
    How California’s Delete Act could impact the business of data brokering

    enSeptember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • California's Delete Act aims to give consumers more control over their dataCalifornia's Delete Act allows consumers to delete their data from all data brokers with one request and requires registration of data brokers, increasing transparency and consumer control while potentially impacting business and government verification processes.

      The issue of surveillance capitalism and the collection and sale of personal data online is a major concern for consumers. California has taken steps to address this through legislation like the Delete Act, which would allow consumers to request that all data brokers delete their information with one request instead of having to do it company by company. This bill also requires data brokers to register with the state. The Delete Act aims to increase transparency and give consumers more control over their data, addressing concerns about data being used for targeted advertising, determining eligibility for offers and benefits, and even stalking. However, this legislation may also impact businesses' ability to verify consumers and governments' ability to determine eligibility for benefits. Ultimately, the Delete Act represents a step towards increased accountability and consumer rights in the digital age.

    • California Privacy Rights Act could impact data brokersThe CPRA aims to give Californians more control over their personal data, potentially impacting data brokers and consumers outside of California.

      The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), if passed, could significantly impact data brokers and potentially have ripple effects on consumers and businesses outside of California. The CPRA is intended to give California residents more control over their personal data, but data brokers argue it's too broad and could limit their services. The bill comes as there's growing scrutiny of the data broker industry from various government agencies. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights group, supports the bill and believes it could protect consumers from data brokers. For families looking to explain complex financial concepts to their kids, check out Million Brazilian, a podcast from Marketplace that tackles tough money questions in a fun and engaging way.

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