiday season joyful and less stressful. By learning from happiness science experts, we can adapt to the changes and make the most of the situation. So, whether you're at home or traveling, ensure you're taking care of your mental health and discovering new possibilities. For more information on wellness coaching, visit cawellnesscoach.org. To calculate potential earnings with Apple Card, go to apple.co/cardcalculator. And for science-backed tips on a happier holiday season, stay tuned to the Happiness Lab podcast.

    • The joy of giving comes from seeing the positive impact on recipientsGiving someone the autonomy to choose their own gift and the opportunity for shared experiences can lead to greater joy for both giver and recipient.

      The joy of giving during the holidays often comes from seeing the positive impact our gifts have on the recipients, rather than the thought or effort we put into the gift itself. From a behavioral science perspective, people often misunderstand the nature of gift giving and assume that recipients value the thought and effort put into the gift as much as the giver does. However, studies show that recipients primarily value the actual gift and their ability to use it to bring happiness into their own lives. Therefore, giving someone the autonomy to choose their own gift with the help of financial resources can lead to greater joy for both the giver and the recipient. This can be intensified by the opportunity to share experiences and enjoy the gift together. So, instead of trying to be mind readers, consider giving the gift of choice and the opportunity for shared experiences.

    • Using cash gifts wisely and sharing a photo enhances joy for both giver and receiverUsing cash gifts for specific purchases and sharing a photo with the giver can increase joy and satisfaction for both parties by fulfilling relational and competency goals of prosocial actions. Being a good receiver and expressing gratitude also strengthens relationships and well-being.

      Giving and receiving gifts can bring significant joy and satisfaction to both parties involved. However, the experience can be enhanced when the receiver uses the gift wisely and communicates back to the giver. As a happiness researcher, the speaker suggests using cash gifts for specific purchases and sharing a photo of enjoying the gift with the giver. This allows the giver to experience the pleasure of seeing their gift being used and enjoyed, satisfying both the relational and competency goals of prosocial actions. Additionally, being a good receiver is essential, and expressing gratitude and appreciation for the gift can make the giver feel closer and more competent. By following these suggestions, the giving and receiving experience can lead to increased well-being and stronger relationships.

    • Appreciating thoughtful giftsExpress gratitude for gifts, share how they're used, and create shared experiences to enhance happiness

      Both giving and receiving gifts can have a significant impact on our happiness, but it's important to approach them in thoughtful ways. As receivers, we can make the giver feel appreciated by sharing how we use their gifts and the experiences we have with them. As givers, we can avoid common biases and mistakes by considering giving time or experiences that can subtract unwanted tasks from someone's life, or co-experiences that can enhance happiness through shared experiences. Ultimately, the most meaningful gifts are those that foster connections and create positive experiences.

    • Gifts of experiences bring joy and anticipationExperiences as gifts bring joy in the present and create anticipation for the future, extending happiness and well-being.

      Experiences make for better gifts than material objects during the holiday season, especially in times when social connection is crucial. The shared experience brings joy and the anticipation of it can extend happiness. Giving gifts that can be enjoyed at a later time, such as a show or a restaurant visit, can provide a bigger boost to the recipient's mood and create something to look forward to. Anticipation is a powerful tool to extend happiness and well-being, and it can be particularly beneficial during uncertain times when weeks seem to blend together. By giving experiences as gifts, we not only bring joy to the present but also create hope and optimism for the future.

    • Wellness coaches and Airbnb hosting make a difference during challenging timesWellness coaches offer mental health support for young people, while Airbnb hosting provides extra income for those with unused space. Thoughtful gift cards can add joy during the holiday season.

      During this challenging time for young people's mental health, certified wellness coaches can make a difference by offering preventative and early intervention behavioral health services. Meanwhile, for those looking to earn extra income, hosting on Airbnb can be an easy and rewarding option. Additionally, the thoughtfulness put into selecting and giving gifts can greatly enhance the holiday season for both the giver and receiver. The pandemic and other stressors have intensified the need for mental health support for young people, making the role of wellness coaches increasingly important. Airbnb hosting can provide additional income for those with unused space. Lastly, the time and thought invested in choosing and writing a heartfelt message on a gift card can add significant joy to the holiday season.

