
    Podcast Summary

    • Building strong community connections and addressing essential needsFostering local relationships, protecting tooth enamel, offering smoke-free alternatives, and ensuring affordable 5G connectivity are crucial for personal well-being and community resilience.

      Building strong community connections and taking care of essential needs, such as water and oral health, are crucial for personal well-being and resilience. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of fostering local relationships, while ZYN offers a smoke-free alternative for those seeking to make positive lifestyle changes. ProNamel Intensive Enamel Repair toothpaste and mouthwash help protect tooth enamel, and Straight Talk Wireless provides affordable family plans with reliable 5G connectivity. Amidst water scarcity challenges, it's essential to prioritize essential needs and consider the impact of individual actions on the community.

    • California's Recall Election: Far-Right Candidate Could Win with Fewer Than 50% of VotesDespite having less than 50% support, a far-right candidate could win California's recall election due to lower signature requirements and unusual voting rules.

      California's ongoing recall campaign against Governor Gavin Newsom could result in a far-right governor taking office, despite having the support of fewer than 50% of the voters. The recall process in California has lower signature requirements and unusual voting rules compared to other states, potentially allowing a candidate with less overall support to win. Larry Elder, a far-right radio talk show host and frequent Fox guest, has emerged as the likely replacement candidate if the recall succeeds. Elder, who has expressed a desire to use the governor's emergency powers to push the state rightwards, has quickly gained traction in the race, raising significant funds from small donors. The implications of this could be significant, as Elder's policies may not align with the views of a majority of Californians.

    • Challenging Narratives: Larry Elder's Career as a Black ConservativeBlack conservative radio host Larry Elder gained popularity by challenging racial and political narratives, faced boycotts for provocative content, and continued career growth through various platforms despite losing ad revenue.

      Larry Elder, a black conservative radio host from Los Angeles, gained popularity in the 1990s by challenging racial and political narratives, drawing a large white audience. His provocative content, including denial of racial profiling and climate change, angered many and led to boycotts of his advertisers. Despite losing ad revenue, Elder's career continued to thrive through syndication, changing networks, podcasts, and TV appearances. Recently, he expressed some belief in climate change but criticized alarmism and environmental regulations that he believes drive up housing costs. His proposed policies on climate and energy are controversial, with potential to worsen water scarcity and wildfires in California. Elder's stance on climate change and other issues illustrates the complexities and divisions within the conservative movement.

    • California's Drought: Residents' Top Environmental WorryDespite efforts to address California's drought, residents remain anxious about water supply and agriculture. Farmers are hit hard by water restrictions, and solutions like building new dams and reducing resource consumption are necessary but not enough.

      The ongoing drought in California is causing significant anxiety among residents, particularly regarding water supply and agriculture. This issue has become a major concern, with some residents calling it their top environmental worry. The governor, Gavin Newsom, has declared drought emergencies and initiated infrastructure projects to address the issue, but faces opposition and criticism for not doing enough. Farmers, in particular, have been hit hard by water restrictions, with some being forced to let land dry up and rely on groundwater. Solutions to the problem include building new dams, storing water in underground aquifers, and reducing resource consumption. However, the trend of growing thirstier crops and the possibility of another dry year make the situation increasingly dire. The lack of clear solutions from Republican challengers to Newsom in the recall election has added to the frustration.

    • Considering the Environment in California's Water Crisis SolutionsFocus on sustainable practices like permaculture, water recycling, and cultivating moisture-efficient crops to address California's water crisis. Build a connected community and embrace technological advancements to prepare for and cope with natural disasters.

      While California's water crisis calls for urgent solutions, it's essential to consider the environmental impact of those solutions. Larry Elder supports building more reservoirs and dams, but desalinization, a costly and energy-intensive alternative, is not a sustainable long-term solution due to its devastating effects on ocean life. Instead, focus on more sustainable practices like permaculture, water recycling, and cultivating moisture-efficient crops. Building a more connected community through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor can also help individuals prepare for and cope with natural disasters. Additionally, technological advancements, such as the all-electric Hyundai Ioniq 5, can make embracing change easier and more accessible. By taking a holistic approach to addressing California's water crisis, we can help ensure a habitable future for generations to come.

    • Reunited with old friends for election day supportDuring crises, community support is crucial. Political unrest and misinformation can lead to dangerous situations, highlighting the importance of remaining informed and prepared.

