
    How Men Can Have Better Friendships

    en-usAugust 23, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Deep FriendshipsAuthentic friendships foster personal and professional growth through collaboration, emotional support, and consistent communication.

      Authentic, supportive friendships can significantly contribute to personal and professional growth. The guests on this episode, Rafael Casal, David Diggs, and Utkarsh Ambudkar, credit their deep friendship for their success in various artistic projects. They emphasized the importance of collaboration, emotional support, and consistent communication. The episode encourages listeners, particularly men, to invest in and prioritize meaningful friendships, which can lead to more functional relationships overall. The sponsor message encourages listeners to host a celebratory brunch with wallet-friendly finds from Whole Foods Market.

    • Societal expectations limit men's emotional connectionsSocietal norms dictate men to be stoic and suppress emotions, limiting their ability to form meaningful relationships

      Societal expectations of masculinity can limit and isolate men, leading to challenges in forming meaningful relationships. Thomas Page McBee, a writer and trans man, shares his personal experiences of feeling less intimacy and affection after transitioning, and how societal norms dictate that men should be stoic, not vulnerable, and suppress emotions, especially those that are not aggression. These expectations can lead to a lack of connection and understanding between men. It's important to recognize that these issues are not solely individual problems, but rather a result of societal conditioning. Instead of blaming ourselves, we can use this moment to question and challenge the restrictive messages and invisible codes that limit men's emotional expression and connections with others. By acknowledging the root cause, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and emotionally expressive culture for men.

    • Boys' Intimate Friendships Disappear During AdolescenceSocietal norms suppressing emotions and friendships as 'unmasculine' cause deep friendships to disappear for many boys during adolescence. Normalizing intimacy and accepting the desire for close relationships for all genders can counteract this and support emotional and social growth.

      The desire for deep, intimate friendships is a natural human need, but for many boys, these skills and desires can become suppressed during adolescence due to societal expectations. Research by Niobe Way, a professor of developmental psychology at NYU, shows that boys have deep friendships in childhood, but they often disappear during the teenage years due to societal norms that devalue emotions and friendships as "unmasculine." To counteract this, it's important to normalize and accept the desire for intimacy and close relationships for all genders. Darwin's theory of evolution suggests that our social abilities and skills are what have allowed humans to thrive as a species. Normalizing intimacy can be done in various ways, such as through open discussions and sharing stories, as demonstrated by Niobe's work with 7th grade boys. By acknowledging and embracing the importance of close relationships, we can create a culture that supports and nurtures the emotional and social growth of all individuals.

    • Normalizing vulnerability and modeling it first for deeper friendshipsSharing vulnerability can encourage deeper friendships, especially for men, who often feel hesitant due to societal norms. Being the first to share can create a ripple effect, making it easier for others to open up.

      Normalizing vulnerability and modeling it first are crucial steps in fostering deeper friendships, especially for men. Dr. Niobe Way shared that many teenage boys express a longing for the intimacy they once felt in their friendships, but are hesitant to express this desire due to societal norms. By sharing articles, podcasts, and other resources on the topic, we can start conversations and make it easier for others to open up. Additionally, being the first to share vulnerably can create a ripple effect, encouraging others to do the same. It takes courage to be vulnerable, but the potential rewards are significant. As Way mentioned, "Men are starving for this conversation and it's just nobody's willing to be first." So, let's be the first. Let's go ahead and share our fears, hopes, and insecurities with those around us, and in doing so, make it okay for others to do the same.

    • The power of vulnerability and open communication in building strong friendshipsSharing struggles, asking questions, and showing interest can deepen connections and create powerful bonds. Vulnerability and curiosity are keys to building strong friendships.

      Vulnerability and open communication are key to building strong friendships. Sharing struggles and asking questions can lead to deeper connections and growth. The power of shared interests can also bring people together and create powerful bonds. As LeVar Burton once said, showing curiosity to someone's vulnerability is the best way to respond. So next time a friend opens up to you, don't let the conversation end there. Ask questions, show interest, and be there to support them through their struggles. This simple act can help free everyone from their struggles with masculinity and friendship. Remember, the bond between friends is powerful, and it all starts with a conversation.