    • Expressing appreciation and kindness through letters and calendarsHandwritten letters and compliment calendars can deepen connection and bring greater joy than traditional gifts. Expressing appreciation and kindness leads to long-term happiness.

      Expressing appreciation and kindness towards others, especially during challenging times, can bring greater joy and connection than perfectly calibrated gifts or online messages. The speaker suggests considering handwritten letters or compliment calendars as alternatives to traditional gifts, as they allow for deeper expression of thoughts and feelings. Research shows that giving compliments or engaging in prosocial behaviors can lead to long-term feelings of happiness, even if we adapt to them over time. This holiday season, the speaker plans to introduce a compliment calendar in their family, combining it with traditional advent calendars to share daily compliments and create a lasting sense of gratitude and connection. While this strategy may not be suitable for all families, it emphasizes the importance of expressing positive thoughts and feelings towards loved ones.

    • Thoughtful gifts impact relationships and happinessThoughtful gifts, especially during the holiday season, can strengthen bonds, increase joy, and positively impact relationships. Even small gifts can have profound effects.

      Giving thoughtful and meaningful gifts can significantly impact relationships and personal happiness. During the holiday season, considering time-saving gifts that alleviate guilt and increase joy is a great option. These gifts, when given as presents, can be more valued by recipients than if they were purchased by the recipient themselves. Additionally, research shows that even seemingly insignificant gifts can have profound effects on relationships. For instance, receiving a disappointing gift can negatively impact a romantic relationship. Conversely, a well-chosen gift can strengthen bonds and increase the likelihood of long-term commitment. Furthermore, the act of giving itself is a powerful way to build and maintain relationships. So, this holiday season, consider the impact of your gifts on the relationships in your life and the happiness they can bring.

    • Consider shared interests when gift giving to strengthen relationshipsThoughtful gift giving can deepen relationships by focusing on shared interests and experiences, but it's essential to communicate effectively and practice forgiveness.

      Thoughtful gift giving can significantly impact relationships. Instead of focusing solely on the giver's or recipient's experience, consider the shared interests and experiences you have with the person. This not only makes the gift selection process easier but also strengthens the bond between you. However, it's important to remember that understanding another person's thoughts and preferences can be challenging. Therefore, asking them directly and actively listening to their responses is a valuable strategy. Lastly, being a good recipient is equally essential. Understand that gift giving is a complex process, and mistakes will happen. Practice forgiveness and appreciate the effort put into the gift. By focusing on the relationship-building potential of gift giving and being open-minded as both givers and recipients, we can make the holiday season more meaningful and joyful for all involved.

    • Effective Communication and Understanding OthersClarify your own perspectives, drop hints, express gratitude, prioritize relationships, and consider social needs for thoughtful gifts during the holidays

      While we can try to understand others by putting ourselves in their shoes, our experiences and perspectives are unique. Therefore, it's essential to clarify our own perspectives and communicate them effectively to others. This can be as simple as dropping clear hints about what we like or expressing gratitude for gifts and experiences. Additionally, during the holiday season, it's crucial to prioritize quality social relationships, which may be challenging during COVID. If we're unsure of what to get someone as a gift, considering their social needs and wants can lead to thoughtful and meaningful presents. And remember, the holidays are about more than just presents; they're about connecting with loved ones and expressing gratitude.

    • Prioritizing Wellness for Happiness During the HolidaysDuring the holiday season, focusing on physical and mental wellness can enhance happiness. California's wellness coaches support youth mental health, while San Diego offers a rejuvenating environment. Canva Presentations aid in creating engaging work presentations, allowing for mental focus.