      Despite politics taking a backseat in the narrator's life for the past decade, they were drawn back in when they heard about their old college friends' fire relief and mutual aid efforts. The midterms are approaching, and while the narrator is unsure about San Francisco's local political scene, they're keeping an eye on state elections. However, they're concerned about the potential for violence at anti-election fraud rallies, especially after reports of attacks on homeless encampments. The narrator receives an invitation from their old college friends to join them in LA on election day to provide medical support during a "stop the steal" rally. Although hesitant, they decide to go due to their medical training. Separately, an investigation revealed that Governor Newsom misrepresented his wildfire prevention efforts, which has been used by recall challengers to attack him. Despite this, the overall amount of wildfire mitigation work carried out by Cal Fire increased in Newsom's first year in office. This complex situation highlights the importance of community support during crises, the potential for political unrest, and the ongoing challenges of wildfire prevention in California.

    • California wildfire prevention efforts affected by budget cuts and early wildfire seasonGovernor Newsom proposes increased spending on wildfire prevention, but commitment may not be sustained, and political ramifications of upcoming election could impact wildfire policies and regulations.

      California's wildfire prevention efforts took a significant hit in 2020 due to budget cuts and the early start of the wildfire season. This resulted in fewer acres being treated for fuel reduction and prevention, leading to more intense fires. Governor Newsom has proposed a large increase in spending on wildfire prevention and resiliency in the upcoming budget, but experts and politicians question whether this commitment will be sustained. Larry Elder, a Republican challenger, has criticized Newsom's handling of wildfires and promised to invest more in traditional energy sources and reduce spending on renewables if elected. The political ramifications of the upcoming election in California could also have significant impacts, including potential changes to the Senate and education policies. Elder has stated his intention to use executive orders to push through controversial legislation, including declaring education and homeless emergencies to remove "bad teachers" and suspend environmental regulations to speed up housing development.

    • California Recall Election: Larry Elder's Controversial ConnectionsLarry Elder, a leading California recall election candidate, has ties to far-right propagandists, including Fox News, PragerU, and Epic Times. He's friends with Stephen Miller and holds controversial views on reparations, immigration, and election integrity.

      Larry Elder, a leading contender in California's recall election against Governor Gavin Newsom, has close ties to far-right propagandists and has a history of promoting controversial views. Elder has appeared on Fox News over 220 times in the past five years and has worked with organizations like PragerU and Epic Times. His friendship with Stephen Miller, a former White House advisor, is particularly concerning, as Miller's political career reportedly began on Elder's radio show. Elder's views on reparations, immigration, and election integrity align with those of other controversial figures, and he has been accused of domestic abuse. Despite these concerns, Elder maintains a significant lead in the recall election, but some fear that if he doesn't win, he may allege election fraud. This narrative echoes the "Stop the Steal" movement following the 2020 presidential election.

    • Concerns over voter integrity and potential fraud in CA recall electionEnsure fair elections, avoid spreading misinformation, and focus on positive change in the community. Join volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor to support local communities.

      There are concerns about voter integrity and potential fraud in the California recall election. Some individuals and media outlets are spreading allegations of widespread cheating, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. These claims could have serious consequences, including the potential for violence. It's essential to ensure fair and transparent elections, and there will be observers present throughout the counting process. However, it's also crucial to avoid spreading misinformation and baseless conspiracy theories. Instead, focus on the issues that matter to Californians and work towards positive change in the community. For those looking to make a difference, consider joining volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor to connect with and support your local community.

    • Community Connections and PreparednessBuilding strong community bonds can lead to meaningful social connections and aid during emergencies. Going electric with vehicles like the Hyundai Ioniq 5 can alleviate range and charging concerns. Researching the impact of climate change on extremism and terrorism is crucial for future preparedness.

      Building strong community connections and preparedness can lead to meaningful social bonds and help in times of need, whether it's through lending a helping hand to a neighbor or standing together in times of natural disasters. This was discussed in relation to the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative and the importance of community during emergencies. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the ease and benefits of going electric with vehicles like the Hyundai Ioniq 5, which can alleviate range and charging concerns. The researchers also emphasized the significance of studying and understanding the impact of climate change on extremism and terrorism in the coming decades. Overall, the discussion underscored the importance of community, preparedness, and embracing change.

    • Far-right groups and militias provide aid during crises as a self-fulfilling prophecy and marketing toolDuring disasters, far-right groups and militias offer aid, filling gaps left by gov't, but their motives are complex: self-fulfilling prophecy, marketing, and maintaining order.

