
    Jocko Underground: Pygmalion - High Expectations Lead to High Performance | Snitching and Tattling | Trying to Make Everybody Happy.

    enSeptember 12, 2022
    What is the Pygmalion effect and its significance?
    How did Rosenthal and Jacobson's study demonstrate expectations influence performance?
    What unconventional coaching methods did the speaker's coach employ?
    Why is praising effort more effective than praising talent?
    How can expectations impact a child's development and mindset?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Expectations: Pygmalion EffectBeliefs and expectations can significantly influence people's performance, shaping reality as demonstrated in the Pygmalion effect. Be mindful of the words and actions that set expectations, as they can have profound effects.

      Our expectations towards people can significantly impact their performance. This phenomenon is known as the Pygmalion effect. Named after a Greek myth where a sculptor's love and high expectations brought his statue to life, this effect shows that our beliefs and expectations can shape reality. A famous study by psychologist Robert Rosenthal and principal Lenore Jacobson in 1965 demonstrated this, where teachers were told certain students had high potential for academic success. Despite no difference in intelligence scores, these students performed better due to the teachers' heightened expectations and attention towards them. This shows the power of our beliefs and expectations in shaping people's lives. It's a reminder that our words and actions can have profound effects, making it essential to be mindful of the expectations we set for ourselves and others.

    • Beliefs and Expectations Impact Performance via Pygmalion EffectOur beliefs and expectations towards others can influence their performance through the Pygmalion effect, leading us to unconsciously align behaviors to meet the expected outcome, either positively or negatively.

      Our beliefs and expectations towards others can significantly impact their performance, a phenomenon known as the Pygmalion effect. This self-fulfilling prophecy can lead us to unconsciously align our behaviors to meet the expected outcome, either positively or negatively. It's not just limited to classrooms or children, but can extend to leadership positions and various aspects of life. Even if we know our attitudes may have negative effects, it can be challenging to break the cycle. False motivation or positive attitudes, even if not sincere, can still be more effective than no motivation at all. This concept can be applied in various situations, from sports to professional settings, to inspire and bring out the best in others.

    • Unconventional coaching techniquesUnique methods like yelling during drills, wearing uniforms, and doing football sprawls can instill discipline, energy, and motivation in young athletes

      Effective coaching techniques can significantly impact young athletes' performance and mindset. The speaker shares an experience from their youth football days where their coach employed unique methods to get his team fired up and focused. These methods included yelling during drills and wearing uniforms, which the coach believed instilled discipline and energy in the younger players. The speaker admits that these practices felt odd at first but eventually became a habit and even helped them gain false energy during moments of fatigue. When they moved up to the next level, these practices were no longer required, but the speaker continued to use them as a personal motivational tool. Another technique the coach used was having the team do football version of sprawls, which involved hitting the ground with a hard impact and getting back up, to give them a boost of energy. These unconventional coaching methods, though initially strange, ultimately helped the speaker and their team perform better and stay motivated.

    • Praise effort, not talentFocusing on effort instead of natural abilities encourages resilience and a growth mindset in children

      As leaders, parents, or anyone interacting with children, it's essential to focus on praising their effort and hard work instead of their inherent talents. By doing so, we help them understand that they have control over their achievements and encourage them to continue pushing themselves. It's not about false cheerleading or excessive praise based on natural abilities. Instead, acknowledging their hard work and focus fosters resilience and a growth mindset. This subtle shift in the way we communicate can significantly impact a child's development and mindset towards learning and personal growth.

    • Jocko Podcast Launches Jocko Underground for Better Control and Community InteractionJocko Podcast introduces Jocko Underground, a subscription-based platform, to enhance listener communication and reduce reliance on external platforms, offering a stronger community bond for $8.18/month.

      Jocko Podcast is launching Jocko Underground, a subscription-based platform, to gain more control over their content and audience interaction. This move aims to mitigate reliance on external platforms, reduce control from sponsors, and provide a better communication channel with listeners. Jocko Underground offers a website where subscribers can strengthen their connection with the community. The cost is $8.18 a month, but those unable to pay can still access support by emailing assistance@jockounderground.com. This new platform will allow for more direct interactions, improved communications, and a stronger community bond.

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    [video width="940" height="788" mp4="http://www.sonyalooney.com/wp-content/uploads/EP14-video.mp4"][/video]

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    Show Notes:

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