
    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating codependency and independence in relationshipsUnderstand each other's needs, communicate openly, and find a balance to maintain a healthy relationship.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship, especially when dealing with differences in needs and independence. Matthew Hussey, the relationship expert, offers a solution with his free guide, "9 Magic Texts No Man Can Resist," providing scripts for various situations. During the show, a caller named Jessica shares her dilemma of being in a new relationship with a codependent partner while being an independent and busy person. They discuss the importance of understanding each other's needs and finding a balance, with Jessica expressing her exhaustion and need for personal space. The caller's partner works full-time, but they still struggle to find time for themselves. The conversation emphasizes the importance of open and respectful communication to navigate such differences and maintain a healthy relationship.

    • Communicating with someone who dislikes being aloneApproach the situation with compassion and empathy, have an open and honest conversation about individual needs, and find a balance that respects both parties while fostering understanding and compassion.

      Effective communication is key when dealing with someone who expresses a strong dislike for being alone. It's essential to approach the situation with compassion and empathy, acknowledging that everyone experiences feelings of loneliness or the desire for companionship at different times. However, if one person consistently expresses a dislike for being alone and the other values their alone time, open and honest conversation is necessary. This conversation should not be confrontational but rather a discussion about individual needs and preferences. It's important to reassure the other person that your desire for alone time is not a reflection of their worth or value in the relationship. Additionally, finding playful and complimentary ways to express your need for space can help keep the conversation light and maintain a positive relationship dynamic. Ultimately, the goal is to find a balance that respects both individuals' needs while fostering understanding and compassion.

    • Approaching Difficult Conversations in RelationshipsEffective communication, compassion, and understanding are crucial in relationships. Approach difficult conversations with empathy and patience, acknowledging differences and finding balance.

      Communication in relationships can be challenging, and it's not uncommon for honesty to be perceived as harsh or personal. It's essential to remember that people have different ways of expressing themselves and reacting to feedback. When this happens, it's crucial to approach the situation with compassion and understanding. It's important to acknowledge their feelings and assure them that it's not about them personally. Instead, it may be about a need for personal space or time apart. Additionally, it's essential to express excitement and enthusiasm for the relationship to help alleviate any hurt feelings. Another key takeaway is that people have unique preferences and needs in relationships. For instance, some people may express their affection more frequently than others. In the discussed situation, the speaker mentioned that her partner is very affectionate, which she finds overwhelming. It's essential to communicate openly about these differences and find a balance that works for both partners. In conclusion, effective communication, compassion, and understanding are crucial in any relationship. It's essential to approach difficult conversations with empathy and patience, acknowledging that people have different ways of expressing themselves and reacting to feedback. Additionally, it's essential to communicate openly about preferences and needs to find a balance that works for both partners.

    • Navigating Challenges in Relationships: Differences in Libido and Time ManagementRecognize that people have different levels of busy-ness and that addressing time issues may not solve sex differences. Communicate openly and honestly, but be realistic about what you can control in the relationship.

      Relationships involve navigating various challenges, including differences in libido and time management. The speaker in this conversation is experiencing conflict with her partner due to a disparity in their sex drives and the amount of time they spend together. She has explained that her past relationships were characterized by independence and busyness, which is different from her current partner's more affectionate and available nature. The speaker acknowledges that these two issues - time and sex - should be addressed separately, as solving the time issue may not necessarily resolve the sex issue. It's important to recognize that people can have different levels of busy-ness and that insecurity can arise when one person feels neglected. However, it's also challenging to ask someone to become more confident or change their fundamental nature to meet our needs. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that resolving the sex issue may not be an easy feat. It's crucial to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, but also to be realistic about what you can and cannot control in the relationship.

    • Compatibility in sex drive mattersBe honest about sexual desires from the start, be with someone truly loved, and don't settle or kid oneself.

      Compatibility in sexual desires is crucial in a relationship. The speaker shares his observation that when one partner has a stronger sex drive than the other, the issue often worsens over time, leading to resentment, frustration, and rejection. It's essential to be honest about this aspect of a relationship from the beginning and not assume that things will change later on. The speaker encourages people to be with someone they truly love and are "head over heels" for, rather than settling for someone they merely like or find interesting. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and not kidding oneself into believing that one is more in love than one truly is, as this can lead to greater pain in the future.

    • Maintaining balance in a new relationshipDon't let a new relationship consume all your time and energy. Prioritize self-care, personal activities, and maintain some independence for a healthy relationship.

      When we're in the beginning stages of a new relationship and deeply attracted to someone, it's natural to want to spend a lot of time with them. However, it's important not to let this consume all of our time and energy. The speaker suggests that we should try to maintain some balance and not neglect other important aspects of our life, such as self-care and personal activities. It's also important to remember that a healthy relationship allows for some separation and independence. The speaker acknowledges that this can be difficult when we're really into someone, but it's essential for the long-term success of the relationship. Additionally, the speaker commends Jessica for being open and honest during their conversation, and offers her a free guide called "The 9 Magic Texts No Man Can Resist" as a gift.

