
    How to create a more just future with your community (with Raj Jayadev)

    en-usJune 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging Our Relationship with the Criminal Justice SystemCommunity organizing can make a difference in the justice system through participatory defense, allowing communities to leverage their power, intellect, and ingenuity to support individuals and families facing criminal charges, ultimately impacting whole communities.

      We all have a role to play in criminal justice reform beyond marching or posting on social media. In this episode of "How to be a Better Human," host Chris Duffy interviews Raj Jayadev, a MacArthur Fellow and advocate for participatory defense. Jayadev challenges listeners to think deeper about their relationship with the criminal justice system, especially in relation to institutions like courthouses and detention facilities. He shares how community organizing can be brought into the courts to support individuals and families facing criminal charges. Through participatory defense, communities can leverage their power, intellect, and ingenuity to make a difference in the justice system. This approach not only impacts those directly involved in the legal process but also whole communities. It's a reminder that we all have a stake in how crime and punishment are addressed, regardless of our personal experiences or where we live in the world.

    • Insurance Savings vs. Business Efficiency and Criminal Justice ReformInsurance: New customers can save an average of $744 annually, but savings vary. Businesses can save time and money with Odoo's all-in-one solution. Criminal justice: Participatory defense empowers families and communities to be active in the defense process, humanizing the experience.

      Progressive Insurance offers potential savings for new customers, averaging $744 over 12 months. However, savings vary, and not all discounts are available in every state or situation. Meanwhile, in the realm of business management, Odoo offers an affordable, all-in-one solution with integrated applications to help businesses save time and money. On a different note, the criminal justice system often falls short of our expectations for fairness and humanity. Participatory defense, a community organizing practice, empowers families and communities to be an active part of the defense process for their loved ones facing criminal or immigration court. By involving them, the goal is to disrupt the assembly line-like approach to justice and restore a sense of humanity to the experience for all parties involved.

    • Bringing humanity and community into the courtroom through participatory defenseParticipatory defense empowers individuals and communities to collectively problem-solve and affect change in the justice system, leading to numerous victories and reuniting families.

      Challenging mass incarceration and the dehumanizing experience of courtrooms requires bringing humanity and community into the courtroom. The approach of participatory defense empowers individuals and communities to collectively problem-solve and affect change, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. This community-driven approach has led to numerous victories, including wrongful arrests not leading to convictions, acquittals, and people coming home from post-conviction sentences. The power of community was always present but excluded by the courtroom's design. By penetrating those walls, individuals have found the strength to go to trial, knowing they're not alone, and have seen loved ones come home from prison. This first generation of participatory defense has shown that even those supposed to be on the receiving end of injustice can turn the situation around, inspiring hope and commonality for those just starting their journey.

    • Storytelling for Social Change in Criminal JusticeEffective storytelling can humanize those impacted by the criminal justice system, challenge dominant narratives, and lead to tangible action and change. Get involved by supporting local organizations and initiatives.

      Effective storytelling can be a powerful tool for social change, particularly in the context of the criminal justice system. The way individuals are perceived and understood within this system is often based on a subjective narrative that may not reflect their true character or circumstances. By sharing personal stories and experiences, we can humanize those affected and challenge the dominant narrative. This not only brings much-needed empathy and understanding but can also lead to tangible action and change. For those without a personal connection to the issue, there are still ways to get involved. Start by looking within your own community and exploring ways to support organizations and initiatives working to reform the criminal justice system and amplify the stories of those impacted.

    • Local actions matter in the fight against criminal injusticeGetting involved in local community organizing efforts, like participatory offense hubs or court watching, can contribute to the larger movement of dismantling an unfair criminal punishment system.

      The fight against social and political injustices in the criminal punishment system is happening at the local level, specifically in county courthouses. To make a difference, it's crucial to get involved in local community organizing efforts, such as participatory offense hubs or court watching. These actions, when taken in conjunction with the leadership of local community organizers, can contribute to the larger movement of dismantling an unfair and unjust criminal punishment system. Michelle Alexander, author of "The New Jim Crow," emphasizes that a mass movement is the only powerful force capable of challenging mass incarceration. So, the question isn't just where to act, but when to act, and the current moment presents an opportunity for meaningful change. By getting involved in local initiatives, we can make a difference that future generations will look back on with pride.

    • Relief for allergy sufferers and social justice changeClaritin D provides allergy relief and decongestion, while social justice requires grassroots change and individual actions for transformation

      For allergy sufferers seeking fast and effective relief, Claritin D offers a powerful solution with its dual ingredients that alleviate allergy symptoms and decongest the nose. Meanwhile, in the realm of social justice, ending mass incarceration requires a significant societal shift, which Michelle Alexander believes can only be achieved through a major social movement. Raj, who focuses on movement building, emphasizes the importance of grassroots change, encouraging individuals to take action, even if on a small scale, as part of a larger cultural and political transformation. Whether it's enjoying clear breathing with Claritin D or working towards social justice, change begins with individual actions.

    • Engage with local organizations and public defender offices for insights into criminal punishment systemSupporting local groups and using precise language in criminal justice reform efforts can lead to more effective change.

