
    Podcast Summary

    • Make every interaction meaningfulExpress kindness, compliments, or appreciation to uplift others and create a ripple effect of positivity. Use words wisely to make someone's day.

      Each interaction we have with someone presents an opportunity to make a positive impact on their day. By expressing kindness, compliments, or simple acts of appreciation, we can help uplift others and create a ripple effect of positivity. This simple yet powerful act can change the world, one conversation at a time. So, let's strive to spread positivity and make every interaction a meaningful one. Remember, the words we use have the power to make someone's day, and it's our responsibility to use them wisely. Sign up for the new year journal journey at journal30.com to start your positivity practice and join us in making the world a better place, one interaction at a time. You are amazing, and you have 100% got this!

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    Episode 22: Lead with Kindness

    Episode 22: Lead with Kindness

    Is kindness undervalued? In a society where there is SO MUCH that we can’t change, what CAN you change each day? This week, Dana talks about the value of simple acts of kindness…offering a smile to a stranger, giving a genuine compliment and just being a NICE person. 


    How can you lead with kindness each day? Not only will your day change, but you may have a massive impact on someone else's day.