
    How to Get the Hottest Guy in the Room to Approach You

    enFebruary 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Women shifting the role in meeting menWomen can increase their chances of meeting quality men by embracing the role of approaching them and using phrases that acknowledge and validate men's masculinity.

      Women can increase their chances of meeting quality men by embracing the role of approaching them. This goes against societal conditioning that men should be the ones to initiate, but many women are afraid or unsure of how to do it. On the other hand, men often feel pressure to approach but lack the necessary skills. By understanding these gender roles and conditioning, women can shift their mindset and actively engage with men, leading to more meaningful connections. Additionally, men want to feel manly and respected around women, and using phrases that acknowledge and validate their masculinity can help build a strong foundation for a relationship. Here are five powerful phrases to make him feel manly around you: 1. "I respect you for being confident and taking charge." 2. "You're really good at this, I'm learning from you." 3. "I appreciate your strength and protection." 4. "You're a natural leader." 5. "I trust you to make the right decisions." By using these phrases and actively approaching men, women can create more opportunities for meaningful connections and build stronger relationships.

    • Women shouldn't wait for men to approach themEmpower yourself to express yourself and make the first move in social situations to stand out and build meaningful connections

      Women should not wait for men to approach them or assume that they don't want to engage in social situations. The fear of sharing personality can be a barrier to connection, as many women may believe that they need to be shy or reserved for men to be interested. However, this is a misconception. Most women in social settings are not actively engaging, making those who do stand out. Men are not typically eager to draw out someone's personality if they don't see it on display. Instead, women should feel empowered to express themselves and make the first move if they wish to do so. It's a common myth that attractive women are approached constantly, but in reality, most men are intimidated by such individuals, and even if they do approach, it may not lead to a meaningful connection. Ultimately, the fear of rejection or judgment should not prevent women from being themselves and engaging with others.

    • Personality and value keep relationships strongFocusing on personality and providing value can make anyone the most interesting person in a room, regardless of looks.

      While physical attraction may initially draw people together, it is ultimately personality and providing value that keeps relationships strong and lasting. The woman who never smiles may initially capture a man's attention, but if she fails to show her personality and charm, he may eventually leave. Even the most beautiful people face struggles and need to bring out their unique qualities to stand out. Men appreciate when women make them feel manly and bring out their best selves. To do this, use phrases that make them feel appreciated and valued. By focusing on personality and providing value, anyone can become the most interesting person in the room, regardless of their physical appearance. So, remember, it's not just about looks, it's about who we are as individuals.

    • Five powerful phrases for making meaningful connectionsUse 'you are a bright spot in my day', 'I appreciate you more than words can express', 'You make me want to be a better person', 'Your smile lights up the room', and 'I value our relationship' as compliments to build connections and spread positivity.

      During the discussion on the "Love Life Podcast," they shared five powerful phrases that can be used as compliments to make meaningful connections with others. These phrases are: 1. "You are a bright spot in my day." 2. "I appreciate you more than words can express." 3. "You make me want to be a better person." 4. "Your smile lights up the room." 5. "I value our relationship." These phrases are simple yet meaningful, and they can be used in various situations to show appreciation, build connections, and spread positivity. By using these phrases, you can make someone feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to stronger relationships and a more positive outlook on life. To download these five phrases, just go to lovelifepodcastdot com/forward/compliments and save them for future use. Remember, a little kindness and appreciation can go a long way in making meaningful connections with others.

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    Until next time.....Choose Positivity My Friends!