
    Podcast Summary

    • Everyone's journey is unique, don't compare yourself to othersIt's never too late to make positive changes and focus on personal growth, despite feeling behind or comparing yourself to others.

      Everyone's journey in life is unique, and it's never too late to make positive changes, no matter how far behind you may feel. The speaker shares his experience of feeling like he fell behind during adolescence due to excessive use of video games and social media. He acknowledges that comparing himself to peers who seemed to have accomplished more can be disheartening, but emphasizes that life is not a race. The earlier start doesn't necessarily guarantee a better outcome. The speaker encourages anyone feeling behind to keep going and seek support from others who have also faced similar challenges. He shares his own story of starting medical school later than many of his peers and emphasizes that even though it felt daunting, he was able to catch up and succeed. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to focus on personal growth and not get discouraged by comparing oneself to others.

    • Understanding reasons for falling behindAcknowledge past mistakes, address underlying issues, and focus on progress, not comparison.

      Feeling left behind and wanting to catch up can be a daunting prospect. It's not just a matter of following a plan to make up for lost time. The person who fell behind is the same person who has to catch up, and understanding the reasons for falling behind is crucial. It's important to acknowledge that catching up may not be as simple as someone else making it seem. For instance, if someone failed a class and wants to get an A the next time around, they need to consider if they've truly addressed the underlying issues that led to their failure. Additionally, the fear of falling behind can stem from the perception of how fast others seem to be moving. While life may not be a race, it does involve competition, and understanding this can help put things into perspective. Ultimately, the key is to focus on making progress, rather than comparing ourselves to others, and to be patient with ourselves as we work towards our goals.

    • Impact of behavior on career progressionBeing aware of how your actions affect others is crucial for career success beyond impressive qualifications

      While life may not be a race, it does involve competition. However, not all aspects of life are professional competitions. Self-awareness and personal growth are important, but they may not directly help you "catch up" in areas where you're behind, like missing an internship. A story from the speaker's experience in residency illustrates this. Despite having impressive qualifications, a candidate was rejected due to their annoying behavior, which interfered with clinical care. This highlights the importance of being aware of how your actions impact others and not just focusing on building a strong resume. Competition in life is complex, and it's essential to consider various aspects to succeed.

    • Focus on becoming a better personPrioritize self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills for success in life, not just academic and professional achievements.

      While academic achievements and professional skills are important, they are not the only factors that determine success in life. Being a compassionate, self-aware, and easy-to-work-with person can significantly impact one's ability to excel in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional careers. The speaker emphasizes that it's never too late to focus on self-improvement and becoming a better human being, even if one feels they have fallen behind. The competition of life is not just about having the best test scores or being the most skilled, but also about how we interact with others and work on ourselves. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills alongside academic and professional pursuits.

    • Take a pit stop for self-improvementInvesting time in self-growth, no matter the stage of life, can lead to long-term advantages. Recognize the value of past experiences and adapt skills learned to new situations.

      No matter what stage of life you're at or what activities you've engaged in, it's never too late to focus on personal growth and development. Comparing life to a car race, taking a pit stop for self-improvement might make it seem like you're falling behind, but this time invested in yourself can lead to significant advantages in the long run. For instance, research shows that video game players possess skills like quick adaptation and learning new rules, which can be beneficial in various aspects of life. It's essential to recognize the value of past experiences, even if they might not seem directly related to your goals. By staying aware of your strengths and weaknesses, you can use your unique background to your advantage and continue making progress.

    • The vicious cycle of falling behind and turning to technology for comfortComparing ourselves to others and seeking external solutions can perpetuate negative emotions and hinder progress, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and personal growth.

      Feeling like you've fallen behind in life and turning to technology for comfort can create a vicious cycle, leading to increased despair and further falling behind. This negative emotion can be hard to deal with, and our brains have an easy way to make it go away by turning to technology. However, it's important to remember that this feeling of being behind may not be based on reality, and comparing ourselves to others can lead to flawed cognitive thought processes. External answers or plans to put your life together may not immediately work if you're the one who fell behind in the first place. It's crucial to acknowledge that and consider the validity of these solutions. Remember, life isn't a race, but it's essential to understand that the person who fell behind is the one who has to do the catching up.