    • Asking questions and following up on friendships is essential for building and maintaining meaningful relationships.Men and women alike can strengthen friendships by asking deeper questions and following up, creating a sense of being seen and understood. Remember to distribute emotional labor evenly to build stronger bonds and contribute to societal enlightenment.

      Asking questions and following up on friendships, even if it involves emotional labor, is an essential aspect of building and maintaining meaningful relationships. Men and women alike can benefit from this kind of connection, as it creates a sense of being seen and understood. Utkarsh, mentioned in the discussion, is an example of someone who excels at this form of friendship maintenance through his attentiveness and follow-up questions. It's important to remember that emotional labor, such as remembering important details or initiating plans, is often unpaid and unrecognized work that women do disproportionately in our society. To flip the script, we can all make an effort to pitch in and help distribute emotional labor more evenly among friends. By asking deeper questions and following up, we can create stronger bonds and contribute to societal enlightenment.

    • Deep friendships for men require emotional vulnerability, fostered by close relationships with parents or older relativesBoys with close parent relationships maintain friendships into adulthood, teaching emotional vulnerability is crucial for deep friendships, and it's never too late to build deeper connections

      Having deep and meaningful friendships as men requires emotional vulnerability, which can be fostered by close relationships with parents or older relatives. The research of Niobe Way supports this idea, as boys who have close relationships with parents are more likely to maintain friendships into adulthood. So, if you're a parent or someone who interacts with children, don't be afraid to get to know them on a deeper level. It might be awkward at first, but the skills you teach them could help them flourish for the rest of their lives. And for those of us who didn't have that kind of relationship growing up, remember that we're all doing the best we can. It's never too late to start building deeper connections with those around us. So, embrace your desire for intimacy, be open to vulnerability, and strive to strengthen the bonds in your life.

    • Building Meaningful RelationshipsNormalize the desire for friendships, model vulnerability, ask questions, pay it forward, and practice small gestures to build strong connections and create meaningful relationships.

      Fostering meaningful relationships is essential for personal growth and happiness. Normalize the desire for friendships, model vulnerability, ask questions and be curious, and pay it forward to the children in your life. By practicing these actions, we can build strong connections and create more meaningful relationships. For more tips and guides, visit npr.org/lifekit and subscribe to their newsletter. And remember, even the smallest gestures, like standing still and making eye contact with a fox squirrel, can lead to unexpected connections. Happy connecting!

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    Who do you think you are? What labels are you carrying around today that serve as your identity? Your successes and accomplishments are wonderful things, but they alone do not define you and the joy you feel in the moment is fleeting. In fact, if that’s how you are currently living your life, you will always be chasing the next thing and setting yourself up for disappointment. I am currently on a journey of self-discovery and I want you to join me. There are so many ways that we can tap into our true self that you may not even be aware of. I promise the answers to your questions are already here for you if you are willing to open up to receive the messages and listen.

    It is my honor to share what I am learning with you for episode 52 which marks my podcast baby’s first birthday! If you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed creating it, taking just a moment to leave a review would be the greatest gift. Sending gratitude, always. I’m glad that you’re here.

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    [EP39: The Key to Deep and Meaningful Connection with Ben - The Naked Professor]

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    Key Topics in Part One:

    *Why you can’t have courage without vulnerability

    *Our personal journeys to discovering the importance of feeling

    *How a lack of vulnerability equals a lack of connection with others.

    Connect With The Naked Professor:

    Instagram: @thenakedprofessor

    Website: https://thenakedprofessor.me/


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    Upcoming events: 

    MAN UP! Uplifting Talks for Men - 26th of March, London: Tickets Here

    Deeper Dating - Speed Dating where Chemistry Begins - April 8th, London: Tickets Here


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