      During times of crisis and disaster, far-right groups and militias often position themselves to provide aid and fill the gaps left by the government. This can be seen as a self-fulfilling prophecy for these groups, as they believe in the complete breakdown of order and see these disasters as an opportunity to step in and maintain law and order. This strategy also serves as a marketing tool and photo op for these groups to normalize their presence in affected areas. In some cases, local churches and religious communities may also be involved in these efforts. However, it's important to note that while some of these groups may provide infrastructure and relief, it may not be considered mutual aid due to the lack of an ideological framework for that concept. It's also worth mentioning that in some regions, left-wing groups like antifascists have been more prominent in providing relief efforts. Overall, the role of far-right groups and militias in disaster relief and their potential impact on communities is a complex issue that requires further examination.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Accelerationism and Eco-FascismAccelerationism and eco-fascism are complex ideologies with destructive tendencies. Accelerationism can lead to wasted time and destructive tendencies, while eco-fascism prioritizes natural order and hierarchy, potentially harming marginalized groups.

      The concepts of accelerationism and eco-fascism are complex and multifaceted, with influences stemming from colonial schools of thought. Accelerationism, which can be found in various areas, including the far-left, can lead to destructive tendencies and wasted time. Eco-fascism, on the other hand, is predicated on the idea of terra nullius and a belief in natural order and hierarchy. This perspective can be damaging to marginalized groups and prioritizes survival of the fittest. A red flag for identifying eco-fascist ideologies is the intersection of ecological discussions with traditional gender roles. It's essential to recognize that not all eco-extremists are eco-fascists, and it's crucial to differentiate between the two. Green anarchists, for example, focus on creating sustainable solutions and reducing reliance on supply chains, whereas eco-fascists do not. It's important to approach these topics with nuance and critical thinking.

    • Possible societal collapse and ethno-nationalist communitiesThe potential collapse of society could lead to the formation of ethno-nationalist communities, who may reject modern industry and embrace traditional family structures. However, these communities may not fully commit to an off-grid lifestyle and instead focus on online presence, leading to increased regulations and potential criminalization from the state.

      The discussion touched upon the potential societal collapse and the formation of ethno-nationalist communities, which could result in traditional family structures and a rejection of modern industry. However, these communities, often seen online, may not fully commit to their off-grid lifestyles and instead focus on posting about them. The state's response to such communities could involve increased regulations and potential criminalization, as the state seeks to consolidate power. Additionally, climate change could lead to economic boosts for countries like Canada and Russia, making them potentially stronger economically. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and potential consequences of societal collapse and the role of the state in regulating alternative lifestyles.

    • Growing ideological divide in Canada, particularly in prairies and western regionsAnti-government sentiments and conspiracy theories have led to protests and checkpoints in urban centers of Canada. The government's response to crises and lack of communication contributes to feelings of alienation and lack of control, fueling discontent towards the federal government.

      There is a growing ideological divide in Canada, particularly in the prairies and western regions, where some people hold anti-government sentiments and view Canada's rules and public health measures with skepticism. This trend has led to the emergence of conspiracy theories and even the formation of checkpoints as protests. While these groups are mostly urban phenomena in Canada, the need to mobilize seems to focus on the urban centers. The government's response to wildfires and other crises has been criticized for lacking effective communication and addressing the underlying issues that fuel these sentiments. The feeling of alienation and lack of control, especially in areas like Alberta and BC, contributes to the frustration and discontent towards the federal government. These issues are not unique to Canada and can be seen in other parts of the world, including the United States. The challenge for governments is to address these concerns and find ways to bridge the divide and build trust with their citizens.

    • Complex political landscape and technology amplify tensionsThe potential collapse of infrastructure and lack of enforcement could lead to a power vacuum filled by extremist groups, exacerbating tensions between different groups and ideologies.

      The current political landscape in Canada is complex, with competing ideologies and tensions between different groups, particularly regarding indigenous rights and sovereignty. This complexity is further amplified by the use of technology, specifically Telegram, which allows for the spread of extremist ideologies and the organization of disparate groups. The potential collapse of infrastructure and government services could exacerbate these tensions, leading to a power vacuum that could be filled by malicious actors. The cultic milieu, a term used to describe the social and psychological dynamics of extremist groups, is a useful framework for understanding the potential outcomes of this complex situation. Ultimately, the lack of enforcement and guidance in such a scenario could lead to a dangerous and chaotic situation.