    • Investing in yourself for personal and professional growthNever too late to work on self-awareness and personal development, valued by employers, can lead to interview success, promotions, and positive work environments, hidden benefits of seemingly unrelated activities, awareness of emotional drivers, ongoing journey of self-improvement

      While life may feel like a competition at times, it's never too late to work on yourself and add value to your personal and professional growth. Even if you feel like you've fallen behind due to distractions or undisciplined behaviors, investing in self-awareness and personal development can make a significant impact. Employers value not only skills and knowledge but also compassionate and supportive team members. Working on yourself can help you in the interview process, during promotions, and in creating positive work environments. Moreover, seemingly unrelated activities, such as video games, can have hidden advantages that may become apparent with time and research. It's crucial to be aware of the emotional drivers that lead us to unhealthy coping mechanisms, like excessive technology use, and work on understanding why we turn to them. Ultimately, embracing the ongoing journey of self-improvement can help us compete in life and thrive in our personal and professional endeavors.

    • Comparing yourself to others can make you feel behind in life, but everyone's timeline is different.Stay focused on goals, don't get discouraged, and seek support to make progress despite feeling behind in life.

      It's easy to feel like you're behind in life, especially when comparing yourself to others. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's timeline is different, and what feels like a setback to one person might not be for another. The ego can play tricks on us, making us believe that it's too late, but the truth is, there's always time to make progress. The discussion emphasized that it's natural to feel concerned if you feel like you've fallen behind, especially in areas like socialization or education. However, it's crucial to recognize that there are challenges to catching up, and it may require some effort and sophistication. Additionally, it's important to acknowledge that seeking help and support can make a significant difference. Whether it's through coaching programs or asking questions, recognizing that you're not alone and that there are resources available can help you start to catch up. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that it's essential to stay focused on your goals and not get discouraged by feelings of being behind. Instead, use those feelings as motivation to keep moving forward and to seek out the resources and support you need to make progress. Remember, even if it feels like a low level run in the game of life, with the right mindset and support, you can still reach the end goal.

    • The ego's role in comparison leads to sufferingComparing oneself to others can limit motivation and growth by triggering negative emotions, rooted in fears and insecurities, driven by the ego.

      Comparison is an ego-driven process that often leads to suffering. Our identity, or ego, can make us feel inadequate or inferior when we compare ourselves to others, triggering negative emotions. The ego acts as a defense mechanism, protecting us from perceived threats or emotional pain. However, this protection comes at a cost, as it can limit our motivation and prevent us from trying new things or stepping out of our comfort zones. Understanding the role of the ego in comparison can help us become more aware of our thought patterns and work towards overcoming the negative emotions that drive comparison. By recognizing and addressing the underlying fears or insecurities that fuel comparison, we can break free from this limiting cycle and focus on our own growth and development.

    • Embrace personal growth, avoid comparisonFocus on unique journey, accept setbacks, embrace strengths, avoid copying strategies, find happiness and success through personal growth

      Avoiding comparison and focusing on personal growth involves understanding what the ego is trying to protect us from and grappling with it. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and setbacks or detours don't necessarily limit our potential. Instead, they shape us into who we are. Rather than comparing ourselves to others and trying to live up to an ideal potential, we should focus on playing the hand we're dealt and embracing our strengths. The more we accept and play to who we are, the more likely we are to find happiness and success. Additionally, it's essential to be mindful of the strategies we adopt, as copying others' successful strategies with our unique set of circumstances may not lead to winning. Instead, we can find ways to leverage our strengths and play our cards effectively. Ultimately, taking a more spiritual approach to life and focusing on personal growth can lead to greater happiness and success.

    • Overconfidence in high damage output can lead to defeatUnderstand every role's importance, balance offense and defense, and adapt to the situation for team success.

      Focusing solely on dealing high damage in DOTA 2 without considering support items or team composition can lead to overconfidence and eventual defeat. The player in the discussion boasted about their high damage output and winning record, but failed to recognize the importance of teamwork and balance in the game. This mindset can not only result in losses in DOTA 2, but also in real life situations where we are dealt challenges that require a diverse set of skills and strategies to overcome. It's essential to understand that every role, including support, plays a crucial part in the success of a team. Building damage on any hero is an option, but it's not the only way to win. Instead, consider the unique strengths and weaknesses of each hero and how they can complement each other to create a well-rounded team. And, as in all things, maintaining a healthy balance between offense and defense, and adapting to the situation at hand, is key to success.