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    It can be deeply frustrating, especially when there might be someone who does like us but who we just don’t want.

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    In today’s podcast, you’ll learn how to balance emotional intuition with practical strategy . . . plus avoid emotional manipulators and love bombers in the process. You’ll also learn how important connection is (and when feeling it in the early days of dating can lead you down the wrong path, especially when chemistry is valued over compatibility). This episode will give you tools and mindsets to navigate the early days of dating with confidence!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
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    (Matt Monday): How to Heal From a Narcissistic Relationship

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    No matter what your story is, you don’t have to carry this baggage forever. After listening to Cara’s story, you might start to look at your life, your history, and your future differently.

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com 

    (Rewind): Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations In Relationships. Do THIS…

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    So we ignore the conversation and silently suffer.

    But then nothing gets better. We just put off the conversation for another day while time keeps moving on.
    If this is you, this episode is for you.

    >> Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at ... → http://www.The3Relationships.com**

    >> Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http:// www.LoveLifeBook.com

    >>> FREE Video Training: "Dating With Results" → http:// http://www.DatingWithResults.com/

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake

    (Matt Monday): Long Distance Relationship? AVOID This Mistake
    Have you ever wondered how you can move on from someone you never dated? Perhaps you’ve been pining for them for months (or even years) . . . hoping they’ll finally notice you and see your value. 
    This great question is one of 7 I answer in today’s new episode, based on the comments you left me last week. I also dig into topics like:
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    • What’s your dating advice for people over 40?
    • Why did they change their mind about being ready for a relationship?
    Don’t miss these, and once you’re done, be sure to send an email to podcast@matthewhussey.com with a question you’d like me to answer next time!

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Rewind): Do You Feel You’re Giving Too Much in Relationships?

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    In this video, I show you why we get trapped in the curse of people pleasing, how to set appropriate boundaries, and how to ask for what you need from someone you’re dating. 


    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)

    248: Are They Right for You? (Love Languages Explained)
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    Join Matt, Stephen and Audrey for an explanation of the science around love languages, criticisms and challenges of the theory, and how you can apply them when dating. 

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

    (Matt Monday): Why They ALWAYS Come Back + How to Reach Out After It Ends

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    This is just one question out of 10 that I answer in today's rapid-fire Q&A episode, which also includes answers to:
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    •  "When Did You Last Cry?"
    •  "How Can I Get Over the Shame of Having Stayed Too Long in a Relationship?"
    •  "Is It Worth Reaching Back Out to an Ex Who May Have Changed?"
    ... and much more.

    It was super fun to read and answer all your questions. Be sure to leave me a comment with any questions you might have for part 2!
    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    Taking the risk of putting yourself on the line could mean embarrassment, rejection, or make things super-awkward between you both later on.

    You need to know when you have the green light. You need to be sure when it’s ok to flirt and test the waters.

    In this clip then, I'll show you the 7 obvious signs someone REALLY likes you...

    ►► Sign up Now For My Free Weekly Newsletter, The 3 Relationships at . . .
    ►► Order My New Book, "Love Life" at → http://www.LoveLifeBook.com
    ►► FREE Video Training: “Dating With Results” → http://www.DatingWithResults.com

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    In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Melnikoff shares why uncertainty presents us with the opportunity to step into the flow state, to experience more focus and engagement, and to supercharge our goal pursuit and performance

    Episode Reference Links:



    (00:00:00) Introduction

    Host Matt Abraham welcomes guest David Melnikoff, an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Stanford GSB and an expert on flow and goal achievement.

    (00:00:40) Understanding Flow and Its Benefits

    The definition of flow and the reversal of the usual dynamic of goal pursuit.

    (00:02:20) Achieving and Maintaining Flow

    Misconceptions about achieving flow and the role of reducing uncertainty in engaging activities. 

    (00:06:22) Flow in Business and Leadership

    Applying flow principles to business, emphasizing the structuring of tasks and goals to induce flow through uncertainty reduction. 

    (00:08:39) Personal Applications of Flow for Goal Pursuit

    How to utilize flow principles to set and achieve goals with advice on framing tasks to maximize uncertainty and flow. 

    (00:11:03) Collaborative Flow and Communication

    The potential for shared flow experiences in collaborative settings and the role of communication in facilitating flow.

    (00:13:05) Goal Setting and Achievement Advice

    Advice on goal setting, advocating for goals with a degree of uncertainty to enhance engagement and likelihood of entering a flow state.

    (00:14:43) The Final Three Questions

    David Melnikoff shares how he invites flow into his life, a communicator he admires, and his recipe for communication.

    (00:16:17) Conclusion

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