    • Government control over speech and communicationBanning communication platforms like Telegram doesn't solve the root cause of extremism, instead, building strong, connected communities can help prevent the spread of harmful ideologies.

      While it may be tempting to rely on technology and deplatforming to solve complex social issues, it's important to remember that these actions only address the symptoms and not the root causes. In the discussion about the role of the government in regulating communication platforms, it was highlighted that banning a platform like Telegram, which is used for encrypted communication, would not necessarily solve the problem. Instead, it could set a dangerous precedent for government control over speech and communication. Additionally, if the platform is banned, users may simply migrate to other platforms or engage in offline activities, making it harder to monitor and address harmful content. Instead, a more nuanced approach is needed, one that addresses the underlying causes of extremism and fosters meaningful community connections. Whether it's through volunteer networks like Neighbor to Neighbor or engaging in offline activities, building strong, connected communities can help prevent the spread of harmful ideologies and prepare us for unexpected events.

    • Telegram's design facilitates easy ideological manipulation and recruitment into extremist groupsTelegram's anonymity and hyperlinking between channels enable quick movement between ideologies, creating a large pool of potential recruits for extremist groups, potentially leading to infiltration of seemingly unrelated movements and confusion for authorities.

      Telegram's design allows for easy information dissemination and ideological manipulation, making it an effective tool for covertly organizing and recruiting individuals into extremist groups. The anonymity and hyperlinking between channels enable individuals to move between ideologies quickly, creating a large pool of potential recruits for those planning to incite social unrest. This can lead to the infiltration of seemingly unrelated movements, causing confusion and enabling authorities to crack down on these groups, while the perpetrators remain hidden. The platform's accessibility to individuals with varying levels of commitment to extremist ideologies further amplifies its potential for causing harm.

    • Extremist groups use external agitators, conspiracy theories, and election fraud allegations to incite violence and recruit membersExtremist groups manipulate beliefs with external agitators, conspiracy theories, and election fraud allegations to incite violence and recruit new members, often infiltrating other extremist groups.

      Certain extremist groups, such as those associated with Christian identity and QAnon, use external agitators, conspiracy theories, and election fraud allegations as tools to incite violence and accelerate societal collapse. These groups often infiltrate and recruit members from other extremist groups, such as the Boogaloo movement, by using similar talking points and ideologies. They don't necessarily believe in the conspiracy theories they spread but use them as a means to an end. Christian identity, in particular, is an entry point for some individuals into further accelerationist and Nazi ideologies. The use of external agitators and conspiracy theories is not new, but the internet and social media have made it easier for these groups to spread their messages and recruit new members. It's important to be aware of this tactic and to not be swayed by extremist rhetoric, no matter how palatable it may seem.

    • Extremist groups' dangerous beliefs rooted in historical revisionism and conspiracy theoriesExtremist groups like Christian Identity spread harmful beliefs, such as Cain being Satan's spawn and white people originating from a specific area, using an overflow of content to make them seem legitimate. These beliefs can escalate and lead to dangerous actions.

      Certain extremist groups, such as Christian Identity, hold beliefs that are rooted in historical revisionism and conspiracy theories. These beliefs include the idea that Cain was the spawn of Satan and the belief that white people originated from a specific area based on false studies. These groups use an overflow of content, both online and offline, to make their ideas seem legitimate. This content can range from entry-level conspiracy theories to more complex and interconnected beliefs, which can quickly escalate. These groups, while seemingly ridiculous, are dangerous and have been linked to organized groups and violent actions. It's essential to recognize the potential harm these beliefs can cause and take them seriously.

    • From local news to extremismIndividuals can be exposed to extremist ideologies through various sources, including local news and social media platforms, and the pathway to radicalization can be surprisingly short and interconnected.

      The pathway to extremism and radicalization can be surprisingly short and interconnected. Whether it's through social media platforms like Discord or local news sources, individuals can be exposed to increasingly extreme ideologies with just a few clicks or connections. This was evident in the case of Dylan Roof, who started his journey to radicalization by reading local news articles and then moved on to more explicit calls to violence. Furthermore, extremist groups and networks are constantly evolving and shifting their focus, making it crucial to remain vigilant and aware of these trends. The most dangerous actors in this scenario are often not the ones committing the violence, but those who are actively trying to radicalize others and make the pathway to extremism easier to follow. Additionally, conspiracy theories are not limited to any particular political ideology, and platforms like TikTok can be significant breeding grounds for young people to be exposed to such ideologies.