      During the holiday season, when many traditions may be disrupted, prioritizing both physical and mental wellness can significantly contribute to happiness. California is addressing the mental health struggles of its youth by training certified wellness coaches to support them. Meanwhile, places like San Diego offer a perfect blend of sun, sand, and welcoming vibes to help recharge and boost happiness. Additionally, tools like Canva Presentations with AI-powered features can help create engaging work presentations, allowing users to focus on their content without distraction. Remember, prioritizing wellness, whether through professional support or personal experiences, is essential for overall happiness. For more information on California's wellness coaches, visit cawellnesscoach.org. To explore San Diego's offerings, go to sandiego.org. Discover Canva Presentations at canva.com.

    Recent Episodes from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Further reading:

    Steve Guttenberg - Time to Thank: Caregiving for My Hero.

    Dr Elissa Epel - The Stress Prescription: Seven Days to More Joy and Ease

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Coming June 3, wherever you get your podcasts. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Listen to more episodes of A Slight Change of Plans  wherever you get your podcasts. 

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Suggested reading from this episode:

    Radical Compassion: Learning to Love Yourself and Your World with the Practice of RAIN by Tara Brach

    Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout by Cal Newport

    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself by Kristin Neff

    The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It by Christina Maslach

    The Business of Friendship by Shasta Nelson

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    EP.146 - Awestruck with Jonah Paquette, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, Speaker, Author

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    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.146 - Awestruck with Jonah Paquette, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, Speaker, Author  

    Awestruck - How Embracing Wonder can Make You Happier, Healthier and More Connected 

    Jonah Paquette, PsyD is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Author and International Speaker, specialising in the science of well-being.

    He provides workshops, keynote talks, media appearances and consultation on the science of happiness.

    Jonah Paquette, PsyD is passionate about sharing the science of well-being to a broad audience, including schools, businesses, professional organisations and health professionals.

    He serves as the Assistant Regional Director of Mental Health Training at a large HMO in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he helps to oversee the mental health training programs across 20 medical centres in Northern California.

    In 2015, Jonah Paquette, PsyD released his first book Real Happiness and in 2018 his second book The Happiness Toolbox and in June 2020 his third book Awestruck: How Embracing Wonder can Make You Happier, Healthier and More Connected.

    In his book Awestruck he explores the science of awe and It turns out, Awe is one of those experiences that can truly improve our mental health, physical well-being, social relationships and more.

    Over the past 5 to 10 years a great deal of research has begun to emerge on the science of awe here are some of the exciting findings so far:

    • Awe boost positive emotional states, such as gratitude and compassion.
    • Awe makes us more curious and creating in our thinking.
    • Awe reduces inflammation in our body which is a good thing as high levels of inflammation have been linked to a host of problems including depression and cardiovascular disease.
    • Awe makes us more generous towards others.
    • Awe gives us an expanded sense of time, a welcome antidote to the widespread feelings of 'time poverty' may of us feel these days.
    • Awe improves our critical thinking skills, allowing us to solve problems more effectively.

    In this podcast episode 146

    Yvette Le Blowitz Podcast Host sits down with Jonah Paquette, PsyD to find out how we can all harness the power of awe and become, happier, healthier and more connected.

    In Podcast Episode 146

    Jonah Paquette, PsyD shares:

    - a little bit about himself

    - what inspired her to write his book - Awestruck

    - the science of Awe

    - what is Awe

    - the benefits of awe? on our mental, emotional, physical health and well-being

    - how can we practice Awe in our day to day life

    - some of his own Awe experiences that come to mind

    - the difference between positive and negative awe experiences

    - his self-care rituals

    Plus we talk about so much more


    Tune into Episode 146

    Episode 146 - #spaitgirl talk show with Yvette Le Blowitz 

    available on Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

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    Podcast Guest

    Jonah Paquette, PsyD

    Licensed Clinical Psychologist

    Speaker, Author

    Website www.jonahpaquette.com

    Instagram @happinesspsycdoc


    Podcast Host 

    Yvette Le Blowitz 

    Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

    Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com


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    Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

    The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or associated with it. If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately. 

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