      When advocating for criminal justice reform, it's essential to engage with local organizations and public defender offices that often lack resources and support. These groups can provide valuable insights into the complexities of the criminal punishment system. Additionally, using precise language, such as "criminal punishment system" instead of "criminal justice system," can help clarify the intended meaning. When creating social biography packets to present to the court, it's crucial to write with intention and partnership with defense attorneys. Generalities and vague statements do not provide enough context for the court to understand the person beyond their case file. Instead, detailed information about the individual's background, support systems, and efforts towards rehabilitation can make a significant difference in their case.

    • Focusing on rehabilitation and individual circumstancesInstead of relying solely on punishment and vengeance, the criminal justice system should focus on rehabilitation and understanding unique circumstances to make people feel safe and whole.

      The criminal justice system should focus on rehabilitation and understanding the individual's unique circumstances instead of solely relying on punishment and vengeance. The speaker argues that the current approach, which has been in place for over a century, is outdated and rooted in racism and classism. Instead, society should aim for outcomes that make people feel safe and whole. The speaker suggests that continuing to use the same methods that aren't working is not justifiable and that it's important to consider alternative solutions, such as investing in people's success and well-being. This perspective can also be applied to discussions about defunding the police and other institutions. The ultimate goal should be to create positive change, and if the current methods aren't achieving that, then it's time to try something different.

    • The importance of passing down values and memoriesExploring how personal connections and generational memories inspire us to make a positive impact on the future.

      We can all become better humans by finding something that connects us to our past and inspires us to make a positive impact on the future. For Raj Jayadev, that connection came in the form of his son, Nanjapa. By passing down values and memories from his grandmother to his son, Raj found a deeper sense of purpose and a way to ensure those values continued to thrive in a new context. This collective experiment of learning from the past and shaping the future is a reminder that we are all interconnected and can make a difference, no matter how small. The TED podcast "How to be a Better Human" explores this idea through conversations with various guests, each sharing their unique perspectives on what makes them a better human. In this episode, Raj Jayadev, the founder of Silicon Valley De-Bug, shared his personal story of how his son has inspired him to carry on generational memories and make an impact. Odoo, the affordable all-in-one management software, is a sponsor of the show, offering businesses a simpler way to manage their operations and grow. And Slack, the collaboration hub for teams, is another valuable resource for businesses looking to streamline their workflows and increase productivity. In essence, the podcast and its sponsors emphasize the importance of connection, growth, and making a positive impact, whether it's through personal relationships, business operations, or community engagement.

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    Je vous mets toutes les références dont je parle dans cet épisode, un peu de manière désordonnée, à vous de piocher :

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    1.Le Guide de la naissance naturelle, Ina May Gaskin, éditions mama. Indispensable pour comprendre le fonctionnement de son corps au moment de l’accouchement. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    2. La Naissance en BD découvrez vos supers pouvoirs, Lucile Gomez, éditions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

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    4. L’enfantement, entre puissance, violence et jouissance, Hélène Goninet, éditions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)


    Episodes podcast la Matrescence 

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    Ep: 10 avec ma mère qui parle de ses accouchements

    Ep: 31 avec mon chéri

    Ep : 43 avec Céline Lazorthe sur le Parental Act

    Les podcasts de Oui change ma vie, Clotilde Dusoulier et Deliciously Ella

    Episode 81 de Bliss où je raconte mon premier accouchement.

    Contact professionnels :

    Dr Marion Poingt

    Cabinet sage femmes de bordeaux Caudéran (Géraldine & Evelyne)

    Isabelle Deputier sur Bordeaux

    Films : 

    Accoucher autrement, Camille Teixeira

    Birth Story, Ina May Gaskin 

    O renascimento do parto Netflix

    Remerciements à mes copines qui ont eu un grand rôle : Olivia, Leslie, et Nan

    Lien pour un article sur l’accouchement à domicile aux Pays Bas. https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/22/aux-pays-bas-accoucher-a-domicile-n-est-pas-un-projet-alternatif-c-est-juste-normal_4986309_3224.html

    Article : Quand les sages-femmes hospitalières assistent à des accouchements à la maison


    Je suis Clémentine Sarlat votre hôte.

    Si vous avez aimé cet épisode, n’hésitez pas à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux @lamatrescence

    Et sinon, mettez 5 étoiles, ça aide vraiment, merci!

    J’ai aussi ouvert un compte youtube avec des cours de yoga réservés aux femmes enceintes et aux nouvelles mamans. 

    A la semaine prochaine, prenez soin de vous

    Création originale : Clémentine Sarlat

    Production : Clémentine Sarlat

    Enregistrement : Clémentine Sarlat

    Invitée : Clémentine Sarlat

    Musiques libres de droits : https://icons8.com/music 

    Musique intro : by BELAIR Tonight Tonight

    Musique outro : Abloom https://icons8.com/music 

    Lien web : https://linktr.ee/clemsarlat

    Réseaux Sociaux :

    Instagram : Clem Sarlat + La Matrescence 

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