    • Avoiding eco-fascism in the face of climate changeRecognize the potential dangers of eco-extremism, focus on local actions, and engage in constructive dialogue to prevent societal upheaval due to climate change.

      Climate change serves as a crisis that can rapidly shift societal norms and potentially lead to extreme responses, including eco-fascism. It's crucial to acknowledge the potential dangers of such outcomes and work towards preventing the spread of doomer mentality. Instead, focusing on local actions and community building can help create meaningful change. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the various forms of eco-extremism and their conflicting goals, as well as recognizing that a collapse could benefit those already in power. Ultimately, engaging in constructive dialogue and taking proactive steps at the local level can help mitigate the risks of societal upheaval.

    • Preparing for crises: Prioritize community and essential skillsInstead of hoarding supplies, focus on essential skills and community building to prepare for crises.

      Preparing for potential crises and helping build community are important responsibilities for individuals and society as a whole. Instead of focusing solely on individualistic measures like buying guns and hoarding supplies, we should also prioritize learning essential skills like gardening, cooking, and first aid. Additionally, it's crucial to counteract doomer mentality and work towards building and improving our communities. This communal effort is essential for ensuring that everyone's needs are met during challenging times. It's also important to be cautious about where we get our information from and to verify its authenticity, especially in politically charged environments. Ultimately, we must remember that the people who suffer the most during crises are often noncombatants, so it's essential to prioritize community and relationships over individualistic pursuits.

    • Navigating the Complexity of Societal CollapseFocus on building community, organizing locally, and helping those in need during societal collapse. Be wary of manipulative narratives and prioritize equitable and just actions.

      The idea of societal collapse, whether environmental or otherwise, is a complex issue with real-world implications. It's easy to romanticize the notion of collapse, but in reality, it's not a reset button. Instead, it's a time of great uncertainty and hardship, where building community and connections becomes crucial. It's important to be wary of those who try to manipulate us and push harmful narratives, such as labeling movements like Black Lives Matter as violent extremism. Instead, we should focus on taking care of each other, organizing locally, and helping those in our community. The idea of collapse can be a motivator, but it's essential to remember that people are people, and we need to move away from hierarchical thinking. It's also important to be skeptical of the internet and social media, as they can often distract us from taking real action in our communities. Ultimately, the best way to prepare for potential collapse is to build strong relationships with those around us and work towards creating a more equitable and just society.

    • The Thin Line Between Effective Media and Terror PropagandaStay informed and engaged with valuable resources and podcasts like Anti-Hate Dotca, The Unusual Show, Neighbor to Neighbor, High Five Casino, Ebay Motors, and It Could Happen Here to understand the complex issue of media and terror propaganda.

      The line between effective media portrayal of terrorism and propagating terrorism is thin and requires careful consideration. Emmy But making a career out of this thin line is a challenge many face. For those interested in staying informed about extremism in Canada, Anti-Hate Dotca is a valuable resource. The Unusual Show, hosted by our guest, is also a recommended podcast. In a world where communities can feel disconnected, Neighbor to Neighbor encourages building meaningful social bonds. High Five Casino offers a chance to win real prizes while playing casino games online. Ebay Motors is a go-to source for car parts and guaranteed fit items. The all-new Hyundai Santa Fe offers adventure and practicality for families. It Could Happen Here is a podcast where the host, who is on vacation, discusses various topics, including upcoming rallies in Washington D.C. The thin line between effective media and terror propaganda is a complex issue that requires thoughtful examination. Stay informed and engaged with the resources and podcasts mentioned above.

    • Violence in Washington D.C.: Chaotic and DangerousDespite disinformation leading many confused individuals to violent rallies in Washington D.C., the situation was more chaotic and dangerous than commonly portrayed, with instances of stabbing and lack of prosecution.

      While there have been violent rallies in Washington D.C. over the past year, particularly around the time of the 2020 election, the situation was more chaotic and dangerous than what is commonly portrayed. Journalist and researcher Theo, based in Virginia, shared his experiences of covering these events. He noted that while there were specific groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, there were also many confused and misinformed individuals present. During the day, there were speakers and various groups, but things would escalate when the sun went down and the Proud Boys would become more violent. Instances of stabbing occurred during rallies on November 14th and December 12th. Despite clear evidence of self-defense, the District Attorney chose not to prosecute in one case. Theo emphasized that while he doesn't sympathize with their aims, many people were led astray by disinformation and it led to devastating consequences for them and their families.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Upcoming Right-Wing Rally in D.C.Despite conflicting opinions on attendance and potential for confrontations near Black Lives Matter Plaza, authorities prepare for possible violence at the upcoming right-wing rally in D.C.