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    “People may choose to be morally absolute”

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

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    Hello and welcome to The Self Mastery Mentor Podcast—The Business of Breakthroughs for Emotional & Entrepreneurial Success. I'm your host, Sarah Bailey, the Self Mastery Mentor. I empower ambitious female entrepreneurs to achieve unparalleled breakthroughs in self-mastery, enabling them to build thriving businesses so they can live their most authentic and fulfilling lives—without the crippling weight of inner barriers or self-doubt. Leveraging my background in psychology, transformational therapies, hypnotherapy, and strategic entrepreneurship, I'm here to guide you on a transformative journey. Together, we'll dig deep to face your fears, overcome self-doubt, and make conscious choices that propel you forward. This podcast is your go-to resource for merging emotional healing with actionable business strategies. So if you are a driven female entrepreneur standing at the threshold of something extraordinary, yet held back by unseen barriers, Consider this your personal invitation to transformation. This podcast is your sanctuary for reclaiming your power, unleashing your potential, and breaking free emotionally to thrive in business. Tune in to unlock your innate wisdom, liberate your entrepreneurial soul, and create a life and business that leaves no room for limitations. Together, let's illuminate your path and 'be your own breakthrough, not limitation.


    Today, we’re peeling back the layers to reveal the 'why' behind this transformative journey. If you're a driven female entrepreneur who's tired of inner hurdles derailing your dreams, you're in the right place. Let’s dive in


    Welcome lovely to the very first episode of The Self Mastery Mentor Podcast—The Business of Breakthroughs for Emotional & Entrepreneurial Success. I’m Sarah Bailey, your Self Mastery Mentor and guide on this transformative journey. If you're an ambitious female entrepreneur yearning to break free from the shackles of self-doubt, emotional barriers, and work-life imbalance, you’ve just found your sanctuary.


    So, why did I create this podcast? Because life has taught me that the path to sustainable business success is intimately connected with our internal landscapes. My mission is to serve as both a beacon and a mirror for you—lighting the path ahead while reflecting the immense potential within you. I leverage qualifications in hypnotherapy, Heart Healing®, NLP, Mindset and Transformational therapy, and a Masters in Psychology to offer a holistic approach to inner transformation.


    You might be wondering what makes this podcast different. Well, it’s not just another business podcast. Nor is it purely focused on emotional well-being. It's the fusion of the two—a golden bridge linking your internal emotional world with your external entrepreneurial realm. The magic lies in this marriage."


    In each episode, we will dive into a variety of topics. We'll look at the internal barriers that are holding you back, explore conscious choices and intentional living, and arm you with tools to increase self-awareness. I'll share real-world examples, and testimonials, and even bring in guest experts who exemplify emotional and entrepreneurial mastery."


    As we journey together, always remember: You're not alone. Your dreams are valid, and your struggles are shared by many who are also seeking to 'be their own breakthrough, not limitation.' Let this podcast be your companion as you navigate through the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and life itself.


    So, if this resonates with you, let's make this journey unforgettable. Join me in this safe space every week as we peel back the layers, unearth hidden barriers, and open doors to unimagined success and fulfilment."


    I want to invite you to not just listen but to engage. 


    In our next episode, we're diving deep into understanding what holds us back—the inner barriers that many of us aren't even aware of. You won't want to miss it."


    And there we have it, another amazing episode that I hope has empowered you to see beyond the unseen barriers in your path. As you go about your week, remember: 'Be your own breakthrough, not limitation.' Continue to unlock your extraordinary potential because the world doesn't just need more entrepreneurs; it needs empowered women who lead with love, power, and authentic passion. I'm Sarah Bailey The Self-Mastery Mentor, and it's been a joy being here with you today. Until next time, take care, and be the breakthrough you were born to be.


    If today's episode resonated with you, I invite you to hit that 'Follow' or 'Subscribe' button so you never miss an opportunity to empower your journey. If you're feeling generous, your honest review would mean the world to me—it helps others find this transformative content, too. But don't let the conversation end here; join me and an incredible community of like-minded women in my private Facebook group, Success Foundations: The Self Mastery Circle. It's a safe space to deepen your self-mastery and connect with others on the path to emotional and entrepreneurial success. Come 'be your own breakthrough, not limitation' with us!


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    FYI - if you want to wish me a happy birthday, we created an AR filter on @teamgaryvee IG feel free to use the AR filter and record a birthday message for Gary! Tag @teamgaryvee & @garyvee so we can share in stories!

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