
    Podcast Summary

    • Asking for help is importantFeeling overwhelmed? Don't hesitate to ask for help. Simple requests can make a big difference and those around you are usually willing to lend a hand.

      It's important to remember to ask for help when we need it. Kate Cocker, from the Volley network, shared her personal experience of feeling overwhelmed when taking care of her children and holding on too tightly to all the responsibilities. She emphasized that even the simplest requests for help can have a significant impact. Her husband's words of wisdom, "I can't help them because I haven't offered them anything to help for ages," reminded her that people are usually there to support us when we ask. So, if you're feeling the pressure and forgetting to ask for help, remember that it's okay to reach out and that those around you will likely be there to lend a hand. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it, and remember that you're not alone in your challenges. You've got this!

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