      The upcoming right-wing rally in Washington D.C. is shrouded in uncertainty, with varying opinions on its size and goals. Officially, some larger groups have advised against attending, while smaller, local groups and certain individuals seem intent on going. The event's proximity to Black Lives Matter Plaza could potentially lead to confrontations, as the area's layout funnels people towards hotels favored by right-wing groups. Local authorities have responded by reinstalling the fence around the Capitol, but this could inadvertently create a trap for counter-protesters. The heightened sense of importance following the January 6th events may result in a lower-key turnout compared to expectations, but the potential for violence remains.

    • Right-wing rallies in Pacific Northwest: Tension between groups and law enforcement escalatesRight-wing rallies in Pacific Northwest have seen increasing instances of gunfire, raising concerns of potential violent situations reminiscent of early conflict zones. Gun ownership is a neutral tool, but the balance of force and prevention of escalation is crucial.

      The aftermath of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017 saw a media focus on anti-fascist activists, which was not the case following the January 6th Capitol riots. However, a greater concern is the escalating tension between right-wing groups and law enforcement, as shown by the increasing instances of gunfire at right-wing rallies in the Pacific Northwest. The fear is that this could lead to a dangerous and potentially violent situation, reminiscent of the early days of conflicts like the Syrian civil war. The specific gun laws in DC are a concern, as right-wing groups are known to be armed and there is a fear that if left-wing groups respond with weapons, it could escalate the situation further. It's important to remember that gun ownership is a neutral tool, and it's not a simple issue. The key is to avoid an imbalance of force and prevent situations from escalating. Ultimately, the unknowns and potential for violence make it a situation that should concern everyone.

    • Uncertainty Surrounds Upcoming Political Event in DCDespite historical precedents, it's uncertain which groups will appear at the upcoming DC event and what actions they may take, making effective resistance efforts challenging.

      The upcoming political event in DC carries a high degree of uncertainty regarding which groups will appear and what actions they may take. The historical precedent of groups attempting to overthrow the government and then reemerging months later with similar ideologies is limited, making it challenging to predict the specific players and outcomes. One group of concern is BLM757 from Virginia, who have been linked to militia movements and violent escalations. The lack of clear intel on who will show up and what they'll do adds to the anxiety, as people prepare for various possible outcomes. The uncertainty makes organizing effective resistance efforts difficult, as communications can break down once people are on-site and preparations can be either over or under aggressive. The events of Unite the Right 2, November 14th, and December 10th provide some indicators, but the overall situation remains uncertain and complex.

    • Speakers discuss concerns of insurgent attacks at DC rallyBe prepared for potential insurgent attacks at rallies, increase presence to deter attacks, and support local organizations offering jail support and mutual aid efforts.

      The upcoming DC rally could potentially see more extreme elements attempting to cause trouble, especially due to the diverse range of attendees coming from various regions and the uncertainty that brings. The speakers discussed their concerns about the possibility of insurgent attacks and the potential for a firefight being the worst-case scenario. They emphasized the importance of having a large presence to protect against targeted attacks and advised bringing a buddy, having a first aid kit, and being prepared. The more bodies present, the less likely it is for roaming attacks to occur. While it's impossible to predict the exact outcome of the event, the speakers agreed that showing up in person and increasing the number of bodies is a powerful deterrent. If attending in person isn't an option, they suggested supporting local organizations offering jail support and mutual aid efforts.

    • Communication challenges during events and crisesPrepare for disrupted communication by having a plan, carrying power sources, and building strong community connections.

      Communication and connectivity can be major challenges during events or crises, and it's essential to be prepared. During a discussion on portrayals of terrorism and extremism in media, the issue of communication arose, with stories of poor cell service and concerns about safety. The speakers emphasized the importance of having a plan in place, such as knowing where to find power sources for phones or carrying cell phone boosters. They also encouraged listeners to look out for each other and build strong community connections through initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor. In a world where communication can be disrupted, having a reliable support system is crucial.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

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    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.